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Published byKaitlyn Lightfoot Modified over 10 years ago
FORMAT OF PUBLIC MEETING Introduction by the Chair Introduction by the Chair Confirmation of public notice Confirmation of public notice Municipal overview of planning applications Municipal overview of planning applications Public comment Public comment Council & public questions Council & public questions * Please turn off all cell phones now, Thank you.
Public Meeting February 2 nd, 2015 February 2 nd, 2015 Town File No. D08414
11476 Highway 26 West Public Meeting Notice circulated on January 9 th, 2015
11476 Highway 26 West – Aerial Photo, 2013 -
OPA 33 excerpts from Schedule A and C C A 11476 Highway 26 West C
- Comments Received - Augustine Anifowose, Ministry of Transportation – January 27 th, 2015 email No concerns with the application going forward. Lina Raffoul, Bell Canada – January 22 nd, 2015 letter An easement may be required to service the property, John Trude, Police Services – January 12 th, 2015 email No police issues or concerns. Tony Dominguez, Rogers – January 15 th, 2015 letter Rogers communications confirms there are services available in the immediate area and intend on providing services to the proposed buildings.
Tim Salkeld, Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority – February 2 nd, 2015 email The NVCA provides the following preliminary comments based upon Natural Heritage and Natural Hazard policies established under the Provincial Policy Statement and regulations established under the Conservation Authorities Act. Natural Heritage: Part of the property is within a swamp/wetland. It is isolated on the landscape and it has been excluded from the draft Natural Heritage system based on this isolation, small size of forest and planning considerations (designation and zoning). There appears to be a drainage channel from the wetland north to the bay. From a natural heritage perspective, our focus will be on stormwater drainage considerations with a view to minimizing impacts on the coastal wetland to the north. Stormwater Management: The NVCA’s review of the Preliminary Stormwater Management Report is currently incomplete however we will provide comment as soon as possible. We note the site exhibits imperfect drainage at some locations and all development will need to be adequately elevated above potential flood/high water levels. Regional Storm spills from the Cranberry Marsh area have been identified in the western part of Collingwood flowing northwards towards Georgian Bay. Confirmation that the development is not affected by these spills is required. The property is at least partially within the area under the regulatory jurisdiction of the NVCA where permit is required under Ontario Regulation 172/06 established under the Conservation Authorities Act. The review of this Plan of Condominium will be subject to the NVCA’s Planning Review Fees. - Comments Received -
- Engineering Comments - Herb Lemon, Engineering Services – January 30 th, 2015 email memorandum The following comments are related to the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment only; we reserve the right to further comment(s) at the Site Plan application stage. Traffic & Transportation We have received the Traffic Impact Study in support of the proposed development. In this report they have analysed site traffic generation and its impact on Highway 26 and the nearby intersection, site access points and the parking component. Some access improvements are recommended and we reserve further comments until Site Plan Application process Sanitary Servicing Sanitary flows from this development will not adversely affect the Highway 26 sanitary sewer. The Town of Collingwood currently has Development Charges for the Black Ash Creek Pump Station improvements, when the sanitary flows meet 85% of the Pump Station capacity the improvement will be completed. The sewage treatment plant has available capacity subject to first come, first serve basis.
Herb Lemon, Engineering Services – January 30 th, 2015 email memorandum Storm Water Management This development must accommodate the 5-year storm flows and the major overland spill from Highway 26 (and surrounding area) within a dedicated easement. In addition the major overland spill corridor needs to be further evaluated. We have been provided generalities but require additional supporting information in this regard as it could impact the existing Lighthouse Point development. The proposed outlet must be evaluated for pipe condition and capacity to the outlet. It must also be noted that this development will be subject to NVCA review and approval. The town defers to the NVCA for further comments on this issue. - Engineering Comments continued -
Peggy Slama, C.P.U. – January 30 th, 2015 email memo CPU will provide further comments upon receipt of a detailed submission. In general, the water department does not have any concerns with the redesignation or rezoning application and will provide further comments upon receipt of a detailed submission (i.e. Site plan application). The site plan submission will be required to address the servicing circumstances of the area and meet the standards and submission requirements of the Town and CPU. - Collingwood Public Utilities Comments –
It should be noted that all Town water mains and services are to be constructed in accordance with Town and CPU standards. That is Ductile Iron water mains and copper services A Site Servicing Plan will be required for this development show proposed services to the proposed residential and commercial buildings for CPU review and approval. There is an existing 150mm diameter water service to this property as shown below, which can be used for connection to the water system. As noted in the Functional Servicing Report, the watermain will require looping within the property, with another connection to the existing 300mm water main on Highway 26. All watermain connections and servicing will be at the developer’s cost. As a general principal each building must be connected to a municipal water main. As such an easement will be required over the proposed water main and it should extend to the individual unit curb stops or building isolation valve. A completed Form 1 and appendix signed and stamped by a professional Engineer will need to be submitted to CPU for approval all at the developer’s cost. The proposed water system will need to be added to the Town water model. In order to do this CPU will require proposed water demands and digital plans showing the water main layout and topographic information. This information will be forwarded to our consultants for modeling. This work is to be carried out at the developer’s cost. - Collingwood Public Utilities Comments –
Dave Wood, Envision Tatham, January 28, 2015 letter In context of a high density development, we are supportive of the proposed submission in principle, as it provides a concise and clear layout of built form with a variety of defined amenity/ parkette spaces that offer both passive and active recreational options. - clear and safe pedestrian routes be established (off road) throughout the development and through surface parking lots to provide access to the commercial block and the various parkette amenity areas; - there do not appear to be adequate ramp transitions between the ground level roadway and the below-ground parking garages at the eight entrances. Clarification is needed, as grade transitions, access and vehicle maneuvering for below-ground parking can be space consumptive ; -clarification should be provided as to what the central rows of ‘squares’ represent within the ‘Common Area’ corridors. -we recommend that perimeter trees be surveyed as a component of the topographic survey and that a Tree Preservation Plan be prepared to ensure that they are protected during construction and remain as an effective vegetative buffer. The plan should identify the canopy drip line of the trees and provide notes and details for tree protection fencing and other mitigation measures. - further to the above, the existing trees should be shown on the grading and servicing drawings and all grading, servicing, excavations, construction access, and storage should be limited to areas outside the drip lines of these trees. -We note that the minimum requirement for 30% tree canopy coverage should still be achieved as per the Urban Design Manual (UDM) - Section 10G. This can be accomplished through tree preservation and/ or new tree plantings. -Given that this development is being integrated into an existing condominium development on three sides, consideration should be given to providing adequate landscape buffers between the parking lots and property boundaries, particularly on the western boundary. - Landscape Consultant Comments –
While Planning Services staff are supportive of residential and convenience commercial uses for the property, the proposed density and amount of commercial space appears to be too high to address adequate landscaping, buffering and other site plan implementation issues. A modest scaling back in density and/or amount of commercial space and an accompanying proposal redesign would likely address planning concerns. - Planning Comments -
- Public Comments - Edmund J. Lucas – January 28 th, 2015 letter Supportive of the development proposal on the basis that a high end residential use with freehold units and amenities is preferable to a hotel/motel accommodation. Concerned about site plan issues such as lighting, fencing, buffering, drainage and security.
- Communication- To receive notification of when applications are scheduled for consideration by Council: 1. Check the Town’s website for Postings and Agendas; 2. Email Clerks Services with request for Notice to: Sara Almas Note: Council agenda’s are posted on the Town of Collingwood website ( the Friday before a (i.e., 3 days prior)
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