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Sustainable Housing, Special Needs Housing and Disaster Response Presented By Bill Ulm Director of Rental Production Heather Bradley-Geary Community Initiatives.

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2 Sustainable Housing, Special Needs Housing and Disaster Response Presented By Bill Ulm Director of Rental Production Heather Bradley-Geary Community Initiatives Manager

3 Agenda I.Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) overview II.Sustainable Housing III.Special Needs Housing IV.Joplin Disaster Response V.Questions

4 I. MHDC Overview

5 Mission Missouri Housing Development Commission is dedicated to strengthening communities and the lives of Missourians through the financing, development and preservation of affordable housing.

6 WHO WE ARE MHDC is committed to strengthening communities through the financing, development and preservation of affordable housing. The commission administers the federal and Missouri Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) programs, federal HOME funds, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Project Based Section 8 rental assistance contracts, the direct MHDC funding of several housing assistance programs, the Affordable Housing Assistance Program Tax Credit and the Missouri Housing Trust Fund to help prevent homelessness and to provide emergency housing assistance for very low-income Missourians.

7 Qualified Allocation Process DRAFT approval Public Hearings Commission approval

8 II. Sustainable Housing

9 What is Sustainable Housing? More than energy efficiency and reduced energy costs Method used to build properties that put less stress on our environmental resources while making the housing healthier and more economical for both renters and owners

10 Missouri Requirements for Sustainable Housing Beginning in 2011, MHDC required new rental housing developments be built to one of three green building rating systems: 1. NAHB 2. Enterprise Green Communities 3. LEED

11 Items addressed by the green building rating systems Energy Efficiency Better indoor air quality for residents Water conservation Sending less construction waste to landfills Protecting environmentally sensitive areas such as streams and rivers that are part of our water supply Transportation options for residents Reducing the frequency of storm water and sewer systems becoming overloaded Using recycled materials to reduce the rate landfills fill up

12 How the Program Works Rating systems for owners/developers to become certified or build to a certification level without getting a formal certificate Projects becomes certified by attaining a certain number of points from a predetermined scoring system 6-8 broad categories of interest such as water conservation, indoor environmental quality, and energy efficiency. Point levels required for certification here are the NAHB levels. Bronze 222 points, Silver 406 points, Gold 558 points, Emerald 697 points

13 NAHB building system Lot Design, Preparation, and Development Resource Efficiency Energy Efficiency Water Efficiency Indoor Environmental Quality Operation, Maintenance, and Building Owner Education

14 What are the benefits of Green Building? Healthier indoor air quality Increasing available landfill space Less stress on our water and sewer systems Less stress on our power grids Transportation options Protection of limited natural resources

15 What is the cost? Increased architectural fees Costs associated with additional insulation, energy star appliances, high efficiency windows and paint without VOC’s Third party verification that the HVAC system is performing to specifications Purchasing materials with recycled content Implementing a construction waste management system

16 How is Missouri doing vs. other states? In 2008, Missouri received a “C” and was ranked 30 th In 2009, Missouri received a “B-“ and was ranked 24 th In 2010, Missouri received a “B-“ and was ranked 24 th

17 III. Special Needs Housing

18 Special Needs Housing 33% is a priority, outside of geographic regions Integrated Housing vs. Permanent Supportive Housing

19 Definition Physical, mental, or emotional impairment, which is expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration; substantially impedes his or her ability to live independently Person diagnosed with a mental illness Person who has a developmental disability Person who is homeless Youth aging out of foster care

20 Attachments Draft referral and support agreement with Lead Referral Agency (LRA) Description of LRA experience Marketing Plan Supportive Services Plan Affordability Plan (rental assistance) Detailed Services Budget

21 LRA Role Designate a point of contact Process referrals Update and maintain waiting list Collaborate in arranging rental assistance Provide support services Participate in Continuum of Care 15-year compliance period

22 Development Owner Role Agree that targeted units will not be segregated Agree to provide reasonable accommodations Ensure that the targeted units remain available for the 15-year compliance period

23 Management Role Notify LRA of available reserved units in a timely manner Collaborate with LRA, as the service provider Use LRA as main point of contact Notify LRA of any issues Lease up-90 days After lease up-30 days

24 Ideas Are supportive services within proximity of the community No segregation Community space Roles of management/LRA

25 Rental Assistance Shelter Plus Care Supportive Housing Program Rental Assistance Program Project Based Section 8 Section 8 vouchers Housing First 811 PRA Demo project VASH Missouri Housing Trust Fund Emergency Solutions Grant

26 Service-Enriched Housing “More than Housing” Detailed supportive services plan Detailed services budget Letters of intent

27 Preferred Services After school programming Resident meetings Financial literacy Food pantries Computer labs Transportation Nutrition classes Health screenings Exercise programs

28 IV. Joplin Disaster Response

29 Joplin Statistics…One Year Later 123 households have received Consumer Credit Counseling 54 households assisted with Mo-Aid $958,983 assisted homeowners with rehab and home repair $4,499,500 in Federal 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits $4,289,500 in State 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits $600,000 in HOME Funds $520,000 in MHDC funds

30 Joplin Statistics…One Year Later $1.6M in Missouri Housing Trust Funds to meet emergency housing needs; have served 1912 households Provided direct case management to 364 households (Resource and Recovery office) 200 households in THUs (586 to begin)

31 Rental Production Update in Joplin 31 applications received in 2011 ▫21 in City of Joplin ▫2 in Duquesne ▫4 in Webb City ▫2 in Carl Junction ▫2 in Neosho Public hearings and review process

32 Rental Production Units in Joplin 8 applications approved Property Name Location # of Units Population Served Disaster Zone Delaware Duplexes Joplin 20 Family Yes Canyon Trails Webb City 52 Family Eagle Ridge Joplin 40 Family Yes Parkwood Senior Joplin 42 Seniors Union City Homes Joplin 38 Family Yes Forest Park Apts Joplin 32 Family Yes Hampshire Terrace Joplin 84 Family Yes Hope Cottages Joplin 32 Family Yes Total 340

33 Current Status in Joplin Seven of eight properties under construction Units coming on line in September 2012 All 340 units on line and available by June 30, 2013

34 V. Questions

35 Bill Ulm Director of Rental Production (816) 759-6882 Heather Bradley-Geary Community Initiatives Manager (816) 759-7201


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