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Published byJaquelin Whittier Modified over 10 years ago
IMPROVING OUTCOMES AND SUPPORTING INNOVATION Dr Margaret Whoriskey Director, Joint Improvement Partnership Board
A Scottish Approach to Public Service Reform >Prevention – decisive shift: Reduce future demand by preventing problems arising or dealing with them early on. >Partnership – Bringing public, third and private sector partners together with communities to deliver shared outcomes that really matter to people. >People – We need to unlock the full creativity and potential of people at all levels of public service, empowering them to work together in innovative ways. We need to help create ways for people and communities to co-produce services around their skills and networks. >Performance – To demonstrate a sharp focus on continuous improvement of the national outcomes.
Our 2020 Vision… By 2020 everyone is able to live longer healthier lives at home, or in a homely setting.
Health & Social Care Integration Underpinned by Legislation: nationally agreed outcomes; 1.Healthier 2.Independent Living 3.Positive experiences and outcomes 4.Carers are supported 5.Services are safe 6.Engaged workforce 7.Effective resource use
Principals/Defining Outcome Focused Approach Understand outcomes as the impact or end result of support and/or services on a person’s life: BUT start by defining expectations and outcomes with the person Focus on strengths and capacities more than deficits Identify the person’s role as well as other people in their life and services Outcomes can be measured both for the individual and for the service as a whole Believing that the participation of the person is core to practice
What do we mean by outcomes? The “So what?” question – if we have provided support or service to someone, what did that achieve? Did the person benefit and how do they see it? This requires both the services, and the person themself to think through together what matters and how it can be best achieved. The big challenge is to develop what we often do well at the individual level to be the basis of our whole organisational approach – keeping people and what they want at the heart of everything we do. We refer to this as a personal outcomes approach.
Supporting people at Home
“Most older people (89.5%) do not receive ‘formal’ care in NHS continuing care, a care home or a home care service organised by social work agencies.”
Reshaping Care: Integration in Action 10 Year National Programme 2011-2021 £ 300 million Change Fund 2011 - 2015 32 Partnership Change Plans agreed by: NHS: primary, acute and mental health services Local Authority: social care and housing Third sector Independent sector Reshaping Care and Integration Improvement Network to support partnerships to transform care
Reshaping Care Pathway
The Change Fund and RCOP 2012/13– CF built on current initiatives and developments - Only 1-2% of total spend build on wide range of other innovative work underway early reflections on Joint Commissioning 2013/14 – Joint Commissioning Strategies with a 10 year horizon to shift the balance of care Change Plans as lever to change : Investing to maximise improvements in outcomes Maximising potential for resource shifts by bridging to new service models Investing to lever otherwise inaccessible resources
Going Forward: Joint Strategic Commissioning “all the activities involved in assessing and forecasting needs, links investment to agreed desired outcomes, considering options, planning the nature, range and quality of future services and working in partnership to put these in place.” First iteration prepared for 13/14 focusing on older people Will be a legislative requirement from 2015 onwards for all adult care groups National support programme launched areas/commissioning/ areas/commissioning/
Joint Commissioning Plans Increasing focus on dementia Post diagnostic support Focus on Physical environment, housing, adaptations, telecare Training for all Anticipatory care Reablement
What needs developed Need for better integration across mental health, older people services and support More focus required on post diagnostic support Support for care homes 8 Pillars – needs to be integrated in wider work Dementia friendly communities More opportunities for telecare More recognition and support for carers
Learning from demonstrators Communication tool app for phones and tablets for people with dementia Care and repair Perth and Kinross open access memory clinic and disinvestment from community hospital beds to alternative NHS services in the Strathmore locality Midlothian family group conferencing initiative and detailed IRF work with primary care North Lanarkshire dementia cafe work (for which they have received an award); reminiscence initiative re football; dementia friendly community work in Motherwell involving local traders and other statutory agencies; outreach from day care work. Housing initiative with all sites Reablement
Supporting Innovation at Scale
Expanding Range of Telecare Equipment Wristcare Medication Reminder Wayfinder Locator Epilepsy sensor
A useful enabler…
In five years to 31/3/2012, 325 users of the Renfrewshire Care 24 telecare service had dementia; over 30% of all users. The Service has provided a range of equipment including door contacts, pressure mats and bed monitors, operates a Responder service in the event of an alarm being triggered and has a specific dementia pathway; all with the aim of keeping these vulnerable people safely at home.
The Renfrewshire Telecare service estimated 114 hospital and 88 care home admissions were avoided by this group because of telecare.
For more info: @jitscotland
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