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Sheri Barke, MPH, RD, CSSD Sports & Wellness Dietitian COC Student Health Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Sheri Barke, MPH, RD, CSSD Sports & Wellness Dietitian COC Student Health Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sheri Barke, MPH, RD, CSSD Sports & Wellness Dietitian COC Student Health Center

2 ECUADOR - $31.58 / WEEK UNITED STATES - $341.98/WEEK “What the World Eats” – Weekly food of 15 families around the globe, photographed by Peter Menzel in The Hungry Planet.

3 Eat food. REAL (unprocessed) food! vs. Eat the right nutrients. Avoid the wrong nutrients. What Slowly dine, with others, mindfully. Focus on quality. vs. Quickly eat on-the-run, alone, mindlessly. Focus on quantity. How Eat to live. Eat to be healthy & happy. vs. Live to eat. Eat to lose weight & get lean. Why

4 Nutrient-enhanced processed foods/bevg Cereals, bars, fruit drinks, etc. with added antioxidants, fibers, omega 3s… Nutrient-engineered sport (or weight loss) foods/bevg Designer protein or meal replacement bars/shakes Disguised junk foods/bevg Fat free, sugar free, low carb, light, diet… Gluten free, no HFCS, no trans, organic

5 “Modernized” eating  Grab food that is fast, cheap, and convenient  Focus on quantity  Snack/graze alone  Use external cues to stop eating (i.e. plate empty, 100 cal packs, diets/calorie counts). “Traditional” eating  Take time to prepare and savor food  Focus on quality  Share meals with others  Listen to body’s internal cues for satiety Who feels more satisfied physically, emotionally, and spiritually? Who tends to be healthier, happier, and leaner?

6  Healthy eating + activity leads to leanness. But, leanness doesn’t always lead to health + fitness.  Diet drugs (Phen/fen, Meridia, Orlistat/Alli, anabolic steroids)  Diet supplements/teas (stimulants, laxatives)  Surgery (Gastric bypass, lap-band, tummy tucks/lipo)  Extreme diets (The Biggest Loser)  Disordered Eating (restrict, binge, purge)  Eating for weight control (instead of health & pleasure) often causes emotional distress.  Guilt and shame for eating  Anxiety and fear of food

7  Why people fast?  Traditionally… for religious/spiritual purposes  Currently… for weight loss & “detox” purposes  Does “the Master Cleanse” (and other detox diets) work?  cause rapid fat loss?  rid the body of toxins?  improve systemic health?  boost energy/vitality?

8  What are they?  Why they work (in short term)?  Why they fail (in long term)?

9 Eat food. REAL (unprocessed) food! Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, fish, and oils. Some meat, dairy, and sweets. What Slowly dine, with others, mindfully. Focus on quality. Take time to prepare and savor meals. How Eat to live. Eat to be healthy & happy. Leanness will naturally follow. Why

10 BOOKSCOMING THIS SPRING!  Food Rules: An Eater’s Manifesto  by Michael Pollan (2009)  Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works  by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch (2003)

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