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Stage 11 Derivationes Page 20-21 in Packet. DerivationesVerba LatinaDefinitiones iConvention IiIncredible IiiLegible IvLiberal Vmural convenio, convenīre,

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Presentation on theme: "Stage 11 Derivationes Page 20-21 in Packet. DerivationesVerba LatinaDefinitiones iConvention IiIncredible IiiLegible IvLiberal Vmural convenio, convenīre,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stage 11 Derivationes Page 20-21 in Packet

2 DerivationesVerba LatinaDefinitiones iConvention IiIncredible IiiLegible IvLiberal Vmural convenio, convenīre, convenī to gather, meet credo, credere, credidī To believe, trust in lego, legere, legī To read liberalis, -is, -e generous murus, -ī, M wall

3 DerivationesVerba LatinaDefinitiones viPlacate ViiPrimeval ViiiPromissory IxReverberate XSecondary placeo, placēre, placuī To please, suit primus, -a, -um first promitto, promittere, promisī To promise verbero, verberāre, verberavī To beat secundus, -a, -um Second

4 DerivationesVerba LatinaDefinitiones xiSolicitude XiiStultify XiiiTertiary XivUtilitarian XvVirile sollicitus, -a, -um Worried, anxious stultus, -a, -um Stupid tertius, -a, -um Third utilis, -is, -e Useful vir, virī, M (2nd) Man

5 #Definitiones 7a.Ancient, primitive (primeval) 4b.Free-thinking, generous (liberal) 15c.Characteristic of a male; manly (virile) 5d.A wall painting or drawing (mural) 3e.Capable of being read (legible) 12f.To cause or appear foolish (stultify) 9g.To echo or resound (reverberate) 14h.Practical, functional (utilitarian) 2i.unbelievable (incredible) 6k.To soothe or pacify (placate) 1l.An assembly of persons met for a common purpose; an agreement or contract (convention) 11mAnxious concern (solicitude) 10n.Of second rank; minor, not primary (secondary) 13o.Of third rank or importance; in the third stage (tertiary) 8p.Containing a promise or assurance (promissory)

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