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RtI and High School A Comprehensive Student Engagement Intervention Model.

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Presentation on theme: "RtI and High School A Comprehensive Student Engagement Intervention Model."— Presentation transcript:

1 RtI and High School A Comprehensive Student Engagement Intervention Model

2 Session Roadmap Overview of RtI Check & Connect Model Implementation Example School’s Journey

3 RtI

4 RtI: Response to Intervention Use of evidence-based practice, systematic data collection and data based-decision making Tiered model of providing intervention services Progress is monitored in order to provide information on the response of the student to the intervention implemented

5 Tier I Tier II Tier III 80% 15 % 5%

6 Why INTERVENTION? What happens if we don’t? …the larger scale

7 Current Reality--Secondary Students not connecting to school -- relationships Students not engaged with teaching strategies --lacking variety in terms of learning styles --not communicating the relevance (compelling purpose) --lacking the opportunity to capitalize on individual strengths

8 Challenges—Secondary Departments Case load in a given day Student level of need (after x amount years of schooling) Communication/Resources Scheduling Tier I System Offerings: Literacy, Etc.

9 Check and Connect Tiers 2 and 3

10 Check & Connect A “mentoring” model of comprehensive and sustained intervention for promoting students' engagement with school and learning.

11 Research-Based What Works Clearinghouse, which conducts rigorous reviews of educational research identified 1 out of 2 programs having significant impacts on reducing dropout rates.

12 Check & Connect Overview 1. Teacher mentor 2.Mentees identified based on need 3.Systematic monitoring (CHECK) 4. Timely, individualized intervention strategies (CONNECT)

13 Balanced Model Academic Behavioral Social & Emotional

14 Key Features 1. Relationship Building — mutual trust and open communication 2. Routine Monitoring of Alterable Indicators — systemically checking warning signs of withdrawal (attendance, academic performance, behavior)

15 Key Features 3. Individualized and Timely Intervention — support tailored to individual student needs 4. Long-Term Commitment — committing to students and families for at least two years

16 Key Features 5. Persistence Plus — a persistent source of academic motivation 6. Problem-Solving — designed to promote the acquisition of skills to resolve conflict constructively and to look for solutions rather than a source of blame 7. Affiliation with School and Learning — facilitating students' access to and active participation in school-related activities and events

17 Mentor Persistence Believe all children have abilities Work closely with families using a non-blaming approach

18 Mentor Advocacy skills, ability to negotiate, compromise, and confront conflict Organizational skills Work well independently in a variety of settings

19 Intended Outcomes Demonstrated outcomes include: --attendance --behavioral referrals --grade reporting --credit accrual --higher “overall” achievement levels --dropout incidents Systems Understanding (Tier I)

20 Implementation

21 Step #1: Leadership Capacity COMPELLING NEED for intervention STAFF DEVELOPMENT in order to build knowledge and skill within those involved

22 Step #2: Define Indicators Identification of INDICATORS of disengagement: ATTENDANCE TARDIES BEHAVIORAL REFERRALS ACADEMIC --D/F --CREDITS

23 Step #3: Organize Align mentors and mentees Forms or Protocols Communication to parents Determine data collection process

24 Step #4: Structure for Collaboration How can mentors come together to: --reflect upon mentee progress? --learn intervention strategies proven to be successful?

25 Step #5: Alignment of Interventions HELPFUL RESOURCES: 1.Check & Connect --research-based strategies according to indicator 2.Best Practice (Teaching & Learning) 3. Peer Teacher Experience

26 Step #6: Monitor and Evaluate Mentor Capacity Procedures: --data collection --collaboration Indicator progress Tier I --classroom instruction --extra curr. opportunities --relationships system-wide --academic support systems

27 Example School


29 Focus Team Team Members Administrator *Counselor Sped director Core teacher Noncore teacher Sped teacher Function Monitor the system: --data collection --mentoring needs --plan for staff development --reflection on progress --creation of tools

30 What Has Worked Focus Team (Check & Connect Leadership Team) Check and Connect Coordinator Implementation support (ongoing PD)

31 What Has Worked Guarded time for mentors to meet in teams to collaborate and problem solve & guarded time for mentors to mentor Intervention Team Meetings: --Ongoing data collection and monitoring --Protocol to focus the work

32 Data Collection Form Name: Month -- February Check M1M1 Tu 2 W3W3 Th 4 F5F5 M8M8 Tu 9 W 10 Th 11 F 12 M 15 Tu 16 W 17 Th 18 F 19 M 22 Tu 23 W 24 Th 25 F 26 M1M1 Tu 2 W3W3 Th 4 F5F5 High risk for month Tardy Skip Absent Behavior referral Suspension/detention (in/out of school) Wednesday Recovery #D#F Behind in credits: Credits earned (this year) _________________ (total cumulative) _______________ Yes __________ No___________

33 Protocol Roles Data trends Previous “connect” strategies Strengths/Areas for growth Targeted behavior Targeted intervention strategy Intervention Details Communication Plan

34 Intervention Team Meeting Protocol Maryville High School Roles Date: Facilitator: Quarter: Timekeeper: Mentor: Recorder: Student: Data: Data Trends TardiesWhy?AbsentWhy? Discipline ReferralsWhy?D/FWhy? Social IsolationWhy?Wed. SchoolWhy? Couns. WatchWhy?CreditsWhy? PregnancyWhy?ELLWhy? Missing Information: Connects: (Revisit and report out on previous month's "connect" efforts.)

35 Targeted Intervention BehaviorTargeted Intervention Strategy 1) 2) Intervention Details Targeted Strategy #1Targeted Intervention Strategy #2 When will the strategy take place? Where will the strategy take place? Who will be responsible for carrying out the strategy? Communication Plan: (Indicate key individuals who will be communicating in order to reach success within the identified action steps.) With Parent With Student With Teacher Closure: Revisit key points here. Our Systems: Note any questions or "need for discussion" items that may benefit program implementation and/or Tier I.

36 PD Support Initial training of mentors and administrators Monthly staff development to support mentors: Relationships, Rigor, Relevance, types of engagement Implementation of intervention team meetings: facilitation support, individual conferencing with mentors Data collection and analysis (mentees and system)

37 Training “Content” Strategies for engaging students in school How dropout risk factors may be altered Basic and intensive dropout prevention interventions Skills of an effective Check & Connect Monitor/Mentor How Mentor works with students, families, and school staff Resources

38 Systems Monitoring





43 Tier I Tier II Tier III 80% 15 % 5%

44 Questions?

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