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VLIR-UOS TEAM Own Initiative project ZEIN2011PR380 Master in irrigation engineering Start: 2011 - End: 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "VLIR-UOS TEAM Own Initiative project ZEIN2011PR380 Master in irrigation engineering Start: 2011 - End: 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 VLIR-UOS TEAM Own Initiative project ZEIN2011PR380 Master in irrigation engineering Start: 2011 - End: 2015

2 VLIR-UOS Own Initiative project ZEIN2005SEL4 Quinagua Project (May 2005 – April 2011) Potentiality of raising quinoa production by deficit irrigation to alleviate poverty in the depressed areas of the Bolivian Altiplano History:

3 grain yield (ton/ha) rainfed fully irrigated deficit irrigation dry yearwet year 0.2 0.8 ton/ha 2.6 ton/ha + 5,500 m 3 /ha + 2,000 m 3 /ha -- 1 ha 2.6 ton 5,500 m 3 available irrigation water 2.0 ton/ha 2.75 ha 5.5 ton


5 VLIR-UOS Own Initiative project ZEIN2011PR380 Master in Irrigation Engineering Interest from Bolivia Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper : Productivity can only be increased by increasing the productive infrastructure (i.e. irrigation and roads) Interest from UMSA - university Need for irrigation engineers to design and manage irrigation projects A training programme for irrigation engineers does not exist in Bolivia Expertise in Belgium VLIR ICP IUPWARE KULeuven: Dep. of Earth and Environmental Sciences Dep. of Civil engineering Dep. of Sciences Free University Brussels: Dep. of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering

6 VLIR O.I. UMSA - La Paz Title: Master in Irrigation Engineering Period: 4 years from November 2011 2 promotions 2012-2014, 2013-2015 Academic overall objective : Performance of public local universities in the conductance of Master programs is strengthened and improved. Developmental overall objective: Productive infrastructure for a more technical and, especially, efficiently irrigated crop production under before-rainfed agriculture is expanded and improved.

7 VLIR O.I. UMSA - La Paz Budget: 300,000 EUR 120,000 EUR scholarships (10 each promotion) 70,000 EUR operational cost (advertisement, missions, field allowance students) 40,000 EUR personnel cost (field technician, lecturing fees) 40,000 EUR investment cost (PCs, field research equipment) 30,000 EUR coordination and management cost

8 Local promoter: Magali GARCIA, Universidad Mayor de San Andres (UMSA) Belgian promoters: Patrick WILLEMS, KU Leuven, Department of Civil engineering Dirk RAES, KU Leuven, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Okke BATELAAN, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering VLIR O.I. UMSA - La Paz

9 Capacity building related Intermediate Results (IR) IR1 – Master programme is properly designed Major input: expertise from IUPWARE How to run a programme, design of curriculum, handbooks, software programme’s,... 1 year classes – 0.5 year master research IR2 – Master training can be conducted UMSA: construction of a new Building Further equipment of laboratories Very fast accreditation of the Master programme


11 IR3 – Master research can be conducted UMSA has access to experimental fields has expertise in setting up master research has good and multiple contacts with government and NGO’s IR4 – Master programme is running 2 nd promotion IR5 – Sustainability of the master programme is guaranteed Training is in Spanish, mainly by docents from Bolivia (UMSA, Cochabamba) Interest of new donors for scholarships is attracted

12 Master Students visiting irrigation systems

13 Master thesis research: Experimental stations - Installation and operation of the geo- membrane reservoir :

14 Master thesis research: Experimental stations - Installation of the drip irrigation system incl. pumping room:

15 Master thesis research: Experimental stations – Installation of drip irrigation system for irrigation of onions

16 Master thesis research: Experimental stations - Sprinkler deficit irrigation of quinoa and barley:

17 Master thesis research: Experimental stations – Reactivation of the lysimeter for research on crop evapotranspiration:

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