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Introduction to Tiered Lessons Project Aspire Session 6 Broadcast Sara Delano Moore, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Tiered Lessons Project Aspire Session 6 Broadcast Sara Delano Moore, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Tiered Lessons Project Aspire Session 6 Broadcast Sara Delano Moore, Ph.D.

2 Food for Thought At any given time in any given classroom, –One third of students already know the topic at hand, –One third of students are ready to learn the topic at hand, and –One third of students aren’t yet ready to learn the topic at hand. How does a reasonable teacher handle this? –Tiered lessons are one effective strategy.

3 What are tiered lessons? Tiered lessons are a way of creating systematic variations on a single lesson plan that are responsive to student learning needs and practical for the teacher to manage. There are several ways in which lessons can be tiered.

4 How can lessons be tiered? Dimension of Learning –Content What students are learning –Process How students are learning –Product How students show mastery

5 How can lessons be tiered? Characteristics of the Learner –Readiness How skilled is the student in this area? –Interest What topics are engaging to the student? –Learning Style How does the student learn best?

6 On what basis are lessons tiered? ContentProcessProduct Interest X Learning Style X Readiness X

7 Tiering Product by Interest Easy way to start – doesn’t change daily instruction Teachers develop alternative products they think will be of interest to students for the end of the unit. These can be in addition to or instead of a unit test on the content. –Think about a unit test for assessing skills and a product for assessing concepts

8 Making this work It is most helpful to develop a standard set of products you will allow in your classroom, with rubrics for each. Product Guides (Jim Curry and John Samara) are a good resource here. – Rubrics are essential to the success of this strategy – students have to know what quality work looks like!

9 Sample Product Set Physical model (3D) Visual representation (2D) Oral presentation (live or taped) Written report These products respond to a variety of student interests and learning styles These products accommodate a wide range of content.

10 Sample Products in Algebra II Unit Focus – Conic Sections –Physical Model – auto headlight –Visual Representation – poster of planetary orbits –Oral Presentation – hyperbolic curve of sonic boom intersecting the earth –Written Report – parabolic trajectory of a projectile Web reference: htm

11 Sample Products in Biology Unit Focus - Types of Joints in the Body –Physical Model – 3D model of one or more joint types –Visual Representation – chart comparing range of motion of hinge joints with ball and socket joints –Oral Presentation – on importance of immovable joints in skull for birth & infant brain development –Written Report – wear and tear issues for different joint types in various sports

12 Sample Products in Chemistry Unit Focus – Chemical Bonds –Physical Model – single and double covalent bonds in organic compounds –Visual Representation – compare and contrast various representations of bonds –Oral Presentation – difference between ionic and covalent bonds –Written Report – how the polar bonds in water influence water’s use as a solute

13 What about the rubrics? Rubrics here have two parts – content and product The content rubric is the same no matter which product is selected – students are still demonstrating the same knowledge. The product rubric stays the same from unit to unit – a good written report, for example, is always nicely structured and mechanically accurate.

14 Product Rubrics – Physical Model Key Features and Attributes –Title – prominent, summarizes main idea, legible, accurate and descriptive, concise –Object(s) – matched to key concepts, proportional, stable/secured to base, visually attractive/engaging, matches purpose of assignment, multiple perspectives for viewing –Labels – clearly visible, easily interpreted, size or color shows hierarchy of ideas –Explanatory Text – concise, explains major concepts, well-organized, accurate –Credits – accurate, complete, unobtrusive

15 Product Rubrics – Visual Representation Key Features and Attributes –Title – appealing, concise, summarizes major point, prominent –Graphics/Illustrations – accentuate key ideas, accurate, evidence of organizational structure, matches purpose (realistic/imaginative) –Text – accurate, compact, legible, logical, summarizes key concepts

16 Product Rubrics – Visual Representation Key Features and Attributes –Labels – clearly visible, concise, easily interpreted, shows hierarchy of ideas with color or size –Background/negative space – unobtrusive, establishes a border, offsets graphics and text –Credits – complete, accurate, unobtrusive

17 Product Rubrics – Oral Presentation Key Features and Attributes –Structure of Report – includes introduction, body and conclusion, logical organization of information –Audience Involvement – initiated early in presentation; invited through humor, questions, movement, other strategies

18 Product Rubrics – Oral Presentation Key Features and Attributes –Body Language – conveys enthusiasm and emotion, follows proper etiquette, confident, uses natural/purposeful gestures –Materials – well-organized, useful to audience, enhance presentation; well- matched to audience and setting –Voice – clear pronunciation; confident; proper volume, pitch, tone, projection, pace

19 Product Rubrics – Written Report Key Features and Attributes –Cover – includes clear, prominent, informative title and appropriate demographic information –Text organization – includes introduction, body, and conclusion; follows appropriate format; well-structured; accurate content –References – accurate, meet requirements of project, presented in appropriate style –Mechanics – proper grammar usage, legible, correct punctuation and spelling, appropriate syntax

20 Product Rubrics - Content This is where you define sufficient and accurate content. Return to your standards – what are students showing you they know? This is the second part of your rubric and will change with each assignment. This is how you ensure that any product choice still shows mastery of the content.

21 Implementation Work with your vertical team to develop a set of common products and rubrics. Identify a unit where 2 – 4 of these common products might be appropriate. Develop a content rubric for the unit topic. After reviewing all the product options & rubrics, allow students to choose which one they will use to share their learning.

22 Things to Remember This can be in addition to a unit test everyone takes or instead of a test. Spending time with the product rubrics is key to not being overwhelmed with questions about the various products. Emphasize that with a common content rubric, everyone is demonstrating the same learning, just using various strategies.

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