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$200 $300 $400 Final Jeopardy $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 MoonUniversePhases.

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Presentation on theme: "$200 $300 $400 Final Jeopardy $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 MoonUniversePhases."— Presentation transcript:


2 $200 $300 $400 Final Jeopardy $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 MoonUniversePhases Earth Solar System



5 Which planet is third from the sun? C1 $100

6 Earth C1? $100

7 Our galaxy is called? C1 $200

8 The milky way galaxy C1 $200

9 You see more of the moon each night when it is? C1 $300

10 Waxing C1 $300

11 How are the earth and moon alike? C1 $400

12 They are both rocky and dense. C1 $400

13 Timer The final Jeopardy answer is: C1 final Compare the Earths orbit around the sun and the moon’s orbit around the earth. Which orbits faster and why?

14 C1 final The Distance between the earth and moon is much closer than the distance between the earth and the sun so the orbit is much faster. That is why the moon orbits the earth about every 28 days and earth orbits the sun once every 365 days.

15 C2 $100 The sun is made up of?

16 C2 $100 gases

17 C2 $200 Pluto is now called a?

18 C2 $200 Dwarf Planet

19 C2 $300 People group stars into these.

20 C2 $300 constellations

21 C2 $400 Name three types of galaxies?

22 C2 $400 Barred Spiral Elliptical Irregular

23 C2 $500 Explain what happens during a lunar eclipse?

24 C2 $500 The Earth is directly between the sun and the moon and the Earth blocks all light from reaching the moon.

25 C3 $100 The earth is divided into how many time zones?

26 C3 $100 24

27 C3 $200 Means to travel in a closed path?

28 C3 $200 revolve

29 C3 $300 What are the four inner planets?

30 C3 $300 Mercury Venus, Earth mars

31 C3 $400 What separates earth from the rest of the planets?

32 C3 $400 It is the only one with liquid water

33 C3 $500 What are advantages of sending people (manned crews) into space? What are disadvantages of sending manned crews into space?

34 C3 $500 People require food and water which would be difficult to supply for a long journey to mars. People can think, and make quick decisions when problems occur.

35 C4 $100 This part of the earth has the same amount of sunlight and darkness each day.

36 C4 $100 The equator

37 C4 $200 Any natural body that revolves around a planet.

38 C4 $200 A moon

39 C4 $300 Name two out of the three ways we explore space.

40 C4 $300 Telescopes, manned space shuttles, unmanned space probes

41 C4 $400 What do you call a group of stars, gas, and dust?

42 C4 $400 galaxy

43 C4 $500 Why do we have different time zones around the world?

44 C4 $500 Time zones allow everyone to wake up in what we consider the morning, and go to sleep in what we consider the night. With out time zones the sun would rise at all hours of the day around the world.

45 C5 $100 A low, bowl-shaped area on the surface of a planet or moon?

46 C5 $100 What is low a crater?

47 C5 $200 A day on the moon lasts how many earth days?

48 C5 $200 29 ½

49 C5 $300 What are the four outer planets called

50 C5 $300 Gas Giants

51 C5 $400 Is made up of a star and all the planets and other objects that revolve around it.

52 C5 $400 Solar system

53 C5 $500 What are the four ways that scientists classify stars?

54 C5 $500 Color, size, temperature, and brightness.

55 (Your welcome) This Jeopardy template was created by Dr. Robert Pettis, Director An Adventure of the American Mind, University of South Carolina Spartanburg This Jeopardy game was created by (Mr. J)

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