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Missouri New State and the Compromise. Bell Work 10 Minutes Prepare to share List the four parts of the Monroe Doctrine List the three parts of the American.

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Presentation on theme: "Missouri New State and the Compromise. Bell Work 10 Minutes Prepare to share List the four parts of the Monroe Doctrine List the three parts of the American."— Presentation transcript:

1 Missouri New State and the Compromise

2 Bell Work 10 Minutes Prepare to share List the four parts of the Monroe Doctrine List the three parts of the American System How does the American system lead to sectionalism. ▫Write in complete sentences ▫include economy, tariffs, slavery and the argument of slavery of new states in the West ▫Use your notes and your partner if you need help

3 Materials You should be around page 21, 22 in your notebook today You will need one yellow and one red colored pencil

4 Yesterday’s quiz  How does Henry Clay’s American system lead to the development of cities?  Transportation networks encourage travel while a common currency encourages trade  What dangers are involved with the growth of cities?  Overcrowding, disease, poverty, fire  Why does the issue of slavery further sectionalism? (economy)  The West is divided on whether or not slavery should be allowed for new states in the west

5 Vocabulary Factory system – a system in which all manufacturing is brought together in one place ▫See diagram on page 298 ▫Answer both questions on whiteboards and prepare to share. (5 minutes) ▫Use definition of factory system to answer question 2

6 Missouri as a State Most settlers of Missouri were from Tennessee and Kentucky and wanted slavery The House of Representatives ▫More members from the North (105 to 81) ▫Senate 11 free states 11 slave states Entrance of Missouri ▫Free state would give the North a majority in both houses

7 How do you solve this issue The proposal was to admit as a slave state and gradually abolish slavery in Missouri

8 Whiteboards What is the issue with bringing Missouri in as a free state? ▫It gives the North a majority in both houses

9 The Missouri Compromise Two parts I will come and check your two foldables as you work on the map CongressSlavery Line Maine (former part of Massachusetts) will enter as a free state. Missouri enters as a slave state. This balances the Senate at 12 free and 12 slave states 36˚ 30N This line (continue west the northern border of Tennessee) was the division of slave (to the south) and free (to the north) states. Turn back to your maps and label this line in red. Also, draw yellow lines through the new state of Maine

10 Partner Quiz Use the new text book to answer questions 1-10 on page 319 We will use this as a review for testing chapter 11 on Friday

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