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2011-2012.  College level survey course covering United States History from pre-Columbian times through today  Goals: ◦ Prepare you for the S.O.L exam.

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1 2011-2012

2  College level survey course covering United States History from pre-Columbian times through today  Goals: ◦ Prepare you for the S.O.L exam ◦ Prepare you for the Advanced Placement exam ◦ Give you adequate practice in handling college level work

3  Attendance ◦ Regular attendance is CRUCIAL  Missed classes = lower grade ◦ Make-up work  PowerPoint's and Id lists on class website  Any work not on the website is located in the A.P. missed- work bin  Missed work is due the NEXT class, any work that can be e-mailed is due on the original due date  You have approximately one week to make up any missed tests and quizzes  Supplies/ Requirements ◦ Binder  At least 3”  Dividers (at least five)  Ids, Notes, Writing, Chapter work, Quizzes/tests ◦ Study Supplies  Review guides  Barron’s AP US Exam Review  AMSCO

4  Department wide: ◦ 75% major assessments  Tests – 30%  Quizzes- 20%  Writing- 25% ◦ 25% minor assessments  Classwork- 10%  Homework – 15%  Breakdown: ◦ Tests  Unit tests  Usually 2 per quarter ◦ Quizzes  One every chapter  Id quizzes every 2-3 chapters ◦ Writing  DBQs, Free Response ◦ Projects  Debates, research projects, etc.  Enrichment Opportunity ◦ Students have two opportunities to improve grade throughout quarter. NOT extra credit, enrichment.  Each quarter at least two books will be offered for you to choose from.  Choose one book, read, and you will be assessed by and Oral test during a pre-determined Flex period.  If you “pass” you will be able to add one % point to your quarter grade.  A list of books and test dates will be posted on-line each quarter. ◦ Quiz Corrections  you have until the day of the exam to complete  Must be completed in my classroom  Can earn.25% back for each incorrect question

5  Expectations ◦ BE ON TIME ◦ Bring your binder, books can stay at home ◦ NO cell phones on ◦ MP3/ Ipods allowed at my discretion ◦ Food and drink allowed unless you lose the privilege ◦ Respect the room, furniture and my possessions ◦ Work not legible = no credit ◦ No printing before class ◦ No agenda= no pass ◦ No leaving first 20 mins and last 20 mins of class

6  Homework ◦ Chapter Ids  Due for each chapter, importance is SIGNIFICANCE!!  See me for help if needed!!!  Binder ◦ Must be kept in order ◦ Will be collected for a grade  Checked sporadically  Notes ◦ Print out PowerPoint's  Must take out notes IN CLASS

7  Website ◦  E-mail me!!! ◦  School e-mail ◦  Personal e-mail  Best bet at night and on weekends

8  World is flat?  Columbus discovered America? ◦ History is evolving constantly!!!!!!  What is a historian’s job? ◦ Research evidence ◦ Use scientific method to come to conclusion ◦ Back with facts and evidence!!!!


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