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Hearing Transportation and Public Safety Committee Senator Bobby Joe Champion SF 271 Driver’s License For All.

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Presentation on theme: "Hearing Transportation and Public Safety Committee Senator Bobby Joe Champion SF 271 Driver’s License For All."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hearing Transportation and Public Safety Committee Senator Bobby Joe Champion SF 271 Driver’s License For All

2 SF 271, Why this is important? It’s a public safety issue, and affects all of us. Creates safer roads. Increases the number of insured drivers. Decreases the number of car accidents. Protects the civil rights of all our residents. Creates family stability and healthier communities. Promotes integration and collaboration between the immigrant community and local governments. We all win: In 2010 the Latino buying power in Minnesota totaled $ 5.1 billion. Source 1 Latino-owned businesses had sales and receipts of $ 1.6 billion and employed 5,970 people in Minnesota. Source 1 If all unauthorized immigrant were removed from Minnesota, the state would lose $ 4.4 billion in economic activity, $2.0 billion in gross state product and approximately 24,299 jobs. Source 1 We all win, businesses will be better equipped to recruit and retain workers, workers will have the ability have access and mobility to jobs. We can help to create financial stability in our communities of color. Economy Immigrants boost tax revenue and enlarge taxpayer base As baby boomers retire, immigrants will increasingly be critical for continued economic growth and ensuring a steady flow of new workers. The U.S. needs new taxpayers to help fund Social Security and Medicare and new workers to fill retirees’ positions and provide health care services. Source 2 Minnesota’s future Immigrants and their children are fundamental to secure a better future for all Minnesotans Source 1, Immigrant Policy Center 2010 Source 2 Council of the Americas 2013

3 ONE BIG FACT: Almost 80% of all people in Minnesota drive alone to get to work!

4 SF 271 Driver’s License Modification Providing the tools to sustain and grow Minnesota’s prosperity Increasingly, given Minnesota’s racial and ethnic demographic shifts, the workforce essential to sustain and grow Minnesota’s prosperity will need to be developed from the state’s population of people of color and immigrants. Given that many immigrants are not able to apply and receive a driver’s license, their mobility to work and ability to obtain jobs is significantly reduced. SF 271 would modify the Minnesota driver’s license procedure to allow an official form of government identification (e.g. passport) issued by a country other than the United States to be used as a primary document to apply for a driver’s license. SF 271 would ensure that all drivers from Minnesota can operate a vehicle safely and have an official identification issued by our state. This public policy would protect public safety and strengthen the work law enforcement does with the immigrant community. Providing the tools to all of our residents Minnesota’s economy will be stronger if we harness the talents and ingenuity of striving, hopeful immigrants. Proof of Identity Testing MN Driver’s License To apply for a Minnesota driver's license you may present a: Minnesota driver's license, instruction permit or state identification card that is current. If you do not have one of these items, you must present one primary and one secondary form of identification. The primary document must contain your full legal name (first, middle and last) and the month, day and year of your birth. SF 271 would add a primary document to the list of identification requirements, e.g. passport. Knowledge (Written) Test: The test contains multiple choice and True/False questions that show how well you know and understand Minnesota traffic laws and road signs. Skills (Road) Test: The test consists of a demonstration of your vehicle's safety equipment, your vehicle control skills and a driving performance test. You are tested on your ability to drive a motor vehicle safely under normal traffic conditions SF 271 Impact: Safer roads Insured drivers Strengthened the work of law enforcement Improved relations with the immigrant community Businesses will be able to recruit and retain workers Stronger economy Better Minnesota Current Procedures in Minnesota

5 Current Procedures: 1. Proof of Identity To apply for a Minnesota driver's license, identification card or instruction permit, you may present: A Minnesota driver's license, instruction permit or state identification card that is current or expired for five years or less if it has a photo, one year or less if it does not have a photo. Source Minnesota Department of Public Safety DVS division, 2013 If you do not have one of these items, you must present one primary and one secondary form of identification. Source Minnesota Department of Public Safety DVS division, 2013 The primary document must contain: Your full legal name (first, middle and last) and The month, day and year of your birth.

6 SF 271 = Modification to proof of identity The bill would allow a government identification (e.g. passport) issued by a country other than the United States to be used as a primary document to apply for a driver’s license The government identification must contain: The full name and date of birth of the cardholder; A photograph identifying the cardholder; A unique identification number; and, A security features that make the card as impervious to alteration as is reasonably practicable in its design and quality if material and technology, using materials that are not readily to the general public.

7 Current Procedures: 2. Testing SF 271 Does not change the testing requirements. It will ensure that all drivers from Minnesota can operate a vehicle safely Knowledge (Written) Test: The test contains multiple choice and True/False questions that show how well you know and understand Minnesota traffic laws and road signs. Source Minnesota Department of Public Safety DVS division, 2013 Skills (Road) Test: The test consists of a demonstration of your vehicle's safety equipment, your vehicle control skills and a driving performance test. You are tested on your ability to drive a motor vehicle safely under normal traffic conditions. Source Minnesota Department of Public Safety DVS division, 2013 Have a vision test Have a photo taken Pay appropriate fees

8 SH 271 Impact Would ensure that all drivers from Minnesota can operate a vehicle safely and have an official form of identification issued by our state. This public policy would protect public safety and strengthen the work law enforcement does with the immigrant communities. SF271 will: Create safer roads Increase number of insured drivers Strengthened the work of law enforcement Improve relations with the immigrant community Support businesses to recruit and retain workers Help and foster our economy Create family stability and healthier communities

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