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#EMF2014 Pilot Project Launch. How low-income families are impacted by lack of transportation #EMF2014.

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Presentation on theme: "#EMF2014 Pilot Project Launch. How low-income families are impacted by lack of transportation #EMF2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 #EMF2014 Pilot Project Launch

2 How low-income families are impacted by lack of transportation #EMF2014

3 First – let’s look at what some of the research on transportation to jobs says #EMF2014

4 Per the Opportunities Collaborative Six Barriers to Employment: Basic Skills Industry and Career Transportation and Housing Social Skills Structural Racism System Limitations #EMF2014

5 Public Transportation Systems Designed to get into the center not to suburban job sites Schedules focused on weekday rush hours Changes to schedules take years to evaluate and adjust Best alternative to move the most people Most new jobs are created in the suburbs Entry level jobs are often for 2nd/3rd shifts or weekends Commutes by public transportation often take more than 90 minutes ‘Last Mile’ to job site is problematic in weather Per Various Studies CURRENT SITUATION PROBLEM #EMF2014

6 Solving transportation issues helps users overcome psychological barriers to obtaining and keeping jobs For every $1 of cost there is a $1.90 of net economic gain For every $1 of cost there is $1.50 of return to the ‘non-user (taxpayer) in future taxes and social benefits For every $1 in cost there is a personal benefit of $3.50 to the user of the transportation Spending is likely to “jump-start” the user on a lifetime trajectory of lifetime earnings growth JARC program – Economic Benefits Study Professor Piyushimita Thakuriah, U of Ill. Transportation systems pay for themselves #EMF2014

7 Keys to Success in improving Transportation * JARC Transportation Study – Professor Piyushaimota Thakuriah Plan/Plan/Plan – statewide/regional/city Transportation Coordinator bridge between govt agencies Private sector involvement Users viewed as customers Program funds to market / publicize the project Includes City, County, State initiatives BWIB Transportation Committee + VFC Employer inclusion Residents inclusion Marketing funds will be budgeted JARC STUDY* OUR PLAN #EMF2014

8 Local Baltimore Area Statistics 81,000 Unemployed in the Metropolitan Region 15% Unemployed City wide 80,000 Baltimore city residence with no access to a vehicle EDBI East Baltimore Project area Unemployment Rate: 33% # of Households: 1,529 – 1,000 (with no access to car) Percentage below the poverty line: 45%

9 #EMF2014 There are More Jobs in the Region Outside the City than inside Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance – Vital Statistics – 12 th Edition

10 #EMF2014 Baltimore Statistics Unemployment Rate

11 #EMF2014 EBDI Pilot Transportation Projects

12 #EMF2014 Opportunities Collaborative Mayor’s Office of Employment Development -Baltimore Work Force Investment Board Central MD Transportation Alliance The Annie E. Casey Foundation America Works of Maryland Central Maryland Regional Transit And many others We want to thank these organizations and their representatives who have helped us to date and are as passionate as we are in helping people have improved access to transportation

13 #EMF2014 East Baltimore Transportation Initiative - Goals 1.Increase access to jobs 2.Increase access to health care and healthy living options 3.Increase access to adult education, and job training 4.Improve family access to before/after school and leisure activities 5.Can be replicated in other neighborhoods and cities Translating into healthier, more financially stable neighborhoods Develop a Series of Transportation Initiatives that:

14 #EMF2014 Proposed Area of Focus

15 #EMF2014 So what are we proposing to do??? 1.Hire and train and locate in the neighborhood Transportation Experts on “how to get there from here”. 6. Expand Bike share and other bike programs 2.Initiate a Van share program to go from the city to employment hubs 3.Provide Vehicles For Change (VFC) cars for hard to reach jobs 4. Expand “Last Mile” Programs 5. Coordinate buses/vans to Grocery and other stores; job training; and to non local medical facilities

16 #EMF2014 What’s the First step? Open an office + hire local staff who are experts in how to get there from here.

17 #EMF2014 Local Office / Transportation Experts Be in and of the community to help people get to there from here Attend and present at community events Knowledgeable about public transportation, having access and skills on all the transportation web sites Coordinate with the local bike and ride share programs Coordinate the store and shopping bus programs Manage and act as dispatcher for the van share program. Recruiting and managing drivers and vans Resource point for VFC and other vehicle programs

18 #EMF2014 Van Share Program Initiate commuter vans from East Baltimore to employment hubs 4– 6 passengers per van Vans provided by VFC Riders share the operating costs Drivers ‘earn’ car van ownership over four years Office manages, recruits, schedules drivers & vans Vans available during off hours for Doctor trips and emergency pick-ups on a rotating basis. Dispatching done by office

19 #EMF2014 Van Share Program Example VA Hospital in Perryville Entry level and Middle class jobs available – 23 $25- $50 K – 28 $50 - $75 K Commute by train/bus/walk takes 1:52 (40 miles or 53 minutes by van share) “Last mile” from MARC Station is 0.9 Miles Trains do not run on Sunday East Baltimore residents could obtain these jobs if the commute was reasonable

20 #EMF2014 Van Share Costs Vans provided by VFC 80 Mile round trip – Gas $16 ( 20 miles /gal @ $4) – Tolls$ 8 – Repairs $ 8 (10 cents per mile) – Insurance$ 4 ($1,000 ) – Driver$67 ($15 / HR + SS) Driver earns Ownership in vehicle Fully loaded cost per rider (May initially be subsidized) $25 at 4 to van $17 at 6 to van Riders save One Hour of time each way!! Can we get the employers to share in this cost.

21 #EMF2014 Vehicles for Change Program Make a select # of Vehicles available for individual / families in East Baltimore Can not get to employment via reasonable travel on mass transit nor are there Van share routes available. Meet all regular program qualifications – Valid / clean Drivers license – Ability to pay $750 car loan – No DWI or other vehicles in household, etc. Number of vehicles dependent on availability of quality donated vehicles and program funding.

22 #EMF2014 “Last Mile” Problem “It would be easier to get commuters on board with support for public transportation without the dreaded ‘first- and last-mile problem’ : [ the extra time and hassle commuters face when they’re going from home to a transit station and then from the station at the other end of the trip to a final destination. ] ” Quote from UTNE Reader

23 #EMF2014 “Last Mile” Proposed Program Team with existing organizations to identify current routes and new routes. Publicize them to the community Team with employers to identify new routes and employees Organize 6 new routes per year around employment hubs Team recruits drives and obtains vans from VFC Convert routes to employer paid over 18 Months Saves workers hassle of walking that last mile to work, especially helpful in rain/wintery weather.

24 #EMF2014 So How does it work? Morning Rush Van and driver meet the bus/train at the stop Drive circular route dropping off 3 – 6 individuals at work Return to Stop Repeat as necessary Afternoon Rush Pick up individuals at work driving circular route Drop off the workers at the Stop Repeat as necessary Note : Driver has cell phone to enable calls when worker needs a ride back to the Stop

25 “Last Mile” Hindrance to Working Walking Routes / Distances Bus / Train Stop Employer A Employer B Employer C Employer D Employer E 0.75 Miles 1.25 Miles 0.3 Miles 0.65 Miles 1.1 Miles 25 Walking routes Van route

26 #EMF2014 Last Mile Costs($30,000/year) Vans provided by VFC Driver work Part time / split shifts – 5 hours per day Gas$ 8,000 (20K miles) Driver$19,000 (Fully loaded $15/hr) Repairs$ 2,000 Insurance$ 1,000 Total$30,000 per year Could provide rides for 20 -30 employees for multiple employers

27 #EMF2014 Healthy Living / Shopping Provide, via bus/van regularly scheduled shopping trips Alternate between daytime and evening routes Assumes funding by stores – previous program was deemed very successful by residents Pickup locations/timing and stores managed by Office staff Alternate between select group of stores – Supermarket – Discount Department stores Van share and Shopping vans available for non-neighborhood medical trips and job training on an as needed or scheduled basis

28 #EMF2014 Encourage Bike share programs to locate in East Baltimore and employment hubs Negotiate discounted rates for East Baltimore neighborhood residents Expand Bike donation / bike repair programs Work with city to encourage bike lanes and safe parking zones Bike Share Program

29 #EMF2014 In Summary – The East Baltimore Development Area Transportation Program Transportation Office Neighborhood Shopping Bike programs Van share “Last Mile” Initiative VFC cars

30 #EMF2014 Combined Program Impact Access to JOBS Dramatically increases the number and types of jobs available for inner city individuals Designed to assist 350 individuals from the EBDI area obtain or retain employment In total, the programs will improve the lives of 1650 Family members including non EBDI residents


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