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Biome Climax community over a large geographical area. Ecological.

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Presentation on theme: "Biome Climax community over a large geographical area. Ecological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biome Climax community over a large geographical area. Ecological

2 Reasons for Biomes? 1. Temperature C. Hart Meriam (1898) eastern USA “Life Zones” latitude Arizona & Florida?

3 Reasons for Biomes? 1. Temperature 2. Moisture 3. Fire (Complex Set of Factors!)

4 Biomes of the USA

5 Mediterranean Temperate Rain Forest Desert Grassland Eastern Deciduous forest Semitropical Rainforest Coniferous Forest Tundra

6 Plant Taxonomy Biomes are referred to as Formations or Floristic Regions “Each characterized by numerous endemic species and by an unduplicated make-up of species.” -L. Benson

7 Floristic Regions of the USA -L. Benson Western Woodland and Brush Region Pacific Northwest Southwest Desert Region Plains and Prairie Region Eastern Forest Region Subtropical Region Northern Coniferous Forest Region Boreal Alpine Rocky Mt. Region

8 Floristic Regions of the USA -L. Benson Boreal Alpine/Rocky Mt. Region (Biome/Floristic changes easily observed) North-South White Mts. Rocky Mts. 1000 ft. = 600 miles

9 Rocky Mts. Vegetation Zones Foothills Montane or Coniferous (Doug firs, Ponderosa Pines) Subalpine Forest (Subalpines firs, Spruces) Hudsonian (scattered, stunted trees) Alpine Tundra (willows, cushion plants)

10 Climax Communities/Local Associations Eastern Deciduous Forest Beech-Maple Oak Hickory Grassland Tallgrass Prairie Mixed-grass Prairie Short-grass Prairie

11 Grasslands of the USA (Grasslands/Prairies)

12 Grasslands of the USA (Grasslands/Prairies)

13 Missouri General Land Survey 1815 -1818

14 Pre-settlement Prairie in Missouri

15 Pre-settlement Prairie in Northwest Missouri > 70%

16 Perenials Extensive root systems Warm season growth Disease and insect resistance Good coverage for wildlife Food for wildlife Forage programs Re-established natural areas

17 Precipitation Zones in Missouri

18 Reasons for Prairies 1. Temperature 2. Precipitation 3. Fire!

19 Local Associations/Climax Communities Tend to form if: Conditions are natural Proper seed bank is available

20 If local association (climax community) is destroyed? - Series of plant communities Seral Stages Natural Succession

21 Seral Stages

22 Climax Community

23 Seral Stages/Secondary Growth A major part of the natural environment!

24 Floristic Regions of Missouri -J. Steyermark Plant Distribution and Topography

25 Natural Divisions of Missouri - MDC/MDNR Plant/Animal Distribution, Topography and Geographical History

26 Natural Divisions of Missouri - MDC/MDNR Plant/Animal Distribution, Topography and Geographical History

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