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How should brain science affect athletics?. Underlying Unit Questions  On the most basic level…  How does the brain work?  What are common causes of.

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Presentation on theme: "How should brain science affect athletics?. Underlying Unit Questions  On the most basic level…  How does the brain work?  What are common causes of."— Presentation transcript:

1 How should brain science affect athletics?

2 Underlying Unit Questions  On the most basic level…  How does the brain work?  What are common causes of brain injuries?  In what ways are the brain affected?  More important for us (as educators):  Who is most at risk?  What can be done about injuries?

3 Traumatic Brain Injuries: Essential Information for Educators Thomas Richardson

4  Brain anatomy and physiology  Common traumatic brain injuries (TBI)  Concussions  TBI impact on youth  Preventative measures Presentation Overview

5 For a more detailed look, clickable information, and educational videos, head to The Interactive Brain. The Interactive BrainThe Interactive Brain Click the link to start your exploration. Basic Brain Anatomy & Physiology

6 Cerebral Cortext  Subdivisions:  Frontal lobe  Parietal lobe  Temporal lobe  Occipital lobe

7  Functions:  Personality  Organization  Problem solving  Higher cognitive functions Frontal Lobe

8 Parietal Lobe  Functions:  Motor reasoning  Sensory processing  Spatial recognition

9 Temporal Lobe  Functions:  Memory  Short term  Long term  Visual recognition  Language processing

10 Occipital Lobe  Function:  Vision

11 Cerebellum and Brain Stem  Brain Stem Functions:  Communication  Regulation  Breathing  Heart-Rate Don’t forget to explore here!here!  Cerebellum Functions:  Motor Control  Detailed Movement

12 Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

13  Causes:  Serious blunt force trauma  Penetrating injuries Moderate and Severe TBI  Life-long Results:  Speech, hearing, memory loss  Paralysis  Seizures  Emotional Dysfunction

14 Concussions are mild TBIs? The Concussion Myth  Causes:  Jarring blow  Shaking  Whiplash In reality, concussions are a silent epidemic…  Immediate effects:  Wooziness  “Ringing”  Disorientation

15  Repeated exposure  Second impact syndrome  Emotional/psychological deterioration  Death The Myth’s Negative Consequences Dave Duerson, a cautionary tale You’re woozy? Tough it out and get back in there!

16 Who feels the greatest “impact”?

17 Over 135,000 reported cases annually* Youth Concussions from Recreation *Number does reflect whole story “Unlike a cut, scrape, or a broken leg, concussive injuries are rarely visually obvious...” (Faure & Pemberton, 2010)

18 What can be done?  Take a look at existing resources and toolkits  Hire and coordinate with more professionals  Make necessary monetary and technological commitments

19 Existing Resources  “Heads Up: Concussion in High School Sports”  Information guide for educators  Wallet and clipboard ready access info  Diagnostics  Phone Number  Parent/student reference  Posters  Video  CD-ROM

20 Professional Presence  First response is key  Only 42% of schools have access  Certified athletic trainers (ATC) are most qualified diagnosticians

21 Technological Screening  Baseline test of brain functions  Post-injury test  Comparison of results  Diagnosis & prognosis  Windows-based computer network

22 What are our responsibilities?

23 Resources Consulted Dave Duerson’s family sues NFL over his suicide. (2012, February 23). USA Today. Retrieved from death lawsuit/53228680/1 Davies, S. (2011). Concussion awareness: Getting school psychologists into the game. Communiqué, 39(7), 9-14. Faure, C., & Pemberton, C.L.A. (2010). Concussion and the young athlete: Critical management strategies. The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 81(1), 19-26. Mitchko, J., Huitric, M., Sarmiento, K., Hayes, G., Pruzan, M., Sawyer, R. (2007). CDC’s approach to educating coaches about sports-related concussion. American Journal of Health Education, 38(2), 99-103. New NFL rules designed to limit head injuries. (2010, August 6). NFL Wire Reports. Retrieved from designed-to-limit-head-injuries Sarmiento, K., Mitchko, J., Klein, C., & Wong, S. (2010). Evaluation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s concussion initiative for high school coaches: “Heads up: Concussion in high school sports. Journal of School Health, 80(3), 112-118.

24 Photo/Graphic Credits ground-zero-of-the-concussion-crisis in-youth-sports/ knife-embedded-in-head-of-teenage-boy.html ge=rogers-100614

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