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Published byKaiden Deeks Modified over 10 years ago
Animal, Plant & Soil Science Lesson B8-5 Ornamental Fish
Objectives Compare and contrast the species of freshwater and saltwater ornamental fish. Determine the facilities and equipment required for the proper care of fish.
Objectives Describe the management practices required to maintain an appropriate water environment. Explain the nutritional requirements and feeding habits of fish and determine the health of fish through visual observation.
Terms aquarium aquarium vacuum freshwater fish fry hydrometer live rock marine fish protein skimmer salinity salt creep saltwater fish
What are the similarities and differences between freshwater and saltwater ornamental fish? Owning ornamental fish as pets has always been popular due to their relatively low cost and maintenance. The ability of fish to act as relaxing, entertaining pets without taking up much room has added to their popularity. The two basic types of ornamental fish for pet owners to choose from are freshwater and saltwater.
What are the similarities and differences between freshwater and saltwater ornamental fish? A. Freshwater fish are those fish that require water without high salt concentrations. These fish are found in sources of freshwater, such as lakes, ponds, and streams. The salt in our oceans would quickly kill these fish since they have adapted to life in freshwater.
What are the similarities and differences between freshwater and saltwater ornamental fish? 1. The ability of these fish to adapt to a wide variety of water conditions makes them an ideal pet for the person that wants minimal tank maintenance. 2. A bonus to owning freshwater fish is the wide variety of plant life that can be used in freshwater fish aquariums.
What are the similarities and differences between freshwater and saltwater ornamental fish? B. Saltwater fish are those fish that require water with a salt concentration similar to our oceans. Salinity refers to the concentration of salt in the water of an aquarium. Saltwater fish are sometimes referred to as marine fish.
What are the similarities and differences between freshwater and saltwater ornamental fish? 1. Saltwater fish are more sensitive to water quality, and therefore more care must be taken to ensure a wide variety of factors remains at appropriate levels. 2. Most saltwater fish are caught wild in our oceans and, coupled with their more dazzling colors and interesting shapes, bring much higher prices at pet stores.
What are the similarities and differences between freshwater and saltwater ornamental fish? 3. Although there are not many marine plants available for saltwater tanks, many forms of invertebrates, such as eels, starfish, crabs, and corals, can be added to the aquarium for enjoyment.
Common freshwater fish include bettas, tetras, cichlids, barbs, mollys, platys, and, of course, goldfish.
Common saltwater fish include angelfish, butterfly fish, clownfish, damselfish, gobies, lionfish, seahorses, surgeonfish, and trigger fish.
What are the similarities and differences between freshwater and saltwater ornamental fish? Both types of fish have an array of body and fin shapes, but saltwater fish tend to have brighter, almost neon-like, colors.
What facilities and equipment are required for the proper care of fish? Owning fish can be as simple or as complex as the owner wishes, but the facilities and equipment needed for the care of fish are nearly the same in all cases. Saltwater fish require a slightly more sophisticated aquarium system but can still be purchased at a reasonable price. A. The aquarium is the most basic and essential of all fish equipment.
What facilities and equipment are required for the proper care of fish? 1. An aquarium is usually a glass enclosure that serves as the environment in which fish live. 2. Choosing an aquarium can be a challenging task, as aquariums are available in many sizes and shapes. Be sure to choose an aquarium that is right for the type of fish you wish to own. If in doubt, ask for assistance at your local pet store.
What facilities and equipment are required for the proper care of fish? B. Gravel or substrate is commonly used to cover the bottom of an aquarium. This provides a firm base to place plants or aquarium decorations and mimics the natural environment of the fish. Gravel should be used that is specifically designed for aquariums and should always be rinsed before being used in an aquarium.
What facilities and equipment are required for the proper care of fish? C. Aquarium filters are essential in providing your fish with clean tank water. Most filters have an element that needs to be cleaned or replaced regularly. A quality filter is even more important in a saltwater tank, where fish are more susceptible to waste concentrations in the water.
What facilities and equipment are required for the proper care of fish? D. Heaters are commonly used to keep tank temperatures at a constant level. Some species of freshwater fish may not require a heater, but it’s never a bad idea to include a heater. However, you should be aware that warmer water encourages algae growth.
What facilities and equipment are required for the proper care of fish? E. Saltwater fish require substantially more equipment than freshwater tanks. 1. One of the most important is the addition of live rock, or rock with living bacterial colonies that serves as a biological filter for the tank. 2. Another important piece of equipment is a protein skimmer, which removes excess proteins from the water.
What facilities and equipment are required for the proper care of fish? 3. In addition to these, you will also need to purchase saltwater mix and a saltwater hydrometer, a tool used to measure and monitor the salinity of your tank water.
What facilities and equipment are required for the proper care of fish? F. Other pieces of equipment necessary for proper care are cleaning supplies, such as algae scrapers and gravel vacuums, and decorations for the back and inside of your aquarium.
What management practices are required to maintain an appropriate water environment? Proper maintenance practices are essential in keeping your aquarium clean and your fish healthy. Freshwater tank maintenance is considerably easier than saltwater maintenance but is still a weekly, if not more often, obligation.
What management practices are required to maintain an appropriate water environment? A. Some fish owners do not clean their tanks regularly because they think they have to completely empty out all the water and start from scratch. This is not true. If the tank is cleaned regularly (i.e., every one or two weeks), only about 20 percent of the aquarium water needs to be removed and replaced.
What management practices are required to maintain an appropriate water environment? B. Before completing any cleaning of your fish tank, remember to unplug any electrical devices that are attached to your system. This includes all filters and lights. 1. Once the aquarium is safe to clean, begin by using an algae scraper to remove any algae that has accumulated on the aquarium glass. If your aquarium is made of acrylic, use caution as some scrapers can scratch the acrylic surface.
What management practices are required to maintain an appropriate water environment? 2. Check your filter to see if your filter medium needs to be replaced. If you use a biological filter element, do not rinse or wash this element in tap water. The water will kill beneficial bacteria needed in filtration. However, it is okay to rinse a biological element in some of the discarded aquarium water.
What management practices are required to maintain an appropriate water environment? 3. Using an aquarium vacuum, a device that consists of a long, flexible hose with an enlarged end, create a siphon by filling the vacuum with water, holding the enlarged end under water, and placing the other end of the hose in a bucket below the aquarium level. When water begins to flow through the vacuum, begin to clean the gravel until approximately 20 percent of the total tank water is removed.
What management practices are required to maintain an appropriate water environment? 4. Using a clean, large container, fill it with enough water to replace the water removed by the vacuum. This water should be treated with a chemical to remove any chlorine and should be the same temperature as your tank water. It is a good idea to prepare this water the day before you clean your tank to allow you to add the replacement water sooner. If you own a saltwater tank, it is critical to mix up new saltwater a day or two before, as a fresh saltwater mix can be toxic to your fish.
What management practices are required to maintain an appropriate water environment? 5. With saltwater tanks, it is also necessary to clean out the protein skimmer and scrape off any salt creep, or salt that has crystallized on the exposed glass at the top of the tank.
What are the nutritional requirements and feeding habits of fish and how can the health of fish be determined through visual observation? The nutritional requirements of fish are just as important as those of any other pet. Although most fish food is pre-made and pre- packaged, it is still important to understand the components of fish food that ornamental fish need. Since fish cannot be loaded into a car and taken to the vet, it is important to be able to visually identify health problems with our fish. After identification, we can properly treat our fish with the appropriate methods.
What are the nutritional requirements and feeding habits of fish and how can the health of fish be determined through visual observation? A. Most fish require a diet with high amounts of protein. Fry, or newly hatched fish, often require food that is close to 50 percent crude protein. As fish age their need for protein decreases, so that adult fish need food with only 25 to 30 percent protein. 1. Fish meal should be listed as the main ingredient on a quality fish food. Soybean compounds that are substituted for fish meal as a protein source are not recommended. 2. The amino acids found in fish meal are essential to the proper health of fish.
What are the nutritional requirements and feeding habits of fish and how can the health of fish be determined through visual observation? B. In addition to proteins, fish also require fat in their diet, in the form of fatty acids. The long-chain fatty acids needed by fish are found only in the tissues of aquatic species, therefore increasing the need for fish (or other aquatic species) meal.
What are the nutritional requirements and feeding habits of fish and how can the health of fish be determined through visual observation? C. Vitamin and mineral needs of fish are somewhat of a mystery. Fish can absorb minerals from the surrounding water, so monitoring mineral levels in tank water is a must. Most fish food has added vitamins, so it is usually not necessary for the owner to supplement vitamins.
What are the nutritional requirements and feeding habits of fish and how can the health of fish be determined through visual observation? D. Knowing how to visually identify health problems in our fish is essential in providing appropriate care. Some of the more common health problems of fish are: 1. Ammonia poisoning—symptoms include red or inflamed gills and fish “gasping” for air at the surface 2. Dropsy (Malawi bloat)—symptoms include bloating and raised scales
What are the nutritional requirements and feeding habits of fish and how can the health of fish be determined through visual observation? 3. Ichthyophtirius (ick, white spot)— symptoms include small white spots covering the body, especially the fins; spots sometimes resemble salt 4. Fin rot—symptoms include lethargy and apparent “rotting” fins 5. Nitrite/Nitrate poisoning—symptoms include lethargic just below the water surface and high readings on nitrite/nitrate test kits
Review What are the similarities and differences between freshwater and saltwater ornamental fish? What facilities and equipment are required for the proper care of fish?
Review What management practices are required to maintain an appropriate water environment? What are the nutritional requirements and feeding habits of fish and how can the health of fish be determined through visual observation?
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