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Tools to Use in Your School GRAPHICDESIGN. SYMPTOMS Your design doesn’t look or feel right.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools to Use in Your School GRAPHICDESIGN. SYMPTOMS Your design doesn’t look or feel right."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools to Use in Your School GRAPHICDESIGN

2 SYMPTOMS Your design doesn’t look or feel right

3 DIAGNOSIS Identify common design mistakes

4 PRESCRIPTION Find a solution to make the design better

5 People are reading for a reason: necessity, curiosity, business, pleasure Do they want to read or do they have to? Are they going to be reading every single word or jumping from topic to topic? WHY ?

6 Parents, Students, Staff, Community Different designs for different groups Simple & easy-to-read for adults; fun & engaging for children Knowing who your reader is will immediately help focus your approach. WHO ?

7 You know the “why” and “who”… now you can determine what type of document you will create Goal: inform students of an assembly Document: poster Goal: inform parents of yearly events Document: tri-fold brochure Also consider the budget: mailing and printing costs WHAT ?

8 Consider the location of your message and proximity of reader Poster – hanging on wall – large text Brochure – reading in hands – smaller text Online – save in correct format If displayed next to others, make yours STAND OUT! WHERE ?

9 Last minute projects Create a timeline Print in office or send to Print Shop Number of copies Mailed or posted immediately WHEN & HOW ?

10 space Give the eye a visual rest. Create ties between elements. Highlight an element. Use white space. Make a layout easy to follow. Make type as legible as possible.

11 WHITE SPACE Don’t fill up every inch of the page. Space provides a greater emphasis on the message. White space around key elements can make them stronger and easier to read.

12 USE A GRID The size, spacing & placement of objects on the page should look intentional, not random. Line things up. Your page will look polished. Create guidelines on the page & use margins. Thin columns of text are easier to read.

13 PRIORITY What do you want the reader to see first? The headline or main image should be the largest element on the page. Sub-headers can show the reader where to look next. Group similar items together and leave space between things that don’t go together.

14 FONTS Choose the appropriate font. Never use more than 4 fonts in one document. Don’t overuse display fonts Consider size, weight & legibility of the font

15 FONT FAMILIES more formal easier to read in paragraph form more legible in book format more casual easier to read in titles & headings more legible on computer screen serif sans serif

16 serif sans serif Bookman Old Style Century Schoolbook Courier New Garamond Goudy Old Style Palatino Linotype Times New Roman Arial Century Gothic Franklin Gothic Gill Sans Lucida Sans Tahoma Verdana COMMONLY USED FONTS

17 DISPLAY FONTS Broadway Brush Script Chiller Comic Sans Curlz Edwardian Script Jokerman Mistral Papyrus Playbill Ravie Script Snap Tempus Sans

18 CHOOSING FONTS No more than 4 fonts per document. Best option: ONE serif font & ONE sans serif font. Use only ONE display font per document & only use it as a title or accent font. Title This is the body text. Only use a serif or sans serif font here. Do not use a display font. Title This is the body text. Only use a serif or sans serif font here. Do not use a display font. YES NO

19 FORMAT Use bold, italics & underline separately Consider font size Don’t overuse ALL CAPS Align text properly

20 FONT SIZE All fonts are NOT created equally. Check legibility of specific font to determine size. Remember the amount of text that needs to fit on the page. Decrease or increase font size accordingly. In general, titles range from 20-36 point size, and main text ranges from 9-12 points.

21 FONT FORMAT There is no need to bold, italicize AND underline text. Only choose ONE. Consider using a different font instead of making an item bold or underlined. AVOID TYPING IN ALL CAPS – it’s hard to read.

22 ALIGNMENT Align text LEFT is the most common & easy to read format. For a clean look, consider Justify. It aligns text to both left & right margins, adding space between words when necessary. Avoid centering an entire page of text.

23 COLOR Highlight important elements Signal the reader where to look first using blocks of color. Create an image or a mood. Tie a layout together. Group elements together or isolate them.

24 COLOR PALETTE Select two or three complimentary colors that work together – or use your school colors! Consider using shades of the same color Dark & muted colors = sophisticated & classy Bright & light colors = young & fresh

25 IMAGES Cut the “clip art clutter” Consider style & theme Avoid using images to fill empty space Remember the grid when placing images on a page Use images to draw attention to headings

26 THEME & STYLE Avoid using different styles of clip art Consider the feeling/mood of the document YES NO

27 IMAGE OVERLOAD Instead of many small images, use one or two large images. Avoid scattered clip art, decorative bullets, boxes or borders, and lines all over the same page Choose one or two key images that complement the text and use them to focus attention or provide visual interest.

28 STEP-By-STEP Analyze the audience. Determine the purpose of your message. Decide where and how your message will appear. Establish goals & timeline. Organize text and graphics.

29 Choose an appropriate format and layout. Select appropriate typefaces, type sizes, type styles, and spacing. Add and manipulate graphics. Organize text and graphics. Proofread & refine.

30 NEED HELP? Print it out – it will be easier to spot mistakes & get a different perspective Get input from someone else Walk away, and come back with fresh eyes

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