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Presentation to the HKPR District Health Unit Board of Health September 18, 2014 Presented by Karen Pettinella Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to the HKPR District Health Unit Board of Health September 18, 2014 Presented by Karen Pettinella Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to the HKPR District Health Unit Board of Health September 18, 2014 Presented by Karen Pettinella Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Healthy Schools

2 Comprehensive School Health A Healthy School... Promotes physical, mental, social and spiritual health of the whole school community Constantly strengthens its capacity as a healthy setting for living, learning and working

3 World Health Organization Lead in Global School Health Initiative Countries involved include: 43 European countries Australia United States Canada

4 Healthy Schools Ontario’s Comprehensive School Health initiative Established in 2000 Ontario Ministry of Education – working together to make schools healthier places for students to learn and grow Supported by health units throughout Ontario

5 What are the benefits of becoming a Healthy School? Health and education are closely linked Healthy students are better learners A Healthy School approach improves: Health Wellness and Educational outcomes

6 Benefits for the Student Help them reach their full potential Improve learning, academic performance and success Link them to community services Help them develop: Confidence Self-esteem Resiliency skills So that they are more likely to be physically and emotionally healthy for life Learned healthy behaviours likely to continue in adulthood

7 Benefits for the School Staff A healthy school environment leads to: Improved learning environments Strengthens positive teacher-student bonds Improved job satisfaction Staff who participate in health promotion activities are more likely to model positive health messages on a daily basis Teachers can teach more effectively when their students are healthier

8 Benefits for the Family / Parent / Guardian Become more involved with their children, helping them apply and integrate the new health information they are learning Opportunities created to get more involved in the school community Learn about keeping their children and their families healthy Learn about community resources and services

9 Benefits for the School Community Build strong partnerships and communication networks while working together to address school needs Access to more community resources and services Priorities can be established Instructional and administrative time can be maximized Improves relationships among students, staff and parents

10 The Healthy Schools Approach Is ongoing, with participation and collaboration from the entire school community including: Students Parents School staff Community partners Identifies strengths and focuses on health issues specific to the needs and concerns of the school community Is based on the Foundations for a Healthy School – a framework for ensuring that the school’s planning processes are comprehensive

11 Foundations for a Healthy School The four Foundations for a Healthy School include: High quality instruction and programs A healthy physical environment A supportive social environment Community partnerships

12 The Healthy School Process Commit to the Healthy School process Form a Healthy School Committee - Include students, parents, school staff and community partners Identify school strengths and needs Celebrate strengths and identify a priority topic issue from survey results Develop an Action Plan using the Foundations for a Healthy School Celebrate your success! Plan for next year Review and Evaluate Carry out the Action Plan

13 CDIP Staff Commitment Schools and Youth Team of Public Health Professionals (PHP) Began promoting + supporting Healthy Schools in 2011 Presently working with and/or in contact with 32 schools throughout HKPR region and within 3 school boards 12 schools are committed to HS process 20 schools are potential Healthy Schools 7/12 Healthy Schools have surveyed their students, parents and school staff to identify strengths and needs

14 Survey Results Common school strengths identified include: Sports/clubs Friends/students School staff Top issues identified include: Anxiety / Stress Lack of outdoor shade Loneliness (boys) Bullying Difficulty getting along with others

15 Challenges Identified by CDIP Team Getting buy-in from schools Being able to move forward Working within the school’s time lines School readiness Finding a school champion Lack of student engagement by school staff

16 Our Schools and Youth Team are committed to supporting existing Healthy Schools in our region and are ready to assist potential schools who choose to become healthier school communities For more information about Healthy Schools, please contact Janet Leadbeater – Healthy Schools Lead Port Hope HKPRDHU office 905-885-9100 ext. 1244

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