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Revised Rubric The Five Minute Presentation. Why Revise the Rubric? The average performance on 71 five-minute presentations in grades 7-8 (80) is 5 points.

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Presentation on theme: "Revised Rubric The Five Minute Presentation. Why Revise the Rubric? The average performance on 71 five-minute presentations in grades 7-8 (80) is 5 points."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revised Rubric The Five Minute Presentation

2 Why Revise the Rubric? The average performance on 71 five-minute presentations in grades 7-8 (80) is 5 points higher than the average of the class average of all students (75) who did five minute presentations in the sample. That’s too high.

3 Why Revise the Rubric? Correlation coefficient between scores on presentations and class average in the sample is only 0.43 (strong cor. Would be >0.60). This means there is almost no connection between the two – these scores are inflated. The current rubric does not reflect state standards Class averages do – correlation coefficient of 0.84.

4 What was weak about the old rubric? Did not evaluate quality of research. Did not evaluate quality of analysis. Did not hold high standard for visual aids.(PowerPoint).

5 What’s changed? Basically, what was a level 5 (94 or 100) is now a low level 4 (78). Some people were already performing at this level, but 100 was the maximum available score.) Public speaking counts more.

6 What’s changed? For a level 5 now: 1. Typed works cited page in MLA format submitted right before presentation. Minimum two sources, both strong sources, one non- textbook. 2. Strong analytical thinking a) Compare-contrast b) Cause-effect c) Categorize 3. HIGH quality visual aid

7 EXAMPLE MLA FORMAT for WEB SITE FORMAT: Title of the Site. Editor. Date and/or Version Number. Name of Sponsoring Institution. Date of Access. EXAMPLE: Encyclopedia Mythica. 2004. 13 May 2004.

8 What’s a high quality visual aid or activity? Visual AidActivity Images and text are very Legible Clear Relevant Actively involves students in a way that helps them learn from you. Fits in the timeframe appropriately.

9 NOTE!! THIS IS NOT A “POWERPOINT” ASSIGNMENT! PowerPoint is ONE OPTION for creating meaningful visual aids for your presentation. THIS ASSIGNMENT CONSTITUTES A TEACHING ASSIGNMENT.

10 Strong PowerPoint - TEXT Very little on a slide and it’s all relevant and legible. Avoid background images that obscure text. No errors in spelling or grammar unless for specific effect. Attributes like font, color and size all help the viewer.

11 Strong PowerPoint - IMAGES Relevant to the topic, not just for decoration. Avoid pictures that have nothing to do with the slideshow. Good slideshows have quality images to enhance learning for the visual learner. Blank slideshows of just words are not strong. No need to cite source of images.

12 Strong PowerPoint VIDEO and SOUND Relevant to the topic Edited for time may be edited while presenting by starting / stopping in right place

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