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Measuring Safety Performance

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1 Measuring Safety Performance
Ohio BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene Measuring Safety Performance

2 Table of Contents Why Measure Performance? Types of Measures
Accountability Step 1:Define Expectations Step 2: Provide Tools & Skills Step 3: Measure Performance Step 4: Provide Feedback Case Studies Follow-up Activities

3 You will learn: A sound foundation for developing or improving safety performance measuring systems; Strategies and techniques for measuring safety performance, emphasizing process measures, accountability, systematic monitoring, and goal setting; An understanding of how you can proactively use measurement systems to guide future performance; Key elements of contemporary safety measurement tools

4 Turn & Talk Why measure performance? Groups-Brainstorm
Class Discussion Flip-chart results

5 Reasons for Measuring Performance
Improvement project evaluation Input into bonus and incentive systems A marketing tool Benchmarking Increased motivation A navigational tool An early warning sign Alter behavior To implement strategies and policies Trend Monitoring Improvement prioritization Manual Page 7

6 Viewpoints of Measurement
Organizational A macro view – how overall results are measured to determine whether safety efforts are paying off. Personal A micro view – do measures insure individual performance or foster nonperformance. Manual Page 9

7 Turn & Talk How does your company currently measure safety performance? Worksheet page 10 – Groups Discussion- Results vs. activities

8 Types of measures Trailing Downstream End of Pipeline Results
Results Measures Trailing Downstream End of Pipeline Results Achievement Activity Measures Leading Upstream Performance Predictors

9 Results Measures Lost-Time Injury Rate Incidence Rate Severity Rate
Accident Costs Manual pages Students fill out page 18, costs associated with injuries.

Review the Iceberg Direct / Indirect Theory. Ask for some examples from the class as to Uninsured or Indirect costs??? 7

11 Results-measures are good when..
They are broken down by unit They give insight into the nature and causes of the accidents They are expressed eventually in terms of dollars per unit They conform to any legal and insurance requirements

12 Limitations of Results Measures…
Sometimes they measure only luck. They do not discriminate between poor and good performers. They do not diagnose problems. They can be unfair if used to judge individual performance Results measures do not tell you “why an accident occurred” or “how to improve future performance”.

13 Activity Measures Behaviors/performance linked to accident prevention. These measures assess results of supervisor or workgroup, or organizational action taken before accidents occur.

14 What activities could prevent injuries from occurring at your company?
Discussion What activities could prevent injuries from occurring at your company? Page 23, students fill out list of activity measures to prevent injuries.

15 Safety Model Fatality Recordable First-Aid Case Near Property Miss
Lost Time Recordable First-Aid Case Near Miss Property Damage Reference full model on page 24 Add side bar info: Consequences Cause Factors that influence behavior Safety program Values Behaviors

16 How Do You Decide Which Activities to Measure?
It depends on your goals and what you want to accomplish

17 Some Things To Look At: Organizational vision, Goals, Strategic Plans
Perception surveys Structured Interviews Safety Audits/Inspections Accident Analysis Accident Trends Behavior Observation Data Back to page 10 Classify on flip charts results & Activities

18 What is Your Vision For The Future?
Vision Serves Three Purposes Clarifies Direction Motivates People Aligns Individuals Page 27

19 Characteristics of an Effective Vision
Imaginable Desirable Feasible Focused Flexible Communicable Page 27

20 Vision to become World Class

21 Safety Culture Assessment
A process available to employers from DSH Page 27-32

22 The Perception Survey 100 questions Safety Categories Perceptions of all Employees

23 Page 32

24 Survey Results

25 The Structured Interview 25% of Employees Facilitation of Discussion More detailed comments
Introduce case study #1 Pick one area to improve

26 The Key to Managing Safety
Accountability The Key to Managing Safety

27 Rank the following: Cost Containment Safety Customer Satisfaction
Quality Cost Containment Safety Customer Satisfaction Production Employee Morale Manual page 34, discuss “What about “Safety First”, Can safety be first?

28 Video “Safety Accountability”
Safety must be managed the same as productivity and quality

29 The Key to Managing Safety

30 What gets measured…. gets done

31 Who Is Responsible for Safety?

32 Line Management & Staff
CEO President Vice President Plant Manager Supervisors Employees Safety Human Resources Purchasing Accounting Quality Page 36

33 Exercise

34 Steps to Accountability
Define expectations and explain rationale. Provide the tools and skills. Measure performance. Provide feedback. Page 39

35 Performance Formula Obstacles Motivation x Ability x Job Clarity
Performance = safe job execution Motivation = desire Ability = mental/physical ability Job Clarity = knows expectations Obstacles = The things that get in the way of great performance

36 How do your employees know what is expected of them?
Turn & Talk How do your employees know what is expected of them? Page 41

37 1. Define Expectations 2. Provide Tools & Skills 3
1. Define Expectations 2. Provide Tools & Skills 3. Measure Performance 4. Provide Feedback Policies Safe Work Practices Job Safety Analysis Performance Goals Job Descriptions Page 42

38 Safety policy criteria
Express long-range purpose. Commit management at all levels to reaffirm and reinforce this purpose in daily decisions. Indicate the role lower-level management will have in the system.

39 The Policy should Include:
Management’s intent Scope of activity covered Responsibilities Accountability Safety staff assistance Safety committees Standards Examples of policies pages 44-49

40 Safe Work Practices Leaders must communicate the need for all employees to understand the safety-related processes and procedures, and to actively participate in the organization’s safety programs. Page 50-53

41 Criteria for Safe Work Practices
Reasonable and specific Enforceable Easily understood Positive Regularly reviewed and updated

42 Job Safety Analysis Break the job down into component steps.
1.Select a worker to observe. 2. Observe the worker performing the job. 3. Describe each step and number sequentially. 4. Observe the worker several times to make sure all steps were noted. 5. Check the listed steps with the worker for agreement. Examples pages 54-56

43 Job Safety Analysis B. Identify the potential hazards.
1. types of hazards a. Contact b. Caught c. Falls d. Overexertion e. Exposure f. Repetitive motion

44 Job Safety Analysis C. Safe work procedures
1. Explains how to do the job safely and efficiently, step by step. 2. Involves developing solutions to the potential hazards identified.

45 Step 4 Performance Appraisals
Performance Goals Step 4 Performance Appraisals

46 Job Descriptions Ask who has job descriptions- are they updated.
Go to case study for step 1

47 Needs assessment Measured Activity Training Tools Resources
1. Define Expectations 2. Provide Tools & Skills 3. Measure Performance 4. Provide Feedback Needs assessment Measured Activity Training Tools Resources Page 57

48 Division of Safety & Hygiene Classes / Workshops
Ohio BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene Classes / Workshops

49 Leading the Change Topics: How injuries affect profitability Accident Causation Injuries equal Management error Motivation Measurement and Accountability Contemporary vs. Traditional Safety Programs

50 Safety Involvement Teams
Topics: The benefits of teams Phases of team development How to deal with team conflict Communication skills Team tools

51 Roles and responsibilities of the facilitator
Facilitator Training Topics: Roles and responsibilities of the facilitator Team problem solving and decision making Running effective safety meetings Conflict resolution

52 Behavior-Based Safety
Topics: Why behavior-based safety works What to observe At-risk behaviors Feedback Positive reinforcement Coaching Managing behavior data

53 1. Define Expectations 2. Provide Tools & Skills 3
1. Define Expectations 2. Provide Tools & Skills 3. Measure Performance 4. Provide Feedback Criteria: Measure the performance of a task (rather than an outcome). Constructed to affect rewards. Specific and Measurable Within the person’s span of control Measure the presence of a safety activity (not its absence). Page 60

54 Criteria for Performance Measures continued…
Provide a means for swift and continuing feedback. Be flexible and allow for individual styles and strategies. Be simple and administratively feasible. Be self monitoring.

55 Safety Performance Measurement Systems
SCRAPE SBO Menu (DSH Model) Balanced Scorecard Manual pages 61-72 Flip chart 6 steps to balanced scorecard process All listed systems are designed to create and measure accountability

56 What Measures are Appropriate?
Upper Management Middle Management Supervisors Safety Director Employees 100% Results 50% Results 50% Activities 100% Activities Refer back to page 10, How does your company measure? Results or Activities

57 1. Define Expectations 2. Provide Tools & Skills 3
1. Define Expectations 2. Provide Tools & Skills 3. Measure Performance 4. Provide Feedback List types of feedback & recognition Page 75, Group discussion, list items Case study #1 review all sections

58 Criteria for Performance Evaluations
Roles Numerical Rating Flexibility EE Involvement Central Coordination Addressing EE Weaknesses Additional Items System Evaluation What Who When Why How Systems Support Personal Impact Organizational Impact Manual pages discuss each item.

59 Positive Reinforcement
Find someone doing something right, and reward them. Construct consequences to increase the probability that the behavior that precedes the consequence will occur more often in the future. Page 80

60 Case Studies

61 Review Define Expectations Provide Tools and Skills
Steps to Accountability Define Expectations Provide Tools and Skills Measure Performance Provide Feedback

62 Next Steps Review current measurement systems.
Get management support/commitment. Develop a vision. Develop performance measures and activities for all levels of the organization.

63 Next Steps 5. Conduct a “Needs Assessment” for tools and training required. 6. Determine how activities will be measured and reported. 7. How will performance be recognized and rewarded? 8. Re-evaluate the process.

64 How Do You Know when You Get There?
You never get there.

65 There is Always Room For Improvement


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