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School Wellness Policies School Nutrition Association.

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Presentation on theme: "School Wellness Policies School Nutrition Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Wellness Policies School Nutrition Association

2 Ice Breaker Activity 1. Name 2. School you represent 3. Your role in the wellness committee, if applicable

3 Presentation Objectives Overview of School Wellness Policies Changes to Policy Requirements Resources Available

4 Our Charge Help create environments in Indiana schools where the healthy choice is the easy choice.

5 Why is School Wellness Important? While children are eating more, they are also exercising less. This can affect not only their weight but their attitude, academic performance and overall well-being.

6 Why is School Wellness Important? Preventative measures in schools, communities and at home to reverse the trend of childhood obesity. Over 20 percent of the US population can be found in the school community.

7 School Wellness Policies On June 30, 2004, the President signed the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004. Section 204 of this law required school districts participating in the national school meals program to establish a local school wellness policy by school year 2006. This was reinforced and expanded in the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010.

8 School Wellness Policies Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) now requires that the local school wellness policy, at a minimum, include the following requirements…

9 Wellness Policy Requirements Wellness Committee consisting of… Parents Students School Food Authority Representatives PE Teachers (NEW*) School Health Professionals (NEW*) School Board School Administrators General Public

10 Wellness Policy Requirements Content for… Nutrition Promotion (NEW*) Nutrition Education Physical Activity Other School-Based Activities that promote student wellness Need two or more goals listed under each section in order to meet the requirements of the Law

11 Nutrition Goals: What Can Schools Do? Provide quality school breakfast & lunch programs Market & promote healthy items Design the lunch line in a way that promotes healthier options - Smarter Lunchrooms

12 Nutrition Goals: What Can Schools Do? Hold taste tests (Taste Test Tuesday) Encourage healthy eating by offering locally grown foods or starting a school garden - Farm to School

13 Wellness Policy Requirements Monitor, Assess, & Evaluate (NEW*) Have a plan for measuring effectiveness, that is measured periodically - using an evaluation tool Designate a person responsible for monitoring policy to ensure that each school complies Form an annual progress report

14 Wellness Policy Requirements Public Updates (NEW*) Inform & update … Parents students Staff community about the content and implementation

15 Wellness Policy Requirements USDA Requirements: Has assured that the School Meals meet the USDA requirements Nutrition Guidelines: Include nutrition guidelines to promote student health and reduce childhood obesity for all foods available in each school district

16 Wellness Policy Requirements DOE Oversight Included as part of the administrative review Every 3 years

17 Resources Available Indiana Healthy Schools Toolkit State Resources National Resources

18 Indiana Healthy Schools Toolkit Policy Development and Implementation Up-to-date Information on Requirements Model Policy and Indiana Examples

19 State Resources Indiana Healthy Weight Initiative – IDOE- Office of School & Community Nutrition – policy

20 National Resources Alliance for a Healthier Generation – Team Nutrition – Action for Healthy Kids – Let’s Move! –

21 Your Call to Action You can create opportunities for your students to make healthier choices.

22 Wellness Panelist Experts Diane Braun, School Nurse –Carmel Elementary Jessica Murray, Food Service Director –West Central School Corporation Kathy Steele, Superintendent –Crawfordsville Schools Robin Vida, Director of Health Education –St. Joseph County Health Depart.

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