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Section 7: PartnerCare: Research
Intuit Financial Services University Bill Pay Certification Training
Section Objectives When a consumer calls with an inquiry or issue with an online bill payment, a rep can look up the consumer in PartnerCare and have access to all of that consumer's profile information and payment history. The rep (if given the appropriate permissions) can also perform actions such as adding, editing, or deleting payees or payments on behalf of the consumer. By the end of this section, you will learn how to: search for consumers manage consumers manage funding accounts, payees, payments and e-bills on behalf of consumers
Searching for Consumers
Search Screen Clicking the Search button in the navigation bar allows the rep to search for a consumer by SSN/Tax ID, Subscriber/Customer ID, Bank Account #, Payee Account #, Business Name, Last Name or Address. From here, the rep can select the appropriate consumer from the results list. NOTE: The system remembers that last search criteria and will display that option (i.e. last name, SSN, etc) as the default in the Find dropdown menu for your next search. TIP: You may utilize a wildcard search feature to replace unknown data for Subscriber ID. Enter at least 2 characters in the field and place an asterisk (*) for the missing information.
Subscriber Search Results
After entering in the search criteria on the previous screen, a list of all cases that meets that criteria display. (If only one case meets the search criteria, that case's Case Detail screen will display automatically bypassing this list screen.) From here, the rep can select the appropriate consumer from the results list. NOTE: The Subscriber ID, Bank Account, , and Zip Code fields will be blank for a co-subscriber.
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Account Overview
Account Overview The Account Overview screen is made up of 6 sections:
Subscriber Snapshot Correspondence Payment List Transfers (not applicable to Intuit Financial Services financial institutions) Case History Payee List The Subscriber Profile and Historical Log buttons are covered later in this training. #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #1 Note: Transfers, Payee List and Correspondence display in a collapsed state; reps can expand the view by clicking the plus symbol (+).
Account Overview - Subscriber Snapshot
The Subscriber Snapshot section allows the rep to view the consumer’s profile information (including name, address, phone, , status, etc). Account Statuses: Active (A) Inactive (I) - the financial institution closed the consumer’s bill pay e-Reg record in Management Console Frozen (F) - used by Fiserv to disable the use of bill pay by the consumer (usually due to fraud or a debit return) Canceled (C) - used by Fiserv to discontinue the consumer’s bill pay service (usually due to unsuccessful debit return collection) The icon will appear in the Subscriber Snapshot if a consumer’s account has been frozen or cancelled due to fraud or collections. Important: The Cancel Subscriber link will display to a rep who has been granted the optional “Subscriber Updates” security access setting. Reps should NOT click the Cancel Subscriber link in Partner Care. Instead, close bill pay accounts in Management Console (Bill Payment User Profile Maintenance).
Account Overview – Correspondence
The Correspondence section of the Account Overview screen allows a Rep to view all correspondence to and from the consumer. Correspondence includes: Internet In-Product messages Letters Author types include: Subscriber, Sponsor, CheckFree (Fiserv), or System Reps can click on “Internet ” or “In-Product message” types of correspondence and see details of the message. Reps can not see the details of “Letters”. NOTE: The Correspondence information only displays on the Account Overview screen.
Account Overview: Payments
Account Overview - Payment List
The Payment List section of the Account Overview screen allows the rep to view the last 90 days of processed and canceled payments as well as all future dated pending payments. Other actions on this screen include: View All Payments button allows the rep to extend the history out to the last 6 months worth of payments. Search for a Payment button allows the rep to search for a specific payment. Add a Payment button allows a rep to add a payment to a specific payee on behalf of the consumer.
Account Overview - Payment List
The Payment List is automatically sorted by Payment date. The rep can click on any column header to re-sort the list. Column descriptions: Payment - (Payment date) the date that the payment is scheduled to arrive at the payee Remit - (Remittance date) the date that Fiserv processed the payment Status - used by Fiserv to denote where the payment is in the processing cycle: Pending - the payment has been scheduled In Process - the payment is currently being processed by Fiserv Processed - the payment should be with the payee Cancelled - the payment was scheduled but then cancelled prior to Fiserv processing it Failed - the payment failed to process (Fiserv actively monitors these) Info - icons used by Fiserv to indicate additional information - a case is open for the payment - a debit/credit exception exists for the payment a payment was made against an e-bill the payment was processed/remitted to the payee as a single check (NOTE: The Rep can view the status (Outstanding, Cleared, Stopped, or Voided) of the check by hovering over the icon.)
Payment List - View All Payments
Reps can click the View All Payments button to see a comprehensive list of all payments for the last six (6) months plus future-dated pending payments.
Payment List - Search for a Payment
To search for a payment: Click the Search for a Payment button. Select/enter a Payee Name, Date Range, or Confirmation #. Click the Search button.
Payment List – Add a Payment
To add a payment on behalf of a consumer: Step 1: Click the Add a Payment button. Step 2: Select a payee (the payee account number will prefill), enter in the payment amount and date, and select the funding account to be debited for the payment. Step 3: Click the Add Payment button. NOTE: The Add a Payment button will only display for reps with the “Add Payment” security access setting.
Payment Detail From the Account Overview screen clicking on a payment in the Payment List allows the rep to view additional payment information. The basic payment information (such as the status of the payment) displays at the top, followed by: Payment Details Payment Address - (“View Remit Detail” button appears for processed payments only) Exception(s) Related E-Bill (only displays when there is an e-bill associated with the payment) NOTE: Additional buttons may appear on the payment details screen depending on the status of the payment: pending vs. processed.
Payment Detail – Exception(s)
The Exception(s) section of the Payment Detail screen allows the rep to see if an exception has occurred on a payment. There are two types of exceptions that can occur: Debit exception- Fiserv could not debit the funds from the consumer’s funding account Credit exception- Fiserv is reimbursing the consumer for any late fees/finance charges that were incurred with a payment that posted late
Payment Detail – Related E-Bill
The Related E-bill section of the Payment Details screen allows the rep to see the status of the e-bill. Possible statuses for an e-bill: New - the e-bill is available on the front end but has not been view yet Viewed - the e-bill has been viewed but a payment has not been scheduled for the bill Paid - a payment has been made against the e-bill Paid Out of Band – the consumer “filed” the bill on the front end of bill pay Canceled Failed Clicking on the View E-bill Detail link takes the rep to the E-bill Details screen. NOTE: The Related E-bill section displays only if the payment is tied to an e-bill.
E-Bill Detail: Regular E-bill
For a Regular E-bill type, a rep can click the View the E-bill button and a separate window displays the bill image.
E-Bill Detail: Scraped E-bill
For a Scraped E-bill type, the rep can view the e-bill details. NOTE: The “View the E-Bill” button is not available for Scraped E-bills.
Pending Payment Detail – Cancel or Modify a Pending Payment
To cancel a payment on behalf of a consumer: Click the Cancel Payment button. Click the Yes, Cancel Payment button. To modify a payment on behalf of a consumer: Click the Modify Payment button. Enter in the Payment Amount and/or Payment Date NOTES: These buttons will not display if the rep has not been given the “Payment Updates” security access setting. These buttons only display for single checks in an “Pending” status.
Processed Payment Detail – Draft Check
The Payment Detail screen for a processed payment via draft check allows the rep to view the details of the processed payment (including the check number). TIP: Stop payments can be place by obtaining the check number on this screen and placing the stop pay on the financial institution's host system (assuming it hasn’t cleared).
Processed Payment Detail – Electronic
The Payment Detail screen for a processed payment via electronic method allows the rep to view the details of the processed payment (including the trace number). Other actions on this screen include: Proof of Electronic Payment button allows the rep to view and/or print the processing details of the payment. TIP: If the consumer is requesting proof of payment, reps should be aware that the consumer's payment might not have posted with the payee and that a “Payment Not Posted” case should be opened instead. You will learn how to open cases later in this training. NOTES: A case (with a status of "Internal") is automatically created when this button is clicked. This button will not display if the rep has not been given the “Proof of Payment” security access setting.
Processed Payment Detail – Single Check
The Payment Detail screen for a processed payment via single check (in a “Cleared” status) allows the rep to view the details of the processed payment (including the check number and status (i.e. "Cleared", "Outstanding", "Stopped", and "Voided")). Other actions on this screen include: Check Copy Image (FDC) button allows the rep to provide a copy of the processed check TIP: If the consumer is requesting copy of their check, reps should be aware that the consumer‘s payment might not have posted with the payee and that a “Payment Not Posted” case should be opened instead. You will learn how to open cases later in this training. NOTES: A case (with a status of "Internal") is automatically created when this button is clicked. This button will not display if the rep has not been given the “Proof of Payment” security access setting.
Processed Payment Detail – Single Check
The Payment Detail screen for a processed payment via single check (in an “Outstanding” status) allows the rep to view the details of the processed payment (including the check number and status (i.e. "Cleared", "Outstanding", "Stopped", and "Voided")). Other actions on this screen include: Stop & Electronically Credit button allows the rep to stop the payment and electronically credit the consumer's account . Stop & Reissue button allows the rep to stop the payment and reissue the original payment again to the payee. NOTES: A case (with a status of "Internal") is automatically created when either of these buttons are clicked. These buttons will not display if the rep has not been given the “Proof of Payment” security access setting. These buttons only display for single checks in an “Outstanding” status.
Practical Applications – Payments
What are the three methods of payments that Fiserv sends out? True/False: You cannot cancel a payment in the In Process status. What does the Info column in the Payments List provide? What are the four possible Single Check statuses? How much history is available for payments in PartnerCare? How do you view the actual image for an e-bill? How do you place a stop payment on a draft check? What security access setting will a rep need to access the check image for single checks?
Exercises – Payments Search for Janet Lewis. Search for the Utilities payment made on 3/16/06 for $496.80: a. What is the check number? b. Has the check cleared? Search for Francis Barker. Find the pending payment to the Mechanic for $ on 8/31/06. Click to view the related ebill: a. What is the account balance on the ebill? b. What was the ebill delivery date? c. Has Francis set up an automatic payment associated with this e-bill?
Account Overview: Payees
Account Overview - Payee List
The Payee List section of the Account Overview screen allows the rep to view all of the consumer's payees as well as the status of the payee. Other actions on this screen include: Get Remaining Payees button only appears if the consumer has more than 50 payees set up for bill payment and allows the rep to view the additional payees Add Payee button allows the rep to add a payee on behalf of the consumer
Account Overview - Payee List
The 3 icons that could display on screen are: This icon indicates that an e-bill is currently active for this payee. This icon indicates that a recurring model is in place for this payee. Both icons may appear if a consumer has a recurring payment set up for an e-bill.
Payee Detail The Payee Detail screen allows a rep to view the following information for a specific payee: Payee Details Alerts/Reminders Recurring Model Details Auto Pay Details E-bill Service Details Payments #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
Payee Detail - Payee The Payee section of the Payee Details screen restates the same information that was displayed in the Payee List. The plus (+) symbol allows the rep to see an expanded view of the last 6 months of e-bills for a specific payee. TIP: From here, a rep can click a particular e-bill to view the E-bill Detail screen (covered later in this training).
Payee Detail - Payee Details
The Payee Details section of the Payee Detail screen allows the rep to view payee information such as the status of the payee. Other actions on this screen include: Modify button allows the rep to modify the payee's address information Cancel button allows the rep to cancel (inactivate) the payee NOTE: If the payee is a "managed" payee the Modify button will not display. This is because Fiserv has a relationship with this payee and all payments will be sent to the address that Fiserv has on file. Reps (as well as the consumer) are not able to edit address information for "managed" payees.
Payee Detail - Modify or Cancel a Payee
To modify a payee on behalf of a consumer: Click the Modify button. Edit the appropriate information. Click the Modify Payee button. To cancel a payee on behalf of a consumer: Click the Cancel button. Click the Yes, Cancel Payee button. NOTE: These buttons will not display if the rep has not been given the “Payee Updates” security access setting.
Payee - Alerts/Reminders
The Alerts/Reminders section of the Payee Detail screen allows the rep to see if a consumer has set up reminders for the payee and/or has opted to receive their e-bill via . Payment Reminder – displays "Yes" if the consumer opted to "Set up reminders for this bill" on the front end (NOTE: The Payment Reminder field will not display if the consumer did not opt to "Set up reminders for this bill" on the front end. See screenshot below.) E-bill via (EVE) – displays "Yes" if the consumer opted to "Add notification of electronic bill" on the front end (which allows the consumer to receive an that contains the bill information and links to view and pay the bill in an ) E-bill Reminder – NOTE: Reps can not add, edit, or delete any alerts/reminders in PartnerCare. Instead, the consumer must manage these on the front end.
Payee - Recurring Model Details
The Recurring Model Details (called Automatic Payments on the front end) section of the Payee Detail screen allows the rep to view how many recurring models the consumer has set up for the payee ("Model 1", "Model 2", etc each represents a different recurring model for the payee). Other actions on this screen include: view the status of the consumer's recurring model(s) set up for the payee. Possible statuses are: Active Canceled (the recurring model was canceled by the consumer or a PartnerCare rep before the recurring series ran its course) Completed (all payments in recurring model series processed) add, modify or cancel a recurring model NOTE: The Modify and Cancel buttons will only display for recurring models in an "Active" status.
Add a Recurring Model To set up a new recurring model for a payee:
Click the Add button on the Payee Details screen. Enter in the required information. Click the Add Recurring Model button.
Modify or Cancel a Recurring Model
To modify a recurring model on behalf of a consumer: Click the Modify button. Edit the appropriate information. Click the Modify Recurring Model button. To cancel a recurring model on behalf of a consumer: Click the Cancel button. Click the Yes, Cancel Recurring Model button. NOTE: These buttons will only display for recurring models in an "Active" status.
Payee Detail - Auto-Pay Details
The Auto-Pay Details section of the Payee Detail screen allows the rep to view any automatic payments that the consumer set up for the payee. Reps can not add, edit, or delete automatic payments in PartnerCare. Instead, the consumer must manage these on the front end. NOTE: The Auto-Pay Details section will not display on this screen if the consumer has not signed up to received an e-bill for the payee.
Payee Detail - E-Bill Services Details
The E-bill Service Detail section of the Payee Detail screen allows the rep to: view the type of e-bill that is being sent to the consumer (E-bill vs. Scraped) modify or cancel the e-bill on behalf of the consumer view the scraped bill details such as last scrape date, log of scrape attempts, etc via the View Scraped Information link NOTE: The E-bill Services Detail section will not display on this screen if the consumer has not signed up to received an e-bill for the payee.
Payee Detail - Payments
The Payments section of the Payee Detail screen allows the rep to view the last 90 days of processed and canceled payments as well as all future dated pending payments for the payee. Other actions on this screen include: View All Payments button allows the rep to extend the history out to the last 6 months worth of payments. Search for a Payment button allows the rep to search for a specific payment. Add a Payment button allows a rep to add a payment to the payee on behalf of the consumer. NOTE: You learned how the Add a Payment button and Search button function earlier in this training.
Practical Applications – Payees
Where can a rep view a consumer’s payees? When does the Get Remaining Payees button display? How do you know that a payee has e-bills enabled? What is a “Managed” payee? True/False: Canceling a payee will cancel all pending payments and recurring models for that payee. How does a rep edit a recurring model? True/False: A rep can cancel an automatic payment (that is tied to an e-bill) for a consumer.
Exercises – Payees Search for Francis Barker. Select the second ACME payee with the account number : What is the payee address? What is the Payee Add date? Is Francis currently receiving ebills for this payee? Search for Thomas Smith. Find the Window Cleaning payee with the account number a. What is the last Maintenance Date for the payee? What is the amount and frequency of the Recurring Model 1? What is the status of the Recurring Model 2?
Subscriber Profile: Subscriber
Subscriber Profile - Subscriber
The Subscriber tab under Subscriber Profile allows a rep to make changes to the consumer’s profile information such as name, address, phone, , and/or security answer. NOTE: If Fiserv or Intuit Financial Services is handling the financial institution's first tier support, the Security section of this screen is used to validate the consumer’s identity when the consumer contacts Fiserv or Intuit Financial Services for support. Important: Reps should NOT edit any profile information in Partner Care. Instead, all profile information should be updated in Management Console (Bill Payment User Profile Maintenance). NOTE: The information on this screen is not editable if the rep has not been given the ‘Subscriber Updates' security access setting.
Subscriber Profile: Co-Subscriber(s)
Subscriber Profile - Co-Subscriber(s)
The Co-Subscriber(s) tab under Subscriber Profile allows a rep to view the consumer’s co-subscribers as well as that co-subscriber’s profile information such as status. Other actions on this screen include: Add Co-Subscriber button allows the rep to add a co-subscriber. Cancel Co-Subscriber button allows the rep to cancel a co-subscriber which changes the co-subscriber’s status from “Active” to “Inactive”. Reactivate Co-Subscriber button (not shown on this screen) allows the rep to change a co-subscriber's status from "Inactive" to "Active". TIP: Reps should always confirm that the co-subscriber has a status of "Active" before sharing consumer information with them. NOTES: The information on this screen is not editable if the rep has not been given the “Subscriber Updates” security access setting. Consumers can not add, cancel, or reactivate co-subscribers on the front end.
Subscriber Profile - Add Co-Subscriber
To add a co-subscriber: Click the Add Co-Subscriber button. Complete the required fields (specifically selecting a security question and entering the answer if Fiserv or Intuit Financial Services is handling the financial institution’s first tier support ). Click the Save button. NOTE: The Add Co-Subscriber button will not display if the rep has not been given the “Subscriber Updates” security access setting.
Subscriber Profile - Cancel Co-Subscriber
To cancel a Co-Subscriber: Step 1: Click the appropriate Co-Subscriber’s name in the Co-Subscriber list. Step 2: Click the Cancel Co-Subscriber button. Step 3: Click the Yes, Cancel Co-Subscriber button. Cancelling a Co-Subscriber marks their status as Inactive. The Co-Subscriber can be immediately reactivated by clicking the Reactivate Co-Subscriber button (not shown on this screen). NOTE: The Cancel Co-Subscriber button will not display if the rep has not been given the “Subscriber Updates” security access setting.
Subscriber Profile: Subscriber Products & Services
Subscriber Profile - Products & Services
The Products & Services tab under Subscriber Profile allows a rep to view: Products - that are available to the consumer from the financial institution Services - that are available to the consumer from the financial institution Billing Profile - the consumer's bill pay plan and list of billing service fees that have been debited from the consumer's account (if the financial institution is charging for bill pay and Fiserv is responsible for the billing) Fees and Credits - a list of transaction fees and credits that have been debited from or credited to the consumer’s account
Products & Services - Billing Profile
The Billing Profile section allows a rep to view the consumer’s billing profile and list of billing service fees (if the financial institution is charging for bill pay and Fiserv is responsible for the billing). Other actions on this screen include: Add Free Periods button allows the rep to enter a specific number of free periods (months) for a consumer. Important: The Change Billing Profile button should not be used. Instead, the consumer’s bill pay plan should be changed in Management Console (Bill Payment User Profile Maintenance). NOTE: These buttons will not display if the rep has not been given the “Subscriber Updates” security access setting.
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Subscriber Profile: Accounts
Subscriber Profile - Accounts
The Accounts tab under Subscriber Profile allows the rep to view the funding accounts that the consumer is using for bill pay. Other actions on this screen include: Modify an account's details such as changing the Preferred Account and Billing Fees settings and/or changing the Check Print Information Confirm Account button (not shown on this screen) allows the rep to activate an account that was added by the consumer on the front end. NOTE: This button will only display if the consumer added an account on the front end but has yet to confirm the account. Add an Account button allows the rep to add an account. Cancel Account button allows the rep to cancel an account.
Accounts - Modify an Account
To modify an account: Click the account to be edited in the Account Information list. Modify the account's details such as: Preferred Account - displays the account first in the consumer's account drop-down menu on the front end Billing Fees – marks the account as the one to be debited for any billing fees Check Print Information – changes the information that is printed in the upper left corner of any single or draft check payment Click the Save button. NOTE: The information on this screen is not editable if the rep has not been given the 'Bank Account Updates' security access setting.
Accounts - Add an Account
To add an account: Click the Add an Account button. Enter the required information (specifically selecting “Checking” as the Account Type and “Yes” for Online Bill Pay.) Click the Save button. A consumer can have up to 99 active bank accounts for bill pay. NOTE: The Add an Account button will not display if the rep has not been given the 'Bank Account Add' security access setting.
Accounts - Cancel Account
To cancel an account: Click the account in the Account Information list. Click the Cancel Account button. If the account has pending payments or service fees, the system will prompt the rep to select one of the following options for these pending payments: Move pending activity to an existing account Move pending activity to a new account Cancel all pending activity NOTE: If the account does not have any pending payments, the Cancel Bank Account popup will not have these options. The rep will skip Step 3. Click Yes, Cancel Bank Account button. NOTES: The Cancel Account button will not display if the rep has not been given the 'Bank Account Updates' security access setting. The Move to a new account option will not display if the rep has not been given the ‘Bank Account Add’ security access setting.
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Historical Log
Historical Log The Historical Log screen is made up of two tabs: Session Summary and Maintenance Log. Session Summary – allows the rep to view and search through backend system information regarding the consumer’s use of the front end of bill pay.
Historical Log (cont’d)
Maintenance Log – allows the rep to view a list of historical additions/changes made to payments, payees, cases (related to payments, e-bills, and billers), funding accounts, products, and/or co-subscribers. The Maintenance Log records the following: Date – date of the transaction Time – time of the transaction Initiator – the user (PartnerCare rep, consumer, or system) who initiated the action Action – the type of action (such as ‘Change’ that occurred) Field – the field that the action was applied to (such as ‘amount’) Before value – the value of the field before the action After value – the value of the field after the action
Practical Applications – Subscriber Profile
What system should you use to update all personal data or close bill pay consumers? True/False: You can edit the bank account number field in PartnerCare. What field do you need to fill out if a consumer wants to have another name appear on any check payments made from an account?
Exercises – Subscriber Profile
Search for Robert Jefferson: What is the last four digits of is social security number? What is his address on file? What is his daytime phone number? Search for a consumer with social security number : What is the co-subscriber’s name? Is this co-subscriber’s status Active? What is the co-subscriber’s social security number? Search for Thomas Smith: What is the amount of the monthly billing fee? What is the next bill date? Search for the consumer with social security number : What is the name of the consumer? How many active bank accounts does she have in PartnerCare? Which bank account are the monthly billing fees deducted from? What is the Add Date of the Peninsula Postal CU account?
Section Objectives - RECAP
In this section, you learned how to: to search for consumers manage consumers manage funding accounts, payees, payments and e-bills on behalf of consumers
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