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The rider and the elephant...

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Presentation on theme: "The rider and the elephant..."— Presentation transcript:

1 The rider and the elephant...
Using Chip & Dan Heath’s ‘Switch-when change is hard’ and " The Happiness Hypothesis" by J . Haidt and Steve Harrisons tool for making it all useable to find good injections to core conflicts

2 For things to change , somebody somewhere has to start acting differently.

3 For things to change , somebody somewhere has to start acting differently.
Maybe its you , maybe its your team or your client.

4 For things to change , somebody somewhere has to start acting differently.
Maybe its you , maybe its your team or your client. Picture that Person or People.

5 A useful Meta4 to think of is that of the elephant and the rider
A useful Meta4 to think of is that of the elephant and the rider. From " The Happiness Hypothesis" by J . Haidt

6 A useful Meta4 to think of is that of the elephant and the rider
A useful Meta4 to think of is that of the elephant and the rider. From " The Happiness Hypothesis" by J . Haidt

7 A useful Meta4 to think of is that of the elephant and the rider
A useful Meta4 to think of is that of the elephant and the rider. From " The Happiness Hypothesis" by J . Haidt Our rational side is it's Rider.

8 A useful Meta4 to think of is that of the elephant and the rider
A useful Meta4 to think of is that of the elephant and the rider. From " The Happiness Hypothesis" by J . Haidt Our rational side is it's Rider. Our emotional side is the Elephant.

9 Perched atop the elephant the rider holds the reins and seems to be the leader. BUT the riders control is so precarious because the rider is so small compared to the elephant.

10 Perched atop the elephant the rider holds the reins and seems to be the leader. BUT the riders control is so precarious because the rider is so small compared to the elephant. Anytime the 6 ton elephant and the rider disagree about direction for long..... the rider is going to lose in the end....


12 The weakness of the elephant: lazy, skittish , looking for instant gratification, the quick payoff.

13 The weakness of the elephant: lazy, skittish , looking for instant gratification, the quick payoff.

14 The strength of the rider: The ability to see ahead, think long term beyond the moment.

15 The strength of the rider: The ability to see ahead, think long term beyond the moment.

16 The weakness of the elephant: lazy, skittish , looking for instant gratification, the quick payoff.
The strength of the rider: The ability to see ahead, think long term beyond the moment.

17 Emotion and logic often play a big part in our personal dilemmas...

18 Emotion and logic often play a big part in our personal dilemmas...
Be healthier STOP SMOKING Happy & Whole KEEP SMOKING Cope with stress

19 Logic tells us we should stop..We know its bad.
Emotion and logic often play a big part in our personal dilemmas... Logic tells us we should stop..We know its bad. Be healthier STOP SMOKING Happy & Whole KEEP SMOKING Cope with stress

20 Emotion and logic often play a big part in our personal dilemmas...
Logic tells us we should stop..We know its bad. Be healthier STOP SMOKING Happy & Whole KEEP SMOKING Cope with stress But our lazy/ skittish nature prefers instant gratification

21 HOWEVER..... The strength of the elephant: Getting things done, energy & drive.

22 HOWEVER..... The strength of the elephant: Getting things done, energy & drive.

23 The weakness of the rider: Over analysis , over thinking things
The weakness of the rider: Over analysis , over thinking things. Spinning its wheels.

24 The weakness of the rider: Over analysis , over thinking things
The weakness of the rider: Over analysis , over thinking things. Spinning its wheels.

25 The strength of the elephant: Getting things done, energy & drive.
HOWEVER..... The strength of the elephant: Getting things done, energy & drive. The weakness of the rider: Over analysis , over thinking things. Spinning its wheels.

26 And again emotion and logic often play a big part in our personal dilemmas...
Growth Change Happy & Whole ? Security Don’t change

27 Emotional elephant give us drive and energy...
And again emotion and logic often play a big part in our personal dilemmas... Emotional elephant give us drive and energy... Growth Change Happy & Whole Security Don’t change

28 And again emotion and logic often play a big part in our personal dilemmas...
Growth Change Happy & Whole ? Security Don’t change But with too many choices/ risks the rider is confused and lost and drives elephant in circles

29 Emotional elephant give us drive and energy...
And again emotion and logic often play a big part in our personal dilemmas... Emotional elephant give us drive and energy... Growth Change Happy & Whole ? Security Don’t change But with too many choices/ risks the rider is confused and lost and drives elephant in circles

30 And again... Secure future Save Money Happy & Whole Go out
Have fun today

31 Rider tells us we should be sensible./ sees big negatives..
And again... Rider tells us we should be sensible./ sees big negatives.. Secure future Save Money Happy & Whole Go out Have fun today

32 The elephant desires instant gratification
And again... Secure future Save Money Happy & Whole Go out Have fun today The elephant desires instant gratification

33 And again... Rider tells us we should be sensible./ sees big negatives.. Secure future Save Money Happy & Whole Go out Have fun today The elephant desires instant gratification

34 Both common sense and TOC tell us that we must satisfy both the needs of the rider and the needs of the elephant when we look for a good solution...

35 Both common sense and TOC tell us that we must satisfy both the needs of the rider and the needs of the elephant when we look for a good solution... Growth + Security = Good solution

36 But how to ensure we don’t get angry (emotional) or lost (in logic) along the way...
Growth + Security = Poor solution...?


38 We must shape the path and appeal to the better qualities of both our rider (logical) and elephants (emotional) needs...

39 We must shape the path and appeal to the better qualities of both our rider (logical) and elephants (emotional) needs... Security Growth Growth Security

40 So to change things, we need to :
1. DIRECT the rider & 2. MOTIVATE the elephant & 3. SHAPE the path And when we do all 3 well, change happens .

41 When looking to tackle your core dilemma it might be useful to look for injections/ solutions/ideas that tend to drive the positive traits of our rational AND emotional sides. The drive, the energy AND the logic, the foresight ...

42 When looking to tackle your core dilemma it might be useful to look it terms of things that tend to drive the positive traits of our rational AND emotional sides. The drive, the energy AND the logic, the foresight ... And avoid the negative aspects like laziness, confusion....

43 When looking to tackle your core dilemma it might be useful to look it terms of things that tend to drive the positive traits of our rational AND emotional sides. The drive, the energy AND the logic, the foresight ... And avoid the negative aspects like laziness, confusion.... Direct the Rider Motivate the Elephant Shape the Path

44 Here’s some tips about how to do each...
Direct the Rider Motivate the Elephant Shape the Path Find & Follow the Bright Spots Investigate what’s working and clone it. Find the Feeling Knowing something isn’t enough to cause change. Make people feel something. Tweak the Environment When the situation changes, the behaviour changes. So change the situation. Script the Critical Moves Don’t think big picture, think in terms of specific behaviours Shrink the Change Break down the change until it no longer spooks the elephant Build Habits When behaviour is habitual its free…it doesn’t tax the rider. Look for ways to encourage habits. Point to the destination Change is easier when you know where your going and why its worth it Grow your People Cultivate a sense of identity and instil the growth mindset Rally the Herd Behaviour is contagious. Help it spread.

45 Here’s some tips about how to do each...
Direct the Rider Motivate the Elephant Shape the Path Find & Follow the Bright Spots Investigate what’s working and clone it. Find the Feeling Knowing something isn’t enough to cause change. Make people feel something. Tweak the Environment When the situation changes, the behaviour changes. So change the situation. Script the Critical Moves Don’t think big picture, think in terms of specific behaviours Shrink the Change Break down the change until it no longer spooks the elephant Build Habits When behaviour is habitual its free…it doesn’t tax the rider. Look for ways to encourage habits. Point to the destination Change is easier when you know where your going and why its worth it Grow your People Cultivate a sense of identity and instil the growth mindset Rally the Herd Behaviour is contagious. Help it spread.

46 Here’s some tips about how to do each...
Direct the Rider Motivate the Elephant Shape the Path Find & Follow the Bright Spots Investigate what’s working and clone it. Find the Feeling Knowing something isn’t enough to cause change. Make people feel something. Tweak the Environment When the situation changes, the behaviour changes. So change the situation. Script the Critical Moves Don’t think big picture, think in terms of specific behaviours Shrink the Change Break down the change until it no longer spooks the elephant Build Habits When behaviour is habitual its free…it doesn’t tax the rider. Look for ways to encourage habits. Point to the destination Change is easier when you know where your going and why its worth it Grow your People Cultivate a sense of identity and instil the growth mindset Rally the Herd Behaviour is contagious. Help it spread.

47 Here’s some tips about how to do each...
Direct the Rider Motivate the Elephant Shape the Path Find & Follow the Bright Spots Investigate what’s working and clone it. Find the Feeling Knowing something isn’t enough to cause change. Make people feel something. Tweak the Environment When the situation changes, the behaviour changes. So change the situation. Script the Critical Moves Don’t think big picture, think in terms of specific behaviours Shrink the Change Break down the change until it no longer spooks the elephant Build Habits When behaviour is habitual its free…it doesn’t tax the rider. Look for ways to encourage habits. Point to the destination Change is easier when you know where your going and why its worth it Grow your People Cultivate a sense of identity and instil the growth mindset Rally the Herd Behaviour is contagious. Help it spread.

48 Gratefully received at
Any thoughts? Gratefully received at

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