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Chapter 17 Health Psychology.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 17 Health Psychology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 17 Health Psychology

2 Chapter Preview Health Psychology Making Positive Life Changes
Resources for Effective Life Change Towards a Healthier Body Role of Psychology in Living Well

3 Health Psychology & Behavioral Medicine
establishing health and preventing illness focuses on social, behavioral and cognitive factors Behavioral Medicine integrates behavioral and biomedical knowledge focuses on social, behavioral and biomedical factors Health Promotion Public Health IM: The Biopsychosocial Model Activity

4 Biopsychosocial Model
Health psychology integrates biological, psychological, and social factors in health.

5 Theoretical Models of Behavioral Change
Theory of Reasoned Action Effective change requires specific intentions about behavior positive attitude about the new behavior perceptions of social group support Theory of Planned Behavior Effective change also requires perceptions of control over the outcome

6 How Do Individuals Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes?
Stages of Change Model precontemplation contemplation preparation/determination action/willpower maintenance (avoiding relapse) IM: Handout 16.1: Walk Through the Stages

7 Stages of Change Model

8 Resources for Effective Life Change
Personal Motivation self determination theory intrinsic v. extrinsic motivation implementation intentions Why do we do the things we shouldn’t do? IM: Activity Handout 16.2: Tools for Stress, Quitting Drinking, and Stopping Spousal Abuse

9 Resources for Effective Life Change
Social Relationships tangible assistance information emotional support Religious Faith linked to longer, healthier life IM: Activity Handout 16.2: Tools for Stress, Quitting Drinking, and Stopping Spousal Abuse 9

10 Impact of Stress General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
alarm resistance exhaustion Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis (HPA) controls reactions to stressful events

11 General Adaptation Syndrome

12 Impact of Stress Psychoneuroimmunology
explores connections among psychological factors, nervous system, and immune system stress can profoundly affect immune system effects of acute stressors and chronic stressors IM: Becoming Physically Active and Eating Right Activity

13 Impact of Stress Cardiovasular Disease Cancer chronic emotional stress
major life changes increase risk Cancer stress inhibits cellular immune responses

14 Coping with Stress cognitive appraisal
emotion-focused v. problem-focused coping optimism hardiness sense of commitment and of control perceives problems as challenges, not threats stress management programs IM: Quitting Smoking Activity IM: AIDS Activity

15 Toward a Healthier Body
becoming physically active eating right quitting smoking Can you be fat and fit? IM: Quitting Smoking Activity IM: AIDS Activity 15

16 Chapter Summary Describe the scope of health psychology and behavioral medicine. Describe the various theoretical models of change. Discuss psychological and social resources that promote effective life change. Describe the impact of stress on health and discuss how stress can be controlled. Describe strategies for achieving a healthier body. Note: Instructors may use the learning objectives presented on this slide or the following two slides to summarize the chapter material.

17 Chapter Summary Health Psychology Theoretical Models of Change
health psychology and behavioral medicine biopsychosocial model Theoretical Models of Change theory of reasoned action theory of planned behavior stages of change model

18 Chapter Summary Resources for Effective Life Change Impact of Stress
motivation, social relationships, and religious faith Impact of Stress general adaptation syndrome psychoneuroimmunology Achieving a Healthier Body activity level, eating right, and quitting smoking

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