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Expanding Health Eating Policies – Nova Scotia Context.

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Presentation on theme: "Expanding Health Eating Policies – Nova Scotia Context."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expanding Health Eating Policies – Nova Scotia Context

2 C reating Supportive Environments for Healthy Eating & Physical Activity A policy and environment approach 2

3 Why we need Thrive! Abundant, cheap processed food Increasingly stressed for time Food and lifestyle marketing Communities designed for cars Sitting at desks, cars, screens

4 Plan and Build Healthier Communities Equip People with Skills and Knowledge for Lifelong Health Support a Healthy Start for Children and Families 1 2 4 4

5 3. Opportunities to Eat Well & Be Active Support food policies in public institutions –Schools, child care, DHAs, sport & recreation facilities, colleges and universities, NS government –Breakfast Program transition (Nourish NS) Increase participation in after school Physical activity programs - Implement Community use of schools grant - Community based programming for junior high students 5

6 6

7 Healthy Eating Policies in District Health Authorities Focus on the retail food service Have had success with vendors changing products

8 Thrive! Healthy Eating Grants for Publically Funded Institutions 23 projects funded = $385,689 Focus on healthcare, municipalities, post- secondary institutions and sport and recreation


10 Healthy Eating in Recreation and Sport Setting Developed guidelines at the provincial level (graphic design pending) Looked at foods sold and served, fundraising, marketing and advertising, breastfeeding, local food etc.

11 Traditional Concession


13 Equipment Grants ~ 30 grants Curling rinks, community centres, mutli- purpose facilities, ice arenas Removal of deep fat fryer was required Up to $15,000 available

14 DHA/IWK Policy Working on one policy for the province Building on current work Focus on retail Similar nutrient criteria used across settings

15 University/ College Environmental Scan of the food environment complete Currently analyzing results Individually university/colleges are doing a lot of work –Dalhousie University procures 30-55% of their food locally –Very student body driven

16 Department of Health and Wellness Healthy Eating Policy Came into place in September 2014 Applies to catering and fundraising Hoping to expand to other government departments

17 Common Issues Between Settings Fundraising Sponsorship Product procurement Showing the “worth” – monitoring and evaluation

18 Thank you!

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