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Welcome to Team 7A Mr. Reed Ms. Ogesen Ms. Weatherspoon Ms. Damm.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Team 7A Mr. Reed Ms. Ogesen Ms. Weatherspoon Ms. Damm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Team 7A Mr. Reed Ms. Ogesen Ms. Weatherspoon Ms. Damm

2 Be an informed voter and know the facts: –Asking voters to approve a continuation, not an increase, of the current Maintenance and Operations Overrides for each district. –A continuation will not increase the tax rate for property owners. –Need more information? Visit and take a Fact Sheet with you tonight. Kyrene and Tempe Union High School District Election on November 5,2013

3 Common Core Link to Video Clip

4 S mart E nergetic V ery Social E nthusiastic N ot dependent T ough H ungry G regarious R esourceful A nnoying D aring E ntertaining R eally self-conscious

5 7th Grade Student Expectations BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE… THE CHOICE IS YOURS ! Always Choose To Be: Respectful An Active Listener An Enthusiastic Participant Aware and Sensitive to the Diverse Needs of Others Responsible in Group and Individual Interactions

6 Time To Teach Is a proactive not a reactive approach to discipline and classroom management (prompt attention to the “little stuff” can prevent the “big stuff”)

7 Time to Teach Students are taught positive student behavior. Teach-to’s direct positive influence in the classroom.

8 Time to Teach Essential Components Giving unconditional positive regard to our students Teaching to expectations Establishing a positive classroom climate Mentally asking the classroom integrity questions Giving one and only one start-up request REFOCUSING non-punitively (* Information taken from the Time to Teach book The Center for Teacher Effectiveness)

9 Attendance When students miss school, we miss them! Regular attendance impacts student achievement. We appreciate it when appointments and vacations are scheduled outside of school times. Students are expected to complete all assignments missed during an absence. Homework assignments may be requested ahead of time and/or during student absences.

10 Homework Policy Homework will be assigned daily and consistently. Homework is expected to be neat, legible, on time and complete. Budget approximately 60 minutes per night.

11 Student Agenda/Calendar Daily Use in Class Monday Overview Encourages Time Management Log of homework, tests, quizzes, short and long term projects Encourages parental involvement/awareness To reinforce agenda or check homework assignments: Visit the Team 7A Website and click on ‘Team 7A Week At A Glance’

12 Home Strategies for Success Encourage daily study/homework time. Communicate with teacher if any concerns arise. Check your child’s agenda and/or the Team 7A Website.

13 Started Monday, August 12 8:00 – 8:56 a.m. Before school tutoring will be available on Monday - Friday Students may sign-up on their own or be recommended by teachers Students to provide their own means of transportation to school Must be at front gate at 8:00 a.m. sharp

14 Homework Lunchtime Club There will be a classroom and teacher during each grade level lunch period where a student could be assigned if they did not complete their homework. Students who purchase school lunch will be given a ‘Front of the Line’ pass to go purchase their lunch and then return with that lunch to work through lunch

15 Grade Reports First Quarter ends: October 4, 2013 Second Quarter ends: December 20, 2013 Third Quarter ends: March 7, 2014 Fourth Quarter ends: May 21, 2014 Fall Parent Conferences: tentatively Oct. 23 Spring Parent Conferences: tentatively March 5 Between the fourth and sixth week of each quarter, parents will be notified if their student is in danger of failing. Students are encouraged to keep track of their progress in each class via StudentVue.

16 Online Grade Access Access ‘ParentVUE’ from Kyrene School District Webpage under the Parents tab Will allow for one stop shopping for grades Updated instantly as teachers enter a grade

17 Academic Lab Overview 35 minute period four days a week Each core content area teacher is assigned a group of students to work with General use is to provide additional support and assistance to students in any area of need Grades are NOT assigned

18 Academic Lab STEM/Integrated Learning SmartMath - online resource to assist with math remediation

19 S.T.E.M. DefinedSTEM Q: What is STEM? A: STEM is an acronym that stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM is the need to focus on student's engagement and skills from the earliest grades in science, math, engineering and technology. The ultimate goal is to grow the proficiency level of students in sciences and mathematics and provide them with an understanding how those skills can be applied across all subjects and eventually careers. Q: What is DefinedSTEM? A: DefinedSTEM is a web-based resource from Defined Learning, an educational company with roots in both media and curriculum development. The Kyrene School District has purchased a subscription allowing access to this resource. Defined STEM is a project-based learning curriculum based around a career theme. It depicts real-world jobs and how science and math would be used in those jobs. It aligns with state standards, national standards, and the new Common Core standards.

20 Parent Communication If you have questions or concerns about your student’s progress, the preferred method of contact is email. Ms. Damm Ms. Weatherspoon Ms. Ogesen Mr. Reed 541-5924 541-5923 541-5927 541-5928

21 Team 7A Wish List We are always in short supply of the following items and would greatly appreciate donations anytime throughout the school year: Copy Paper Wide ruled notebook paper Kleenex Tissue Markers/colored pencils 3-ring binders Graph Paper White board markers Student scissors Rulers Electric Pencil Sharpeners Bright Sticks

22 Fieldtrips The Team 7A teachers feel that fieldtrips are an essential piece of the educational puzzle. They provide opportunities that most times just cannot be replicated in the classroom. Although we understand times are tough for all financially, there will be times that we may ask for donations to provide these opportunities.

23 Tax Credit Donations Tax credit donations of up to $200 may be made to our school by an individual. Contributions of any kind for team 7A are greatly appreciated! Any donations will be used to offset our expenses for team field trips. Thank you for your support!

24 Akimel A-al PTSO Check us out! General PTSO meetings on first Tuesday of every month at 11:00am. Visit us at and sign up on Volunteer Like us on FaceBook & receive updates. Email us at Fill out blue “Volunteer Interest Form” & turn it in to the front office or Academic Lab teacher. Forms available in front office.

25 Akimel A-al PTSO Ways to get involved Fry’s & Safeway E-script (check website for directions) Collect Boxtops for Education Buy school supplies from “A-mart” Look for more upcoming promotions at our website, Facebook, or via informational e-mails Volunteer at our promotions or special events –Multicultural Night, Patriotic Day, 8 th Grade Dance, Hospitality Staff Appreciation Events, Campus Pride, and various fundraisers throughout the year

26 For Your Attendance And Attention

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