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S TART H ERE leadUP 2012 Student Activities, Involvement & Leadership Wheaton College, Norton, MA.

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Presentation on theme: "S TART H ERE leadUP 2012 Student Activities, Involvement & Leadership Wheaton College, Norton, MA."— Presentation transcript:

1 S TART H ERE leadUP 2012 Student Activities, Involvement & Leadership Wheaton College, Norton, MA

2 H ELLO Nadia Omar Intercultural Program Coordinator Student Activities, Involvement & Leadership Office

3 A GENDA Leading Together Group Development Sharing the Vision Commitment & Accountability Membership Recruiting New Members Keeping Your Members Motivating Delegating Meetings Tips for Improvement

4 Leading Together: Group Development Sharing the Vision Commitment & Accountability

5 L EADING T OGETHER Bruce Tuckman’s Model of Group Development: Forming Team acquaints and establishes ground rules. Formalities are preserved and members are treated as strangers. Storming Members start to communicate their feelings but still view themselves as individuals rather than part of the team. They resist control by group leaders and show hostility. Performing The team works in an open and trusting atmosphere where flexibility is the key and hierarchy is of little importance. Norming People feel part of the team and realize that they can achieve work if they accept other viewpoints. Adjourning The team conducts an assessment of the year and implements a plan for transitioning roles and recognizing members’ contributions.

6 L EADING T OGETHER Share the vision 1. Valuable Vision: Make sure it is simple and focused. The vision itself should provide direction and inspires everyone. 2. Believe the Hype : As the leader, you are the biggest vision marketer. If you don’t know or believe in the vision how will others? Know it, believe it, and sell it! 3. Talk About It: The best time to share a vision is during the first meeting. Continue to talk about the vision throughout the year!

7 L EADING T OGETHER Share the vision 4. Show Them: Even if you are able to state the vision, it will mean nothing if you do not demonstrate it. If you want your group to be inspired by the vision, show them what it looks like in action. 5. Recognition: Reward behavior that moves the group towards the vision. A vision will lose meaning and momentum if you do not recognize people for making progress towards it.

8 L EADING T OGETHER Commitment Agree on team rules Be on time at meetings Complete all tasks … Accountability Set deadlines be specific with who, what and when review the deadlines at every meeting Offer resources people have a fear of failure – ask if they need help

9 Q UESTIONS & A NSWERS Share examples of how your club leads together Performance groups Club Sports

10 Membership: Recruiting New Members Keeping Your Members Motivating Delegating

11 M EMBERSHIP : R ECRUITING M EMBERS Know and understand the groups purpose. Set recruitment goals. Who are your potential members? How many new members should we have by the end of the semester? How will we keep our membership high? Have joint meetings with another student group. Many people want to be connected to multiple groups. Plan a special meeting just for new members. The beginning of the year is a busy one, so plan on a 'new members welcome meeting' a few weeks into the semester and another during the second semester.

12 M EMBERSHIP : K EEPING M EMBERS Listen to everyone's ideas and comments. Ask for feedback and input on the group meetings. Welcome them to the "family". Each family has history, traditions, and values; be sure to remind everyone of them at each meeting. Share expectations of members. People need to know how much time they should dedicate to your group. Make them feel special. Everyone likes a handwritten personal note, Facebook poke, or given a candy treat. Energy is contagious! If you are positive and enthusiastic then your members will be too.

13 M EMBERSHIP : M OTIVATING M EMBERS Delegate responsibility to members. Give credit where it is due - praise in public. Make your wishes known by suggestions or requests, not demands, and explain why. Never forget that the leader sets the style for her/his members. So show your members that you have confidence in them and you expect them to do their best. When you are wrong or make a mistake, admit it. Don't be upset by little mistakes - it's a learning process. Give members a chance to take part in decisions, particularly those affecting them.



16 M EMBERSHIP : R ULES FOR D ELEGATING 1. You need to be able to articulate your goals if you expect others to understand them and succeed. 2. Do not repeatedly assign someone a certain task just because they are good at it or are considered “responsible” people. 3. Let people know how their tasks fit into the whole process and what the positive results will be for the entire project. 4. Never revoke delegation - failing is a learning experience. 5. Never force someone to take on a task. 1. The point is to inspire and encourage your members to want to help.

17 Q UESTIONS & A NSWERS Share how you keep your members motivated

18 Meetings Tips for Improvement

19 M EETINGS : T IPS FOR I MPROVEMENT When running a meeting, you have a responsibility to set the mood and direction Meetings need to be structured, productive and rewarding for all

20 M EETINGS : T IPS FOR I MPROVEMENT 1. Keep Time Start on time Stick to your meeting time frame. Be respectful of other peoples' time and use your time effectively. 2. Speak Ask if everyone can hear you. Some people may be hard-of-hearing. Give proper introductions and recognition to those in the room. Allow everyone a chance to speak. Restrict debates to 15 minutes maximum.

21 M EETINGS : T IPS FOR I MPROVEMENT 3. Share Review the minutes from the previous meeting. Set an agenda and have extra copies for others. Make sure the font is legible and large as some people may be visually impaired. 4. Wrap Up Plan follow-up action. Who will do what/when/how/where? End your meetings on a positive note. Evaluate!

22 Q UESTIONS & A NSWERS Share what works for your group meetings Performance groups Club Sports



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