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Urgent and Emergency Care Programme The journey so far… Suzanne Hughes October 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Urgent and Emergency Care Programme The journey so far… Suzanne Hughes October 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urgent and Emergency Care Programme The journey so far… Suzanne Hughes October 2014

2 System Reconfigurations eg Healthier Together GP Pharmacist Urgent Care Community Teams Urgent Care Centre Hospital ED Virtual Wards Community Services Community Pharmacist Role: prescribing Increase GP & PN numbers Develop paramedic workforce Advanced Practition- ers Increase trainee numbers, review consultant contracts, Advanced Practitioners Integrated teams: health & social care Clinicians enabling patients to self care (LTC) Urgent & Emergency Care Review Initial View of the Programme: July 2014 Systems wide change management, effective programme management 999 NWAS


4 Uncertainty of future provision of services per organisation – system reconfigurations & service reconfigurations Pharmacist Urgent Care Community Teams Urgent Care Centre Virtual Wards Community Services Anecdotal: many prescribers, few commissioned service GP recruitment & retention, PN workforce ‘timebomb’ Impact of performance targets, impact on emergency vehicles, paramedics or nursing Walk in/Urgent/Pr imary Care Centres? Co- located? Skill mix? Consultant, Middle Grade & nursing R&R, Staff morale, increased demand, 4hr target, ‘exit blocking’, career pathways, inappropriate admissions, urgent v. emergency Integrated teams: health & social care Clinicians enabling patients to self care (LTC) Urgent & Emergency Care Review The changing landscape: August 2014 – October 2014 Financial constraints, competitive organisations, silo working Emergency Centres & Specialist Emergency Centres Moving services out of hospital – self care General Election Hospital ED Team identity & interaction, career framework, leadership skills, training for future requirements Data? 111? 999 NWAS GP

5 Workforce Planning Education & Training Transformation New Roles FFP Workforce Education & Training FFP Professional & non-prof. training Plans for future health workforce

6 Projects & Opportunities Projects: – HEI Innovation Fund – Overseas Doctors Programme Opportunities: – Physician Associate Education development – Paramedic development – ED Leadership & team development – Career Framework design for non medical workforce – Emergency Medicine trainee improvement – Advanced Clinical Practitioner mapping – Pharmacist development – acute & community – North West International Recruitment – Pre-reg education and training review – fit for future health service needs? – ED AHPs – HCS – pathology, critical care scientists etc – Non professional groups Band 4 and below review

7 Next Steps Start to engage with CCGs, Public Health, Social Services and Military Services 03/12/14 Stakeholder Engagement Event – focus on Physician Associates 08/12/14 Leadership Forum Development Event – focus on developing a thought leadership forum to develop the vision and guide the programme

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