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Building the Comprehensive Plan Enterprise, Alabama Planning Objectives for 2005 : Devise a physical vision—a strategic concept for development and conservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Building the Comprehensive Plan Enterprise, Alabama Planning Objectives for 2005 : Devise a physical vision—a strategic concept for development and conservation."— Presentation transcript:


2 Building the Comprehensive Plan

3 Enterprise, Alabama Planning Objectives for 2005 : Devise a physical vision—a strategic concept for development and conservation of Enterprise Prepare a plan to guide development— land use, accessibility, infrastructure Update the city’s zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations Prepare Enterprise citizens to carry out their plans

4 Enterprise: Overview




8 Parks Main Street School system Small city atmosphere Recreation Dept / facilities Cultural Alliance Boll Weevil Circle Accessibility Maneuverability New residential construction Local merchants / stores Hometown feeling Medical Center Fort Rucker Senior Center Churches Assets: Town Meeting 2005

9 Vacant lots Abandoned homes & cars Inadequate Civic Center Lack of sewer on north side No public transportation Main Street area standards No cultural activity venue No art museum Incomplete medical facilities Incomplete streets & sidewalks Underutilized industrial sites Air quality around the mills Insufficient road capacity Downtown parking inadequate Signals and pedestrian x-ings Blind intersections Liabilities: Town Meeting 2005

10 Fort Rucker New industry Retirees moving in Land use succession Proximity to Interstate 10 Impact of growth on our sense of community Impact of growth on utilities, civic facilities, fire department Draining effect of Dothan on local businesses Impact of 4-laning US 84 Outside Forces: Town Meeting 2005

11 Small town People / personal Values / ideals Attitudes Relaxed Pace of life Hometown Pride Affordable Safety Jobs Kids Schools Church Military Multi-national Why live / work / invest in Enterprise: Town Meeting 2005 Heritage Friendly Support Service Location Climate Quality of life Environment

12 Comprehensive Plan Global strategy Community image upgrade Legible city limits City expanded south & west Community utilizing its resources More trees / saved trees Land use compatibility Commercial needs met locally Historic downtown upgraded Systematic code enforcement Development management system Missing from personal visions for the city: Town Meeting 2005

13 Traffic congestion resolved Public transportation SR 167 and US 84 (4-Lane) Walkable city Sidewalks in neighborhoods Utilities upgraded Expanded city hall, police & fire department facilities New Civic / Conference Center Outdoor recreation Aquatic facility Therapeutic recreation facilities Family fun center Welcome Center Higher education expanded Entry-level jobs / training …also missing from personal visions for the city: Town Meeting 2005

14 Global strategy Citywide legibility Gateways to Enterprise Image corridors Access management Downtown / Main Street Neighborhood interaction, focus & communication Annexation Essential elements: Strategic Development Concept

15 Development management Commercial centers Commercial corridors Industrial infill Residential infill Expansion south & west Medical Center expansion Higher education expansion Fort Rucker connections …more essential elements: Strategic Development Concept

16 Sewer & water system Expanded city hall Expanded police facilities More fire stations Conference and civic center 4-Lane US 84 and SR 167 Sidewalk network expansion Street system enhancement …more essential elements: Strategic Development Concept

17 Green Infrastructure Greenway & trail system Tree cover City park system Outdoor recreation Therapeutic recreation Aquatic center …more essential elements: Strategic Development Concept

18 Testing the Concept Enterprise development will be guided by priorities that put people first. Those aspects of the community we value most will remain and be improved. Water and sanitary sewer service will be available in all parts of the city.

19 Testing the Concept Downtown will be revitalized and connected to its traditional edges. The now-vacant mills will be redeveloped as vital parts of the community. There will be significant infill and redevelopment of vacant and underutilized property, both inside and along Boll Weevil Circle.

20 Testing the Concept Enterprise will be truly walkable, and its declining neighborhoods will be revitalized. There will be park and recreation facilities for all ages and interests. Enterprise will have many points of interest – a variety of places for our diverse population to go and do things.

21 Building the Plan Major Ingredients Existing Land Use Green Infrastructure Activity Centers Neighborhoods Accessibility Infrastructure

22 Building the Plan Neighborhoods Community Livability Appearance Diversity Accessibility Convenience Safety Affordability

23 Building the Plan Neighborhood Principles Citywide open space system Design appropriate to context Neighborhood focal point Walkable, interconnected streets Calm streets designed to be appropriate to scale

24 Building the Plan Green Infrastructure Surface water Floodplains Parks and open space

25 Building the Plan Green Infrastructure Policies Conserve green infrastructure and landscape form Organize development to capitalize on critical open spaces

26 Building the Plan Activity Centers Downtown Community Commercial Commercial Corridors Regional Commercial Employment Support Institutional Support Citywide Recreation

27 Building the Plan Center Characteristics Compact core Anchor of activity Internal circulation Pedestrian accessible Pedestrian orientation

28 Building the Plan …more characteristics Positive sense of place Vehicular accessibility Visual coherence Well-defined edges

29 Building the Plan Citywide Policies Preserve and enhance the city’s open space system Design each activity center to relate to its context Create discernable, compact activity centers Design each activity center to maximize accessibility

30 Building the Plan Downtown Image Commerce Accessibility

31 Building the Plan Image High quality public facilities Appropriate appearance of properties Attractive and effective signs and displays

32 Building the Plan Commerce Citywide land use patterns Activities supporting a healthy business environment Healthy mix and pattern of downtown uses and activities Image of downtown and its access corridors

33 Building the Plan Accessibility Build legible traffic patterns Minimize pedestrian/vehicle conflicts Clearly visible parking facilities Adequate loading and service zones Safe and convenient sidewalks

34 Downtown

35 Building the Plan Community Commercial Relatively small Primarily single-use areas Predominantly auto-oriented Seldom pedestrian accessible Infill to street edges Should relate to adjacent neighborhoods

36 Community Commercial

37 Building the Plan Commercial Corridors Mostly extensive and loose Mix of independent uses Exclusively auto-oriented Parking dominated Seldom pedestrian accessible Infill and redevelop nodes of activity

38 Commercial Corridors

39 Building the Plan Regional Commercial Very large centers Big box anchors Typical of major intersections Exclusively auto-oriented Parking dominated Seldom pedestrian accessible Infill and redevelop nodes of activity

40 Regional Commercial

41 Building the Plan Employment Support Large, relatively level sites Freestanding operations or industrial parks Reliance on good accessibility Relative isolation desirable Seldom pedestrian accessible Infill and redevelop aging centers

42 Employment Support

43 Building the Plan Institutional Support Government, education, medical center, civic center Access and parking essential Very people-oriented Good community connections essential Bicycle and pedestrian access desirable

44 Institutional Support

45 Building the Plan Major Recreation Government, education, medical center, civic center Access and parking essential Very people-oriented Good community connections essential Bicycle and pedestrian access desirable

46 Major Recreation

47 Land Use and Transportation Major Themes Protect green infrastructure Build a city of neighborhoods Support neighborhoods with major activity centers Maintain community character Expand access opportunities Protect and invest in the community

48 Land Use Plan Major Functions Avoid and resolve land use conflicts Identify and sustain desirable land use patterns Forecast infrastructure needs Provide a foundation for development management

49 Mobility and Access Gateways and Corridors This is how visitors come to know Enterprise Reinforce a sense of place Build a sense of legibility Nodes, landmarks, edges and districts Reinforce the corridors and important decision points

50 Access vs Mobility

51 Roadway Improvements






57 Enterprise Planning Process Coming attractions: Public Investment Plans Plan Implementation System Public hearings and adoption Update zoning and subdivision regulations Public hearings and adoption


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