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Assessing Student Learning Outcomes in Chemistry
Dr. Saloua Saidane San Diego Mesa College
How did it Strat? Accreditation
As part of accreditation process, Intitution required that: Each department develops Program Level SLOs Develop, and assess, Course Level and Program level SLOs Institution purchased software to help achieve requirements.
Taskstream It is a software that allows to:
Map/align Institution SLOs to Department SLOs as well as department SLOs to course level SLOs. Map assessment activities to Course Level SLOs. Publish SLOs, assessment plans and results at the institution, department and course levels.
What did we do? Since Assessment had to be done both at the course and program level, we adopted the following: Develop Chemistry Department SLOs. Use course outlines and find common activities/topics in these courses. Cluster Courses based on Activities/topics. Align Activities to department’s SLOs. Align department’s SLOs to institution’s SLOs. Develop assessment plan for the accreditation cycle.
Mesa College Chem Dept SLOs
1. Communication: Demonstrates ability to report scientific information appropriately. 2. Critical Thinking: Utilizes the scientific method to analyze and interpret data. 3. Technology awareness: Investigates questions utilizing modern and appropriate tools. 4. Personal responsibility: Comes prepared for class and does assigned work thoughtfully. 5. Environmental responsibility: Demonstrates understanding of impact of chemistry on environment and society.
Clustering Courses Lab Courses based on activities (Lab notebook).
Lecture Courses based on topics in course outlines.
Lab Courses Assessment
Department developed lab notebook policy and Lab notebook rubric to assess the SLOs as part of the lab courses.
Chemsitry Department Lab Notebook Policy
All students will maintain a lab notebook. There will be a progression of rigor and formality as follows: Fundamental and Intro Chem Gen. Chem I Gen. Chem II/Org Chem Title Title Title Purpose Purpose Purpose Theory Theory Theory Materials Materials Procedure (cited) Procedure (cited OK) Procedure Data/Calculations Raw data/Calculations Raw data/Calculations Data summary (not Necessary) Data summary/ Tables Discussion (not for all labs) Discussion Discussion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion
Laboratory Notebook Assessment Rubric
SLO Organization 1 and 4 Purpose and Theory 1, 2, 3 and 4 Materials, Safety and Experimental Procedure 1, 4 and 5 Observations, Data, Calculations, and Data Sheets 1, 2 and 3 Discussion, Conclusion 1and 2 Focus Question Is the notebook Sufficiently organized and legible so that another scientist can Find information in the notebook. Understand what was done? Can someone else understand why the experiment was done and what theory is behind it? Can someone else follow the procedure to repeat the experiment and address safety and disposal? Are records sufficiently detailed so that one can troubleshoot or detect errors? Were the results analyzed critically? Does the conclusion list what was learned in the experiment and/or what can be done next? LEVEL 5 Each experiment has the required elements of: title, purpose, theory, procedure, observations, data, calculations, discussion, and conclusion. Name on cover and inside of lab notebook; pages sequentially numbered; entries are written in pen, are dated and legible. There is a table of contents. The experiment has (a) clearly stated purpose(s). A detailed explanation of the theory behind the experiment is described, including chemical reactions, formulas that will be used in the calculations. The notebook provides detailed information about the equipment, chemicals, reagents, concentrations, safety and disposal information. Experimental procedure is provided or cited. Any changes to the experimental procedure are described. All data, observations, and graphs, are clearly recorded in lab notebook. And all calculations are shown with appropriate equations and units. Has detailed discussion and summary of results. Conclusions are drawn that correlate to the purpose and show a clear understanding of the experiment.
Laboratory Notebook Assessment Rubric
4 Most experiments are clearly documented, having all the required elements. Name on cover and inside of lab notebook; pages sequentially numbered; most entries are written in pen (some in pencil); most entries are dated and legible. There is a table of contents. The experiment has (a) clearly stated purpose (s). A sufficient summary and explanation of the theory behind the experiment is described, including chemical reactions, formulas that will be used in the calculations. The notebook provides adequate information about the equipment, chemicals, reagents, concentrations, safety and disposal information. Experimental procedure is provided or cited. Any changes to the experimental procedure are described. Most data, observations, and graphs, are clearly recorded in lab notebook. And most calculations are shown with appropriate equations and units. Has adequate discussion and summary of results. Conclusions are drawn that correlate to the purpose and show an adequate understanding of the experiment. 3 Some experiments are clearly documented, having all the required elements. Name on cover and inside of lab notebook; pages sequentially numbered; some entries are written on one side of the sheet, in pen (most in pencil); some entries are dated and legible. There is no table of contents. The experiment has (a) stated purpose (s) and a tentative explanation of the theory behind the experiment. The notebook provides sufficient information about the equipment, chemicals, reagents, concentrations, safety and disposal information. Experimental procedure is provided or cited. Most data, observations, and graphs, are recorded in lab notebook. And some calculations are provided with appropriate equations and units. Has a discussion. Conclusions are drawn that correlate to the purpose and show an understanding of the experiment.
Laboratory Notebook Assessment Rubric
2 Few experiments are clearly documented, having all the required elements. One has difficulty finding information in the notebook. Name on cover and inside of lab notebook; pages are not numbered; some entries are written on both sides of sheet in pen (most in pencil). There is no table of contents. Purpose (s) and theory are insufficiently stated. The notebook provides insufficient information about the equipment, chemicals, reagents, concentrations, safety and disposal information. Experimental procedure is provided or cited. Some data, observations, and graphs, are recorded in lab notebook. And some calculations are provided with appropriate equations and units. Has an incomplete discussion and conclusions may not correlate to the purpose. Shows inadequate understanding of the experiment. 1 Documentation of experiments is sketchy. Some data and results are not recorded. Information is difficult to find. Name on cover and inside of a notebook; pages are not numbered; entries are written on both sides of sheet and in pencil. There is no table of contents. Purpose (s) and theory are unclear or irrelevant. Description of experimental procedure is not cited or safety and disposal information is incomplete. Few data, observations, and graphs, are recorded in lab notebook or calculations are missing. Discussion or conclusions are incomplete or missing. Shows poor understanding of the experiment.
Laboratory Notebook Assessment
Fundamental and Intro Chem: Students will be at level 3 in the rubric. General Chem I: Students will be at level 4 in the rubric General Chem II and higher: Students will be at level 5 in the rubric. Each year assessment is done for one of the activities/columns in the rubric. Results are reported for each course. Summary of all these assessments are reported at the department level.
Chemsitry Department Lecture Courses
Course Outlines were divided into course topics. Six major topics were found in all the major courses offered at the department: a) Measurements. b) Atoms/Molecules c) Nomenclature d) Structure/Properties e) Chemical Equations f) Calculations
Lecture Courses Activities/SLOs
Measurements SLO #1-4 Atom/Molecules Nomenclature SLO #1-5 Structure/Properties Chemical Equations Calculations Chem100 Use scientific notation and represent measured and calculated quantities to the correct number of significant figures. Use metric and SI units to express measurements and perform unit conversions using dimensional analysis. Describe the model of the atom including subatomic particles, isotopes and electron configurations for the first 20 elements. Understand and use the periodic table. Compare and contrast different types of bonding. Determine the shapes and polarities of molecular substances. Name and write chemical formulae for binary covalent compounds, simple ionic compounds and acids. Explain key concepts and terminology related to the properties and classification of matter. Explain the factors that affect the formation of solutions. Explain concepts related to gases, acid s, bases and intermolecular forces. Classify and write balanced chemical reactions. Explain the concept of equilibrium. Write nuclear reactions. Perform mole and stoichiometric calculations. Perform concentration calculations including dilution and solution preparation problems. Perform pH calculations for strong acids and bases. Chem 152 Using dimensional analysis, solve problems related to measurement, metric conversions, density problems and express the answer to the correct number of significant figures and with correct units. Describe the model of the atom including subatomic particles, isotopes and electron configurations. Describe the periodic table, including trends. Compare and contrast covalent and ionic bonds and compounds. Draw Lewis structures of simple compounds and determine molecular shapes and polarity. Write formulas for ionic compounds, covalent compounds and acids from names and names of compounds from formulas. Explain concepts related to gases, acid s, bases and intermolecular forces. Classify and write balanced chemical equations from words and predict products for some reaction types. Describe chemical equilibrium including Le Chatelier's Principle Perform pH calculations for strong acids and bases. Perform simple gas law calculations.
Lecture Courses Activities/SLOs
Measurements SLO #1-4 Atom/Molecules Nomenclature SLO #1-5 Structure/Properties Chemical Equations Calculations Chem 200 Perform advanced unit conversion problems using dimensional analysis. Write sets of quantum numbers, write electron configurations, and draw orbital diagrams for the elements. Explain periodic trends. Compare and contrast the principle theories of ionic and covalent bonding. Sketch Lewis structures, including resonance forms, and calculate formal charges on atoms for given molecular structures. Describe hybrid orbital theory. Write formulas for ionic compounds, covalent compounds and acids from names and names of compounds from formulas. Compare and contrast the properties of the liquid and solid state, including phase changes. Use intermolecular forces to explain differences in physical properties. Interpret phase diagrams. Explain and analyze the factors that affect the formation of a solution. Classify, write and balance chemical equations, including ionic equations. Predict whether an aqueous phase reaction will occur. Balance redox equations. . Perform stoichiometric calculations. Solve complex gas law problems. Solve problems involving electromagnetic radiation. Solve problems involving different measures of concentration. Solve problems related to colligative properties. Chem 201 Applying qualitative acid- based theory. Identify organic molecules based upon functional groups. Differentiate between atomic and nuclear chemistry. Describe the structure of coordination compounds. Name coordination compounds. Name simple hydrocarbons using IUPAC rules. Compare and contrast the properties of coordination compounds. Apply Crystal Field Theory to explain the color of coordination complexes. Explain how proposed mechanisms are related to a given rate law. Identify the types of radioactive decay. Relate equations to equilibrium, thermodynamics and electrochemistry. Perform calculations related to chemical kinetics. Perform equilibrium, acid-base, thermochemical, and electrochemical calculations. Solve problems related to nuclear chemistry.
Lecture Courses Activities/SLOs
Measurements SLO #1-4 Atom/Molecules Nomenclature SLO #1-5 Structure/Properties Chemical Equations Calculations Chem 231 Analyze and interpret spectroscopic information, especially from infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Draw structures of organic compounds, including resonance, formal charges and isomers. Analyze theories of bonding in organic compounds. Identify functional groups present in molecules, and assign these to the corresponding classes of organic compounds. Compare and contrast theories of acids and bases. Apply IUPAC rules to name simple organic compounds. Describe structure/ function relationship in simple organic compounds. Relate molecular structure to acidity and Basicity. Write equations for and predict products of organic compounds. Illustrate and analyze mechanisms of organic reactions. Propose and evaluate strategies for the synthesis of simple organic compounds, Formulate molecular structures from analytical data on compound composition. Chem 233 Analyze and interpret spectroscopic information, especially from infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Differentiate among common functional groups within synthetic compounds, including polymers. Differentiate among common functional groups within bio-organic compounds, including bio-polymers. Apply IUPAC rules to name selected classes of organic compounds. Describe structure/ function relationship in complex organic compounds. Illustrate and analyze mechanisms of complex organic reactions. Propose and evaluate strategies for the synthesis of complex organic compounds.
Lecture Courses Assessment
Students will answer five multiple choice questions on one of the topic selected by the department. Target is 70% of correct answers. Results are reported for each course. Summary of all the assessments are reported at the department level.
Examples of Assessment. Lab Courses
Assessment collected on Discussion for three experiments. Results recorded for each course level and program level. Results discussed at the department. If target is reached, we move to the next activity (e.g. data and calculations) if not, we discuss possible reason, restart the assessment and analyze results for next assessment cycle.
Examples of Assessment. Lecture Courses
Assessment collected on Calculations. Results recorded for each course level and program level. Results discussed at the department. If target is reached the we move to the next activity for example Chemical equations, if not, we discuss possible reasons, restart the assessment and analyze results for next cycle.
Questions Saloua Saidane
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