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YSGOL STANWELLSCHOOL ADRAN Y GYMRAEG Dyma fi! Enw: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dosbarth: 7 . . . Athrawes:

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Presentation on theme: "YSGOL STANWELLSCHOOL ADRAN Y GYMRAEG Dyma fi! Enw: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dosbarth: 7 . . . Athrawes:"— Presentation transcript:

1 YSGOL STANWELLSCHOOL ADRAN Y GYMRAEG Dyma fi! Enw: Dosbarth: Athrawes:

2 Polisi Marcio yr adran ac ysgol
Sp* Spelling error (word should be underlined, with sp in the margin and whenever possible pupils should use a dictionary to find the correct spelling). ^ Something is missing from the sentence. // New paragraph needed. ?? Read and check. This sentence or section of work does not make sense. P Punctuation is missing . C Capital letter needed. Wrong word or slang has been used. Excellent point/answer/use of language. Target/Action/How to improve.

3 NATIONAL CURRICULUM - Attainment target 1 - ORACY
2 Pupils begin to show confidence, especially when talking about matters that are within their experience and interest. At times, they respond appropriately and include suitable details. They seek, understand and communicate simple information and respond to a wider range of stimuli. Their pronunciation and intonation is understandable as they develop and explain their ideas, and they use an increasing range of vocabulary and patterns that are usually accurate. 3 Pupils talk with some confidence in different contexts about experiences and events showing some awareness of order and progression. They listen carefully to others, respond appropriately and begin asking appropriate questions. Pupils begin to adapt their talk according to the needs of the audience. They express an opinion simply and talk with some accuracy, with appropriate pronunciation and intonation, varying vocabulary and register. They communicate simple, personal and factual information clearly, varying their sentences purposefully. They begin to realise that there is variety in the language they hear around them. 4 Pupils talk confidently in a variety of contexts. They present information, talk about experiences, respond in detail and show an awareness of order and progression. They express opinions clearly, giving reasons at times. They show an awareness of the needs of an audience by beginning to vary voice, intonation and gesture. In discussion, they listen carefully and respond by asking questions and making comments that are responsive to the contributions of others. They speak with ease and with coherence, and use an increasing variety of phrases and sentence patterns with a good measure of accuracy. 5 Pupils talk confidently in a wide variety of contexts. They pay close attention to what others say, by enquiring in order to elicit ideas and make contributions that take account of others’ views. They show an increasing awareness of progression by developing their talk purposefully. They maintain the interest of listeners by varying their talk to suit the purpose using voice, intonation and gestures according to the context’s demands. When expressing an opinion, they consistently provide reasons to support their views. They present information clearly and effectively, and show a fairly good grasp of the natural syntax of the spoken language. 6 Pupils adapt their talk according to the demands of a wide variety of contexts, and present information and experiences with increasing confidence. They engage the interest of others by varying their expression and vocabulary. In discussion they think carefully about what others say, and consider how and when to respond. Pupils express opinions using evidence at times. They demonstrate a fairly sound grasp of the natural syntax of the spoken language and they vary vocabulary and expression according to register. 7 Pupils adapt their talk purposefully and use appropriate language in a variety of contexts. They communicate clearly and organise their talk, showing some initiative. They express opinions selecting evidence to support their viewpoints. In discussion, pupils make sensitive and thoughtful comments when evaluating others’ ideas. They demonstrate a sound grasp of the natural syntax of the spoken language and draw on a wide variety of language resources. 8 Pupils contribute and show initiative in discussions on different subjects with a variety of listeners. They deal with information from various sources and use evidence in a balanced way to justify opinion. They communicate ideas coherently and vary their language according to purpose and audience. In discussion pupils make subtle and sensitive comments, evaluating others’ ideas before contributing in a way that will move the discussion forward. Their language is accurate and assured.

4 Attainment target 2 - READING
Generally, pupils read simple texts accurately. They show an understanding of major events or ideas in stories, poems and factual material and express opinions about them. They use a range of strategies in reading unfamiliar words and establishing meaning. 3 Pupils read a range of texts. They read aloud accurately, fluently and with increasing emphasis. They use appropriate strategies to establish meaning. They extract the main facts from texts and respond to what they have read. They use their knowledge of the alphabet to locate books and find information. 4 Pupils read clearly and expressively. In responding to a wide variety of texts they show an understanding of the main ideas, events and characters. They refer to the text when expressing opinion, and begin to show an understanding of what is implicit in the material read. Pupils gather information on a specific topic from more than one printed source and use it effectively. 5 Pupils show understanding of a variety of texts, selecting the main points and show understanding of what is implicit in them by drawing conclusions where appropriate. When responding to a wide range of texts they express opinion and refer to plot, characters and some aspects of style, selecting appropriate words, phrases, sentences and information to support their views. They gather, recall and organise information from various sources. 6 In reading and discussing a wide variety of texts, pupils recognise different layers of meaning and make comments on their significance and effect. They express opinions on a wide range of subjects and provide reasons for their comments referring to content, themes, structure and aspects of language and style. They gather, recall and summarise relevant information from various sources clearly. 7 In reading and discussing a wide variety of texts, pupils show understanding of the ways in which meaning is conveyed and information presented. They express opinions skilfully and analyse reading material by referring to content, themes, structure, language and style. They gather, collate and present information from various sources effectively. 8 Pupils respond thoughtfully to a wide variety of texts by analysing and evaluating how meaning is conveyed. They analyse style in detail and form opinions by balancing evidence. They select, collate and analyse ideas and information, and discuss the ways in which these are presented in different texts.

5 Attainment target 3 - WRITING
2 Pupil’s written work communicates meaning. They use appropriate and interesting vocabulary which shows some awareness of the reader and form. Often ideas are developed in a series of linked sentences. They use capital letters and full stops with some consistency. In handwriting, letters are accurately formed and consistent in size and used according to convention. 3 Pupils writing is clear and organised in both creative and factual forms, and on a variety of subjects. They show some grasp of form and progression, developing their ideas sensibly, varying their sentences to some extent and at times, adapt their work to the purpose of the reader. They begin to create effects by selecting words that are suitable for the purpose. Pupils produce basic constructions and sentences which are fairly accurate and, on the whole, punctuation – capital letters, question marks, apostrophes and full stops – is accurate. They spell most structure and basic words of the subjects under discussion accurately. Handwriting is legible and work is appropriately resented. 4 Pupils write thoughtfully and imaginatively and show a fairly sound grasp of form. They express opinions simply and often sustain and develop ideas in an interesting way. Vocabulary choices are often original and words and phrases are chosen for effect. They use more varied and complex constructions fairly accurately. Pupils organise their work into paragraphs and in progression for the purpose of the reader. They spell most of the words within their experience correctly, writing words in their standard written form where appropriate and mutating correctly at times. They use capital letters, question marks and full stops accurately and they begin to use punctuation within sentences using apostrophes and quotation marks when necessary. Handwriting is legible, and they write with ease, and where appropriate presentation is adapted according to the task. 5 Pupils write clearly, in a varied and interesting way for a variety of purposes, showing perception, imagination and a sound grasp of form. They express opinions supported by some reasons. They are often original in their choice of words and phrases, considering subject, purpose, and the nature of the audience. Their work is organised into paragraphs and includes a range of constructions and phrases that are fairly accurate and Welsh in flavour. Pupils usually use punctuations and mutations correctly. They use their knowledge of the rules of spelling to spell correctly. Work is legible and effectively presented.. 6 The pupils’ written work engages and sustains the reader’s interest through the deliberate choice of vocabulary, phrases and sentence forms when developing descriptions, ideas and arguments. They present information for different purposes and express opinions, developing some points in support of a point of view. They make appropriate use of style, language and register suitable to the form. They have a fairly sound grasp of accurate syntax and natural Welsh idiom. They use mutations and spelling is generally accurate, including that of irregular words. A range of punctuation marks is used to clarify meaning and ideas are organised in paragraphs. Work is legible and effectively presented. 7 Pupils write confidently and choose an appropriate style in a wide range of forms. They show a sustained ability to use the features and conventions of narrative and factual writing. In narrative, ideas and situations are developed and in factual writing ideas are well organised and coherent. They sustain arguments, providing evidence to support their opinions. Their use of vocabulary and correct, natural Welsh syntax reflects the demands of the task. They spell complex, irregular words accurately. Paragraphing, punctuation and grammar are usually correct and used to clarify progression for the reader. Work is legible and effectively presented. 8 The pupils’ writing shows depth, flair and originality. They demonstrate the ability to use most creative forms effectively and confidently, varying style and register according to the purpose of the task. In narrative writing, they develop characters and situations, and in factual writing their ideas are well organised, coherent and subtle. They structure their arguments, providing evidence consistently. Their language is rich and accurate and they have a clear grasp of grammar, punctuation, spelling and paragraphing. Work is legible and effectively presented.

6 Rheolau’r adran – The department Rules
1. Dewch i mewn yn dawel 2. Tynnwch eich cotiau 3. Llyfrau allan yn syth 4. Dewch â’r offer cywir 5. Gwrandewch yn ofalus 6. Dwylo i fyny 7. Dim gweiddi 8. Byddwch yn gwrtais bob amser 9. Siaradwch yn Gymraeg 10. Cwbwlhewch eich gwaith yn daclus

7 Iaith y dosbarth – classroom language
Gwrandewch Ysgrifennwch Darllenwch Tawelwch Eisteddwch Sefwch Agorwch Caewch Tacluswch Paciwch Bore da Prynhawn da Os gwelwch yn dda Diolch Ga i help? Dydw i ddim yn deall Dw i wedi gorffen Hwyl Da bo chi Ga i fenthyg...?

8 Chwilair iaith y dosbarth – find the answers in Welsh
y e h x n h c w n e l l r a d l b n v a s w u b g t s h c v i f q q p v x d t l o l w c d x a y w y a g g m w p j p h b k n e a k i g e z j q y r h n w u e r u d u h f v w v e w o j r m j h r a j o x e s k v i k d z c a t d h u x g a i f y n d i r t l o p o v f t e h w n e c p n t v h i d s f o a m w d t v d h e n t y f v l m t c x c e t h t a l u c w p a r l y n m s w e g e p p u w w c a d g x o h c t a c r c i n w i q s f f o c e j v e c a a t x h b s p l d s i w j e l q f h s d j r h f z a c y f u a c d u y y c c k s s z u x r o y j t m n w b i l e i t c s p l e h i a g j p b d i o l c h a u z c w x i e e w w z v m d z v w c w b x g z a i h g d m e f g m t c f h j b i d o m m s x o z a w j y x n p p c q n k h d k x h q r x d z g r r z k d x e c r o d q w r s k k s h v o s y a o a d g s l p a n f f t q c d o x j f c z u o e t b v k g h e n t r p x c p l r y r l b w v h c y a i h w b e o s g w e l w c h y n d d a e j c b h a c w j c c w w q y b k d j k l f t i g a a s o g q d d o c r a s n u o a r b a r b a d r c f i o c f l d j o k p i x s w g c f v o c c h h x z r y l f t t j a d m n n z d g p h g b m f p r x w g y n d n m d n x b r t b g j c b k o q l n t c w m g a p s q u w r r j l y d o i i c q o n c h f j t y d i w t n e o Chwilair iaith y dosbarth – find the answers in Welsh I don’t understand Listen Write Read Stand Quiet May I have help? Sit Open Thank you Tidy close Good morning Good afternoon Please

9 Yr wyddor – the alphabet
C Ch D Dd E F Ff G Ng H I L Ll M N O P Ph R Rh S T Th U W Y There are ... letters in the English alphabet There are .... letters in the Welsh alphabet There is no , , , , , or in the Welsh alphabet There is no , , , , , , or in the English alphabet

10 Tasg geiriadur – dictionary task
e.e A am afal e.e S am siocled B am W am Ch am G am Rh am C am Th am Y am S am D am

11 Ga i fenthyg...? Tasg ychwanegol – extension task Pensil Pen Siswrn
Naddwr Pren mesur Pensiliau lliw Staplwr Llyfr Tap selo Rwbwr Papur Glud

12 Ymarfer – llenwch y grid
? ? Pwy wyt ti? Pwy wyt ti? Who are you? Beth ydy dy enw di? What is your name? _____________ydw i I am ______________ I ba ysgol gynradd est ti? To which primary school did you go? Es i i ysgol gynradd_________________ I went to ____________primary school Ymarfer – llenwch y grid Enw Ysgol

13 Es i i Ysgol gynradd Springfield
Dyma fi! Enw: Bart Simpson Enw: Enw: Bore da Bart ydw i Es i i Ysgol gynradd Springfield

14 Fy ffrindiau – My friends Amser gorffennol – past tense
Ysgol - school PWYSIG - IMPORTANT I ba ysgol aeth John? To which school did John go? Aeth John i Ysgol gynradd Evenlode John went to Evenlode primary Es i – I went Aeth e – He went Aeth hi – She went Aeth Bart – Bart went Enw: Tasg Ysgrifennwch am 5 o’ch ffrindiau chi – write about 5 of your friends

15 Rhifau - numbers Dim 11 Un deg un 1 Un 12 Un deg dau 2 Dau 13
Dim 11 Un deg un 1 Un 12 Un deg dau 2 Dau 13 Un deg tri 3 Tri 14 Un deg pedwar 4 Pedwar 25 Dau ddeg pump 5 Pump 36 Tri deg chwech 6 Chwech 47 Pedwar deg saith 7 Saith 58 Pum deg wyth 8 Wyth 69 Chwe deg naw 9 Naw 70 Saith deg 10 Deg 100 Cant Ymarfer 23 56 80 49 17 Tri deg dau Chwe deg pump Pedwar deg wyth Naw deg Saith deg un

16 Mathemateg E.e chwech + deg = un deg chwech 6 + 10 = 16
= 16 1. un + dau = _________________________________ 2. pedwar + chwech = _________________________________ 3. pump + tri = _________________________________ 4. chwech + naw = _________________________________ 5. wyth – saith = _________________________________ 6. deg – pump = _________________________________ 7. un deg saith – tri = _________________________________ 8. naw + un deg pump = _________________________________ 9. dau ddeg un + un deg chwech = _________________________________ 10. pump x pedwar = _________________________________ 11. tri deg pedwar - pump = _________________________________ 12. saith x tri = _________________________________ deg / pump = _________________________________ 14. un + naw deg naw = _________________________________ 15. wyth deg - pum deg = _________________________________

17 Croesair Ar draws 3. 10 4. 89 11. 7 13. 76 16. 22 18. 20 20. 1 21. 9 22. 3 23. 47 I lawr 1. 97 2. 43 5. 77 6. 12 7. 8 8. 11 9. 91 10. 6 12. 30 14. 4 15. 5 17. 2 22. 34

18 LLIWIWCH Dau = pinc Tri = gwyn Pedwar = oren Pump = du
Chwech = glas Saith = melyn Wyth = glas LLIWIWCH

19 Oed Rhifau Oed - age Tasg
Siarad am ffrind Cofiwch Unarddeg Unarddeg a hanner Ddeuddeg Bymtheg Ddeunaw Ugain Faint ydy dy oed di? How old are you? Rydw i’n ... I am ... Faint ydy oed John? How old is John? Mae John yn... John is... Mae e’n... He is... Mae hi’n... She is... Tasg Ysgrifennwch am 5 o’ch ffrindiau chi – write about 5 of your friends

20 Misoedd y flwyddyn – months of the year
Ionawr Chwefror Mawrth Ebrill Mai Mehefin Gorffennaf Awst Medi Hydref Tachwedd Rhagfyr Ionawr October Ebrill March Mai August Chwefror September Mehefin January Awst July Hydref February Rhagfyr November Medi June Mawrth December Gorffennaf April Tachwedd May Dyddiadau arbennig! Dydd Calan – New years day (Ionawr ) Dydd Sant Ffolant – St Valentine’s day (Chwefror ) Dydd Mawrth Crempog – Shrove Tuesday (Chwefror) Dydd Gwyl Dewi – St Davids Day (Mawrth) Sul y mamau – Mothers day (Mawrth) Ffwl Ebrill – April Fool’s day (Ebrill) Sul y blodau – palm Sunday ( Ebrill) Dydd Gwener y Groglith – Good Friday (Ebrill) Sul y Pasg – Easter Sunday (Ebrill) Calan Mai – May day (Mai) Sul y Tadau – Fathers day ( Mehefin) Gorffen ysgol – Finish school (Gorffennaf) Gwyliau’r haf – summer holidays (Awst) Dechrau’r ysgol – start school ( Medi) Calan Gaeaf – Halloween (Hydref ) Noson Guto Ffowc – Guy fawkes Night ( Tachwedd ) Dydd Nadolig – Christmas day (Rhagfyr )

21 Calendar y flwyddyn


23 Holidaur - questionnaire
Penblwydd Penblwydd - birthday Holidaur - questionnaire Pryd mae dy benblwydd di? When is your birthday? Mae fy mhenblwydd i ym mis ________ My birthday is in the month of ________ Pryd mae dy benblwydd di? Ionawr Chwefror Mawrth Ebrill Mai Mehefin Gorffennaf Awst Medi Hydref Tachwedd Rhagfyr Tasg - Gofynnwch i bump ffrind Enw Penblwydd

24 Penblwydd – siarad am ffrind
Pryd mae penblwydd Maria? When is Maria’s birthday? Mae penblwydd Maria ym mis ____________ Maria’s birthday is in the month of___________ Mae ei benblwydd e ym mis ________________ His birthday is in the month of ______________ Mae ei phenblwydd hi ym mis ________________ Her birthday is in the month of________________ Tasg -Rhowch y wybodaeth mewn brawddeg llawn 1.Britney Spears = September Justin Bieber = March 3. Tom Jones = January Charlotte Church = Mehefin 5. Bart Simpson = August Ryan Giggs = Rhagfyr

25 Brawd a chwaer Oes...gyda ti? Do you have ...? Oes mae ... gyda fi
Yes, I have ... Nag oes does dim ... gyda fi No I do not have ... Un chwaer Un brawd Dwy chwaer Dau frawd Tair chwaer Tri brawd Pedair chwaer Pedwar brawd Chwaer Sister Chwiorydd Sisters Brawd Brother Brodyr Brothers

26 Brawd a chwaer Siarad am ffrind
Oes...gyda Jack? Does Jack have ...? Oes mae ... gyda Jack Yes, Jack has ... Nag oes does dim ... gyda Jack No Jack does not have ... Enw Brawd Chwaer Brawddeg Tom 1 3 Mae un brawd a tair chwaer gyda Tom Lucy 2 Rhiannon 4 Gwen Aled

27 Byw Ble rwyt ti’n byw? Rydw i’n byw yn +treiglad trwynol
Where do you live? Rydw i’n byw yn +treiglad trwynol I live in + nasal mutation Y Treiglad Trwynol - The Nasal Mutation  In Welsh, the first letters of place names change or mutate after the word ‘yn’ (in). This rule only affects places starting with the letters: Yn P Yn T Yn C Yn B Yn D Yn G Ym Mh Yn Nh Yng Ngh Ym M Yn N Yng Ng Rydw i’n byw + yn Penarth = Rydw i’n byw ym Mhenarth Rydw i’n byw + yn Caerdydd = Rydw i’n byw yng Nghaerdydd Rydw i’n byw + yn Dinas Powys = Rydw i’n byw yn Ninas Powys

28 Byw Ymarfer Bangor Pontypridd Dinas Powys Groesfaen Tonysguboriau
Dolgellau Abertawe Casnewydd Wrecsam Bae Caerdydd Treorci Pwllheli Gwent Y Barri

29 Byw Siarad am ffrind Ble mae Jac yn byw? Where does Jac live?
Mae Jac yn byw + yn + treiglad Jac lives + in + mutation Ymarfer Enw Byw Brawddeg Tom Jones Pontypridd Mae Tom yn byw ym Mhontypridd Shirley Basey Tiger Bay Charlotte Caerdydd Tim Bala Gwen Dolgellau Steffan Aberystwyth Emma Portalbot Osian Pen y bont Megan Trenewydd

30 Cynnydd hyd yn hyn Description Effort level awarded Teacher signature
1 All work is completed (classwork and homework) High level of accuracy (spelling, punctuation and grammar) Legible handwriting 2 Most work is completed Good level of accuracy 3 Some work is completed Reasonable level of accuracy 4 Several task not completed Poor accuracy 5 Most tasks not completed Very poor accuracy Illegible handwriting Effort level awarded Teacher signature Date Monitoring teacher signature

31 Gwyn fel yr eira Du fel y frân Pinc fel y rhosyn Coch fel y tân
Lliwiau Colours Lliwiau Cerdd - Lliwiau Coch Red Oren Melyn Gwyrdd Glas Porffor Pinc Brown Du Gwyn Llwyd Aur Arian Amryliw Gwyn fel yr eira Du fel y frân Pinc fel y rhosyn Coch fel y tân Llwyd fel yr asyn Melyn fel yr haul Glas fel yr awyr Gwyrdd fel y dail

32 Ysgrifennwch gerdd am liwiau:
Syniadau / geirfa Y gerdd – Lliwiau ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

33 Lliwiwch 1 = Pinc 2= Glas 3=Gwyrdd golau 4 = Gwyrdd tywyll 5 = Melyn 6 = Oren 7 = Du 8 = Coch 9 = Brown 10 = Oren 11 = Gwyn 12 = Coch 13 = Melyn TYWYLL = DARK GOLAU = LIGHT

34 Disgrifio Describing Pa gyda ti?
Gwallt Llygaid Disgrifio Describing Pa gyda ti? What colour you have? Mae llygaid...gyda fi I have ... eyes Mae gwallt ...gyda fi I Mae gwallt pinc hir gyda fi. Mae llygaid mawr glas gyda fi Mae gwallt glas hir gyda fi. Mae llygaid glas gyda fi Mae gwallt oren hir gyda fi. Mae llygaid gwyrdd gyda fi Mae gwallt brown gyda fi. Mae llygaid brown gyda fi

35 Ymarfer Pa liw llygaid sy gyda ti? Pa liw gwallt sy gyda ti? Gwallt
Geirfa Pigog – spiky Syth – straight Byr-short Hir-long Mawr – big Bach – small Enfawr - huge

36 Ymarfer Llenwch y grid yn Gymraeg
Gwallt Llygaid Ymarfer Llenwch y grid yn Gymraeg Enw Lliw gwallt Lliw llygaid Siarad am ffrind Pa gyda Tom? What colour ...does Tom have? Mae llygaid...gyda Tom Tom has ... eyes Mae gwallt ...gyda Tom Tom has

37 Ymarfer – draw the following people
Disgrifiad: Mae gwallt oren cyrliog gyda Zoe Mae llygaid mawr glas gyda hi Disgrifiad: Mae gwallt pinc hir syth gyda Gwennan Mae llygaid bach gwyrdd gyda hi Disgrifiad: Mae gwallt gwyrdd pigog gyda Dai Mae llygaid bach coch gyda fe Disgrifiad: Mae gwallt syth byr porffor gyda Lewis Mae llygaid enfawr du gyda fe

38 Mynegi barn Expressing an opinion
Cymraeg Saesneg Rydw i’n hoffi Rydw i’n mwynhau Rydw i’n caru Rydw i’n dwli ar Dydw i ddim yn hoffi Dydw i ddim yn mwynhau Rydw i’n casau Mae’n gas gyda fi Hoffi Mwynhau Caru Dwli ar Casau Cwestiynau Wyt ti’n hoffi ...? Do you like? Wyt ti’n casau ...? Do you hate ...? Wyt ti’n Do you

39 Ymarfer Atebwch y cwestiynau yn Gymraeg
1. Wyt ti’n hoffi Ysgol Stanwell? 2. Wyt ti’n mwynhau Eastenders? 3. Wyt ti’n caru chwarae ar y XBOX? 4. Wyt ti’n casau chwarae tenis? 5. Wyt ti’n dwli ar ddarllen? 6. Wyt ti’n hoffi nofio? 7. Wyt ti’n mwynhau mynd i’r sinema? 8. Wyt ti’n casau McDonalds?

40 achos mae’n ... because it’s ...
Ofnadwy terrible Sbwriel rubbish Bathetig pathetic Warthus disgraceful Wael bad Ddiflas boring Anobeithiol hopeless Wastraff amser waste of time Wastraff arian waste of money Drist sad Grêt - Great Ardderchog – Excellent Ffantastig – Fantastic Rhagorol – splendid Hyfryd – lovely Ddoniol- funny Dda- good Wych – brilliant Fendigedig – wonderful Gyffrous – exciting Hwyl – fun

41 Ymarfer Complete the sentences:
Cyfieithu Like Hate Enjoy Love Mad about Ymarfer Anagramau Ffioh Whynmua Ruac Rildwa Aacsu Complete the sentences: 1. Rydw i’n hoffi achos mae’n 2. Dydw i ddim yn hoffi achos mae’n 3. Mae’n gas gyda fi achos mae’n 4. Rydw i’n caru achos mae’n 5. Rydw i’n dwli ar achos mae’n Write 5 sentence:

42 Gwaith grŵp Llenwch y grid
Wyt ti’n hoffi...? Do you like...? Gwaith grŵp Llenwch y grid Enw Nofio Dawnsio Chwarae pêl droed Ysgol Siocled Creision Tom Hoffi Casau Mwynhau Dwli ar Caru Catrin

43 Mynegi barn 3ydd person Expressing an opinion 3rd person
Cymraeg Saesneg Mae Jac yn hoffi Mae Jac yn mwynhau Mae Jac yn caru Mae Jac yn dwli ar Dydy Jac ddim yn hoffi Dydy Jac ddim yn mwynhau Mae Jac yn casau Mae’n gas gyda Jac Hoffi Mwynhau Caru Dwli ar Casau Cwestiynau Ydy Jac yn hoffi ...? Does Jac like...? Ydy Jac yn casau ...? Does Jac hate ...? Ydy Jac yn Does Jac

44 Ymarfer 3ydd person Siarad am ffrind
Ysgrifennwch am eich ffrindiau Ymarfer 3ydd person Siarad am ffrind Mae Tom yn hoffi nofio Mae Tom yn casau creision

45 Hoff / Cas Fy hoff ...ydy... My Fy nghas ...ydy...
My least Fy hoff siop ydy _________________ Fy hoff siocled ydy ______________ Fy hoff actor ydy ________________ Fy hoff ffilm ydy ________________ Fy hoff actores ydy_______________ Fy hoff greision ydy ______________ Fy hoff fwyd ydy ________________ Fy hoff ddiod ydy _______________ Fy nghas siop ydy _______________ Fy nghas siocled ydy _____________ Fy nghas actor ydy ______________ Fy nghas ffilm ydy _______________ Fy nghas actores ydy_____________ Fy nghas greision ydy ____________ Fy nghas fwyd ydy _______________ Fy nghas ddiod ydy ______________

46 Gwaith grŵp Write 5 sentence:
Enw Hoff Siop Cas siop Hoff ffilm Cas ffilm Hoff ____Jac ydy____ Jac’s favourite ____is____ Hoff siop Jac ydy Asda Cas ____Jac ydy____ Jac’s least favourite ____is____ Cas siop Jac ydy Tesco Write 5 sentence:

47 Hobiau Hobbies Nofio Chwarae pêl droed Dawnsio Gwylio’r teledu
Beth ydy dy hobi di? What is your hobby? Fy hobi i ydy ______________ Beth ydy dy hobïau di? What are your hobbies? Fy hobïau i ydy ______a_____ Coginio Nofio Chwarae pêl droed Dawnsio Gwylio’r teledu Mynd i’r sinema Mynd i dŷ ffrind Gwneud gwaith cartref Merlota Marchogaeth Canu’r piano Chwarae ar y cyfrifiadur

48 Tynnwch lun Chwarae ar y Wii Chwarae rygbi Darllen Mynd i’r sinema
Coginio Dawnsio Gwneud gwaith cartref Gwylio dvd Merlota

49 Cynnydd hyd yn hyn Description Effort level awarded Teacher signature
1 All work is completed (classwork and homework) High level of accuracy (spelling, punctuation and grammar) Legible handwriting 2 Most work is completed Good level of accuracy 3 Some work is completed Reasonable level of accuracy 4 Several task not completed Poor accuracy 5 Most tasks not completed Very poor accuracy Illegible handwriting Effort level awarded Teacher signature Date Monitoring teacher signature

50 Asesiad Your task is to write an individual presentation about yourself and your friends. This task will be levelled. CONTENT(you should include) : Name Age Brother/ sister Hair/eye colour Favourite/worst Primary school Birthday Live Opinion Hobbies EXPRESSION(you should include) : 3rd person Different tenses Variety of sentence structures Idioms Accurate spelling and punctuation Clear handwriting

51 6 Tip Top 6 Essential Tips to help you reach your potential in any Writing Task
Include sentence markers so that the reader knows where you are going in the argument/piece of writing (Here are some examples: Firstly, In contrast to this, Similarly, In conclusion....) 2. Remember your Capital letters ( Every sentence starts with a capital letter. You also need a capital letter for names of people, places, days of the week, months of the year, brand names etc.) 3. Paragraphs ( A new paragraph is needed when you change Time, Place, Topic Person/speaker). Remember this using the acronym TiP ToP 4. Remember to punctuate properly ( A sentence should end with a question mark ? if it’s a question, a comma , to separate a list or to mark the less important part of the sentence. A full stop . is needed at the end of a sentence. An exclamation mark ! is needed if someone is shouting/saying a command or to show surprise.) 5. Take care with commonly misspelt words ( Look in your exercise books at the ones you tend to spell incorrectly. It’s often words such as definitely, Your/You’re, its/it’s, embarrass, necessary, separate, There/they’re/their 6. Proof – read your work when you have finished and you and a partner could peer assess (Check each other’s work for /suggestions and feedback)

52 Asesiad llyfr agored – Draft 1
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

53 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

54 Adborth hunanasesu ac asesu cyfoedion
Ydy’r gwaith yn cynnwys.... Does this work include…? Fi Partner Lefel Short basic sentences using familiar vocabulary and sentence patterns 3 Accurate spelling of familiar words Handwriting is legible and work is appropriately presented Writing linked sentences. 4 Use suitable vocabulary and phrases, varying patterns to form basic sentences Most structured words are spelt correctly Capital letters, question marks, full stops, apostrophes are used accurately Handwriting is clear and work is appropriately presented Write linked sentences and express opinions simply 5 Select words and phrases suitable for the task. Sentences are fairly accurate. Usually spelling is accurate. The work is legible and effectively presented Express an opinion using reasons 6 Begin to create effects in their writing In this writing task I believe I have attained level __________________________________ In this writing task my friend __________________thinks I have attained level __________

55 Cyngor am welliant Syniadau
Capital letters Punctuation Spelling Handwriting Basic sentence structure Linked sentences Express an opinion Reasons for the opinion 3rd person Different tense (past, present, future, conditional) Idioms Content Agree/disagree 1._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

56 Asesiad llyfr agored – Ail ddraft
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

57 In this writing task I have attained level:
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In this writing task I have attained level:

58 Variety of sentence structures
Asesiad Your task is to present an individual presentation about yourself and your friends. This task will be levelled. CONTENT(you should include) : Name Age Brother/ sister Hair/eye colour Favourite/worst Primary school Birthday Live Opinion Hobbies EXPRESSION(you should include) : 3rd person Different tenses Variety of sentence structures Idioms Correct expression Clear prononciation

59 Cynllunio

60 Hunan asesu – self assessment
Dwi’n gallu dweud ac ysgrifennu ... I can say and write ... Fi Ffrind 1. Pwy ydw i / who I am 2. I ba ysgol gynradd es i / to which primary school I went 3. I ba ysgol gynradd aeth ffrind / to which primary school a friend went 4. Ble dwi’n byw / where I live 5. Ble mae ffrind yn byw / where a friend lives 6. Sawl brawd a chwaer sy gyda fi / how many brothers and sisters I have 7. Sawl brawd a chwaer sy gyda ffrind / how many brothers and sisters a friend has 8. Faint ydy fy oed / how old I am 9. Faint ydy oed fy ffrind / how old my friend is 10. Pryd mae fy mhenblwydd i / when I have my birthday 11. Pryd mae penblwydd fy ffrind / when a friend has a birthday Fy marn / my opinion 13. Barn fy ffrind / my friends opinion 14. Beth ydy fy hobiau / what my hobbies are 15. Beth ydy hobiau fy ffrind / what my friends hobbies are 16. Pa liw gwallt a llygaid sy gyda fi / what colour hair and eyes I have 17. Pa liw gwallt a llygaid sy gyda ffrind / what colour hair and eyes my friends have 18. Fy hoff a chas pethau / my favourite and least favourite things 19. Hoff a chas pethau ffrind / a friends favourite and least favourite things

61 Help Rydw i’n – I am / I Es i – I went Es i ddim – I did not go
Dydw i ddim yn - I am not / I do not Es i – I went Es i ddim – I did not go Bydda i’n – I will Fydda i ddim yn – I will not Hoffwn i – I would like Hoffwn i ddim – I would not like Baswn i’n – I would Faswn i ddim – I would not Mae Jac yn – Jac is / Jac Dydy Jac ddim yn - Jac is not / does not Aeth Jac – Jac went Aeth Jac ddim – Jac did not go Bydd Jac – Jac will Fydda Jac ddim yn – Jac will not Hoffai Jac – Jac would like Hoffai Jac ddim – Jac would not like Basai Jac – Jac would Fasai Jac ddim – Jac would not Roeddwn i- I was I used to Doeddwn i ddim yn- Roedd e’n- He was He used to It was Doedd e ddim yn- Roedd hi’n- She was She used to Doedd hi ddim yn-

62 Idiomau Ar hyn o bryd = at the moment Ar un llaw = on one hand
Ar y llaw arall = on the other hand Beth bynnag = however Byth a hefyd = forever Byth a beunydd = forever Bob hyn a hyn= every now and then Bob tro= every time Cyn bo hir = before long Diolch byth = thank goodness Dim gobaith caneri = not a hope Efallai = perhaps / maybe Erbyn hyn = by now Fel arfer = usually Gwaetha’r modd = worse luck O’r diwedd = at last O dro i dro = from time to time O bryd i’w gilydd = from time to time Pan mae rhaid i fi = when I have to Rhag ofn = in case Wedi’r cyfan = after all Weithiau = sometimes Wrth gwrs = of course Yn anffodus = unfortunately Yn aml = often Yn enwedig = especially

63 Connective list Adio –adding Achos ac effaith – cause and effect
Dilyniant - sequencing Gwrthgyferbyniad - contrasting A /ac – and Hefyd – also Yn ogystal – as well as Moreover – ymhellach Hefyd – too Heblaw – besides Yn ychwanegol – in addition Gyda - with Achos – because Felly – so Am hynny – therfore Mewn canlyniad - consequently O ganlyniad i – as a result of Nesa – next Yna – then Yn olaf – finally Yn y cyfamser – meanwhile Ar ôl – after Cyn – before Rhwng – between Hwyrach - later Yn lle – instead of Arallddewis – alternatively Os amgen – alternatively Annhebyg – unlike Ar y llaw arall – on the other hand Mewn gwrthgyferbyniad – in contrast Amodi-qualifying Pwyslais -emphasis Darlunio - Illustrating Cymharu - comparing Fodd bynnag – however Er – although Onid – unless Ac eithrio – except Cyd bod – as long as Heblaw – apart feom Eto – yet Er gwaethaf - despite Yn anad – above all Yn neilltuol – in particular Arbennig – especially Arwyddocaol – significantly Mewn gwirionedd – indeed Yn bennaf oll – most of all Er enghraifft – for example Fel – such as Megis – for instance Yn hafal i – equally Yn yr un modd – in the same way Yn debyg – similarly Felly hefyd – likewise Fel gyda – as with Like – fel Mewn cymhariaeth gyda – compared with

64 VOC BOX Look cover write check Target Word First Attempt
Second Attempt Third Attempt WOW Words!

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