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2 Unbridled Learning EXPLORE PLANACT K-PREP (CRT/NRT) Alternate K-PREP ACCESS Nonacademic Indicators EOC CCR Assessments KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 2

3 RATIONALE 1.Professional Ethics: No test preparation practice shall violate the ethical standards of the education profession. (16 KAR 1:020) 2.Education Defensibility: Activities created or implemented for the sole purpose of artificially increasing test scores that do not contribute to the student’s overall education are considered a violation. 3.Student Ownership: All assessment work shall be done entirely by the student. Students, teachers and schools deserve to have valid and reliable test results. Page 3 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 3

4 APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT PRACTICES Annual dedicated training time on the Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations regulations for any individuals who will potentially be involved with any component of the assessments. Training must occur prior to any test-related processes or test administration and shall include interaction regarding the content of the regulations. The need for training applies to both paper/pencil and computer- based versions of the assessments. It is the intent of the regulation for all administration manuals to be followed, including the reading of the scripts. Page 4 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 4

5 APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT PRACTICES Everyone shall read and comply annually with the regulations, and sign the signature page or group training signature sheet. Signing either the signature page or group training signature sheet acknowledges that the signee will be held professionally accountable for his/her own actions. Page 4 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 5

6 TEST SECURITY There is an emphasis on test security not only in Kentucky, but nationwide. Data Forensics: erasure analysis and score analysis can lead to finding inappropriate practices such as: Cheat sheets Test administrators leading students to answers through gestures or verbal cues Adults changing student answers Student receiving help from test administrators KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 6

7 TEST SECURITY Site Visits School site visits are conducted during testing windows. Sites are chosen by both purposeful and random selection. DACs are notified shortly before the arrival of KDE staff. DACs may notify schools and attend if they so choose. KDE staff requests specific documents such as seating charts, testing schedules, test materials log in/out sheets, as well as to see testing and storage areas. Allegation Investigations School visits Staff and student interviews Documentation KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 7

8 TEST SECURITY DACs, administrators and teachers are responsible for the security of assessment materials before, during and after testing. Page 5 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 8

9 TEST SECURITY Knowing concepts measured and using content standards Using KDE support materials for instruction Х Using specific test item knowledge to prepare students for testing All persons involved with testing processes committing to nondisclosure of information Х Revealing test items Х Reviewing or reading test items Х Taking notes or discussing test content, concepts, etc. before, during or after testing KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 9 Page 5

10 TEST SECURITY Taking materials out of school setting for home/hospital administration Х Removing test materials from school/district setting for purposes other than administration Using KDE approved technology for student responses Х Maintaining electronic versions of items or responses Collecting and securely destroying student scratch paper, notes, drafts, etc. Х Scoring of test items or pre-writing areas KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 10 Page 5 & 6

11 TEST SECURITY Visual scanning of student responses for good faith effort criteria Х Scoring or reading responses in their entirety Х Making results of a checklist available before the entire assessment, including makeup testing, has been administered and materials returned to school or district staff Distributing Test Administrator Manuals prior to testing Х Distribution of test booklets before the testing window opens Х Allowing anyone other than those administering the test to see secure materials Х Storing test materials in an unsecure manner (double lock required for classroom storage) Х Leaving materials unattended outside locked storage = ACCEPTABLE Х = NOT ACCEPTABLE Page 6 & 14 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 11

12 TEST SECURITY Distributing materials in the order as packaged Copying of alert papers by district/school administrator for the purpose of resolving the issue Х Reproducing secure materials in any way—i.e., e-mailing, discussing, photocopying, handwriting, posting to social network sites Accessing Internet or imaging capabilities on electronic devices with vendor or KDE approval (i.e. EOC, nonstandard response template) Х Using electronic devices to gain a testing advantage Х Accessing Internet, wireless communication, or imaging capabilities for any reason other than testing purposes = ACCEPTABLE Х = NOT ACCEPTABLE Pages 6-7 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 12

13 TEST SECURITY Deleting student nonstandard response templates from a flash drive only once at the completion of testing. Leaving test materials in a closed bin in a locked classroom while escorting students to music class. During a testing session allowing students access to electronic devices as each student finishes and test materials are collected. ACCEPTABLE Yes or No KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 13

14 CLASSROOM MATERIALS Displaying instructional materials any time during the year Displaying materials without content, including periodic tables, during testing Following specific directions in test administration manuals for display of materials Х Materials containing content or problem solving strategies in the testing environment Х Providing any resources not listed in test administration manuals Х Distributing, making available, or attaching to student workstations any information or materials not sent with test materials or listed in test administration manuals Page 8 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 14

15 CLASSROOM MATERIALS Basic periodic tables and motivational materials may remain posted. Page 8 ACCEPTABLE KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 15

16 CLASSROOM MATERIALS NOT ACCEPTABLE Materials used during direct instruction, containing content, or strategies/processes should not be displayed on classroom surfaces including walls, workstations or clothing. Classroom materials shall not provide a testing advantage to any student. Page 8 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 16

17 CLASSROOM MATERIALS Approved Materials Dictionaries and thesauri for On-Demand Writing only Blank writing or graph paper Blank overlays Content free bookmarks Materials listed as approved in administration manuals Unapproved Materials Mechanical pencils Ink pens Highlighters Colored pencils or markers KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 17

18 CLASSROOM MATERIALS Allowing dictionaries and thesauri (paper copy or electronic) only for on-demand writing Х Allowing dictionaries and thesauri for reading, mathematics, science, or social studies Students having access to calculators as specified in test administration manuals KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 18 Page 8

19 CLASSROOM MATERIALS Providing in the testing environment, upon student request, materials consistent with instructional strategies to students with IEPs, 504 Plans or PSPs Х Allowing students to leave the testing room to gain access to any resource used for accommodations Permitting electronic devices as specified in test administration manuals (i.e. calculators) Х Permitting students to share calculators Allowing student access to non-content materials after the collection of test materials such as books and puzzles—is determined by school/district Page 8-9 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 19

20 CLASSROOM MATERIALS Calculator Usage Check assessment specific manuals for information on acceptable and prohibited calculator models. KDE recommends that schools provide calculators for each student; however, students are allowed to use their own approved calculators. Test administrators are responsible for ensuring that communication and Internet capabilities are disabled. Students within the same testing session may not share calculators even if test administrator clears the programs in between uses. KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 20

21 CLASSROOM MATERIALS Test administrators having access to electronic devices to contact school administrators during test sessions Allowing student use of personal electronic devices, which meet acceptable use criteria, for test administration Х Allowing staff or student electronic devices for personal use, except in case of emergency, during testing sessions Page 9 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 21

22 CLASSROOM MATERIALS Allowing students to use their own approved calculators instead of one provided by the school. Using a personal cellphone to communicate with another teacher about a testing situation occurring in the classroom. Allowing students to read library or personal books as each student finishes and test materials are collected. KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 22

23 ADMINISTRATION PRACTICES DACs and BACs shall: Schedule test administration Arrange for adequate staff to administer assessment Prepare accurate student testing rosters and seating charts Ensure all assessment materials are kept secure before, during and after testing Page 10 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 23

24 ADMINISTRATION PRACTICES Words of encouragement such as “Do your best”, “Stay on task” Х Encouraging students to edit responses by giving evaluative feedback through tone, gesture or phrases such as “You can do better.” Х Giving evaluative statements to students or assigning grades regarding item responses Х Assisting students in understanding or answering test items Х Coaching, editing or pointing out errors or missing answers Х Altering student answers at any time or in any manner Active monitoring by test administrator and ensured by school and district staff (circulating around the room) Monitored restroom breaks Page 10 & 13 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 24

25 ADMINISTRATION PRACTICES Appropriate size testing locations and adequate number of staff to conduct active monitoring (circulating the room) Х Testing locations that limit the ability to adequately monitor students Monitored restroom or refreshment breaks that do not impact the integrity of the test Х Allowing students to move about the room during a testing session Х Locations that exceed reasonable seating capacity Х Leaving students alone with test materials Х Allowing students to transport test materials without supervision Page 10 & 11 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 25

26 ADMINISTRATION PRACTICES Administer test sections in the order they appear in the book—same content, same grade, same school, same time Х Altering the order of testing to facilitate the need for calculators Principal to ensure that accommodations are provided accurately Х Providing accommodations in a manner that may interfere with or influence other students Following time limits as specified in manuals Х Allowing students to continue working past the end of the school day Extended time to immediately follow initial session and in an appropriate location Pre-arranging for disruptive students to test in a different location Page 11-12 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 26

27 ADMINISTRATION PRACTICES Schedule session to avoid lunch conflicts. If unavoidable, monitor students during entire break Alter testing schedule due to personnel shortage needed for providing accommodations Х Allowing more time than specified in the manuals to students without IEPs, 504s or PSPs Modifying Alternate Assessment materials as described in manuals Utilizing makeup sessions, including altering the order if needed, for student missing test sections Х Allowing students to work ahead into future sessions or return to prior sessions Page 11-12 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 27

28 ADMINISTRATION PRACTICES Students who miss or leave a test session(s)due to reasonable circumstances (e.g., illness, doctor’s appointment, family emergency), may pick up with the next item and use the remaining allotted time during a makeup session. Students who leave a test session(s) for unwarranted circumstances (e.g. not returning after a restroom break) may not complete the test part being administered at the time he/she left. MAKEUP SESSIONS KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 28

29 ADMINISTRATION PRACTICES Using rulers and reference sheets for classroom instruction after testing is completed, as specified in manuals Х Altering rulers or reference sheets prior to test administration Page 12 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 29

30 ADMINISTRATION PRACTICES Pointing out items with blank responses to students while monitoring a testing session. Indicating to a student the appropriate work area in a test booklet or student response booklet after a testing session has begun. Scribing for two students at the same time during a single test session. KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 30

31 TEST PREPARATION AND STUDENT MOTIVATION/REWARDS All regulations regarding curriculum, instructional time, and finance must be followed when providing test preparation activities and/or student reward and motivational activities. Rewards and motivational strategies related to the state-required assessment are to be consistent with those used for the larger school program. Teachers and other staff cannot be required to conduct test preparation/practice activities instead of regular instruction or outside the normal workday. Page 13 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 31

32 TEST PREPARATION AND STUDENT MOTIVATION/REWARDS Normal instruction to continue Х Cessation of normal instruction; order of instruction altered to match content area tests Regular review of content as part of an on-going instructional practice (lessons plans should reflect reviews throughout year) Х Modifying or developing a culminating review based on information gained from secure materials Embedding test taking strategies into regular instruction Page 13 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 32

33 TEST PREPARATION AND STUDENT MOTIVATION/REWARDS Test prep courses and strategies using Kentucky’s content standards Х Activities that simulate test administration without providing feedback to students or results being used by teachers to enhance instruction Х Using Extended School Services (ESS) funds for test preparation Providing instructional activities that contribute to the students’ overall learning Page 13 & 14 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 33

34 TEST PREPARATION AND STUDENT MOTIVATION/REWARDS Using results of scrimmages, content reviews, benchmark testing, etc. to guide instruction and identify areas of weakness Visually scanning student responses during test sessions to determine disciplinary problems and requiring students to answer the item again on a separate sheet of paper which is then submitted to KDE. The rewritten response is to be marked NOT TO BE SCORED. Х Modifying the original response to an item retaken for disciplinary purposes Page 14 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 34

35 TEST PREPARATION AND STUDENT MOTIVATION/REWARDS Visually scanning responses to determine good faith effort. The checklist may include answering all parts of the questions, legible writing, and being focused. Х Specifying particular organizers or pre-write methods for a good faith effort checklist Х Making results or rewards based on checklists available before all test materials are returned to the DAC or BAC Including a pre-writing requirement of the student’s choice on a checklist KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 35 Page 14

36 Follow the guidelines in the Accounting Procedures for Kentucky School Activity Funds (“Redbook”) Accepting donations from individuals, businesses, parents, or school staff for use toward incentives Х Using school board funds, cash awards, or funds generated by students for incentives or rewards to attend school during testing window, participate in the assessment, or perform well on the state-required assessments TEST PREPARATION AND STUDENT MOTIVATION/REWARDS KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 36 Page 14

37 TEST PREPARATION AND STUDENT MOTIVATION/REWARDS Using commercially purchased test prep courses as part of instruction throughout the school year. Letting students know they are doing satisfactory work on test responses. Using scrimmage test results to identify student weaknesses. KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 37

38 INCLUSION OF SPECIAL POPULATIONS Staff must be trained annually regarding the role, responsibilities and conditions for providing accommodations. Accommodations are intended to support earning valid and reliable test results. Accommodations do not automatically lead to student proficiency. Any violation of the Inclusion of Special Populations regulation is considered a violation of the Administration Code regulation. Page 16 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 38

39 ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT Interventions to enhance student ownership (i.e. modifying materials according to directions in test manuals) Х Altering student results Х Using an accommodation or assistive device that is not part of the student’s regular instruction Х Adding, subtracting, revising or working on materials after the completion deadline Receiving training on the Alternate Assessment components Securing storage of test materials Page 16 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 39

40 REPORTING CONCERNS REGARDING ASSESSMENT MATERIALS 1.Do not reproduce test items in any way, in whole, in part or by paraphrasing. 2.Identify the error/concern by test, grade level, test form identification number, subject and item number. Example: K-PREP, 7th grade, form 3, math, #26 Page 17 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 40

41 REPORTING CONCERNS REGARDING ASSESSMENT MATERIALS 3.Summarize the error/concern in general in a manner that does not jeopardize security. 4.Notify the DAC with the identifying information and summary. No correct answer choice is provided. Page 17 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 41

42 REPORTING CONCERNS REGARDING ASSESSMENT MATERIALS E-mailing the grade level, content area and item number of an item reported to you by a student as faulty to the BAC. Texting the grade level, content area and item number of an item reported to you by a student as faulty to the BAC and letting her/him know that other colleagues agree with you. Writing down the grade level, content area and item number of an item reported to you by a student as faulty and personally handing it to the BAC when materials are returned after a testing session. KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 42

43 TESTING ALLEGATION PROCESS Board of Review makes recommendation to the Commissioner of Education KDE Allegations Coordinator is notified Findings are reported to Board of Review Commissioner of Education makes final determination KDE manages investigation process District receives a letter from KDE stating the actions to be taken Page 18-19 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 43

44 ALLEGATIONS AllegationExample Inappropriate Assistance/Intervention by Staff Leading students to answers, making corrections to student work Test Security (Staff)Discussing item specifics Test Security (Student)Removing a test booklet from testing location Out of Order (Staff)Not following test schedule Out of Order (Student)Working in prior sections or ahead Special EducationGiving inappropriate accommodations or not providing accommodations Student ActionUsing cell phones Missing Test BookletsMisplacing or failing to collect books by test administrator OtherGiving feedback, allowing students to change answers after testing KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 44

45 REVIEW OF SECURE ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS Local districts are not required to allow reviews of secure materials. Persons outside of local district employment can request to review the materials at KDE offices in Frankfort. KDE will permit the review based on availability of appropriate staff to supervise the review. Those reviewing materials will be monitored at all times and required to sign a nondisclosure form. Page 20 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 45

46 REPORTING OF STUDENT DATA AND NONACADEMIC INDICATORS Local districts are responsible for submitting and/or correcting student data and nonacademic indicators as accurately as possible for use in public reporting. Submitting incorrect data for the purpose of inaccurately affecting public reports is considered a violation. Schools and districts shall follow KDE guidance on the release of data during the data review periods and adhere to embargoed dates. Page 20 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 46

47 TRAINING SIGNATURE By signing the signature page of the Administration Code training document or group training signature sheet, the signer acknowledges receipt of the document, participation in training, agreement to comply with the content and to be held professionally accountable. Page 21 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 47

48 Office of Assessment and Accountability Division of Support and Research (502) 564-4394 KDE:OAA:DSR 8/29/2014 48


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