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What’s your favourite place in Malaysia? How many children do you have? What’s your favourite movie?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s your favourite place in Malaysia? How many children do you have? What’s your favourite movie?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s your favourite place in Malaysia? How many children do you have? What’s your favourite movie?

2 ACTIVITIES IN LESSONS Contributed by Maria Franco ELTDP

3 Warmers, settlers and stirrers These activities are used in the classroom as part of a lesson. They can be part of the lesson plan or the teacher can improvise a short activity as when needed, specially if students are becoming disengaged. Using these activities WILL help classroom management and students will have fun at the same time as they learning English. These activities may take time to set up at the beginning but if instructions are clear, students will get used to it and it will become part of classroom routines. ELTDP

4 Types of Warmers a)Introductory warm-up exercises Icebreakers and TPR exercises b) Verbal and vocal warm-up exercises Communication is central and these activities help fluency and collaboration in the classroom c)Trust and sensitivity exercises Help students to be aware of themselves, each other and the world around them. To help students become creative and willing to self-improve ELTDP

5 Why use warmers? “The aim of warmers is to create a climate of trust, awareness and group cohesion in which collaboration can take place. They also help to focus students’ minds on the matter in hand.” (adapted from Doughill 1987) “Warmers help to indicate the end of the previous lesson and the beginning of the English lesson. It is unrealistic to expect students to come from a lesson in another subject and to start immediately on ‘learning the foreign language’. Warmers are intended to put students in a relaxed, uninhibited state being much more respectful than they would otherwise be. Students are more aware of others, and of oneself in relationship with others.” (adapted from Maley and Duff 1978) ELTDP


7 REMEMBER!!! Warmers can have a specific objective (reviewing vocabulary, introducing a new lesson aim) or they can be used to KEEP STUDENTS ENGAGED Students are listening to English and responding to English commands or instructions which means… THEY ARE LEARNING AND INVOLVES COMMUNICATION!! ELTDP

8 THINK… Most educators and psychologists agree that the ability to focus one's attention on a task is crucial for the achievement of one's goals. Young learners’ attention span is minimal. So, in order to keep them engaged and, more important, interested in learning, teachers must think of interesting activities which will help students (and teachers!!) achieve the lesson’s objectives and goals. ELTDP

9 Settlers and Stirrers Settlers are activities which teachers can use to “calm down” or “settle” students Stirrers are activities which teachers can use to “pick-up” or “wake up” students ELTDP


11 WHEN PLANNING A LESSON… As well as thinking of each activity’s aim or objective, think how the activity will affect the students behaviour and engagement. Should it be a calming down activity and keep students sitting down (on the floor or at their desks)? Should it be a stirring activity and move students around because they are falling asleep and starting to disengage? How long should the activity last to keep students engaged? ELTDP

12 Crucial activities for a lesson Warmer Introduce target language with flashcards and realia if possible. The diagram shown below is a suggestion of the thinking behind planning a lesson. WARMER Introduce target language SETTLER STIRRER ELTDP

13 Ending a lesson Students like routines and it is a good idea to end a lesson with a settler, so you leave students in a calm state to hand them over the next teacher. A settler like storytelling is a great way to end a lesson. Why not try it in your next lesson?...and you don’t even need books to tell a great story!!! ELTDP


15 Answer the following questions 1.What is the purpose/objective of the activities we have just done? 2.When would you use such an activity? ELTDP

16 Answer the following questions 1.What is the purpose/objective of “THROWING THE BALL ROUND THE CIRCLE” activity? 2.When would you use such an activity? ELTDP

17 Evaluating Performance & Learning Standards ACTIVITY 1: BALL THROWING ROUND THE CIRCLE Learning Standard:1.2.1 (a) (b) Able to participate in daily conversations Band: B2D1E1 Participate in daily conversations Able to use the language functions below correctly: (a) exchange greetings (b) introduce oneself (c) thank someone (d) make polite requests ELTDP

18 Answer the following questions 1.What is the purpose/objective of the “ALPHABETICAL LINE-UPS” activity? 2.When would you use such an activity? ELTDP

19 Evaluating Performance & Learning Standards ACTIVITY 2: ALPHABETICAL LINE-UPS Learning Standard: 1.2.2 (a) Able to listen and follow: (a) Simple instructions in the classroom 2.1.1Able to identify and distinguish the shapes of the letters in the alphabet 2.1.2 (a) Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable words within given context Band: B3D1E1 Able to listen to and follow simple instructions and directions. ELTDP

20 Answer the following questions 1.What is the purpose/objective of “FIND SOMEONE WHO?” activity? 2.When would you use such an activity? ELTDP

21 Evaluating Performance & Learning Standards ACTIVITY 3: FIND SOMEONE WHO… Learning Standard :1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations 1.2.2 (a) Able to listen and follow: (a) Simple instructions in the classroom 2.1.1Able to identify and distinguish the shapes of the letters in the Alphabet 2.2.2Able to read and understand phrases in linear and non-linear texts. 3.1.1Able to demonstrate fine motor control of hands and fingers 3.1.2Able to copy and write in neat legible print 3.2.1(b) Able to complete with guidance: (b)lists Band:B2D1E1Participate in daily conversations. B2D4E1Copy and write in neat, legible print. B3D1E1Able to listen to and follow simple instructions and directions. B4D1E1Able to answer simple ‘Wh’ questions B4D3E1Able to use correctly: (a) capital letters ELTDP

22 Answer the following questions 1.What is the purpose/objective of the “ LIKES / HATES DICTATION activity? 2.When would you use such an activity? ELTDP

23 Evaluating Performance & Learning Standards ACTIVITY 4: LIKES / HATES DICTATION Learning Standard : 1.1.4Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance 1.2.1Able to participate in daily conversations 1.3.1Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by: a) giving Yes/No replies 2.2.1Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by matching words with: a) graphics b) spoken words Band: B2D1E1Participate in daily conversations. B2D2E1Able to read the words correctly. ELTDP

24 Evaluating Activities ACTIVITY 1: Ball-throwing round the circle ACTIVITY 2: Alphabetical line-ups ACTIVITY 3: Find someone who (used this morning as icebreaker for all teachers) ACTIVITY 4: LikeslHates dictation ACTIVITY 5: Talk to my cat ACTIVITY 6: Mirrors ACTIVITY 7: Significant numbers in my life ACTIVITY 8: Numbers with Heads or Hands ACTIVITY 9: Hangman/Shark Attack ACTIVITY 10: Pictionary ACTIVITY 11: Name + Adjective ELTDP

25 Don’t forget to… ELTDP


27 Thank you!! ELTDP

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