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Published byArnold Ratliffe Modified over 10 years ago
Introduction Biology is the study of living organisms, their interrelationships, and the non- living factors in the environment that influence life. The purpose of this course is to help you learn about the scientific principles that apply to the living environment, of which you are a part.
During the year, we will examine several issues associated with living organisms, and will learn related aspects of earth science, chemistry, and physics. To do this, we will use the textbook, homework assignments, multimedia resources, and direct observations that you make during the lab exercises and in everyday life.
Course Materials You will need: 3-ring binder (at least 2 inches) Pens A highlighter Calculator Review book Colored pencils (optional)
Grades Your grades are calculated numerically and can be accessed through Infinite Campus. It is your responsibility to turn in all assignments and labs, and to make up any missed quizzes or tests. Remember: one zero can be devastating!
Grade calculations Labs: 30% Homework:20% Quizzes:10% Tests:40% Total:100%
Assignments Each week you will be assigned one or more tasks to complete. Assignments are due by 3:00 on the next class day. In accordance with Bishop Kearney policy, late work will not be accepted. Homework should be neat and legible, and is to be handed directly to me. Please make sure your name appears on all assignments!
Laboratory Work Labs will be conducted in class on your specified lab day. On lab day, you will be required to spend student activity period with me for class. Most labs will be due to me at the end of class. However, there will be occasions when you will need to complete a lab on your own time. It is imperative that you do this! Late labs will earn a credit of no more than 6.5 out of 10.
In accordance with New York State regulations, you must complete 1200 minutes of lab time. This includes 4 labs mandated by the state and testable on the Regents Exam. All labs must be completed satisfactorily (of passing value) for Regents Exam eligibility. If you are absent on a lab day, make-up labs will be scheduled for after school.
Quizzes Once a week, you will be expected to complete an unannounced quiz that will cover the material from the previous day’s class. It is good practice to get into the habit of looking over your notes every day. Just 5 minutes a day will prepare you for a possible quiz, and also for the test at the end of each unit. Quizzes will not take place during weeks when a test has been scheduled.
Tests All tests will be scheduled ahead of time. I will not accept the excuse “I didn’t know we had a test today” as you will have had ample warning both verbally and on Infinite Campus. In the event you are absent the day of a test, you will be expected to schedule a make-up time with me the day of your return, to be no longer than 1 week after the test was administered.
Make-up Work It is your responsibility to make arrangements to make up missed work. Please see me promptly about this issue, as you will only be allowed to make up missed work for a short period of time. Also, please see me beforehand if you expect to be away for a vacation or other extended absence.
Laptop Usage Laptops are to remain in your backpacks unless otherwise instructed Instructions regarding laptops can be found on the front whiteboard when relevant Failure to comply with the aforementioned instructions will result in disciplinary action First infraction verbal warning Any other infractions your laptop will be confiscated and turned in to Mr. Miller
Extra Credit Periodically throughout the year I will make extra credit available. Work for extra credit is accepted only after all required work has been turned in. In other words, extra credit work cannot substitute for regularly assigned work. That is why it is called “extra.”
Extra Help Please see me if you need extra help! My job is to help you learn Biology. I am available most days right after school until about 4:00. Please check with me beforehand to make sure I won’t be in a meeting or have another commitment. I am not usually available during your student activity period. If you have any questions, please ask!
Attendance I take attendance at the beginning of each period, which is then reported immediately to the main office. You have 4 minutes between classes. When that fourth minute is up, if you aren’t here, in your seat, you’re late! If you need to be late, be sure to get a pass and show it to me upon your arrival. Excessive tardiness will result in afternoon detentions with me at my discretion.
Food In accordance with Bishop Kearney policy, you will not be allowed to have food or beverages in the classroom or lab. This is a health and safety issue, and may be distracting to others. This includes chewing gum! Thank you for your cooperation with this and other matters.
Have Fun!! And finally, let’s remember that science is fun! It is not just memorizing facts, but learning how to think about those facts and make connections to other aspects of your lives. So please, don’t just sit there and try to absorb everything that is said in class, for that is surely the antithesis of fun. Engage your brains and think, think, think!!
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