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© 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Guest speaker: Joe Pluta, Pluta Brothers Design Inc.

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1 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Guest speaker: Joe Pluta, Pluta Brothers Design Inc.

2 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. This is a review of the various technologies for Web-enabling legacy applications. Companies Web-enable for many different reasons, and there are many different options. Some of them you may not have even considered. So, rather than rehash just the most popular techniques, this presentation will attempt to address all of your Web-enabling options. I’ll also try to give you some idea of the available products.

3 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. The Options Replacing Refacing Rewriting

4 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Replacing If your existing system is out of date and unable to cope with your requirements, you may want to consider replacing it. Many vendors can supply you with ready-made Web-enabled systems.

5 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Refacing Traditional Model Terminal Emulation Thin-Client Computing Screen Scraping

6 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Traditional Model RPG Program Display File 5250 Terminal 5250 data stream Workstation Data Management EXFMT

7 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Terminal Emulation RPG Program Workstation Data Management 5250 Emulator Display File EXFMT 5250 data stream

8 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Terminal Emulation Many vendors Client Access Express Mochasoft Rumba Shareware and Freeware 5250 Emulators

9 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Terminal Emulation Can now be done over VPN Virtual Private Network Secure, Stable, Reliable Speed depends on Internet connection

10 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Thin Client Computing RPG Program Workstation Data Management 5250 Emulator Display File EXFMT 5250 data stream Thin Client TCP/IP Thin-Client Terminal Server

11 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Thin-Client Computing Citrix MetaFrame GraphOn WinBridge Microsoft Terminal Server SCO Tarantella Virtual Network Computing Wyse Winterm

12 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Screen Scrapers RPG Program Workstation Data Management Screen Scraper Client Display File EXFMT 5250 data stream

13 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Screen Scrapers Providers dwindling: Core Technology Jacada Seagull Zephyr Gone: Easel Flashpoint Mozart

14 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. To Scrape or not to scrape Pros: No source changes Desktop integration Cons: Fewer vendors The interactive tax

15 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. CFINT: The Interactive Tax CFINT is a system job that consumes CPU resources when it recognizes that your interactive workload exceeds the interactive CPW rating of your machine. This governor is indiscriminate: When CFINT kicks in, all of your jobs, batch and interactive, come nearly to a standstill.

16 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. CFINT: The Interactive Tax Most new iSeries models now offer only two options for interactive CPW: Standard models have zero interactive capability Advanced edition servers have full interactive capabilities Except for the very smallest iSeries model, there is no middle ground.

17 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. How Much Does CFINT Cost? To determine the direct cost of interactive CPW, go to the following IBM Web page: This page compares the costs of various iSeries configurations.

18 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. How Much Does CFINT Cost? The 810-0869 is a 2700 CPW machine. With zero interactive this model costs $50,000, while the same machine with max interactive costs $245,000 – nearly five times the cost. CFINT makes your hardware costs higher.

19 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. IBM Options Screen Scrapers Host Publisher Host On-Demand HATS Like all screen scrapers, the IBM screen scraper solutions require interactive CPW.

20 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. IBM Options RPG Program Workstation Data Management Display File EXFMT Java Beans and Java ServerPages Browser HTML WebFacing Runtime (WAS) Data Buffers

21 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. IBM Options Until just recently, WebFacing also used interactive resources. Now, however, on the newer server models WebFacing will not require interactive CPW.

22 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Interactive Technologies Except for the new WebFacing offering, these are all interactive techniques that require no modifications to the legacy systems. These have an initial cost/benefit advantage. However, the new IBM pricing model has made interactive solutions too expensive for many businesses to maintain.

23 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc.

24 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Rewriting

25 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Rewriting Two architectures: Client/Server Application logic on client, makes requests to servers on the host Examples: ODBC or Web services Server/Client Application logic on server, makes requests to client to present data Examples: X-Windows or good old 5250

26 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Client/Server Business logic encapsulated in servers or replaced by ODBC calls Application logic moves to client Three client options: Remote database Thick client Browser-based

27 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Remote Database AS/400 DB2 ODBC Support Workstation ODBC based appli- cation

28 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Remote Database Remote database designs are relatively less flexible than other architectures. Because the client must have complete knowledge of the database layout, changes to business rules that affect your database can be difficult to deploy. Remote database is best suited for ad hoc user queries, and not for mission-critical enterprise applications.

29 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Thick Client AS/400 Program Call Support Workstation Client/ Server Appli- cation Server

30 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Browser Based AS/400 Workstation Web browser Web Application Server xxxx Note: This interface uses only HTML, so no sophisticated graphics are supported. Server Application and business logic

31 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Other The other client/server architectures share the same concept: business logic is encapsulated in servers. Whether exposed via program call or Web service, or encapsulated in Java classes, these server programs are probably the ultimate goal of a complete rewrite.

32 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Other Unfortunately, there are no tools today that can directly mine business logic, although some companies are beginning to claim that ability. Certain 4GL vendors also claim to be able to encapsulate your business rules. But in most cases, a true client/server design will require a significant investment in rewrite (which also means re-testing).

33 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Server/Client Application logic unchanged I/O requests replaced by API calls Three UI options: Thick client on workstation Thick client applet CGI or servlet/JSP to browser

34 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Browser Technologies Static Web pages Common Gateway Interface Servlets JavaServer Pages JSP and servlets

35 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Static HTML WorkstationAS/400 Web Server Web Browser HTTP Request HTML Data Static HTML Pages

36 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. WorkstationAS/400 Web Server Web Browser HTTP Request CGI Program (RPG, Perl, …) HTML Data Database Data Common Gateway Interface

37 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. WorkstationAS/400 Web Server Web Browser HTTP Request Servlet (Java) HTML Data Database Data Servlet

38 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. WorkstationAS/400 Web Server Web Browser HTTP Request JSP Processor HTML Data Database Data JavaServer Pages JavaBeans JavaServer Pages

39 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. WorkstationAS/400 Web Server Web Browser HTTP Request Servlet HTML Data Database Data JavaServer Pages JSP Processor JavaBeans Servlet/JSP

40 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Server/Client Application logic unchanged I/O requests replaced by API calls Three UI options: Thick client on workstation Thick client applet CGI or servlet/JSP to browser

41 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Serv e r/Client - CGI AS/400 Workstation Web browser HTTP Server Application rewritten to replace workstation I/O with CGI calls. xxxx Note: This interface uses only HTML, so no sophisticated graphics are supported.

42 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Serv e r/Client - CGI Replace I/O with CGI calls Requires an HTTP server Several vendors FreeStyle/400 LegacyWeb Relational Web (*)

43 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Server/Client - Thick Client AS/400 Application Client Server Client APIs Workstation Thick Client UI Server

44 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Serv e r/Client – Thick Client Replace I/O with server/client API May require additional software Jacada PSC/400 Seagull

45 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Server /Client - Applet AS/400 Application Client Server Client APIs Workstation Web browser HTTP Server UI Server Applet

46 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Server/Client - Servlet/JSP AS/400 Application Client Server Client APIs Workstation Web browser Web Appl. Server Servlet Java Server Page xxxx Note: This interface uses only HTML, so no sophisticated graphics are supported.

47 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Serv e r/Client – Servlet/JSP Replace I/O with server/client API Requires Web Application Server May require additional software Jacada Jaci/400 PSC/400 Seagull

48 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Serv e r/Client – Servlet/JSP

49 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Serv e r/Client – Servlet/JSP

50 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Serv e r/Client – Servlet/JSP

51 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc.

52 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Serv e r/Client – Servlet/JSP

53 © 2003 Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. Serv e r/Client – Servlet/JSP

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