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Quality Staff = Quality home

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1 Quality Staff = Quality home
Jaydee Swarbrick Professional Practice Lead Quality Directorate Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group

2 Workforce National Picture Registered nurses – Adult trained shortfall
Safe staffing guidance - move of focus to community settings bu care homes NOT included Health Education England – come back campaign Carers – Cavendish certificate Role of commissioners

3 Workforce Local Picture
Health Education Wessex – increased placed for adult nursing students Care certificate event to be planned – RBH to share experience from pilot project Social care recruitment – I care ambassadors Career development for care staff

4 Quality Staff – Quality Home Bournemouth University perspective
Belinda Humphries University Practice Learning Adviser

Able to understand the older person holistically To learn to use resources appropriately Understand the value of assessment skills Develop communication skills Realise the role of advocacy Awareness of services provided by the independent sector Awareness of regulatory bodies Awareness of growing emphasis on change of care provision from secondary to primary care

6 BENEFITS TO THE HOME Working partnerships and closer links between placement and the University Students will have access to evidence based practice and research. Encourages review of practice Students will have exposure and training in working in primary care enabling a future workforce to be competent in this setting. With a greater number of Care Homes engaged in training there will be more new graduates potentially considering their first post in this type of setting. Provides motivation to keep updated Support from other practitioners Raises the profile of the home Greater awareness of CPD opportunities on offer at Bournemouth University Opportunity for existing Nurses to develop and support students, enhancing their own practice and role satisfaction.

7 Opportunities for joint publications
Publication in Nursing Standard: Sept 2013: Better together Heidi Williams Care Home Manager at the Magna Care Centre supporting a first year student nurse Katie Allway.

8 Evaluations from Student Nurses
“I have really enjoyed my 3rd clinical placement and there has been a lot of learning opportunities and resources available. I feel I have benefited a great deal from the whole experience.” “ Caring for older people within an environment that is their home has provided new learning opportunities to caring for the older person in a hospital environment.” “ Although I have worked with older people before there were still things I have learnt.” “I have learnt a lot of new nursing skills… this placement has certainly been a positive experience” I believe I set my mentor a challenge in converting my views of nursing homes and I’m pleased to say that she succeeded!”

9 Bev Lockhart – Matron, Pinebeach
Care Home Matron’s perspective Valuing and retaining staff

10 Values Based recruitment
What are your provider values?

11 Values based recruitment
By end of october 2014 it is expected to become a legal requirement for nurses and midwives to hold an indemnity arrangement in order to be registered with the NMC UK govt consultation last year, mandating professional indemnity for all healthcare professions Self employed need to ensure cover in place Other providers – non NHS – check cover in place

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