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Targeted Case Management (TCM) Rev Dec. 2008. AGENDA Introductions: DMHAS Staff Why Now? Definition of TCM Coding and Documentation Monitoring Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Targeted Case Management (TCM) Rev Dec. 2008. AGENDA Introductions: DMHAS Staff Why Now? Definition of TCM Coding and Documentation Monitoring Activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Targeted Case Management (TCM) Rev Dec. 2008

2 AGENDA Introductions: DMHAS Staff Why Now? Definition of TCM Coding and Documentation Monitoring Activities Review Handouts Questions & Answers

3 WHY NOW? Revenue Budget System of Care Data Integrity Best Practices

4 TCM DATA FLOW CHART All TCM Service data (PNP & State-Operated) entered electronically at Provider Level DMHAS OOC Extract TCM data & sends electronic file to Collections at DAS (Department of Administrative Services) Collections sends file to the State’s Medicaid claims administrator, (EDS) Electronic Data Systems EDS reports total payments to DSS (Department of Social Services) DSS bills the Federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) The State General Fund is then reimbursed by CMS by 50%

5 Severe & persistent psychiatric illness as evidenced by one or more disorders as defined by the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association that is of sufficient severity to cause serious functional impairment in any of the following domains: Mental Health TCM Target Population Occupation Social relationships Education Housing Ability to manage tasks of daily living

6 Substance Abuse TCM Target Population Persistent substance dependence as evidenced by one or more of the disorders as defined by the current edition of the DSM and by a history of multiple unsuccessful treatment episodes.

7 TCM Services are the continuum of activities, with or on behalf of a client, concerned with assessment, planning, linking, support and advocacy. TCM services include assisting a client in accessing needed housing, medical, clinical, social, educational, and other services. Definition

8 Definition – Getting a Grip on TCM “CLAMP” – a useful mnemonic tool for remembering TCM eligible services C - Coordinating L - Linking A - Accessing M - Monitoring P - Planning

9 Acceptable Diagnoses Specific diagnoses that can be billed under TCM were identified and agreed upon by DSS and DMHAS Cannot bill with diagnosis 799.9 - Deferred Most prevalent mental health diagnoses for DMHAS population included Definition expanded to include addiction services clients

10 Documentation Requirements Assessment Treatment Plan Progress Notes

11 Why We Document Communication among caregivers Communication with client about treatment goals & services Legal protection Federal & State Regulations Billing The Joint Commission Productivity Evaluation of program performance & client outcomes

12 identified problem(s) / area(s) of need at least 1 TCM goal, objective or intervention interventions with duration/frequency and target date responsible persons and/or community agency must be current evidence of client involvement Documentation Requirements All documentation must be legible The medical record must contain an assessment: The treatment plan must contain: psychiatric diagnostic evaluation and/or comprehensive assessment

13 Client Involvement in Treatment Planning Evidenced by: Documentation Requirements Progress Note detailing involvement/discussion with client Description of involvement on treatment plan Client signature on treatment plan if client refuses to sign - document it!

14 Documentation Requirements  The TCM progress note must:  document the TCM service & relate to the treatment plan  include date, time, duration & location of service  include description of service  include signature & credentials  include progress towards treatment plan goals -“baseline” is not acceptable  include Plan for the next time you see the client -“Continue with plan” is NOT acceptable - short term plan – not a reiteration of the Treatment Plan

15 Recovery Services Staff spend time doing a variety of tasks TCM is one type service type in the broad array of recovery services Not all services are billable under TCM You may want to use the code on the progress note & in BHIS / DPAS that matches the service being provided

16 Obtaining, coordinating, maintaining resources and services (e.g., housing, entitlements, employment, legal assistance, education, transportation, etc.) Planning, arranging, coordinating, obtaining, monitoring, liaising or following up on specific aspect of treatment (e.g. medical tx, substance abuse treatment, appointments with other providers) Working with and collaborating with collaterals external to the agency including family members, landlords, employers Engaging the client in services (new or unengaged clients) Examples: TCM Services

17 Directly assisting with personal care or ADLs (activities of daily living), e.g., assisting with budgeting, cooking, shopping, laundry, moving residences, payee services, etc. Performing routine services including courier services, e.g., running errands or picking up and delivering food stamps or entitlement checks, etc. Providing other services that are billable through Medicaid, e.g., medical exams, treatment, therapy, counseling, etc. Transporting a client or family member Unsuccessfully attempting to provide a service such as calling and leaving a message; no shows, cancellations, etc. Examples: Non-TCM Services

18 Examples for Treatment/Recovery Plans & Progress Notes Not TCMTCM Medication deliveryMonitoring self administration of medication Transporting client to appointments Coordinating medical care and transportation Budgeting /paying billsMonitoring budget to maintain ability to live in community Moving client to new apartment Maintaining housing; Coordinating & planning housing resources Taking client Grocery Shopping Monitoring clients adherence to nutritional plan

19 Clients Inpatient, in Nursing Homes, or Jail Cannot use TCM code when client is: Inpatient In a nursing Home This would constitute double-billing under Medicaid OR In Jail per Medicaid regulations

20 BHIS Service Codes - TCM 5001 TCM w/ Collateral - use when TCM services are provided with a collateral contact on behalf of a client – may include phone contacts 5002 TCM Face-to-Face w/ Client - use when TCM services are provided directly to the client in person–does not include phone contacts 5003 TCM On Phone w/ Client - use when TCM services are provided directly to the client via telephone

21 DPAS TCM Service Codes 9790Z = TCM Service Code in DPAS Extract File: –Provider Code Maps to 9790Z –Multiple Provider Codes can map to 9790Z in DPAS Reports Available to verify data: –DPAS : cc840 Service Report –Web-SAS Report cc843

22 Data required for Submitting a TCM Service for Claim Reimbursement Additional Documentation Requirements TCM Service Code Valid TCM Diagnosis Client’s Medicaid Number TCM services cannot be billed without a valid Medicaid Number. Please check for eligibility and accuracy.

23 TCM Monitoring Activities Internal TCM Audits - monthly review External Audits - Department of Social Services is mandated to conduct annual audits - results are extrapolated DMHAS-wide and determine amount of revenue retained or reimbursed to Federal government

24 Summary TCM brings in revenue DMHAS can bill for appropriate TCM Target Population services if properly coded and documented TCM focuses on “CLAMP” services Cannot bill TCM for ADL skill building, transportation, or medication delivery Each agency needs internal processes for reviewing client eligibility and chart documentation

25 Questions

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