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Exploring the use of technology for research data collection in applied linguistics: Dyadic writing feedback sessions Masaya Fujino Probational PhD candidate.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring the use of technology for research data collection in applied linguistics: Dyadic writing feedback sessions Masaya Fujino Probational PhD candidate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring the use of technology for research data collection in applied linguistics: Dyadic writing feedback sessions Masaya Fujino Probational PhD candidate Japanese Applied Linguistics

2 Outline Data collection for interactions & interviews 2 main devices & their software –iPad –Smartpen Applications to language pedagogy

3 Masters Effects of feedback sessions On-line interaction

4 Data collection for Masters Skype, Wikispaces & CamStudio

5 Proposed PhD research Effects of feedback Face-to-face interactions in two different types of dyads: a peer or tutor

6 Writing Interaction Wiki & CamStudio Draft & post-tests All images from

7 Criteria Synchronisation Recording Method Playback Method Sharing Method

8 iPad & iPad Apps iPad iPad Apps –inScribe –Live Notes –AudioNote

9 inScribe RecordingPlayback on iPad Sharing methods Playback on other devices Other info Hand writing Typing Sound No synchronisation No control No sounds (note only) Email NA PDF

10 Live Notes Recording Playback on iPad Sharing methods Playback on other devices Other info Hand writing Typing Sound Synchronisation Controlable on the bar Partially illegible Separated data Email & Separated data PDF M4A upto 1Gb uploadable to

11 AudioNote Recording Playback on iPad Sharing methods Playback on other devices Other info Hand writing Typing Sound Synchronisation 2 controling methods Bar Tapping Legible Separated data Email & Their network??? Separated data PDF Text html Caf (Quick time)

12 Smartpen Echo 3 functions in 1 pen

13 Smartpen Recording Playback on the notes Playback on iPad, iPhone & iPod touch Playback on PC/ Mac Sharing methods Hand writing Sound Synchronisation 2 controling methods Bar Tapping Legible Synchronisation Pencast 2 controling methods Bar Tapping Legible OR Separated data as the same as the sharing methods Synchronisation LiveScribe Desktop Legible OR Separated data as the same as the sharing methods Synchronisation Pencast file Email OR Online Legible Separated data PDF or image Quick time A file Individually send Or Send them to Evernote

14 Software for Smartpen LiveScribe Desktop Pencast Player (for Apple devices) pencast pencast MyScript for LiveScribe

15 Advantages after data collection For data analysis –Transcription –Format change of notes to various file format Follow up interview (Stimulated Recall)

16 Possible negative scenarios Low battery No recordings Malfunctions

17 Applications of technology Pencasts of peer interactions on Intranet Podcast using a smartpen Revision package for exams Listening tasks Integrated language activities

18 Questions & suggestions

19 Web sites iPad Smartpen InScribe Live Notes AudioNote recorder/id369820957?mt=8

20 Web sites LiveScribe Desktop Software download page Pencast Player Examples of pencasts on online community bin/WebObjects/LDApp.woa/wa/CommunityOverviewPage

21 School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics

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