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Seguridad en el lugar de trabajo

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Presentation on theme: "Seguridad en el lugar de trabajo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seguridad en el lugar de trabajo
Para los empleados Slide Show Notes In this session we’re going to look at workplace safety. Our organization is required by law to minimize workplace hazards in an effort to prevent work-related injuries and illness among our employees. We will examine the costs—both human and economic—of workplace accidents, and we’ll cover key issues involved in workplace safety, including the role of OSHA, our own safety policies, and the basic steps we can all take to prevent accidents in our facility. You play a critical role in helping to achieve our safety and health objectives. Without your active participation we cannot achieve our goal of creating a safe and healthy workplace for us all.

2 Objetivos de la sesión Usted podrá:
Comprender las razones por las cuales la seguridad es un tema tan importante en el lugar de trabajo Identificar los requisitos de la OSHA y de la ley Conocer los requisitos de nuestra política de seguridad Desempeñar un papel activo en la promoción de la seguridad y la salud en el lugar de trabajo Slide Show Notes The objective of this training session is to protect your safety and health on the job. At the end of the training session you will be able to: Understand why safety is such an important workplace issue; Identify the requirements of OSHA and the law; Know what our safety policy requires; and Take an active role in promoting workplace safety and health.

3 Resumen de la sesión Importancia de la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo Datos acerca de la OSHA y su misión Requisitos legales y de la política Maneras de contribuir a la seguridad y la salud del lugar de trabajo Consideraciones y precauciones clave para prevenir accidentes y lesiones Slide Show Notes In this session, we will discuss: The importance of workplace safety; Facts about OSHA and its mission; Legal and policy requirements; How you can contribute to workplace safety and health; and Key safety concerns and precautions to prevent accidents and injuries.

4 Por qué la seguridad es un tema tan importante
Más de 6 millones de trabajadores estadounidenses se lesionan cada año Las lesiones y enfermedades cuestan a las empresas estadounidenses más de cien mil millones de dólares por año Slide Show Notes Safety is one of our most important workplace concerns for the following reasons: The human cost of accidents is of paramount concern to us all. Every 5 seconds an American worker is injured or becomes ill on the job. That translates to 18,000 injuries a day, over 125,000 a week, and upwards of 6 million a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The economic cost of workplace accidents is also high—over $100 billion annually. These costs are the result of such things as lost productivity in the form of millions of lost work hours; workers’ compensation claims and increased insurance premiums; damage to equipment, buildings, and vehicles; overtime to cover for disabled workers; and training expenses for replacement workers.

5 Por qué la seguridad es un tema tan importante (cont.)
La ley nos exige que brindemos un lugar de trabajo seguro La seguridad promueve la productividad y la moral Slide Show Notes In addition to the human and economic costs, there are the costs of noncompliance with federal and state safety laws. The law requires us to provide you with a safe workplace. Federal and state agencies can and do impose stiff fines on companies that violate safety and health regulations. Furthermore, keeping you safe keeps you on the job, and that’s a good thing for all of us. When we work together to create a safer place to work, we’re all more productive and satisfied with our jobs. Review your OSHA 300 Log of workplace injuries and illness for the past year with trainees. Discuss the most common types of accidents. Ask trainees to identify their key safety concerns for their work areas.

6 Datos sobre la OSHA La OSHA es un organismo del gobierno federal
Es responsable de promover la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo en toda la nación La OSHA fue creada por la Ley de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacionales de 1970 Tiene el poder de supervisar el cumplimiento de las leyes de salud y seguridad Slide Show Notes Let’s begin our examination of workplace safety with a review of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA. OSHA is an agency of the federal government. Its mission is to promote safety and health in workplaces nationwide. The agency is responsible for making sure that we provide you with a safe workplace. OSHA was created by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of This law requires us to provide employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards that cause, or are likely to cause, death or serious physical harm to employees. The law gives OSHA the right to establish national safety and health standards for all businesses and industries. Finally, the agency has the authority to make sure that we comply with the requirements of the federal regulations.

7 Funciones de la OSHA Desarrollar y hacer cumplir normas de seguridad
Animar a los empleadores y empleados a reducir los peligros en el lugar de trabajo Dirigir investigaciones en seguridad ocupacional Determinar los derechos y las responsabilidades de empleadores y empleados Aprobar los programas estaduales de salud y seguridad ocupacionales Slide Show Notes Congress has given OSHA five key responsibilities: OSHA’s job is to develop safety and health regulations and to enforce the rules. To enforce compliance with the regulations, OSHA has the authority to inspect workplaces, penalize employers for safety and health violations, and require that prompt action be taken to correct safety problems. Although the agency has considerable enforcement powers, it prefers to work with employers and employees to reduce workplace hazards that may cause injury and illness. It emphasizes a proactive approach to safety and health. In an effort to promote safety and health in the workplace, OSHA conducts research and provides employers with the latest information and techniques for reducing workplace accidents. OSHA establishes the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees under the law. And, the agency is also responsible for approving state occupational safety and health programs. State standards must be at least as stringent as OSHA’s regulations, but states may also establish stricter standards.

8 Normas de la OSHA La OSHA regula la mayoría de los aspectos de la seguridad y la salud en el lugar de trabajo El cumplimiento es obligatorio La OSHA nos ayudará a cumplir con las reglamentaciones Slide Show Notes Now let’s take a closer look at OSHA’s standards. OSHA standards regulate most aspects of workplace safety and health, including these major areas: fire, electrical, hand and power tools, machinery, hazardous materials, materials handling and storage, and emergency response. Compliance with the regulations is mandatory. In some cases, OSHA spells out exact methods of compliance. In others, the agency leaves it up to us to decide how we will meet the requirements of the standard, as long as we achieve the desired level of protection. OSHA will work with us through its safety experts and help us comply with the safety and health regulations.

9 Nuestra política de seguridad
Objetivo Comprensión Cumplimiento Slide Show Notes In addition to compliance with safety laws, we must also comply with our own safety policy. The purpose of our safety and health policy is to protect you from workplace hazards. Our policy is the foundation of our safety program and must be followed by all employees at all times. It’s important for you to understand exactly what the safety and health policy requires and what you need to do to protect yourself and your co-workers from the hazards you may face while working. You should know that we will strictly enforce safety and health requirements throughout the facility. We are required by law to do so. Discipline may be required at times as part of the enforcement process. We cannot allow employees to take risks that could endanger themselves or their co-workers. Make sure you understand our organization’s safety and health policy and the enforcement process. Review key safety and health policies with trainees.

10 Requisitos de la ley y de nuestra política
¿Preguntas? Slide Show Notes Now it’s time to ask yourself if you understand the information presented so far. Do you understand OSHA requirements and the requirements of our safety and health policy? It is important for your own and your co-workers’ safety that you understand the importance of compliance with safety regulations.

11 Actitud de seguridad Piense en la seguridad Prevea los peligros
Repare o denuncie los peligros Slide Show Notes In this part of the session, we will look at your role in promoting workplace safety and health. A safe workplace begins with safety-conscious employees. In order to maintain a safe workplace, everyone in every department needs to be thinking about safety as they work. Everyone needs to be safety conscious, aware, and alert at all times. Encourage co-workers to be thinking about safety, too. Always look for hazards, such as objects left in aisles or on stairwells, wet spots on floors, open file cabinet drawers, leaking containers, frayed cords, and hot equipment next to flammable materials. Keep your eyes and ears open for potential problems so you can prevent accidents. Also, fix the hazards you can fix, such as wiping up spills or closing drawers. Report hazards that you are not qualified to handle and do so right away before other employees could get hurt. Make sure you know our organization’s hazard reporting policies as well as the names and contact information for qualified personnel to whom you report hazards. Discuss your organization’s hazard reporting policies and the names and contact information of qualified personnel that employees can report safety hazards to.

12 La limpieza y el mantenimiento adecuados
Mantenga los artículos en su lugar correspondiente Limpie o denuncie los derrames Despeje el desorden Mantenga los artículos fuera de los huecos de escaleras y pasillos Dé a conocer los problemas de seguridad Use el sentido común Slide Show Notes Good housekeeping is an important part of maintaining a safe workplace. It’s very important, therefore, that you: Keep items in their proper place. Safety is directly related to neatness, because items that are out of place and not where you expect them to be can cause accidents and injuries. You need to keep your work areas neat and organized. Always return tools and supplies to their proper places for the next person. Wipe up water or coffee spills as long as you’re sure the liquid is harmless. Make sure to report any spills of substances that you can’t identify. Keep work areas free of clutter and unnecessary objects that can interfere with the work process or cause accidents. Make sure aisles, walkways, and stairwells are always free and clear of objects. Report safety issues, such as loose flooring or ceiling tiles, frayed or curled carpeting, and so on. Finally, use common sense, such as never taking shortcuts, staying away from the edges of loading docks, and not using broken or unstable ladders. Describe some accidents and employee injuries that have occurred in your workplace that were caused by good housekeeping issues. Ask trainees to explain how these accidents could have been prevented.

13 El equipo de protección personal (PPE)
Use el equipo adecuado para el trabajo Inspeccione el PPE antes de cada uso Asegúrese de que el PPE le quede bien Siga las instrucciones del fabricante Límpielo y guárdelo correctamente Slide Show Notes Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is essential to a safe and healthy workplace, so follow these PPE rules: Use the right PPE for the job. Whether you use gloves, shoes, glasses, or hard hats, choose PPE made of the right materials and with the right safety ratings for the job you need to do. Always inspect PPE before every use. Look for holes, tears, wear, cracks, etc. If you find anything wrong, don’t use it. Report the problem and get PPE that’s in good shape. Make sure your PPE fits you properly. Perform whatever fit tests particular PPE requires and make adjustments until the PPE fits. Follow the PPE manufacturer’s instructions regarding inspecting, fitting, using, cleaning, and storing the equipment. Finally, clean and maintain PPE properly and regularly. Store it so that it will not be damaged and so that it can be found by the next person who will use it. Make sure you understand and follow our organization’s PPE policies for choosing, inspecting, fitting, maintaining, and storing PPE. Discuss your organization’s PPE policy. Also display samples of the PPE that is commonly used in your organization. Explain when each piece of equipment is required, and have different trainees demonstrate how it is correctly worn. Be sure to also discuss inspecting, storing, and cleaning procedures.

14 Seguridad eléctrica Use correctamente los alargadores
No los extienda por las escaleras o pasillos No los sujete con clavos No sobrecargue los tomacorrientes No use enchufes a los que les falten patas Haga caso a los candados, etiquetas, vallas y carteles Slide Show Notes Electricity is so commonplace, its dangers can sometimes be taken for granted. But safety-conscious employees will always take these precautions around electricity: Use extension cords properly and safely by: Not running them across stairs or aisles and creating a tripping hazard; and Not fastening them to walls or floors with nails or staples and risking damage to the cords’ insulation. Don’t overload outlets and create a fire or burn hazard. Don’t use broken plugs with bent or missing prongs. Finally, obey electrical safety warnings, whether they’re signs, barricades, locks, or tags. Make sure you know which employees in our organization are trained and authorized to maintain and repair electrical equipment. Talk about the electrical equipment you use in your company and the hazards associated with it. Remind trainees that only specially trained and authorized employees can repair electrical equipment.

15 Seguridad de la espalda
Estírese correctamente Levante correctamente: Objetos del piso Objetos a lo alto Objetos grandes, largos o complicados Use equipos para manipulación de materiales Haga ejercicios de estiramiento Slide Show Notes Keep your back healthy and pain-free by following these commonsense safety precautions on and off the job: Minimize reaching by keeping frequently used items within arm’s reach, moving your whole body as close as possible to the object, and standing up when retrieving objects on wall shelves. Get a stepstool or ask a taller person to retrieve items that are out of your reach. Lift items properly, including never bending at the waist or neck and never twisting your body. For items on the floor, stand close to the object with a wide stance, bend at the knees keeping your back straight, wrap your arms around the object, and hold it close to your body as you stand up straight. For items above your head, use a stepstool or ladder, slide the load down close to your body, and let your arms and legs carry the weight. For oversized or heavy objects, team-lift by designating a team leader, timing the lift together, and keeping the load level as you lift. And for long or awkward objects, carry them over your shoulder. Use material-handling equipment, such as dollies, carts, and hand trucks, for items that are too heavy, large, or awkward to lift manually. Finally, keep your back in shape with regular stretching exercises. Ask a couple of knowledgeable, experienced trainees to demonstrate proper lifting techniques.

16 Ergonomía Ponga en orden su estación de trabajo Siéntese correctamente
Siempre que sea posible evite los movimientos repetitivos Haga pausas Mantenga las muñecas derechas Use el equipo apropiado Slide Show Notes Ergonomics is the science of fitting jobs to workers. Ergonomic practices protect you from musculoskeletal disorders, or MSDs, that can cause serious and sometimes permanent injuries. Take these ergonomic steps: Arrange your workstation so that you can work comfortably and safely. Sit with both feet flat on the ground and your back fully supported. Avoid repetitive motions, when possible, by arranging your tasks in a way that allows a variety of motions. When you must perform repetitive tasks, take your scheduled breaks to give your muscles and tendons a rest. When typing or doing other repetitive tasks with your hands and fingers, keep your wrists straight. Don’t bend them up or down or rest them against anything, because doing any of these motions increases pressure and wear and tear on the nerves and tendons in your wrist and arm. Finally, use proper equipment to protect yourself from MSDs, such as cushioned floor mats to prevent strain on your legs and back from standing for long periods, gloves to prevent injury from vibrating tools, and tools with textured grips.

17 Ergonomía (cont.) Conozca los síntomas de los trastornos musculoesqueléticos Dolor Sensación de hormigueo Rigidez Debilidad Entumecimiento Hinchazón Obtenga atención médica para los síntomas Slide Show Notes You also need to know the symptoms of MSDs, which include: Pain, including a burning sensation or aching; Tingling; Stiffness; Weakness; Numbness; and Swelling. Report MSD symptoms right away and seek medical attention for them. You need to treat them quickly because they are cumulative injuries, which means the longer they go untreated, the worse the damage can get. The damage might even become permanent. Make sure you know our organization’s ergonomics policy as well as the contact person to whom you report MSD symptoms and what medical forms our organization uses for reporting. Review your company’s policy on ergonomics and reporting MSD symptoms. Let trainees know who to report symptoms to. Distribute copies of any medical forms your company has for reporting.

18 Comunicación de riesgos
Lea las etiquetas de los químicos Lea las MSDS Use el equipo de protección personal adecuado Cumpla con los procedimientos de seguridad Si se expone busque atención médica inmediata Slide Show Notes OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard says we must tell you about chemical hazards in the workplace. In addition, we must train you how to do the following: Read chemical labels for every substance you use. Check: The chemical’s identity; The name and contact information of the manufacturer; The substance’s physical and health hazards; Precautionary measures; First-aid instructions; and Safe handling and storage instructions. Read material safety data sheets for detailed information, including: Hazardous ingredients; Physical/chemical characteristics; Fire and explosion hazard data; Reactivity data; Health hazard data; and Control measures. Use proper PPE when handling hazardous substances, including gloves, eye protection, respirators, and proper shoes. Always follow established safety procedures and the instructions on the label and in the material safety data sheet. Seek medical attention if you are exposed to a hazardous substance.

19 Seguridad con las máquinas
Respete las etiquetas Asegúrese de que los resguardos estén en su lugar Denuncie los problemas Utilice el equipo de protección personal correcto Concéntrese en el trabajo Slide Show Notes Machines are present in offices, warehouses, factories, and plants. Make sure you know how to work safely with and around the machines in our workplace. Follow these precautions: Obey tags and signs on machines that say they are locked out, receiving service, being maintained, etc. Never try to operate a machine against posted warnings and instructions. Before using any machine, make sure the appropriate guards are in place and that they are undamaged and working properly. Report any problems that you discover with machines. Don’t try to fix it if you’re unqualified. Don’t try to compensate for or work around the problem. Wear the correct PPE for the machine you are using. This includes face shields or goggles for machines that cause flying debris or ergonomic gloves for vibrating machines. And finally, always focus on your work when using a machine. Keep your eyes on the point of operation where the work of the machine happens. Also use your peripheral vision to make sure no part of the machine is malfunctioning or that co-workers are not getting too close to impede the work or endanger themselves or you.

20 Seguridad en la oficina
Mantenga los cajones cerrados Siéntese bien derecho sobre la silla No juguetee con muebles o insumos Mantenga los combustibles lejos de los equipos de oficina que estén calientes Slide Show Notes Offices can be dangerous places to work, too, so office workers need to maintain a safety attitude. Here’s how: Make a habit of closing desk and file cabinet drawers immediately after you’ve retrieved or put back what you need. Don’t leave them open even for a few minutes because that’s all it takes for someone to trip over them, fall backwards over them, or scrape themselves on them. Don’t lean back so far in office chairs that they might tip over. Don’t horse around with office furniture or equipment, such as racing chairs on wheels down the hallway or playing catch with staplers. Be careful when handling paper to avoid paper cuts. Finally, don’t stack paper or other flammables next to hot copy machines or printers. Don’t store paper towels or other flammables right next to hot coffeemakers. Trainees may think offices are pretty safe places. To make them realize that offices can be hazardous, too, give examples of accidents or near-misses that have occurred in your company’s office areas.

21 Cuestiones básicas de seguridad
¿Preguntas? Slide Show Notes Now it’s time to ask yourself if you understand the information presented so far. Do you understand the basic safety precautions regarding safety attitudes, good housekeeping, PPE, electrical safety, back safety, ergonomics, hazard communication, machine safety, and office safety? It is important for your safety and your co-workers’ safety that you understand how to work safely in all these situations.

22 Situaciones de emergencia
Conozca la ubicación de las alarmas de incendio y los extintores Sepa cómo suenan las alarmas Sepa cómo usar los extintores Conozca al menos dos rutas de evacuación Conozca el lugar de encuentro fuera del edificio Slide Show Notes In this part of the session, we will look at emergency response and important workplace security issues. You need to be prepared for emergencies so that injuries and damage can be avoided as much as possible in emergency situations. You need to know the locations of fire alarms and fire extinguishers as well as how to set off the alarm in an emergency. You also must recognize the alarms when they sound so that you can respond immediately. You need to know when and how to use the fire extinguishers that the company provides. You need to have two evacuation routes in case of emergency because one of your exits may be blocked by fire, smoke, or other obstacles. And you also need to know where to assemble once you are outside the building. Make sure you understand and follow our organization’s emergency action plan, including the locations of emergency exits, alarm boxes, and fire extinguishers. Briefly review your organization’s emergency action plan and distribute copies of floor plans showing the locations of emergency exits, alarm boxes, and fire extinguishers.

23 Primeros auxilios Pida ayuda médica Preste ayuda a la víctima
Verifique la vía aérea, la respiración y la circulación de la víctima (ABC, por sus siglas) Verifique los signos vitales de la víctima Interrogue a la víctima Use las medidas adecuadas de primeros auxilios Slide Show Notes Everyone should know the basics of first aid. In emergency medical situations, you need to call for professional medical help right away before attempting to help. Bring help to the victim; don’t move the victim to get help, because you could cause further injuries. After calling 911, conduct a primary survey for life-threatening injuries by checking: A—The victim’s airway by tipping the head back to open the airway; B—The patient’s breathing; C—The patient’s circulation by checking for a pulse; and Also look for profuse bleeding or shock. Next, conduct a secondary survey for other medical problems by: 1—Checking vital signs; and 2—Doing a head-to-toe exam. If the victim is conscious, interview the victim about the accident, what hurts or doesn’t feel right, and what medical problems might contribute to the situation. While waiting, use appropriate first-aid measures, such as applying pressure to stop bleeding. Make sure you know where first-aid kits are located and which employees are trained in CPR and first aid. Identify the location of first-aid kits in trainees’ work areas, and tell the names of company employees trained in CPR and first aid.

24 Enfermedades infecciosas y patógenos de la sangre
Lávese a menudo las manos Tome precauciones cuando aplique primeros auxilios Trate toda la sangre como si estuviera contaminada Use el PPE Limpie minuciosamente Obtenga atención médica si se expone Slide Show Notes You could encounter airborne infectious diseases, such as the flu, tuberculosis, and SARS, and diseases caused by bloodborne pathogens, or BBPs, such as HIV and hepatitis, in our workplace. Here’s how to protect yourself: Wash hands frequently, including before and after eating and drinking, after sneezing or blowing nose, and when handling cash. Use precautions when giving first aid. Use a mask to avoid airborne infections and gloves to avoid bloodborne pathogens. Treat all blood as if it is contaminated, and protect yourself from exposure. Use PPE, such as disposable masks labeled HEPA or N-95, when exposed to sick co-workers and protective gloves when helping sick people or when cleaning contaminated objects or surfaces. Clean contaminated items thoroughly. Use supplies appropriate to the situation, including PPE, disinfectant solution, liquid absorbent powder, and disposal bags. And get medical attention immediately if you’re exposed. Make sure you know what PPE and cleanup supplies our organization provides for protection against airborne diseases and BBPs. Tell trainees what personal protective equipment (PPE) your company provides—for example, latex gloves and rescue breathing shields. If your company has a bloodborne pathogens cleanup kit, tell trainees where it’s located.

25 Seguridad Cumpla con los procedimientos de la empresa
Mantenga las puertas cerradas con llave No preste las llaves o tarjetas de acceso Denuncie a los desconocidos Denuncie las brechas en la seguridad Slide Show Notes We take security very seriously and hope that you do, too. Our company has a variety of security procedures in place to protect our workplace and our employees. In order for them to work, we need everyone to follow these procedures all the time, with no exceptions. Keep all doors locked. Never prop them open—even for “just a minute.” Don’t loan out your company keys or access cards. Accompany familiar co-workers where they need to go if they’ve forgotten their keys. Report unknown or unfamiliar people to the proper authority in your company. And report security gaps, such as burned out lights, missing signs, and damaged security cameras or fencing. Make sure you know and abide by our security policy. Also, know how to contact security personnel. Review your organization’s security policy, and provide trainees with phone numbers to contact security personnel.

26 Violencia en el lugar de trabajo
Tome en serio las amenazas Sepa reconocer las señales de violencia potencial en los compañeros de trabajo Denuncie las señales Planifique una señal de peligro con sus compañeros de trabajo Mantenga la calma con las personas exaltadas Alerte a las autoridades pertinentes Slide Show Notes Unfortunately, we live in violent times, and some of that violence spills over into the workplace. Protect yourself with these precautions: Always take threats seriously. Whether it’s a co-worker, customer, or contractor making a threatening remark or joke, deal with it appropriately. Recognize the signs of potential violence. These include: Verbal threats; Comments that people are out to get him or her; Excessive or sudden interest in weapons; Excessive or sudden interest in violence in the news; and Blaming others for problems. Report any signs you observe to the proper company personnel. Arrange a danger signal you can give to co-workers to indicate that a customer or co-worker is exhibiting threatening behavior and may act out in the next few minutes. Remain calm when people get emotional, angry, or upset. Don’t mimic their behavior by arguing back or raising your voice. Alert the proper authorities when violence occurs in the workplace. Make sure you know and follow our violence prevention policy. Also, know who to contact in the event of threats or violence. Review your organization’s violence prevention policy. Tell trainees who they should contact in the event of threats or violent incidents.

27 Terrorismo Proteja su computadora Manipule el correo con precaución
Coopere con las precauciones Siga los procedimientos durante un incidente Refúgiese en el lugar Slide Show Notes Here’s what you need to know to prevent terrorist acts and to respond if one occurs. Computer networks are vulnerable to infiltration, so you need to protect your computer by following company policies that include: Never installing unlicensed or pirated software; Never visiting improper websites or downloading questionable files; Never giving out passwords and frequently changing passwords; and Deleting suspicious s. Handle business mail and packages with caution. Report unattended packages to your supervisor. When receiving mail, look for: Misspelled common words on the label; No return address or a postmark that does not match return address; Oily stains, discolorations, or odor; Lopsided or uneven envelopes; and Protruding wires, aluminum foil, or a ticking sound. Cooperate with precautions such as evacuation drills. Follow procedures during an incident, including securing the facility and protecting yourself and co-workers. Finally, shelter in place if advised to do so by the authorities. That means going to a designated shelter room, shutting and sealing windows and doors with duct tape, and listening to a radio for further instructions.

28 Puntos clave para recordar
La seguridad en el lugar de trabajo es la máxima prioridad Cumplir con las reglamentaciones de la OSHA es un requisito legal Se debe cumplir con las políticas y normas de la empresa Usted juega un papel principal en la promoción de la salud y la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo y necesitamos que se involucre en forma activa en todos nuestros programas de seguridad Slide Show Notes Here are the key points you should remember from this training session: Workplace safety is a top priority; Compliance with OSHA regulations is a legal requirement; Company policies and rules must be followed; and You play a key role in promoting workplace safety and health, and we need you to be actively involved in all our safety programs. This concludes this training session. Give trainees the quiz, if appropriate.

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