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 The EQAO assessment will take place June 11 th and 12 th.  The EQAO assessment based on the Grade 9 expectations of The Ontario Curriculum.  The EQAO.

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Presentation on theme: " The EQAO assessment will take place June 11 th and 12 th.  The EQAO assessment based on the Grade 9 expectations of The Ontario Curriculum.  The EQAO."— Presentation transcript:


2  The EQAO assessment will take place June 11 th and 12 th.  The EQAO assessment based on the Grade 9 expectations of The Ontario Curriculum.  The EQAO assessment counts as your culminating task. (10% of your final grade)

3 Day 1: Booklet 1 Estimated TimeAllotted Time 7 multiple-choice questions 4 open-response questions 7 multiple-choice questions 40 minutes50 minutes Day 2: Booklet 2 Estimated TimeAllotted Time 7 multiple-choice questions 4 open-response questions 6 multiple-choice questions 40 minutes50 minutes Student Questionnaire 10 minutes Layout Of Day 1 and 2

4  Always use pencil  Try every question, don’t leave any question blank (25% chance you’ll get it right)  Read ALL the answers before choosing the right one.  Choose the best answer for every question (Sometimes you can eliminate obvious incorrect answers.)  Underline key information that is needed to solve the question.

5  Do not keep changing your answer- research shows that your first choice is probably the right one.  Use the information given to work backwards to find the answer.  Use your extra time at the end to check your answers  Only fill in one bubble (It will be marked wrong if you fill in more than one)



8  Read and reread the question  When finished, check if you have answered the question.  Identify key information (underline it if you need to)  Write as clearly as you can  Show all your work in the space provided  Include as much information as you can when asked to explain or show your work.

9  Write down the necessary formulas first, then proceed with showing the rest of your work.  Don’t skip steps you do on your calculator.  Move on to the next question if you don’t know the answer. You can always come back to it later.  Remember any answer is better than no answer.  Don’t erase your work, even if you think it isn’t right.  Drawing pictures may help you understand


11  Compare: Tell what is the same and what is different.  Describe: Use words to create a mental picture for the reader.  Determine: Use mathematics to find a solution to the problem.  List: Use point form.  Explain: Use words and symbols to make your solution clear.  Justify: Give reasons and evidence to show your answer is correct.  Show your work: Record ALL calculations and all the steps you went through to get your answer. You may use words, numbers, graphs, diagrams, symbols and/or charts.

12  Number Sense and Algebra:  Review the Exponent Laws/Rules  Remember to use BEDMAS  Linear Relations:  Remember to check the scale when determining the slope of a line.  Remember to consider the overall trend when answering questions about scatter plots.

13  Analytic Geometry:  Practice rearranging equations from the form Ax+By+C= 0 (Standard Form)to the from y=mx+b. (Slope-Intercept Form)  Review questions relating to lines that are perpendicular/parallel.  Review how to find equations of lines given  Two points  Slope and a Point  Slope and Y-Intercept  Measurement and Geometry:  Practice questions involving how to find measures of angles. (required to carry out multiple steps in order to find that angle)  Become familiar with the Formula Sheet.

14  Code: 40  Demonstration of thorough understanding of concepts and/or procedures  Application of knowledge and skills shows a high degree of effectiveness due to: - a thorough understanding of the concepts - an accurate application of the procedures  Problem solving process shows a high degree of effectiveness due to: - a complete solution process -identification of all important elements of the problem - a thorough understanding of the relationship between all of the important elements of the problem - appropriate conclusions with thorough and insightful supporting evidence

15  Code: 30  demonstration of considerable understanding of concepts and/or procedures  application of knowledge and skills shows considerable effectiveness - due to an understanding of most of the concepts - in spite of minor errors and/or omissions in the application of the procedures  problem-solving process shows considerable effectiveness due to -a solution process that is nearly complete - identification of most of the important elements of the problem - a considerable understanding of the relationships between important elements of the problem -appropriate conclusions with supporting evidence

16  Is your work neat and legible?  Have you showed all of the steps?  Have you answered the question?  Have you included a therefore statement?  Does your answer seem right?  Did you get the right answer?

17  

18 Sources:

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