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Breathing in, I calm myself This is a wonderful moment Breathing out, I smile Living in the present moment --Thick Nhat Hanh.

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Presentation on theme: "Breathing in, I calm myself This is a wonderful moment Breathing out, I smile Living in the present moment --Thick Nhat Hanh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breathing in, I calm myself This is a wonderful moment Breathing out, I smile Living in the present moment --Thick Nhat Hanh

2 SOAR 2014: Galaxies Aileen A. O’Donoghue Priest Associate Professor of Physics

3 Galaxies  9/9/14  Milky Way Galaxy Contents & Motions  9/16/14  Milky Way Environment & the Local Group  9/23/14  Other Galaxies & Clusters of Galaxies  9/30/14  Expansion, History & Evolution of the Universe  9/9/14  Milky Way Galaxy Contents & Motions  9/16/14  Milky Way Environment & the Local Group  9/23/14  Other Galaxies & Clusters of Galaxies  9/30/14  Expansion, History & Evolution of the Universe

4 SOAR: Galaxies The Milky Way Environment & the Local Group Aileen A. O’Donoghue Priest Associate Professor of Physics

5 The Local Group  The Milky Way’s Galaxy Cluster > 54 galaxies within 5 million light years Andromeda (M31) & Satellites M32 & M33 Triangulum (M110) Milky Way

6 The ‘Hood

7 Milky Way’s Environment  IntraCluster Medium (ICM)  Did galaxies form from this gas?  IntraCluster Medium (ICM)  Did galaxies form from this gas?

8 Milky Way’s Environment  Galaxies emit and absorb gas

9 Milky Way’s Environment  Milky Way’s Lumpy Halo  Stars, Globular Clusters, Gas, Dwarf Galaxies  Milky Way’s Lumpy Halo  Stars, Globular Clusters, Gas, Dwarf Galaxies Being studied by RA dial V elocity E xperiment by Institutions from 11 nations

10 Galactic Cannibalism  Galaxies grow by eating their neighbors  MW has 9 dwarf companion galaxies  Halo stars from disrupted dwarfs  Galaxies grow by eating their neighbors  MW has 9 dwarf companion galaxies  Halo stars from disrupted dwarfs

11 The Milky Way Growing?  Galaxies merge with other galaxies “Galactic Cannibalism”  Milky Way has two known merging galaxies  Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy in Sagittarius  Dwarf Galaxy in Canis Minor  Closest galaxy in process of merging  Researchers expect to find more!  Galaxies merge with other galaxies “Galactic Cannibalism”  Milky Way has two known merging galaxies  Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy in Sagittarius  Dwarf Galaxy in Canis Minor  Closest galaxy in process of merging  Researchers expect to find more!

12 Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical  Part of the “Sagittarius Stream” of gas & stars  52 klyc from galactic center  Has passed through MW 10 times  Dark Matter indicted by lack of disrupton!  Part of the “Sagittarius Stream” of gas & stars  52 klyc from galactic center  Has passed through MW 10 times  Dark Matter indicted by lack of disrupton! Stars of SgrDEG have different speeds than MW stars SgrDEG on far side of galactic center

13 Sagittarius Stream  Stars & gas stripped from SgrDEG “Flyaround” of Milky Way with Sagittarius Stream APODAPOD image of Sagittarius Stream

14 Sagittarius Stream  Simulations of tidal stripping of SgrDEG ~ 2 billion BCE to 500 million CE  Simulations of tidal stripping of SgrDEG ~ 2 billion BCE to 500 million CE Color indicates time of tidal stripping Color indicates stellar density Simulations by Kathryn V. Johnston, Wesleyan UniversityKathryn V. Johnston

15 Canis Minor Dwarf  Discovered in 2003, 25 kly from MW center

16 CMi Dwarf  Discovered in 2003  42 kly from MW center  Merging with MW  Discovered in 2003  42 kly from MW center  Merging with MW

17 Milky Way Ring  Thick ring of stars beyond disk

18 Milky Way Ring  Due to past galactic collision? Which of these galaxies passed through one to left? Star formation in ring of shocked gas

19 The Local Group  More than 54 galaxies  Mostly dwarfs, including those merging with the Milky Way  3 Major spiral galaxies  Milky Way, Andromeda & Triangulum  More than 54 galaxies  Mostly dwarfs, including those merging with the Milky Way  3 Major spiral galaxies  Milky Way, Andromeda & Triangulum

20 Polaris Pointer stars point to … Alpheratz Scheat Almach L ITTLE D IPPER B IG D IPPER C EPHEUS C ASSIOPEIA Algenib Markab Rasalmothallah Capella Algol  Cephei A NDROMEDA P EGASUS Enif The Sky Tonight Andromeda Galaxy Triangulum Galaxy T RIANGULUM A RIES Great Square of Pegasus P ERSEUS

21 Alpheratz Almach Rasalmothallah A NDROMEDA Finding Galaxies Andromeda Galaxy Triangulum Galaxy T RIANGULUM

22 Andromeda Galaxy  Local Group’s Largest Galaxy  One Trillion Stars (10 12 )  2.5 million light-years away  1.5 x 10 19 mi (1 ly = 5.88 x10 12 miles ~ 6 trillioin)  200,000,000 M  black hole in center  Approaching us at 300 km/s (190 miles/sec)  Should collide with Milky Way in ~4 billion years  Local Group’s Largest Galaxy  One Trillion Stars (10 12 )  2.5 million light-years away  1.5 x 10 19 mi (1 ly = 5.88 x10 12 miles ~ 6 trillioin)  200,000,000 M  black hole in center  Approaching us at 300 km/s (190 miles/sec)  Should collide with Milky Way in ~4 billion years

23 M110 – Dwarf Galaxy M32 – Dwarf Galaxy

24 Triangulum Galaxy  Pinwheel Galaxy (M 101)  40 Billion Stars (10 10 )  3 million light-years away  1.5 x 10 19 mi (1 ly = 5.88 x10 12 miles ~ 6 trillioin)  Linked to Andromeda by streams of stars and neutral hydrogen  interacted with Andromeda 2-8 by ago  will have more violent interaction in 2.5 my  may participate in collision with MW  Pinwheel Galaxy (M 101)  40 Billion Stars (10 10 )  3 million light-years away  1.5 x 10 19 mi (1 ly = 5.88 x10 12 miles ~ 6 trillioin)  Linked to Andromeda by streams of stars and neutral hydrogen  interacted with Andromeda 2-8 by ago  will have more violent interaction in 2.5 my  may participate in collision with MW


26 The Coming Collision

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