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& #noiOnDemand If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please visit to read frequently.

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Presentation on theme: "& #noiOnDemand If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please visit to read frequently."— Presentation transcript:

1 & #noiOnDemand If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please visit to read frequently asked webinar tech questions. Welcome! We will be starting the training session shortly.

2 & #noiOnDemand PHONEBANKING & CANVASSING Trainers: Marlon Marshall, Obama for America Tahir Duckett, Working America Facilitated By: Hope Wood, NOI

3 & #noiOnDemand INTRODUCTIONS NOI On Demand Me & You Norms



6 & #noiOnDemand Presenters: & #noiOnDemand Marlon Marshall Deputy National Field Director Obama for America Tahir Duckett Deputy National Field Director Working America

7 & #noiOnDemand AGENDA Why direct voter contact? Building your voter contact program 1.Setting program goals & metrics 2.Creating a voter contact schedule 3.Developing scripts 4.Organizing great voter contact events Managing your voter contact program Q & A


9 & #noiOnDemand

10 & a.Identify supporters b.Close the gap c.Build organization d.Shape the conversation WHY DIRECT VOTER CONTACT?

11 & #noiOnDemand Best way to engage voters. Canvassing - most effective Phone banking - larger numbers in shorter time Useful for a variety of campaign purposes WHY DIRECT VOTER CONTACT?


13 & #noiOnDemand Step 1: Vote Goal Step 2: Supporter ID Goal Step 3: Contact Goal Step 4: Attempts Goal Step 5: Shift Goal Shift 6: Recruitment Goal PROGRAM MATH

14 & #noiOnDemand Watch Monday and yesterday’s webinar at m/toolbox STEPS 1-6: FROM YOUR VOTE GOAL TO YOUR VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT GOAL

15 & #noiOnDemand Attempts Contacts Support score –1to 5 Vote commitment –Yes/No/Maybe Vote method –Early Vote/Vote By Mail/EDay Volunteer –Yes/No/Maybe METRICS FOR VOTER CONTACT ACTIONS


17 & #noiOnDemand & #noiOnDemand WHEN SHOULD WE CONTACT VOTERS?

18 & #noiOnDemand TIMESUNMONTUESWEDTHURSFRISAT 10AM-2PMChurch visits School Voter Regis- tration Seniors Phone Bank School Voter Regis- tration Seniors Phone Bank School Voter Regis- tration Canvass 2PM-6PMCanvass Volunteer Recruitment, Prep Materials Canvass 6PM-9PMPhone Bank CanvassOrgan- izing Meetings CanvassPhone Bank SAMPLE VOTER CONTACT SCHEDULE

19 & #noiOnDemand & #noiOnDemand QUESTIONS?

20 & #noiOnDemand & 3. DEVELOPING SCRIPTS

21 & #noiOnDemand SCRIPTS = TEXT + CODES Hi, is this __(voter name)__? My name is ____ and I’m volunteering with ____ campaign.

22 & #noiOnDemand SCRIPT CODES

23 & #noiOnDemand PART 1: NO RESPONSE Left Message Not Home Wrong number/address Deceased Refused Inaccessible SCRIPT CODES

24 & #noiOnDemand PART 2: CONVERSATION Support Score, 1-5 Will vote (Y/N/M) How (Early/VBM/EDay) Volunteer (Y/N/M) Activist Codes SCRIPT CODES

25 & #noiOnDemand Why are you contacting them? Develop unique scripts for each universe SCRIPT TEXT

26 & #noiOnDemand 4Cs Connection Context Commitment Catapult SCRIPT TEXT

27 & #noiOnDemand 1.CONNECTION Hi, is this (voter)? I’m (your name) and I’m volunteering with (your campaign) in (name of your town). How are you today? (OPTIONAL: I’m (your name) and we’re out in the community talking about the election on Tues., Nov. 6.) SCRIPT TEXT

28 & #noiOnDemand 2. CONTEXT What do you care most about in this election? (Listen!) Why is that most important to you? (Engage!) SCRIPT TEXT

29 & #noiOnDemand 3. COMMITMENT Who do you plan to vote for in the election on Tuesday, Nov. 6? (Support score: 1-5) Have you decided if you will vote in this election? (yes/no/maybe) SCRIPT TEXT: CANDIDATE, PAC OR C4

30 & #noiOnDemand 3. COMMITMENT How do you plan to vote on Proposition ____________ in the election on Tuesday, November 6? (Support score: 1-5) Have you decided if you will vote in this election? (yes/no/maybe) SCRIPT TEXT: C3

31 & #noiOnDemand 3. COMMITMENT I’m calling because I also care about (their issue) and I think we have a chance to change things.(Provide 2-3 brief campaign talking points on particular issues.) SCRIPT TEXT

32 & #noiOnDemand 4. CATAPULT That’s great! We expect a lot of people to vote this year—thank you for joining us! Have you decided if you’ll vote early, vote by mail or vote on Election Day? Your polling location is at ________. Do you have a plan to get there? Do you need a ride? We’re having a great time talking with voters. Would you like to join us to volunteer in your neighborhood? (ACTIVATE) SCRIPT TEXT

33 & #noiOnDemand NOYES SCRIPT TIPS


35 & #noiOnDemand Team Coordinator Phone Bank Coordinator Canvass Coordinator Data Coordinator Volunteer Coordinator TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK

36 & #noiOnDemand Supporter’s Home Union hall Lawyer’s or Dr’s office Funeral home Coffee shop WHERE?

37 & #noiOnDemand Phone lines Cell coverage Donated cell phones Computers (ideal) Chairs & tables Easy access Parking WHAT TO LOOK FOR Easy access Parking Shade/shelter Bathrooms

38 & #noiOnDemand Day Time Address What to bring POST YOUR EVENT

39 & #noiOnDemand RECRUIT VOLUNTEERS Recruit Confirm Event Thank you Check out last week’s webinar for more on Vounteer Recruitment & Training

40 & #noiOnDemand 1. Volunteer Sign-in Sheet 2. Phone Bank Packets -Script -Call lists -Tally sheet -Talking points -Pens 3. Phones & chargers 4. Water & snacks PREPARE MATERIALS: PHONE BANK

41 & #noiOnDemand 1. Volunteer Sign-in Sheet 2. Canvass Packets -Script -Voter lists -Literature -Pledge cards -Tally sheet -Talking points -Pens -Rain Sheets -Clipboards 3. Phones & chargers 4. Water & snacks PREPARE MATERIALS: CANVASS

42 & #noiOnDemand A NOTE ON LISTS & TURF -Walkable turf

43 & #noiOnDemand A NOTE ON LISTS & TURF -Legible lists.-Useful codes

44 & #noiOnDemand PREPARE THE SPACE

45 & #noiOnDemand SIGN IN VOLUNTEERS

46 & #noiOnDemand SAMPLE AGENDA –Welcome & Build community –Share campaign strategy and goals Hot News, Hot Nights –Train for Action Role-Play! –Take ACTION (get on phones or hit the streets!) –Tally up –Debrief & Celebrate What worked tonight? What didn’t? –Recruit to next action –Enter Data

47 & #noiOnDemand 1.KISS and PACE 2.But be yourself—don’t rush, and have conversations, not mini-lectures. 3.Tally throughout the action. PHONES+DOORS - 6 QUICK TIPS

48 & #noiOnDemand 4. Persuade, then ask for the vote 5. Same Day data entry 6. Empower volunteers to give feedback, and use it! PHONES+DOORS 6 QUICK TIPS


50 & #noiOnDemand TRACKING DATA

51 & #noiOnDemand Are you on track to reach the benchmarks that you set? If not, can you identify the reason? –Is one staffer or volunteer coming up short? Can you coach them? –Is one region producing different results? Can you adjust your methods in that area, or shift resources elsewhere? –Is one metric affecting others? What can you do to correct the imbalance? How do you adjust your tactics and benchmarks, without losing track of the goal? EVALUATE & ADAPT AS YOU GO

52 & #noiOnDemand & #noiOnDemand QUESTIONS?

53 & #noiOnDemand Evaluation

54 & #noiOnDemand Online to Offline - Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 1:00 PM EDT - Review strategies for integrating your online program with your field program. Online Ads - Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 1:00 PM EDT - Discuss how to strategically use Facebook and Google ads effectively and inexpensively for your campaign. WHAT’S NEXT?: THIS WEEK

55 & #noiOnDemand WHAT’S NEXT: NEXT WEEK Voter Registration Week - August 27-31 Voter Registration Strategy and Legal Issues - Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 1 PM EDT - Explain the need for voter registration - both from a nonpartisan civic engagement/emerging majority perspective, and a base-building/good data perspective - and outline some of the legal issues people should be aware of. Voter Registration Data - Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 1 PM EDT - Review strategies how to capture and use data from voter registration drives. Voter Registration Planning and Recruitment - Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 1 PM EDT - Discuss selecting the right voter registration sites, planning a staging location, recruiting constituents to be registered, communicating with the press, and recruiting volunteers. Voter Registration Message and Online Tools - Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 1 PM EDT - Covers effective messaging for getting people to register, and online tools to help with registration. Social Media - Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 1 PM EDT The basics of using social media (especially Facebook and Twitter) effectively to supplement existing campaign programs.

56 & #noiOnDemand & #noiOnDemand Interdependent Leadership (aka the Snowflake Model) Interdependent Leadership HOW CAN I SUPPORT NOI ON DEMAND?


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