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Project KIDS Strategic Plan Analyzing the various alternative deployment strategies for Kinetic Interdisciplinary Digital Schools.

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1 Project KIDS Strategic Plan Analyzing the various alternative deployment strategies for Kinetic Interdisciplinary Digital Schools

2 What is Project KIDS? An e-learning environment in which students choose interdisciplinary topical contexts with which to learn subject area lessons Subjects are not organized into classes, but mastery of each subject area lesson counts fractionally toward subject area requirements

3 Environmental Analysis Strengths Flexibility Individualized Relevant to students Weaknesses Unconventional and unproven Difficult to Administer Technology will require upgrade Opportunities DESE Strategy Alternative school program Virtual school Challenges Scarcity of budgeted funds Scarcity of instructional technology staff Computer skills

4 Project KIDS Needs Assessment Scientists are increasingly recognizing the need for interdisciplinary education The APA recognizes the importance of varied instructional techniques The MO-DESE recognizes the need for increased use of technology in schools

5 Project KIDS Needs Assessment Missouri’s dropout rate is trending higher than 4% Missouri’s graduation rate is only roughly 85% Missouri’s attendance rate is only roughly 94% Missouri needs an alternative means to interest its students

6 Strategic Alternatives District Program Offered as an alternative curriculum for at-risk students Offered as a supplement to traditional classroom instruction Offered as a home-bound curriculum Virtual School Offered to home-schooled students within Missouri Offered as an alternative school for any school districts without one Offered as a credit recovery program

7 Financial Considerations District Program District faculty could assist with development Title II-D grants may contribute to technology improvements The MO-DESE Strategic Plan for Technology requires some of these resources Virtual School Retired faculty could assist with development Development costs may be funded by appropriations Operational costs may be funded by 85% reimbursement from districts

8 Recommendation: Do Both! Seek a resourceful district with energized faculty supplemented by recent retirees around the area Satisfy Missouri’s strategic technology plan objectives Secure Title II-D grants to fund development and the 85% MoVIP reimbursements to fund ongoing operations

9 How do we implement both? Hire a director to develop lessons with district faculty Coordinate lessons to form alternative curriculum Expand library of topical context lessons Market Project KIDS as a vendor for MoVIP Hire retirees, as necessary

10 Secondary Development Plan Assemble development teams of instructors from each secondary subject Establish grade-level expectations for subjects Explore topical contexts to teach GLEs for subjects Smaller development teams compose content

11 Secondary Development Team Development Coordinator Language Arts Instructor Math Instructor Health/PE Instructor Science Instructor Social Studies Instructor Business Instructor Linguistics Instructor Fine Arts Instructor

12 Elementary Development Plan After full implementation at secondary level & MoVIP Assemble development teams of instructors from each elementary grade Explore topical contexts to teach GLEs for subjects Smaller development teams compose content

13 Elementary Development Team Development Coordinator Kindergarten Instructor First Grade Instructor Second Grade Instructor Third Grade Instructor Fourth Grade Instructor Fifth Grade Instructor Sixth Grade Instructor Guidance Counselor

14 Measurements of Success standardized performance Project KIDS will be a success if participating students perform better on standardized tests. Whole- brained learning should increase understanding and improve performance.

15 Measurements of Success Dropout, home-schooling, and graduation rates Project KIDS will be a success if the alternative learning environment encourages more students to remain in school through graduation.

16 Measurements of Success MoVIP Reimbursements Project KIDS will be a success if the vendor fees from MoVIP exceed the cost of operating as its vendor. Plus, the district will retain reimbursements for its own MoVIP students.

17 Measurements of Success Technology plan’s best demonstrated practices Project KIDS will be a success if the district is distinguished as a best demonstrated practice for its implementation of the strategic technology plan.

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