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And the Missouri Compromise. Sectionalism Sectionalism is loyalty to the interests of your own region or section of the country, rather than to the nation.

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Presentation on theme: "And the Missouri Compromise. Sectionalism Sectionalism is loyalty to the interests of your own region or section of the country, rather than to the nation."— Presentation transcript:

1 and the Missouri Compromise

2 Sectionalism Sectionalism is loyalty to the interests of your own region or section of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole… this is VERY different (opposite of) than Nationalism. The North and South were becoming more and more different, and the things that were good for one section were often bad for the other.

3 Sectional Issues The North relied on manufacture and trade The South relied on agriculture (mostly cotton) and slavery The West wanted cheap land and better transportation Sectionalism became a major issue when Missouri applied for statehood in 1817.

4 The Missouri Problem In 1817, there were 11 free states and 11 slave states. Adding Missouri would upset that balance (Missouri favored slavery) Maine (which had been a part of Massachusetts) also wanted to become a state Henry Clay (the Speaker of the House – same guy who helped Nationalism become popular) proposed a compromise: Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state, and Maine would enter as a free state, keeping the balance between the two.


6 The Missouri Compromise Congress adopted Clay’s proposal (called the Missouri Compromise) in 1820 Missouri is a slave state, Maine is a free state: the balance between the sides is maintained Also, slavery would be banned in the rest of the Louisiana Territory north of Missouri’s southern border (36°, 30’N) he was right! Thomas Jefferson (80 years old and retired from politics at the time) worried that sectionalism would eventually destroy the country; he was right!

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