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TSA Poem Skills (Secondary 3)

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1 TSA Poem Skills (Secondary 3)

2 Rhyme

3 Rhyme refers to words which have the same vowel and consonant sound
e.g. Rain and pain Sing and ring Right and bite Cry and sigh Note that the last sound of a rhyme does not necessarily spell the same as another word.

4 Read the poem. How many pairs of rhyme are there? Hong Kong
We all love our city Hong Kong So how about writing a song? We can tell of her joys, Her fun and her toys; We can shout to the people From the top of a steeple; There’s nowhere quite like Hong Kong! How many pairs of rhyme are there?

5 Which words should be used in the poem?
My Classmates John is tall and jolly He loves to play about; His girlfriend is called (1) They hold hands when they go (2) ! Molly out (1) Jenny, Amy, Molly, Grace (2) shopping, out, home, along

6 Which words should be used in the poem?
Anna’s talking in the house Everything she loves to share. Seeing a cockroach or a (3) , She screams and stands up on a (4) ! mouse chair (3) rat, mouse, fly, beetle (4) sofa, table, chair, bed

7 What words should be used in the poem?
helpful Bob is kind and (3) , He does his work without wait; Kate’s smart but forgetful Her homework’s always (4) ! late

8 Listen to stanza 4 and answer the question.
In stanza 1, ‘jolly’ and ‘Molly’ are two rhyming words. Find one word that rhymes with ‘hair’ in stanza 4. _______________ there

9 Alliteration

10 Alliteration refers to words which start with the same sound.
e.g. Ben buys a book a jar of jam sweet smell of success Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers Alliteration can make an expression more catchy.

11 Read the poem. How many examples of alliteration are there?
Merry Children We’re all cheerful children Singing songs every day. Whenever we are free Exciting games we love to play. We’re all friendly children Helping each other every day. Whenever good or bad things happen Warm words we love to say. How many examples of alliteration are there?

12 Read the poem and answer the question.
Couch Potato In the morning I see a fairy Playing games with Peter Pan. In the afternoon I see a cook Frying sausages in a pan. At night I see a Chinese bride Smiling sweetly in her sedan.

13 Smiling sweetly in her sedan.
Line 2: ‘Playing games with Peter Pan.’ is an example of alliteration. Find another example in the poem. ____________________________________ Smiling sweetly in her sedan.

14 Onomatopoeia

15 Onomatopoeia refers to words which imitate sounds.
e.g. meow (the sound of cats ) ring (the sound of telephone ) splash (the sound of water ) smash (the sound of breaking glass ) These words can be used as verbs and nouns to suggest sounds. e.g. He rings Cherry to ask her to the party. There are several splashes of paint.

16 Read the following words aloud.
crunch drip woof bang quack murmur slurp beep roar whisper pop crackle ding-dong munch hiss What sounds do the other words refer to? Which are the words about talking? Which are the words about eating? Which are the words about animals?

17 Read the poem and answer the question.
Storm I stay at home during the storm When the rain stops I go out to play. Pitter-patter, pitter-patter The rain sings happily all day. Cars splash rainwater on the street Making people wet in this way. Thunder also wants to join the rain It roars as if saying ‘Hurray!’

18 1. Find two words in the poem which sound like the sounds of water.
_____________ and _____________ pitter-patter splash 2. Find one word in the poem which sounds like the noise of thunder. _____________ roars

19 Metaphor

20 A metaphor compares two things to show their similarities.
e.g. Newspaper is my spiritual food. A rainbow is a bridge in the sky. What are the similarities between the two things? e.g. newspaper = food (Both can feed a person.) rainbow = bridge (Both stretch across two places.)

21 Read the poem. How many examples of metaphors are there?
My mum My mum is the sun Giving me strength and energy. My mum is a lighthouse Guiding a boat in the sea. My mum is a fire As warm or fierce as she can be. My mum’s words are medicine Sometimes bitter, but good for me. How many examples of metaphors are there? What are the similarities between ‘my mum’ and these things?

22 Simile

23 A simile compares one thing to another to show their similarities by using ‘as’, ‘like’, etc.
e.g. Simon is as cunning as a fox. Her tears drop like falling rain. What are the similarities between the two things? e.g. Simon = fox (Both are cunning.) her tears = rain (Both are falling continuously.)

24 Read the poem. How many examples of similes are there? My mum
My mum is like the sun Giving me strength and energy. My mum is like a lighthouse Guiding a boat in the sea. My mum is as warm as gentle fire But as fierce as it gets out of control. My mum’s words are as bitter as medicine But they are always good to me. How many examples of similes are there?

25 Read the poem and answer the question.
Time Time is a doctor With a magic to heal. The farther it passes by The less painful people feel. Time is money With it you can gain a lot. But it flies like an arrow Ask it to stay? We cannot.

26 But it flies like an arrow
1. Line 1: ‘Time is a doctor’ is an example of metaphor. Find another example in the poem. __________________________ 2. Find an example of simile in the poem. Time is money But it flies like an arrow

27 Summary When you are reading or listening to a poem, pay attention to the poetic devices: Rhyme Alliteration Onomatopoeia Metaphor Simile

28 - The End -

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