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Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) THE START OF THE MIDNIGHT PRAISE (Teny/nou) Arise, O children of the Light: let us praise the Lord of Hosts. Teny/nou e~pswi.

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Presentation on theme: "Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) THE START OF THE MIDNIGHT PRAISE (Teny/nou) Arise, O children of the Light: let us praise the Lord of Hosts. Teny/nou e~pswi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) THE START OF THE MIDNIGHT PRAISE (Teny/nou) Arise, O children of the Light: let us praise the Lord of Hosts. Teny/nou e~pswi nis/ri n~te piouwini n~tenhwc e~P% n~te nijom.

2 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & That He may grant us the salvation of our souls. & Hopwc n~teferh~mot nan m~p~cw] n~te nenu,'/.

3 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Whenever we stand before You in the flesh. Qen p~jiny~reno~hi e~raten m~pekm~yo cwmatikwc.

4 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Cast away from our minds the slumber of sleep. & A~~lioui~ e~bol hiten pennouc m~pihunim n~te ]ebsi.

5 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Grant us sobriety, O Lord, that we may know how to stand before You at times of prayer Moi nan P% n~oumetrefernumvin: hopwc n~tenka] n~teno~hi e~raten m~pekm~yo m~v~nau n~te ]p~roceu,/.

6 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And ascribe unto You the befitting glorification, and win the forgiveness of our many sins: Glory be to You, O Lover of Mankind. & Ouoh n~tenouwrp nak e~p~swi n~]doxo- logia~ e~terp~repi: ouoh n~tensasni e~p~,w e~bol n~te nennobi etos: doxa ci vilany~rwpe.

7 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Behold, bless the Lord, O you servants of the Lord: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. H/ppe de c~mou e~P%: nie~biaik n~te P%: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

8 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You who stand in the house of the Lord: in the courts of the house of our God: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. & N/eto~hi e~ratou qen p~/i m~P%: qen niaud/ou n~te p~/i m~Pennou]: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

9 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) By night lift up your hands: O you saints and bless the Lord: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. N~h~rhi qen nie~jwrh fai n~netenjij e~p~swi: n/ey#u# c~mou e~P%: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

10 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The Lord bless you from Zion who created heaven and earth: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. & P% efe~c~mou e~rok e~bolqen Ciwn: v/e~tafyamio~ n~t~ve nem p~kahi: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

11 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Let my cry come near before You, O Lord, Give me under- standing according to Your word: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. Mare pa]ho qwnt m~pekm~yo P%: maka] n/i kata pekcaji: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

12 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Let my supplication come before You. Deliver me according to Your word: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. & Efe~i~ e~qoun m~pek-m~yo n~je paa~xiw~ma: kata pekcaji matanqoi: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

13 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) My lips shall overflow with praise, when You have taught me Your statutes: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. E~re nac~votou bebi n~ouc~mou: e~swp aksan t~caboi e~nekmeym/i: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

14 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & My tongue shall speak of Your words for all Your commandments are righteous: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. & Palac efe~erouw~ qen nekcaji je nekentol/ t/rou hanmeym/I ne: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

15 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Let Thine hand help me: for I have chosen Your precepts: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. Marecswpi n~je tekjij e~vnahmet: je nekentol/ ai- ere~piyumin e~rwou: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

16 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & I have longed for Your salvation, O Lord: and Your law is my delight: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. & Ai[isswou m~pek- oujai P%: ouoh peknomoc pe tame- let/: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

17 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Let my soul live, and it shall praise You: and let Your judg- ments help me: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. Ece~wnq n~je ta-'u,/ ouoh ece~c~mou e~rok: ouoh nekhap eue~erbo/~yin e~roi: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

18 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & I have gone astray like a lost sheep: seek Your servant, for I did not forget Your commandments: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. & Aicwrem m~v~r/] n~oue~cwou e~aftako: kw] n~ca pekbwk je nekentol/ m~pi-erpouwbs: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

19 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. Doxa Patri ke U~~iw~ ke agiw~ Pn#a#ti: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

20 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Now and forever, and unto the age of ages. Amen: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. & Ke nun ke a~i~ ke ic touc e~w~nac twn e~w~nwn a~m/n: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

21 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the age of all ages. Amen: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. Piw~ou m~V~iwt nem P~s/ri nem Pipn#a# ey#u#: icjen ]nou nem sa e~neh n~te nie~neh t/rou a~m/n: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

22 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Glory be to You, O Good One, the Lover of Mankind: Hail to Your Mother, the Virgin, and all Your saints: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. & Piw~ou nak pimai- rwmi n~a~gayoc:,ere n~tekmau m~paryenoc nem n/e~youab t/rou n~tak: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

23 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Glory to You, O Only- Begotten One: O Holy Trinity, have mercy upon us: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. Doxa ci o~mono- gen/c: a~gia~ T~riac e~le/~con /~mac: doxaci vilany~rwpre.

24 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Let God arise: and let all His enemies be scattered: and let all who hate His Holy Name flee before His face: Glory be to You, O Lover of mankind. & Mareftwnf n~je V}: maroujwr e~bol n~je nefjaji t/rou: marouvwt e~bol qat~h/ m~pefho n~je ouon niben eymoc] m~pefran e#y#u#: doxaci vlany~rwpe.

25 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) As for Your people. O Lord, let them be blessed: a thousand thousand fold, and ten thousand ten thousand fold doing Your will. Peklaoc de maref- swpi qen pic~mou: e~hananso n~so nem hany~ba n~y~ba eui~ri m~pekouws.

26 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & O Lord, open my lips: and my mouth shall declare Your praise & P% eke~a~ouwn n~nac~votou: ouoh e~re rwi jw m~pekc~mou.

27 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We look at the Resurrection of Christ and we worship the Holy Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who alone is without sin. Tennau e~ta~nactacic m~P,#c# ouoh tenouwst m~v/e~youab I/#c# P,#c# Pen[oic v/etoi n~aynobi m~mauatf. Tennau

28 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We bow down to Your Cross, O Christ: and We praise and glorify Your Resurrection: For You are our Lord: and we know none but You: and after your name we are called Tenouwst m~pekc~tauroc w~ P,#c#: tenhwc ten]w~ou n~teka~nactacic: je n~yok gar pe Pennou]: ouoh n~tencwoun n~keouai an e~b/l e~rok: ouoh qen pekran cemou] e~ron.

29 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Doxa Patri ke U~~iw ke agiw P~neumati.

30 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Come all you believers, let us bow down to the Resurrection of Christ: Behold, through His Cross, joy has entered into the whole world. & A~mwini t/rou nipictoc n~tenouwst n~t~a~nactacic m~P,#c#: je h/ppe e~bol hiten pefc~tauroc afi~ n~je v~rasi e~qoun e~pikocmoc t/rf

31 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Let us bless the Lord continually and glorify His Resurrection: for He was patient and destroyed death by His death. & Marenc~mou e~P% n~c/ou niben ouoh n~ten]w~ou n~tefa~nactacic: je aferhupomonin ouoh afqomqem m~v~mou hiten pefmou.

32 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Now and forever and unto the ages of ages: Amen. & Ke nun ke a~i~ ke ic touc e~w~nac twn e~w~nwn: a~m/n.

33 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) All joy befits you, O Mother of God: for through you, Adam returned to Paradise: And Eve gained grace to replace her sadness: Through you, she gained freedom once more as well as the eternal salvation Nirasi t/rou cetwmi e~ro w~ }yeo~tokoc: je e~bol hito] autayo n~A~lam e~piparalicoc: e~ac[i n~oucolcel n~je Eua~ e~v~ma m~pecm~kahn~h/t: e~ac[i n~]e~leuyeria~ n~kecop eyb/] nem pioujai n~ew~nion.

34 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) And we too, let us glorify you as a treasure of the Resurrection: Hail to the sealed treasure through which we were given life: Hail to her, who gave birht to Christ who gave us life through His Resurrection. A~non je hwn maren]w~ou ne hwc oua~ho n~te ]a~nactacic: je,ere piyucauroc ettob e~tanera~poleuin m~piwnq e~bolhitotf:,ere y/e~tacmici nan m~P,#c# Pennou] ouoh af] nan m~piwnq e~bol hiten tefa~nactacic.

35 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Blessed are you o Lord. Teach me your justice. K~~c~marwout P% mat~caboi e~nekmeym/i.

36 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The angelic hosts were amazed when they saw You counted among the dead: Yet You destroyed the power of death, O Savior: You raised Adam with you and freed him from Hades. & Nictratia~ n~aggelikon autwmt qen p~jiny~rounau e~rok e~auopk nem nirefmwout: ouoh akqomqem n~]jom n~te v~mou w~ Picwt/r: ouoh aktounoc A~dam nemak ouoh akaifn~remhe e~bol qen a~men].

37 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Blessed are you o Lord. Teach me your justice. & K~~c~marwout P% mat~caboi e~nekmeym/i.

38 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Why did you mix fragrant oil, weeping, and mourning with each other, O followers of the Lord? The luminous angel said to the women carrying the spices, “Look and be aware that the Savior has risen from dead.” Eybe ou nicojen nem ninehpi nem nirimi tetenywt m~mwou nem noue~r/ou w~ nimay/t/c n~te P%: peje piaggeloc ethiebr/j e~bol qaten pim~hau n~nihio~mi m~faicojen: a~nau de n~ywten ouoh a~rie~mi je afo~hi e~ratf n~je Picwt/r ouoh aftwnf e~bol qen n/eymwout.

39 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Blessed are you o Lord. Teach me your justice. K~~c~marwout P% mat~caboi e~nekmeym/i.

40 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The women rushed very early to Your grave carrying the fragrant oil while crying: but the angel stood before them saying: “The time of weeping is over, do not weep: but preach the Resurrection to the Apostles. & N~~swrp e~maswaui/c m~mwou e~pekm~hau n~je nihio~mi m~faicojen eunejpi: alla afo~hi e~ratf hijwou n~je piaggeloc efjw m~moc nwou: je p~c/ou m~pirimi afheri m~perrimi: alla a~rihiwis n~]a~nactacic n~ni~apoctoloc.

41 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Blessed are you o Lord. Teach me your justice. & K~~c~marwout P% mat~caboi e~nekmeym/i.

42 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The women came to Your grave carrying the fragrant oil and incense, O Savior: and they heard the angel say to them: “Why do you seek the living among the dead: and He, God, is risen from the grave?” Nihio~mi m~faicojen aui~ e~pekm~hau nem pi c~yoinoufi w~ Picwt/r: ouoh aucwtem e~piaggeloc efjw m~moc nwou: je eybe ou teten kw]n~ca v/etonq nem nirefmwout: ouoh n~yof hwc nou] aftwnf e~bol qen pim~hau.

43 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Doxa Patri ke U~~iw ke agiw P~neumati.

44 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & We worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, one in essence: and we proclaim with the Cherubim: “Holy, Holy, Holy, are you O Lord!” & Tenouwst m~V~iwt nem P~s/ri nem Pip#n#a# e#y#u# qen ]metouai n~te ]oucia~: ouoh n~tenws e~bol nem Ni,eroubim: je,~ouab,~ouab,~ouab n~yok P%.

45 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Now and forever and unto the ages of ages: Amen. & Ke nun ke a~i~ ke ic touc e~w~nac twn e~w~nwn: a~m/n.

46 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4)

47 Now and forever and unto the ages of ages: Amen. Ke nun ke a~i~ ke ic touc e~w~nac twn e~w~nwn: a~m/n.

48 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & We worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, one in essence: and we proclaim with the Cherubim: “Holy, Holy, Holy, are you O Lord!” & Tenouwst m~V~iwt nem P~s/ri nem Pip#n#a# e#y#u# qen ]metouai n~te ]oucia~: ouoh n~tenws e~bol nem Ni,eroubim: je,~ouab,~ouab,~ouab n~yok P%.

49 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Now and forever and unto the ages of ages: Amen. & Ke nun ke a~i~ ke ic touc e~w~nac twn e~w~nwn: a~m/n.

50 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You gave birth, O Virgin, to the Giver of Life: and you saved Adam from sin You gave joy to Eve instead of sorrow: and granted us life and salvation from corruption and alteration: You became our intercessor before God, our Savior: Who was incarnate of you: & A~remici w~ ]paryenoc m~v~ref] m~p~wnq: ouoh a~renohem n~A~dam e~bol qen v~nobi: a~re] m~p~ounof n~Eua~ n~t~sebiw~ m~pecm~kahn~h/t: ouoh a~reerh~mot nan m~p~wnq nem v~nohem e~bol qen p~tako nem p~sib]: a~reswpi nan n~oup~roctat/c nahren V} penrefcw]: v/e~taf[icarx e~bol n~q/]:

51 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Amen. Alleluia: Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy. a~m/n all/louia~: Kurie~ e~le/~con Kurie~ e~le/~con Kurie~ e~le/~con.

52 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) THE FIRST ODE Then Moses and the children of Israel: sang this song to the Lord: and spoke, saying: “I will sing to the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously.” Tote afhwc n~je Mwu~c/c: nem nens/ri m~pic#l#: e~taihwd/ n~te P%: ouoh afjoc eyroujoc: je marenhwc e~P%: je qen ouwou gar af[iwou.

53 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea: The Lord is my strength and song and he has become my salvation. & Ouh~yo nem ou[acih~yo: afberbwrou e~~v~iom: oubo/~yoc nem ourefhwbc e~bol hijwi: afswpi n/i n~oucwt/ria.

54 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) He is my God: I will glorify Him: my father's God, and I will exalt Him. Vai pe Panou]: ]na]wou naf: V} m~paiwt ]na[acf.

55 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The Lord is a man of war: The Lord is His Name: Pharaoh’s chariots and his army: He has cast into the sea. & P% petqomqem n~nibwtc: P% pe pefran: nibere[woutc n~te varaw nem tefjom t/rc: afberbwrou e~v~iom.

56 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) His chosen captains also were drowned the Red Sea. Hancwtp n~a~nabat/c n~t~rictat/c: afjolkou qen v~iom n~sari.

57 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The depths have covered them: they sank to the bottom like a stone. & Afhwbc e~q~r/i e~jwou n~je pimwou: auwmc e~q~r/i e~pets/k m~v~r/] n~ouwni.

58 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Your right hand, O Lord, has become gloriously in power: Your right hand, O my Lord, has dashed the enemy in pieces. Tekouinam P% ac[iwou qen oujom: tekjij n~oui~nam panou] actake nekjaji.

59 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And in the greatness of Your excellence, You have overthrown those who rose up against You. You sent forth your wrath; it consumed them like stubble. & Qen p~a~sai n~te pekwou: akqomqem n~n/ et] oub/n: akouwrp m~pekjwnt afouomou m~v~r/] n~hanrwoui~

60 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) And with the blast of Your nostrils the waters were gathered together, the flood stood upright like a wall and the depths were congealed in the heart of the sea. E~bol hiten pipn#a# n~te pekm~bon: afo~hi e~ratf n~je pimwou: au[ici n~je nimwou m~v~~r/] n~oucobt: au[wc n~je nijol qen y~m/] m~viom.

61 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The enemy said: “I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil, my lust shall be satisfied upon them, I will draw my sword, and my hand shall destroy them.” & Afjoc gar n~je pijaji: je ]na[oji n~tataho n~tavws n~hanswl: n~tat~cio n~ta'u,/: n~taqwteb qen tac/fi: n~te tajij er%.

62 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You sent forth Your wind; the sea covered them: They sank like lead in the mighty waters. Akouwrp m~pekpn#a# afhobcou n~je v~iom: auwmc e~pec/t m~v~r/] n~outath qen hanmwou euos.

63 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorified in His saints, amazing in glory, performing wonders? & Nim eto~ni m~mok qen ninou] P%: nim eto~ni m~mok: eue~]wou nak qen n/ey#u# n~tak: euers~v/ri m~mok qen ouwou ekiri n~hans~v/ri.

64 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You stretched out Your right hand, the earth swallowed them. You in your mercy have led forth, the people whom You have redeemed. You have guided them, in Your strength, to Your holy habitation. Akcouten tekjij n~oui~nam e~bol: afomkou n~je p~kahi: ak[imwit qajwf m~peklaoc: qen oumeym/i: vai etakcotpf: ak]jom naf qen teknom]: euma n~emton efouab nak.

65 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The people will hear and be afraid, sorrow will take hold of the inhabitants of Palestine. & Aucwtem n~je haneynoc: ouoh aujwnt: hannakhi au[i n~n/etsop qen Nivulict/n.

66 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Then the dukes of Edom will be amazed, the mighty men of Moab, trembling will take hold of them. Tote aui/c m~mwou n~je nih/gemwn n~te Edwm: niar,wn n~te Nimwabit/c ouc~yerter petaf[itou.

67 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & All the inhabitants of Canaan will melt away, fear and dread will fall upon them. & Aubwl e~bol n~je ouon niben etsop qen <anaan: afi~ e~h~r/i e~jwou n~je ouc~yerter nem ouho].

68 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) By the greatness of Your arm they will be as still as stone, till Your people pass over O Lord, till your people pass over whom You have purchased. Qen p~a~sai n~te pekj~voi marouerwni: satefcini n~je peklaoc P%: satefcini n~je peklaoc: vai etakj~vof.

69 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You will bring them in and plant them in the mountain of your inheritance, in the place, O Lord, which You have made for You to dwell in. & A~nitou e~qoun: tojou hijen outwou n~te tekk~l/ronomia~: nem e~qoun e~pekman~swpi etcebtwt: vai etakerhwb erof P%.

70 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) In your sanctuary, O Lord, which Your hands have established, the Lord shall reign forever and ever. Pekma ey#u# P%: v/e~taucebtwtf n~je nekjij: P% ekoi n~ouro sa e~neh: nem icjen p~e~neh ouoh e~ti.

71 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & For the horses of Pharaoh went with his chariots and his horsemen into the sea. & Je aui~ e~qoun e~v~iom: n~je nih~ywr n~te Varaw~ nem nefbere[woutc: nem nef[acih~yo.

72 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) And the Lord brought back the waters of the sea upon them but the children of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea. A P% en nimwou n~te v~iom e~h~r/i e~jwou: nens/ri de m~pic#l# naumosi qen petsouwou: qen y~m/] m~v~iom.

73 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hands, and all the women went forth after her with timbrels and with praises. & Ac[i de nac n~je Mariam ]p~rov/t/c: t~cwni n~Aa~rwn: ere pikemkem qen necjij aui~ e~bol camenh/c n~je nihiomi t/rou: qen hankemkem nem hanhwc.

74 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) And Miriam answered them saying: “Let us sing to the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously.” Acerh/tc de qajwou: n~je Mariam ecjw m~moc: je marenhwc e~P%: je qen ouwou gar af[iwou.

75 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & “The horse and its rider, He has cast into the sea.” Let us sing to the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously. & Ouh~yo nem ou[acih~yo: afberbwrou e~v~iom: je marenhwc e~P%: je qen ouwou gar af[iwou.

76 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) With the split, the waters of the sea split, and the very deep, became a walkway. Khen oo shoat afshoat: en je pi moa oo ente efyom: owoh efnoon etsheek: afshoapi en oo ma em moshi. Qen ouswt afswt: n~je pimwou n~te v~iom: ouoh v~noun ets/k: afswpi n~oumam~m osi. PSALI ADAM OF THE FIRST ODE

77 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & A hidden earth, was shone upon the sun, and an un- trodden road, was walked upon. & Oo kahi en ath oo oanh a efree shai higoaf: oo moit en at sini: av moshi hi oatf. & Oukahi n~ayouwnh: a~ v~r/ sai hijwf: oumwit n~atcini: aumosi hiwtf.

78 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The flowing water, stood still, by a miraculous, act of wonder. Oumwou efb/l e~bol: afo~hi e~ratf: qen ouhwb n~s~v/ri: m~paradoxon.

79 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pharaoh and his chariots were drowned, and the children of Israel, crossed the sea. & Varaw nem nefharma: auwmc e~pec/t: nens/ri m~pic#l#: auerjinior m~v~iom.

80 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) And in front of them was, Moses the prophet praising, until he brought them, to the wilderness of Sinai. E~nafhwc qajwou pe: n~je Mwu~c/c pip~rov/t/c: sa n~tef[itou e~qoun: hi p~safe n~cina.

81 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And they were praising God, with this new song of praise, saying: “Let us sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously.” & E~nauhwc e~V}: qen taihwd/ m~beri: je marenhwc e~P%: je qen ouw~ou gar af[iw~ou.

82 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Through the prayers, of Moses the Archprophet, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins. Hiten nieu,/: n~te Mwu~c/c piar,ip~rov/t/c: P% a~rih~mot nan: m~pi,w e~bol n~te nennobi.

83 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Through the intercessions, of the Mother of God Saint Mary, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins. & Hiten nip~recbia:~ n~te ]yeotokoc ey#u# Maria: P% a~rih~mot nan: m~pi,w e~bol n~te nennobi.

84 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We worship You, O Christ: with Your Good Father: and the Holy Spirit: for You have come and saved us. Tenouwst m~mok w~ P,#c#: nem Pekiwt n~a~gayoc: nem pip~neuma eyouab: je aki~ akcw] m~mon.

85 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Amen. Alleluia: Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy. a~m/n all/louia~: Kurie~ e~le/~con Kurie~ e~le/~con Kurie~ e~le/~con.

86 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & O give thanks to the Lord for He is good: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. & Ouwnh e~bol m~P%: je ou,~r/ctoc oua~gayoc pe: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh. THE SECOND ODE

87 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) O give thanks to the God of gods: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. Ouwnh e~bol m~V} n~te ninou]: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

88 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & O give thanks to the Lord of lords: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. & Ouwnh ebol m~P% n~te ni%: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

89 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) To Him who alone does great wonders: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. V/eti~ri n~hannis] n~s~v/ri mmauatf: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

90 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & To Him who by wisdom made the heavens: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. & V/e~tafyamio~ n~niv/oui qen ouka]: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

91 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) To Him Who stretched out the earth above the waters: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. V/e~taftajro m~pikahi hijen nimwou: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

92 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & To Him who made great lights: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. & V/e~tafyamio~ n~hannis] n~referouwini m~mauatf: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

93 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The sun to rule the day: Alleluia: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. V~r/ e~ouersisi n~te pie~hoou: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

94 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The moon and stars to rule by night: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. & Piioh nem niciou eue~xoucia n~te pie~jwrh: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

95 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) To Him Who smote Egypt in their firstborn: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. V/e~tafsari e~na</mi nem nousamici: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

96 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And brought out Israel from among them: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. & Ouoh afi~ni m~pic#l# e~bol qen toum/]: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

97 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) With a strong hand and a with a stretched out arm: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. Qen oujij eca~mahi nem ouswbs ef[oci: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

98 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & To Him who divided the Red Sea into parts: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. & V/e~tafvwrj m~v~iom n~sari qen hanvwrj: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

99 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) And made Israel to pass through the midst of it: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. Ouoh afi~ni m~pic#l# e~m/r qen tefm/]: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

100 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & But overthrew Pharaoh and his hosts in the Red Sea: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. & Ouoh afborber m~varaw~ nem tefjom t/rc e~v~iom n~sari: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

101 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) To Him who led His people through the wilderness: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. V/e~tafi~ni m~peflaoc e~bol n~h~r/i hi p~safe: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

102 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & To Him who retrieved water from a rock: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. & V/e~tafi~ni n~oumwou e~bol qen oupetra n~koh n~swt: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

103 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) To Him, Who smote great kings: Alleluia: For His mercy endures forever V/e~tafsari n~hannis] n~ourwou: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

104 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And slew mighty kings: Alleluia: For His mercy endures forever & Ouoh afqwteb n~hanourwou euoi n~s~v/ri: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

105 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Sion the king of the Amorites: Alleluia: For His mercy endures forever C/wn p~ouro n~te Nia~morreoc: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

106 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And Og, the King of Bashan: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. & Nem Wg p~ouro n~te y~Bacan: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh

107 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) And gave their lands for a heritage: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. Af] m~poukahi euk~l/ronomia~: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh

108 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & A heritage unto Israel His servant: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. & Euk~l/ronomia~ m~pefbwk pic#l#: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh

109 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Who redeemed us in our low estate: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. N~h~r/i qen penyebio~ aferpenmeui~ n~je P%: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh

110 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And has redeemed us from our enemies: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. & Ouoh afcotten e~bolqen nenjij n~te nenjaji: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh

111 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Who gives food to all flesh: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. V/et] q~re n~carx niben etonq: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh

112 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & O Give thanks to God of heaven: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. & Ouwnh e~bol m~V} n~te t~ve: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh

113 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) O Give thanks to the Lord of lords for He is good: Alleluia, His mercy endures forever. Ouwnh e~bol m~p% n~te ni% je ou,~r/ctoc oua~gayoc pe: a#l#: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

114 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Let us give thanks, to Christ our God, with David the prophet, and the psalmist. & Maren oo oanh evol: em Piekhristos pennooti: nem pi ieropsal- tees: David pi eprofeetees. & Marenou- wnh e~bol: m~P,#c# pen-nou]: nem piieroval-t/c: Dauid pip~rov/tc. PSALI ADAM OF THE SECOND ODE

115 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) For He has made the heavens, and all its hosts, and established the earth, on the waters. Je af thamio en ni fee owi: nem noo thinamis: af hee sentee em pi kahi: e ehree hijen ni moa oo. Je afyamio~ n~niv/oui~: nem noudunamic: afhicen] m~pikahi: e~h~r/i hijen nimwou.

116 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & These two great stars, the sun and the moon, He has made to enlighten, the firmament. & Nainis] m~vwct/r: pir/ nem piioh: af,au eue~rouwini: qen pic~terewma.

117 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) He brought forth the winds, out of His treasure box, He breathed unto the trees, and they blossomed. Afi~ni n~hany/ou: e~bol qen nefa~hwr: afnifi n~ca nis~s/n: san~touviri e~bol.

118 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & He caused the rain to fall, upon the face of the earth, and it sprouted, and gave its fruit. & Afhwou n~oumounhwou: hijen p~ho m~pkahi: san~tefrwt e~p~swi: n~tef] m~pefoutah.

119 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) He brought forth water, out of a rock, and gave it to His people, in the wilderness. Afi~ni n~oumwou: e~bol qen oupetra: aft~cw m~peflaoc: n~h~r/i hi p~safe.

120 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & He made man, in His image, and His likeness, that he may praise Him. & Afyamio~ m~pirwmi: kata pefi~ni: nem tefhikwn: eyrefc~mou e~rof.

121 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Let us praise Him, and exalt His name, and give thanks to Him, His mercy endures forever. Marenhwc e~rof: ten[ici m~pefran: tenouwnh naf e~bol: je pefnai sop sa e~neh.

122 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Through the prayers, of David the Psalmist, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins. & Hiten nieu,/: n~te piiero'alt/c Dauid: P% a~rih~mot nan: m~p,w e~bol n~te nennobi.

123 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Through the intercessions, of the Mother of God Saint Mary, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins. Hiten nip~recbua~: n~te ]yeo~tokoc: ey#u# Maria~: p% a~rih~mot nan: m~p,w e~bol n~te nennobi.

124 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Through the intercessions, of all the heavenly hosts, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins. & Hiten nip~recbua~: n~te p~,wroc t/rf n~te niaggeloc: p% a~rih~mot nan: m~p,w e~bol n~te nennobi.

125 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Blessed are You indeed, with Your Good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have come and saved us. K~c~marwout a~l/ywc: nem pekiwt n~a~gayoc: nem pipn#a# ey#u#: je aki~ akcw] m~mon.

126 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Amen. Alleluia: Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy. a~m/n all/louia~: Kurie~ e~le/~con Kurie~ e~le/~con Kurie~ e~le/~con.

127 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Blessed are You, O Lord, God of our fathers, and exceedingly to be praised, and exalted above all forever. K~c~marwout P% V}: n~te nenio]: k~erhouo~ c~marwout: k~erhouo~ [ici sa nie~neh. THE THIRD ODE

128 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Blessed is Your Holy Name and Your glory, and exceedingly to be praised and exalted above all forever. & F~c~marwout n~je piran ey#u#: n~te pekwou: f~erhouo c~marwout: f~erhouo [ici sa nie~neh.

129 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Blessed are You in the holy temple of Your glory, and exceedingly to be praised and exalted above all forever. K~c~marwout qen pie~rvei n~te pekwou ey#u#: k~erhouo~ c~marwout: k~erhouo~ [ici sa nie~neh.

130 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Blessed are You who beholds the depths and sits upon the Cherubim, and exceedingly to be praised and exalted above all forever. & K~c~marwout v/eynau e~ninoun: efhemci hijen ni,eroubim: k~erhouo~ c~marwout: k~erhouo~ [ici sa nie~neh.

131 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Blessed are You on the Throne of Your kingdom, and exceedingly to be praised and exalted above all forever. K~c~marwout hijen piy~ronoc n~te tekmetouro: k~erhouo~ c~marwout: k~erhouo~ [ici sa nie~neh.

132 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Blessed are You in the firmament of heaven and exceedingly to be praised, and exalted above all forever. & K~c~marwout qen pic~terewma n~te t~ve: k~erhouo~ c~marwout: k~erhouo~ [ici sa nie~neh.

133 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, O you works of the Lord, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% nih~b/oui~ t/rou n~te P%: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

134 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, O heaven, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% niv/oui~: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

135 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, all you angels of the Lord, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% niaggeloc t/rou n~te P%: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

136 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, all you waters that be above the heaven: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% nimwou t/rou etca p~swi n~t~ve: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

137 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, all you powers of the Lord, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% nijom t/rou n~te P%: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

138 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, O Sun and Moon: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% pir/ nem piioh: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

139 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, all you stars of heaven, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% niciou t/rou n~te t~ve: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

140 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, O you rain and dew, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% nimounhwou nem niiw]: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

141 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, O you clouds and winds, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% ni[/pi nem niy/ou: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

142 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, all you spirits, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% nip~n#a# t/rou: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

143 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, O fire and heat, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% pi,~rwm nem pikauma: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

144 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, O cold and heat, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% piw~jeb nem pikaucwn: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.\

145 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, O you dew and winds, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% niiw] nem ninifi: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

146 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, O you nights and days, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% nie~jwrh nem nie~hoou: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

147 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, O light and darkness, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% piouwini nem pi,aki: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

148 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, O frost and cold, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% pijaf nem piw~jeb: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

149 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, O snow and ice, Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% ]pa,n/ nem pi,iwn: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

150 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, O you lightning and clouds: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% nicetebr/j nem ni[/pi: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

151 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, all the earth: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% pikahi t/rf: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

152 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, O you mountains and all hills: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% nitwou nem nikalamvwou t/rou: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

153 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, all you things that spring up on the earth: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% nit/rou etr/t hijen p~ho m~p~kahi: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

154 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, O you fountains: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% nimoumi: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

155 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, O you seas and rivers: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% nia~maiou nem niiarwou: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

156 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, O you whales and all that moves in the waters: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% nik/toc nem en,ai niben etkim qen nimwou: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

157 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, all you birds of the sky: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% nihala] t/rou n~te t~ve: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

158 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, all you wild beasts and cattle. Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% niy/rion nem nitebnwoui~ t/rou: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

159 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, O you sons of men: worship the Lord: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% nis/ri n~te nirwmi: ouwst m~P%: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

160 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, O Israel: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% pic#l#: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

161 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, O you priests of the Lord: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% niou/b n~te P%: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

162 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, O you servants of the Lord. Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% nie~biaik n~te P%: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

163 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, O you spirits and souls of the just: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. C~mou e~P% nipn#a# nem ni'u,/ n~te niy~m/i: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

164 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Bless the Lord, O you holy and humble of heart. Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. & C~mou e~P% n/ey#u# nem n/etyebi/out qen pouh/t: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

165 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, O Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. Esmoo e Epchois Ananias Azarias Misaeel: hoas erof ari hoo o chasf sha ni eneh. Cmou e~P% Ananiac Azariac Mica/l: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

166 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, O you who worship the Lord, the God of our fathers: Praise Him and exalt Him above all forever. Esmoo e Epchois nee et er se ves the em Epchois Efnooti ente nenyoti: hoas erof ari hoo o chasf sha ni eneh. Cmou e~P% n/eterce- becye m~P% V} n~te nenio]: hwc e~rof a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

167 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) O sing unto Him Who was crucified: buried and resurrected: who trampled and abolished death: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. Ari'alin e~v/- e~tauasf: e~h~r/i e~jwn ouoh aukocf: aftwnf afkwrf m~v~mou af]sosf: hwc e~rof arihouo~~ [acf. O SING UNTO HIM

168 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Take off the old man: and put on the new and superior one: Come closer to the greatness of mercy: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. Bws m~pirwmi m~paleoc: ouoh jwlh m~piberi euk~leoc: ouoh e~qwnt e~mega eleoc: hwc e~rof arihouo~~ [acf.

169 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & All you Christian people: the priests and the deacons: glorify the Lord for He is worthy. Praise Him and exalt Him above all. & Genoc n~ni,~rictia~noc: nip~recbuteroc ke dia~kwnoc: maw~ou m~P% je ouhikanoc: hwc e~rof arihouo~~ [acf.

170 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Come to us, O Three Children: whom Christ our God has lifted: and from the devil has delivered: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. & Deute haron w~ pisomt n~a~lou: eta P,#c# pennou] olou: afnahmou e~bol ha pidia~bolou: hwc e~rof arihouo~~ [acf.

171 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) For the sake of your God and Messiah: the Giver of all good things: come unto us, Hananiah: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. Eybe peknou] Maciac: v~ref] n~euergeciac: a~mou saron Ananiac: hwc e~rof arihouo~~ [acf.

172 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) O Azariah, the Zealot: morning, and noon and in the evening: glorify the power of the Trinity: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. Z/lwte Azariac: ecperac ke p~rwi~ ke mec/mb~riac: maw~ou n~t~jom n~}t~riac: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

173 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Behold, Emmanuel, our Lord: is now in our midst, O Mishael: proclaim with a voice of joy: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. & ?ppe gar ic Emmanou/l: hi tenm/] w~ Mica/l: lali qen ouc~m/ n~yel/l: hwc e~rof arihouo~~ [acf.

174 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Gather now and persevere: and proclaim with the priests: Praise the Lord, all His works: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. & Ywou] ]nou kata,in t/rou: caji nem nip~recbuterou: c~mou e~P% nefh~b/oui~ t/rou: hwc e~rof arihouo~~ [acf.

175 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The heavens declare the glory: of God until this day: O you angels whom He has made: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. Ic niv/oui~ cecaji m~p~wou: m~V} sa e~qoun m~voou: w~ niaggeloc e~taf- j~vwou: hwc e~rof arihouo~~ [acf.

176 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Now, all you powers of the Lord: bless His honored name: O sun and moon and all the stars: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. Ke nun dunamic tou kuriou: c~mou e~pefran tou timiou: pir/ nem piioh nem niciou: hwc e~rof arihouo~~ [acf.

177 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And also you, rain and dew: sing praises unto our Savior: for He is the God of our fathers: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. & Loipon nimoun~hwou nem niiw]: euv/micate penrefcw]: je n~yof pe V} n~te nenio]: hwc e~rof arihouo~~ [acf.

178 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Glorify the Lord, O clouds and winds: together with the souls and the spirits: O you cold and fire and heat, Praise Him and exalt Him above all. & Maw~ou m~P% w~ ni[/pi euma: niy/ou nem ninifi nem nipn#a#: pijaf nem pi,~rwm nem pikauma: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

179 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You also O nights and days: light and darkness and lightning: glorify the Lover of Mankind. Praise Him and exalt Him above all. Nuktec ke /~mere rw pe: vwc ke c~kotoc ke act~rape: je doxa ci vilany~rope: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

180 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You trees and all that springs on earth: and all that moves in the sea: the mountains and the forests: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. Xula ke panta tavuomena: en t/ g/ ke panta ta kinoumena: hi nimwou nem nitwou nem nidrumona: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

181 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Praise without ceasing: the Lord, the King of Kings: O you rivers and seas: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. & Ouoh on c~mou n~at,arwou: e~P% p~ouro n~te niourwou: nia~maiou nem niiarwou: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

182 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And we also seeing them: let us say with all these things: Praise the Lord, all you birds: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. & Pair/] anon tennau e~rwou: marenjoc nem naiwn t/rou: c~mou e~P% nihala] t/rou: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

183 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) O you snow and ice: cattle and wild beasts: praise the Lord of Lords: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. Rw n~nipa,n/ nem ni,iwn: ke k~t/nwn nem niy/rion: c~mou e~P% twn kuriwn: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

184 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Praise the Lord as befits Him: and not like the heretics: all you sons of men: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. C~mou e~P% kata v~twmi: e~rof ke ou m/ paranomi: w~ nis/ri n~te nirwmi: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

185 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & O Israel, Offer before Him: honor and glory in a joyful voice: All you Priests of Emmanuel: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. & Tim/ ke doxa w~ pic#l#: i~ni nahraf qen ouc~m/ n~yel/l: niou/b n~te Emmanou/l: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

186 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You servants of the true God: the souls of the righteous, and the humble and charitable: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. & U~p/retwn m~V} m~m/i: nem ni'u,/ n~te niy~m/i: n/ etyebi/~out n~refmei: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

187 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) God, my God, is the One: Who saved you from danger: O Shadrach Meshach and Abdenego: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. V} panou] e~gw: petenrefcw] ek ton a~gw: cedrak micaak abdenagw: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

188 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Hurry with great haste: O you righteous of the Lord: and the creatures He has made: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. <wlem qen ounis] n~s~rwic: w~ n/etercebecye m~P%: nem nivucic t/rou etafaic: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

189 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Coolness and repose without ceasing: grant unto all of us: that we may joyfully proclaim: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. & "u,oc ke a~na- paucic: moi nan t/ren,wric y~raucic: eyrenjw qen oua~polaucic: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

190 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And also Your poor servant, Sarkis: make him without condemnation: that we may join all those and say: Praise Him and exalt Him above all. & Wcautwc pekbwk pip~tw,oc: carkic a~ritf efoi n~e~no,oc: ecaji nem nai hwc meto,oc: hwc e~rof arihouo~ [acf.

191 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We therefore present an offering and rational worship; we send unto You this day psalmodies Tenen o then thisian ke teen logikeen latrian: a na pem poamen se avtoa see me ron o das: Tenen o~yen yucian ke t/n logik/n latrian: a~- napempwme n ceautw c/meron w~ dac: HYMN FOR THE THREE HOLY YOUTH

192 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) for Your glory O our Savior, Hananiah Azariah and Mishael. Epros doxa soo soateer eemoan: Ananias Azarias ke Misaeel. p~roc doxa cou cwt/r /~mwn: Ananiac Azariac ke Mica/l.

193 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) When they were raised to take glory in their bodies, The angel came down, stopped the fire Trion pai thon en je na too peros doxa em ep sa tetoo: soama tos angelos ghar sena sel thethe: Trion paiyon n~je natou peroc doxa m~p~catetou : cwmatoc aggeloc gar cenacel yede:

194 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) and it became cool for Hananiah Azariah and Mishael. Av to kithon ef li ghartees: e lev se oan eemoan: Ananias Azarias ke Misaeel. autokiyon v~ligart/c: e~leucew~n /~mwn: Ananiac Azariac ke Mica/l.

195 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) They praise and worship God continually. Ev hoas ev esmoo e Efnooti en seeyoo niven. Euhwc euc~mou e~V} n~c/ou niben.

196 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We follow You with all our hearts: and we fear You: and we seek Your face: O God do not forsake us. Tenoueh n~cwk qen penh/t t/rf: tenerho] qatekh/: ouoh tenkw] n~ca pekho: V} m~per]sipi nan. PSALI VATOS FOR THE THREE HOLY YOUTH

197 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & But rather, deal with us: according to Your meekness: and according to your great mercy: O Lord help us. & Alla a~rioui~ neman: kata tekmete~pik/c: nem kata p~asai n~te peknai: P% a~ribo/~yin e~ron.

198 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) May our prayers ascend to You, O our Master: like burnt offerings of lambs: and fat calves. Mare tenp~roceu,/ penn/b: i~ e~p~swi m~pekm~yo: m~v~r/] n~han[~lil n~te hanwili: nem hanmaci eukeniw~out.

199 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Do not forget the covenant: which You have made with our fathers: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: Israel, Your saints. & M~pererpwbs n]diay/k/: y/etakcemn/tc nem nenio]: Abraam Icaak Iakwb: picl pee#y#u# ntak.

200 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Bless the Lord, all you nations: the tribes and all kinds of tongues: Praise Him and glorify Him: above all forever. C~mou e~P% nilaoc t/rou: nivul/ niacpi n~lac: hwc e~rof maw~ou naf: a~rihouo~ [acf sa nie~neh.

201 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O three saintly children: Shadrach, Mesach and Abednego: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh m~P% e~h~r/i e~jwn: w~ pisomt n~~a~lou n~agioc: Cedrak Micak Abdenagw: n~tef,a nennobi nan e~bol.

202 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Intercede on our behalf: O Lady of us all, the mother of God: Saint Mary the Mother of our Savior: that He may forgive us our sins. Arip~recbeuin e~h~r/i ejwn: w~~ ten% n~n/b t/ren ]yeotokoc: Maria y~mau m~pencwt/r: n~tef,a nennobi nan e~bol COMMEMORATION OF THE SAINTS

203 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Intercede on our behalf: O holy archangels: Michael and Gabriel: that He may forgive us our sins. & Arip~recbeuin...: w~ niar,iaggeloc e#y#u#: Mi,a/l nem Gabri/l: n~tef,a...

204 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Intercede on our behalf: O holy archangels: Rafael and Suriel: that He may forgive us our sins. Arip~recbeuin...: w~ niar,iaggeloc e#y#u#: Rava/l nem Couri/l: n~tef,a...

205 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Intercede on our behalf: O holy archangels: Sedakiel, Sarathiel, and Ananiel: that He may forgive us our sins. & Arip~recbeuin...: w~ niar,iaggeloc e#y#u#: Cedaki/l Carayi/l nem Anani/l: n~tef,a...

206 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Intercede on our behalf: O Thrones, Dominions, Powers: the Cherubim and the Seraphim: that He may forgive us our sins. Arip~recbeuin...: niy~ronoc nimet% nijom: ni,eroubim nem niceravim: n~tef,a...

207 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Intercede on our behalf: O four living incorporeal beasts: the ministers fervent as fire: that He may forgive us our sins. & Arip~recbeuin...: pif~tou n~zwon n~acwmatoc: n~litourgoc n~sah n~,rwm: n~tef,a...

208 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Intercede on our behalf: O priests of the Truth: the twenty-four Presbyters: that He may forgive us our sins. Arip~recbeuin...: niou/b n~te ]meym/i: pik#d# m~precbuteroc: n~tef,a...

209 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Intercede on our behalf: O angelic hosts: and all the heavenly multitudes: that He may forgive us our sins. & Arip~recbeuin...: nic~tratia n~aggelikon: nem nitagma n~epouranion: n~tef,a...

210 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: our masters and fathers, the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: na% n~io] m~patriar,/c: Abraam Icaak Iakwb: n~tef,a...

211 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O perfect man: the righteous and the just Enoch, that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: w~ pirwmi n~telioc: piy~m/i Enw, pidikeoc: n~tef,a...

212 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O Elijah the Tishbite: and his disciple, Elisha: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: ?liac piyecbit/c: nem Eliceoc pefmay/t/c: n~tef-,a...

213 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O Moses the Archprophet and Isaiah and Jeremiah: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: w~ Mwu~c/c piar,ip~rov/t/c: nem ?ca/~ac nem Ieremiac: n~tef-,a...

214 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O David the Psalmist, Ezekiel and Daniel, that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: Dauid piiero’althc: nem Iezekihl nem Dani/l: n~tef,a...

215 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Joachim, Anna and Joseph the Elder, and the righteous Job, Joseph, and Nicodemus, that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: Iwakim nem Anna Iwc/v pip~recbuteroc: nem piy~m/i Iwb nem Iwc/v nem Nikod/moc: n~tef-,a...

216 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O Melchizedek and Aaron: and Zachariah and Simeon: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: Mel,icedek nem Aarwn: nem Za,ariac nem Cumewn: n~tef,a...

217 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O choirs of the prophets: and all the righteous and the just: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: ni,wroc n~te nip~rov/t/c: nem niym/i nem nidikeoc: n~tef,a...

218 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Intercede on our behalf: O forerunner and baptizer: John the Baptist: that He may forgive us our sins. Arip~recbeuin...: w~ pip~rodromoc m~baptict/c: Iw#a# piref]wmc: n~tef,a...

219 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Intercede on our behalf: O the hundred and forty four thousand: and the Celibate Evangelist: that He may forgive us our sins. & Arip~recbeuin...: w~ pise h~me f~tou n~so: nem niparyenoc n~euaggelit/c: n~tef,a...

220 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: our masters and fathers, the apostles: and the rest of the disciples: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: na% n~io] n~a~poctoloc: nem p~cepi n~te nimay/t/c: n~tef,a...

221 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O blessed archdeacon: Stephen the first martyr: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: piar,idiakwn etc~marwout: Ctevanoc pisorp m~marturoc: n~tef,a...

222 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O beholder of God, the evangelist: Mark the apostle: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: piyew~rimoc n~euaggelict/c: Markoc pia~pocto- loc: n~tef,a...

223 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O struggle mantled martyr, my master Prince George: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: piaylovoroc m~marturoc: pa% p~ouro Gew~rgioc: n~tef,a...

224 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Theodore and Theodore: Leontius and Panikarus: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: Yeodwroc nem Yeodwroc: nem Leontioc nem Panikeroc: n~tef,a...

225 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Philopater Mercurius: and Abba Mena and Abba Victor: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: Vulopat/r Merkourioc: nem apa M/na nem apa Biktwr: n~tef,a...

226 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: master Claudius and Theodore: Abba Eskhiron and Abba Isaac: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: kuri Klaudioc nem Yeodwroc: nem apa C~,uron nem apa Icaak: n~tef,a...

227 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Basilidis and Eusebius: Macarius and Philotheus: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: Bacilit/c nem Eucebioc: nem Makarioc nem Vuloyeoc: n~tef,a...

228 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Pisura and Abba Pishoy: Abba Isi and his sister, Thecla: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: abba Picoura nem apa P~swi: nem apa ?ci nem Yekla tefcwni: n~tef,a...

229 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O struggle mantled martyrs: Justus, Apali and Theoklia: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: niaylovoroc m~marturoc: Iouctoc nem Apali nem Yeo~klia: n~tef,a...

230 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Jacob the Persian: Saint Sergius and (Saint) Bacchus: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: abba Iakwboc pifercic: nem pia~gioc Cergioc nem Ba,oc: n~tef,a...

231 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O struggle mantled martyrs: Cosmas, his brothers and their mother: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: niaylovoroc m~marturoc: Kocma nem nefcn/ou nem toumau: n~tef,a...

232 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Kir and his brother John, and Barbara and Juliana and Demiana: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: apa Kur nem Iw#a# pefcon: nem Barbara nem Ioulian/: nem dumian/ n~tef-,a...

233 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O struggle mantled martyrs: master Apatir and his sister Irae: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: niaylovoroc m~marturoc: kuri Apat/r nem ?ra/~ tefcwni: n~tef,a...

234 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O struggle mantled martyrs: Julius and those who were with him: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: niaylovoroc m~marturoc: Iolioc nem n/eynemaf: n~tef,a...

235 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O struggle mantled martyrs: Mari Pahnam and his sister Sarah: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: niaylovoroc m~marturoc: Mari Pehnam nem Carra tefcwni: n~tef,a...

236 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Sarapamon the bishop: Psate and Gallinikos: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: abba Carapamwn pie~pickopoc: nem "ate nem Gallinikoc: n~tef,a...

237 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O struggle mantled martyrs: the forty saints of Sebaste: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: niaylovoroc m~marturoc: pih~me e#y#u# n~te Cebacte: n~tef,a...

238 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Piru and Atom: and John and Simeon: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: abba Pirwou nem Aywm: nem Iw#a# nem Cumewn: n~tef,a...

239 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O struggle mantled martyrs: Abba Pishoy and his friend Peter: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: niaylovoroc m~marturoc: apa P~swi nem pefsv/r Petroc: n~tef,a...

240 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Eklog the priest: and Abba Epgol and Abba Kav: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: apa K~loj pip~recbuteroc: nem apa P~jol nem apa Kau: n~tef,a...

241 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba John of Heraclia: and master Piphamon and Pistavros: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: apa Iw#a# piremharklia: nem kuri Pivamwn nem Pictauroc: n~tef,a...

242 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Isidore and Pantaleon: Sophia and Euphemia: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: ?c/dwroc nem Pantaleon: Covia nem Euvomia: n~tef,a...

243 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: master Apa-Nob and Ptolemaeus: and Apa Ekragon and Susinius: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: kuri Apanoub nem Pyolomeoc: nem Apak~ragon nem Coucennioc: n~tef,a...

244 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O great high priest: Abba Peter Seal of the Martyrs: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: w~ pinis] n~ar,iereuc: abba Petroc ieromarturoc: n~tef,a...

245 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O new martyrs: Pistavros and Arsenius: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: w~ niberi m~marturoc: Pictauroc nem Arcenioc: n~tef,a...

246 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O Michael the hegomen: and Michael the monk: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: w~ Mi,a/l pih/goumenoc: nem Mi,a/l pimona,oc: n~tef,a...

247 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O choirs of the martyrs: who suffered for the sake of Christ: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: ni,wroc n~te nimarturoc: etausepmkah eybe P,#c#: n~tef,a...

248 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O my masters and fathers, who loved their children: Antony and Abba Paul: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: na% n~io] m~mainous/ri: abba Antwnioc nem abba Paule: n~tef,a...

249 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O three saints Macari: and all their children the cross-bearers: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: pisomt e#y#u# abba Makari: nem nous/ri n~ctaurovoroc: n~tef,a...

250 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: our masters and fathers, the archpriests: Abba John and Abba Daniel: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: na% n~io] n~h/goumenoc: abba Iw#a# nem abba Dani/l: n~tef,a...

251 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: our masters and fathers, who loved their children: Abba Pishoy and Abba Paul: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: na% n~io] m~mainous/ri: abba Piswi nem abba Paule: n~tef-,a...

252 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: our saintly Roman fathers: Maximus and Domitius: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: nenio] e#y#u# n~rwmeoc: Maximoc nem Doumetioc: n~tef,a...

253 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O forty nine martyrs: the elders of Shiheet: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: pih~me 'it m~marturoc: niqelloi n~te Sih/t: n~tef,a...

254 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O strong saint, Abba Moses: and John Kame: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: pijwri e#y#u# abba Mwc/: nem Iw#a# pi,am/: n~tef,a...

255 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Pachomius of the Koinonia: and his disciple, Theodore: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: abba Paqwm va ]koinwnia: nem Yeodwroc pefmay/t/c: n~tef,a...

256 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Shenoute the Archimandrite: and Abba Besa, his disciple: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: abba Senou] piar,imand~rit/c: nem abba B/ca pefmay/t/c: n~tef,a...

257 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Nopher and Abba Karus: and our father, Paphnutius: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: abba Noufer nem abba Karoc: nem peniwt Pavnoutioc: n~tef,a...

258 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Samuel the confessor: and Justus and Apollo, his disciples: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: abba Camou/l pio~mologit/c: nem Iouctoc nem Apollo pefmay/t/c: n~tef,a...

259 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Apollo and Abba Apip: and our father Abba Pijimi: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: abba Apollo nem abba Apip: nem peniwt abba Pijimi: n~tef,a...

260 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Evkin and Abba Ehron: Abba Hor and Abba Phis: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: abba Eukin nem abba H~rwn: nem apa Hwr apa Vic: n~tef,a...

261 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Parsoma and Ephrem: and John and Simeon: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: abba Parcwma nem Evrem: nem Iw#a# nem Cumewn: n~tef,a...

262 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Epiphanius and Ammounious: and Arshiliidis and Arsenius: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: Epivanioc nem Ammwnioc: nem Ar,/llit/c nem Arcenioc: n~tef,a...

263 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: our masters the ascetics fathers: Abba Abraham and George: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: na% n~io] n~ack/t/c: abba Abraam nem Gew~rg/: n~tef,a...

264 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Athanasius the Apostolic: Severus and Dioscorus: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: Ayanacioc pia~poctolikoc: Ceu/roc nem Diockoroc: n~tef,a...

265 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Basil and Gregory, and our father Abba Cyril: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: Baclioc nem Gpigopioc: nem peniwt Abba Kurilloc: n~tef,a nennobi nan e~bol

266 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: the three hundred and eighteen at Nicaea for the faith, that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: pisomt se m/t s~m/n: e~tautwout qen Nikea~ eybe pinaht: n~tef,a...

267 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: the one hundred and fifty at Constantinople, and the two hundred at Ephesus, that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: w~ pise tebi n~te Kwnctantinou- polic: nem pic~nau se n~te Evecoc: n~tef,a...

268 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Hadid and Abba John: our great father Parsoma and Abba Teji: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: abba Hadid nem abba Iw#a#: nem peniwt pinis] abba Parcwma nem abba Teji: n~tef,a...

269 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: Abba Abraham the hegomen: and our father Abba Mark: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: abba Abraam pihugoumenoc: nem peniwt abba Markoc: n~tef,a...

270 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O choirs of the cross- bearers: perfected in the wilderness: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: ni,wroc n~te nic~taurovoroc: e~taujwk e~bol hinisafeu: n~tef,a...

271 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: my master King Constantine: and his mother Queen Helen, that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: pa% p~ouro Kwnctantinoc: nem ?lan/ ]ourw: n~tef,a...

272 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O wise virgin ladies: the brides of Christ: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh...: nia~lou n~cabe m~paryenoc: niselet n~te P,#c#: n~tef,a...

273 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: the saints of this day: every one by his name: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: n/e#y#u# n~te paiehoou: piouai piouai kata pefran: n~tef,a...

274 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Likewise, we glorify You: with David the psalmist: “You are a priest forever: according to the order of Melchizedek.” Wcautoc ten[ici m~mok: nem pihumnotoc Dauid: je n~yok pe piou/b sa e~neh: kata t~taxic m~Mel,icedek.

275 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Pray to the Lord on our behalf: our holy and righteous father: Abba Shenouda the patriarch: that He may forgive us our sins. & Twbh...: peniwt e#y#u# n~dikeoc: abba Senou] piar,iereuc: n~tef,a...

276 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: our holy and righteous father: Abba (…) the bishop (the metropolitan): that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh m~P~[oic e~h~r/i e~jwn: peniwt eyouab n~dikeoc: abba (...) pie~pickopoc: n~tef,a...

277 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Your greatness, O Mary: the undefiled Virgin: is likened to the height of the palm tree: spoken of by Solomon. & Temetnis] w~ Maria: ]paryenoc n~atywleb: c~o~ni m~p~[ici m~pibeni: e~ta Colomwn caji eyb/tf. DOXOLOGY FOR SAINT MARY (MIDNIGHT PRAISE)

278 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You are the spring of living water: that flows from Lebanon: for the grace of the Divinity: sprang out of you for us. Nyo te ]moumi m~mwou n~wnq: etqa] m~Pilibanoc: e~ta pih~mot n~te ]meynou]: bebi nan e~bol n~q/tc.

279 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You bore for us Emmanuel: out of your virgin womb: He has made us heirs: in the kingdom of the heavens. & Aremici nan n~Emmanou/l: qen tem/tra m~paryenik/: afaiten n~k~l/ronomoc: n~h~r/i qen y~metouro n~niv/oui.

280 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) According to the saying: He said to our father, the patriarch: that is, King David: He has come and fulfilled for us. Kata piws e~tafws m~mof: n~te peniwt m~patriar,/c: e~te vai pe p~ouro Dauid: afi~ afjokf nan e~bol.

281 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Hail to you, O Virgin: the right and true Queen: Hail to the pride of our race: You bore for us Emmanuel. & <ere ne w~ ]paryenoc: ]ourw m~m/i n~a~l/yin/:,ere p~sousou n~te pengenoc: a~rej~vo nan n~Emmanou/l.

282 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We ask you, remember us: O our trusted advocate: before our Lord Jesus Christ: that He may forgive us our sins. Ten]ho a~ripenmeui~~: w~ ]p~roctat/c e~tenhot: nahren Pen[oic I/#c# P,#c#: n~tef,a nennobi nan e~bol.

283 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Seven archangels: always praising as they stand: before the Pantocrator: serving the hidden mystery. & Sasf n~ar,iaggeloc: ceo~hi e~ratou euerhumnoc: m~pem~yo m~pipantokratwr: eusemsi m~muct/rion eth/p. DOXOLOGY FOR THE HEAVENLY ORDERS

284 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Michael is the first: Gabriel is the second: Rafael is the third: a symbol of the Trinity. Mi,a/l pe pihouit: Gabri/l pe pimah c~nau: Rava/l pe pimah somt: kata p~tupoc n~}t~riac.

285 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Souriel, Sedakiel: Sarathiel, and Ananiel: the luminous and holy: asking Him for the creation. & Couri/l Cedaki/l: Carayi/l nem Anani/l: nainis] n~referouwini eyouab: n/ettwbh m~mof e~h~r/i e~jen picwnt.

286 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The cherubim the seraphim: the thrones, dominions, and powers: the four incorporeal creatures: carrying the throne of God. Ni,eroubim nem niceravim: niy~ronoc nimet[oic nijom: pif~tou n~zwon n~a~cwmatoc: etfai qa piharma n~Yeoc.

287 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And the twenty- four priests: in the church of the first- born: praise Him incessantly: proclaiming and saying & Pijout f~tou m~p~recbuteroc: qen ]e~kk~l/cia n~te nisorp m~mici: euhwc e~rof qen oumetatmounk: euws e~bol e~ujw m~moc.

288 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Holy, O God: the sick, O Lord, heal them: Holy, O Mighty: those who slept, repose them. Je a~gioc o~ Yeoc: n/etswni matal[wou: a~gioc Ic,uroc: n/e~tauenkot P~[oic mam~ton nwou.

289 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Holy, O Immortal: O Lord, bless Your inheritance: And may Your mercy and Your peace: Be a fortress unto Your people. & Agioc Ayanatoc: c~mou e~tekk~l/ronomia: mare peknai nem tekhir/n/: oi n~cobt m~peklaoc.

290 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Holy, Holy: Holy, Lord of Hosts: Heaven and earth are full: of Your honor and Your glory. Je,~ouab ouoh,~ouab:,~ouab p~[oic cabawy: t~ve nem p~kahi meh e~bol: qen pekw~ou nem pektaio.

291 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And when they say, “Alleluia”: the heavenly respond, saying: “Holy. Amen. Alleluia: Glory be to our God.” & Ausanjoc m~piAl#: sare na niv/oui ouwh m~mwou: je a~gioc a~m/n Al#: piw~ou va Pennou] pe.

292 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Intercede on our behalf: O angelic hosts: and all the heavenly orders: that He may forgive us our sins. Arip~recbeuin e~h~r/i e~jwn: ni~c~tratia n~aggelikon: nem nitagma n~e~pouranion: n~tef,a nennobi nan e~bol.

293 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & There is no one born: of women who is like you: You are great among all saints: O John the Baptist. & Mpe ouon twnf qen nijinmici: n~te nihiomi efo~ni m~mok: n~yok ounis] qen n/eyouab t/rou: Iwann/c piref]wmc. DOXOLOGY FOR SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST

294 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Much more than a prophet: You excelled in righteousness: You are the friend of the Bridegroom: the Lamb of God. Nyok ouhouo~ m~p~rov/t/c: ak[ici qen ]meym/i: n~yok pe p~s~v/r m~pipatselet: pihi/b n~te Vnou].

295 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You have witnessed to the True Light: Who came into the world: Those who believed in His name: became children of the Light. & Akermeyre qa piouwini: n~tav~m/i e~tafi~ e~pikocmoc: n/eynah] e~pefran: auswpi n~s/ri n~te piouwini.

296 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Intercede on our behalf: O forerunner and baptizer: John the Baptist: that He may forgive us our sins. Arip~recbeuin e~h~r/i e~jwn: w~ pip~rodromoc m~baptict/c: Iwann/c piref]wmc: n~tef,a nennobi nan e~bol.

297 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & O Mark, the apostle: and the evangelist: the witness to the passion: of the Only-begotten God. & Markoc pia~poctoloc: ouoh pieuag-gelict/c: pimeyre qa nim~kauh: n~te pimonogen/c n~nou]. DOXOLOGY FOR SAINT MARK

298 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You came and enlightened us: through your gospel: and taught us the Father and the Son: and the Holy Spirit. Aki~ akerouwini e~ron: hiten pekeuaggelion: akt~cabon m~V~iwt nem P~s/ri: nem Pip~neuma eyouab.

299 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You brought us out of darkness: into the true Light: and fed us the Bread of Life: which came down from heaven. & Akenten e~bolqen p~,aki: e~qoun e~piouwini m~m/i: aktemmon m~piwik n~te p~wnq: e~tafi~ e~pec/t e~bolqen t~ve.

300 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) All the tribes of the earth: were blessed by you: and your sayings have reached: all the ends of the world. Au[ic~mou n~q~r/i n~q/tk: n~je nivul/ t/rou n~te p~kahi: ouoh nekcaji auvoh: sa aur/jc n~]oikoumen/.

301 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Hail to you, O martyr: Hail to the evangelist: Hail to the apostle: Mark the beholder of God. & <ere nak w~ pimarturoc:,ere pieuaggelict/c:,ere pia~poctoloc: Markoc piyew~rimoc.

302 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O beholder of God, the evangelist: Mark the Apostle: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh m~P~[oic e~h~r/i e~jwn: w~ piyew~rimoc n~euaggelict/c: Markoc pia~poctoloc: n~tef,a nennobi nan e~bol.

303 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Saint George endured: for seven whole years: seventy impious kings: judging him every day. & Sasf n~rompi afjokou e~bol: n~je v/eyouab Gew~rgioc: e~re pis~be n~ouro n~a~nomoc: eu]hap e~rof m~m/ni. DOXOLOGY FOR SAINT GEORGE

304 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) They could not change his mind: neither his upright faith: nor the great love he had: for his King, Jesus Christ. M~pous~vwnh m~peflogicmoc: oude pefnah] etcoutwn: oude tefnis] n~a~gap/: e~qoun e~p~ouro P,#c#.

305 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And he did sing with David: “All nations com- passed me about: but in the name of the Lord: will I destroy them. & Nafer'alin nem Dauid: je aukw] e~roi n~je nieynoc t/rou: alla qen v~ran n~I/#c# Panou]: ai[i m~pa[i m~p~sis nemwou.

306 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Great is your honor: my lord prince George: Christ rejoices with you: in the heavenly Jerusalem. Ounis] gar pe pektaio: w~ Pa[oic p~ouro Gew~rgioc: e~re P,#c# rasi nemak: qen Ieroucal/m n~te t~ve.

307 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Hail to you, O martyr: Hail to the courageous hero: Hail to the struggle-bearer: my master, King George. & <ere nak w~ pimarturoc:,ere piswij n~genneoc:,ere piay-lovoroc: pa[oic p~ouro Gew~rgioc.

308 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Pray to the Lord on our behalf: O martyr and struggle-bearer: my master, King George: that He may forgive us our sins. Twbh m~P~[oic e~h~r/i e~jwn: w~ piaylovoroc m~marturoc: pa[oic p~ouro Gew~rgioc: n~tef,a nennobi nan e~bol.

309 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Be our advocate: in the highest where you are: O Lady of us all, the Theotokos: the Ever-Virgin, Mary. & Swpi n~yo e~recomc e~jwn: qen nima et[oci etare,/ n~q/tou: w~ ten[oic n~n/b t/ren ]yeo~tokoc: etoi m~paryenoc n~c/ou niben. CONCLUSION OF THE DOXOLOGIES

310 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Ask of Him Whom you have borne: our good Savior: to take our afflictions: and accord to us His peace. Ma]ho m~v/e~taremacf: Pencwt/r n~a~gayoc: n~tefwli n~naiqici e~bol haron: n~tefcemni nan n~tefhir/n/.

311 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Hail to you, O Virgin: the right and true Queen: Hail to the pride of our race: You bore for us Emmanuel. & <ere ne w~ ]paryenoc: ]ourw m~m/i n~a~l/yin/:,ere p~sousou n~te pengenoc: a~rej~vo nan n~Emmanou/l.

312 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We ask you, remember us: O our trusted advocate: before our Lord Jesus Christ: that He may forgive us our sins. Ten]ho a~ripenmeui~~: w~ ]p~roctat/c e~tenhot: nahren Pen[oic I/#c# P,#c#: n~tef,a nennobi nan e~bol.

313 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The sick heal them: those who have slept, O Lord, repose them: and all of our brothers in distress: my Lord, help us along with them. Nee et shoani ma talchoa oo: nee etav en kot Epchois ma emton noa oo: nen es nee oo et kee khen hog heg niven: Pachois ari voithin eron nem oa oo. N/etswni matal[wou: n/e~tauenkot P~[oic mam~ton nwou: nenc~n/ou et,/ qen hojhej niben: Pa[oic a~ribo/~yin e~ron nemwou.

314 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) May God bless us: and let us bless His Holy Name: May His blessing continually: be always from our mouths. Ef e esmoo eron enje Efnooti: ten na esmoo e pefran ethowab: en see oo niven e re pef esmoo: na shoapi ef meen evol khen roan. Efe~c~mou e~ron n~je V~nou]: tennac~mou e~pefran eyouab: n~c/ou niben e~re pefc~mou: naswpi efm/n e~bol qen rwn.

315 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) For blessed is the Father and the Son: and the Holy Spirit: the Perfect Trinity: We worship Him and glorify Him. Je ef esmaroa oot enje Efioat nem Epsheeri: nem Pi epnevma Ethowab: Ti etrias et jeek evol: ten oo oasht emmos ten ti oa nas. Je f~c~mar- wout n~je V~iwt nem P~s/ri: nem Pip~neuma eyouab: }t~riac etj/k e~bol: tenouwst m~moc ten]w~ou nac.

316 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Amen. Alleluia: Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy. a~m/n all/louia~: Kurie~ e~le/~con Kurie~ e~le/~con Kurie~ e~le/~con.

317 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Praise the Lord from the heavens. Alleluia: Praise Him in the heights. & C~mou e~P[oic e~bol qen niv/oui a#l#: c~mou erof qen n/et[oci. THE FOURTH ODE Psalm 148, 149, 150

318 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Praise Him, all his angels. Alleluia: Praise Him, all His hosts. C~mou erof nefaggeloc t/rou a#l#: c~mou erof nefdunamic t/rou.

319 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Praise Him, sun and moon. Alleluia: Praise Him, all you stars of light. & C~mou erof pir/ nem piioh a#l#: c~mou erof niciou t/rou n~te piouwini.

320 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Praise Him, heavens of heavens. Alleluia: And you waters above the heavens. C~mou erof niv/oui n~te niv/oui a#l#: nem nikemwou e~tcapswi n~niv/oui.

321 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Let them praise the Name of the Lord. Alleluia: for He commanded and they were created. & Marouc~mou t/rou e~vran m~P% a#l#: je n~yof afjoc ouoh auswpi.

322 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) He has ordered and they were created. Alleluia: He has established them forever and ever. N~yof afhonhen ouoh aucwnt a#l#: aftahwou eratou sa e~neh nem sa e~neh n~te pie~neh.

323 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & He has made a decree and it will be enforced. Alleluia: Praise the Lord from the earth. & Af,w n~ouhwn ouoh n~nefcini a#l#: c~mou e~P% e~bol qen p~kahi.

324 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The dragons and all depths. Alleluia: fire and hail, snow and vapor, and stormy wind fulfilling His word. Nid~rakwn nem ninoun t/rou a#l#: ou,~rwm oual ou,iwn ou,~ructalloc oup#n#a# n~caray/ou n/e~ti~ri m~pefcaji.

325 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Mountains and all hills. Alleluia: Fruitful trees and all cedars. & Nitwou et[oci nem nikalamvwou t/rou a#l#: nis~s/n m~faioutah nem nisencifi t/rou.

326 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Beasts and all cattle. Alleluia: Creeping things and flying birds. Niy/rion nem nitebnwoui t/rou a#l#: ni[atfi nem nihala] etoi n~tenh.

327 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Kings of the earth and all people. Alleluia: Princes and all judges of the earth. & Niourwou n~te p~kahi nem nilaoc t/rou a#l#: niar,wn nem niref]hap t/rou n~te p~kahi.

328 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Both young men and maidens. Alleluia: Old men and Children. Hanqelsiri nem hanparyenoc a#l#: hanqelloi nem hanalwoui.

329 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Let them praise the name of the Lord. Alleluia: for His name, alone, is exalted. & Marouc~mou t/rou e~v~ran m~P% a#l#: je af[ici n~je pefran m~mauatf.

330 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) His glory is above the earth and heaven. Alleluia: He exalts the horn of His people. Pefouwnh e~bol sop hijen p~kahi nem n~h~r/i qen t~ve a#l#: f~na[ici m~p~tap n~te peflaoc.

331 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Praise of all His saints. Alleluia: The children of Israel, a people near unto him. & Ouc~mou n~te n/e#y#u# t/rou n~taf a#l#: nens/ri m~pi#c#l# pilaoc e~tqent erof.

332 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. Sing unto the Lord a new song. Alleluia: and His praise in the congregation of the saints. a#l# a#l# a#l# Jw m~P% qen oujw m~beri a#l#: je are pefc~mou qen ]ekk~l/cia n~te n/e#y#u#.

333 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Let Israel rejoice in Him, that made him. Alleluia: Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. & Marefounof n~je pi#c#l# ejen v/e~tafyamiof a#l#: nens/ri n~ciwn marouyel/l ejen pououro.

334 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Let them praise His Name in the chorus. Alleluia: Let them sing praises unto him with timbrel and harp. Marouc~mou e~pefran ey#u# qen ou,oroc a#l#: qen oukemkem nem ou'alt/rion marouer'alin erof.

335 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & For the Lord takes pleasure in his people. Alleluia: He will raise the meek with salvation. & Je P% na]ma] ejen peflaoc a#l#: f~na[ici n~niremraus qen ououjai.

336 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Let the saints be joyful in glory. Alleluia: Let them sing aloud on upon their beds. Eue~sousou m~mwou n~je n/e#y#u# qen ouwou a#l#: Eueyel/l m~mwou hijen nouman~enkot.

337 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Let the high praises of God be in their mouth. Alleluia: and a two- edged sword in their hands. & Ni[ici n~te V} et,/ qen tous~bwbi a#l#: hanc/fi n~rw c~nau et,/ qen noujij.

338 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) To execute vengeance upon the nations. Alleluia: and punishment upon the people. Ep~jini~ri n~ou[i m~p~sis qen nieynoc a#l#: nem hancohi qen nilaoc.

339 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & To bind their kings with chains. Alleluia: and their nobles with fetters of iron. & Ep~jincwnh n~hanourwou qen hanped/c a#l#: nem n/ettai/out n~twou qen hanped/c n~jij m~benipi.

340 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) To execute upon them a written judgment. Alleluia: This honor have all his saints. Epjini~ri n~q/tou n~ouhap efc~q/out a#l#: paiw~ou vai afsop qen n/e#y#u# t/rou n~taf.

341 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Alleluia (3): Praise God in all His saints. & Alleluia (3): Esmoo e Efnooti khen nee ethowab teeroo entaf. & Al# (3): C~mou e~V~nou] qen n/eyouab t/rou n~taf.

342 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Praise Him in the firmament of His power. Esmoo erof khen pi tagro ente tef gom. C~mou e~rof qen pitajro n~te tefjom.

343 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Praise Him for His mighty acts. & Esmoo erof e ehree hijen tef met goari. & C~mou e~rof e~h~r/i hijen tefmet-jwri.

344 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Praise Him according to the multitude of His greatness. Esmoo erof kata ep a shai ente tef met nishti. C~mou e~rof kata p~a~sai n~te tefmet-nis].

345 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Praise Him with a sound of the trumpet. & Esmoo erof khen oo esmee en sal pingos. & C~mou e~rof qen ouc~m/ n~calpig- goc.

346 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Unto our God is due glory and praise: Praise the Lord our God with a joyful psalm. Ef e ranaf em penooti en je pi oa oo nem pi esmoo: esmoo e epchois pennooti je na ne oo epsalmos Efe~ranaf m~pennou] n~je piw~ou nem pic~mou: c~mou e~P% pennou] je nane ou'almoc

347 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Praise Him with psaltery and harp. Esmoo erof khen oo epsal teerion nem oo kithara. C~mou e~rof qen ou'al-t/rion nem oukuyara.

348 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Praise Him with timbrels and chorus. & Esmoo erof khen han kem kem nem han khoros. & C~mou e~rof qen hankemke m nem han,oroc.

349 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Praise Him with strings and organ. Esmoo erof khen han kap nem oo orgha- non. C~mou e~rof qen hankap nem ouorganon.

350 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Unto our God is due glory and praise: Praise the Lord our God with a joyful psalm. Ef e ranaf em penooti en je pi oa oo nem pi esmoo: esmoo e epchois pennooti je na ne oo epsalmos Efe~ranaf m~pennou] n~je piw~ou nem pic~mou: c~mou e~P% pennou] je nane ou'almoc

351 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Praise Him with pleasant sounding cymbals. &Esmoo erof khen han kim valon e ne se too esmee. & C~mou e~rof qen hankum- balon e~nece touc~m/.

352 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Praise Him with cymbals of joy. Esmoo erof khen han kim valon ente oo eshlee- lowi. C~mou e~rof qen hankum- balon n~te ouesl/-loui.

353 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Let everything that has breath praise the name of the Lord, our God: Alleluia. & Ni fi niven maroo esmoo teero e efran em Epchois Pennooti: Alleluia. & Nifi niben marouc~mo u t/rou e~v~ran m~p~[oic Pennou]: Al#.

354 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Doxa Patri ke Eioa ke agioa Epnev- mati Doxa patri ke U~iw ke agiw P~neumati

355 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Now and forever and unto the ages of ages: Amen. & Ke nin ke a ee ke ees toos e oa nas ton e oa noan: ameen. & Ke nun ke a~i~ ke ic touc e~w~nac twn e~w~nwn: a~m/n.

356 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Alleluia: Alleluia: Glory be to You, O our God: Alleluia: Alleluia: Doxa si o Theos eemon Al#: Al#: doxa ci o~ Yeoc /~mwn:

357 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Alleluia: Alleluia: Glory be to our God & Alle- luia: Alle- luia: Pi oa oo fa Pennooti pe & Al#: Al#: Piw~ou va Pennou] pe

358 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Sunday Psali for the Virgin I believed: wherefore I spoke: with great strength: about Your great mercy: O Lord of powers. Ainah] eybe vai: aicaji qen oujom: eybe peknis] n~nai: P% n~te nijom.

359 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Help me O my Lord: Jesus the Compassionate: to glorify my Lady: Your mother the Bride. Bo/~yin eroi Pa%: I/#c# pirefsenh/t: eyri]w~ou n~ta%: tekmau n~selet.

360 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & For truly: this virgin: who is full of honor: was greatly exalted. & Ge gar al/ywc: ac[ici e~masw: n~je taiparyenoc: eymeh n~taio~.

361 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & David spoke of her saying: “The Lord has chosen Zion: He came and dwelt in her: in order to save us.” & Dauid afcaji eyb/tc: je a P% cwtp n~Ciwn: afi~ afswpi n~q/tc: san~tefcw] m~mon.

362 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) This is Mary: who brought to us: the eternal: freedom. Ete yai te Maria: e~taci~ni saron: n~]e~e~leuyeri a: n~e~w~nion.

363 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Zechariah has said: the golden lamp stand: which was made: with hands of gold. Za,ariac afjoc: je ]lu,nia n~noub: y/e~tauyamioc: qen hanjij n~noub.

364 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Isaiah said to us: with a joyful voice: that she will give birth to: Emmanuel for us. &?ca/~ac afjoc nan: qen ouc~m/ n~yel/l: je ece~mici nan: n~Emmanou/l.

365 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & This is Jerusalem: the city of our God: the throne of all ranks: of the Cherubim & Yai te Il#/#m# t~polic m~Pennou]: p~harma n~Ni,eroubim: etoi n~ouyo n~r/].

366 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Ezekiel has witnessed: and revealed this to us: saying “I saw a door: to the east.” Iezeki/l afermeyre afouwnh nan m~vai je ainau e~oupul/ n~ca niman~sai.

367 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) “The Lord the Savior: entered into it: and it remained: thoroughly shut as before.” Kurioc pirefnohem: afse e~qoun saroc: aco~hi ecsotem: m~pecr/] kalwc.

368 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & All the nations sing: with different tongues: to the Theotokos: the Mother of the Messiah. & Laoc niben cehwc: nem niacpi n~lac: e~]yeo~tokoc: y~mau m~Maciac.

369 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Mary the chaste: the joy of the righteous: and truly she is the joy: of the faithful. & Maria ]cemne: p~ouonof n~nidikeon: ouoh n~a~l/yin/: v~rasi n~nipictoc.

370 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You are the Tabernacle: and the Ark: which Moses has made: with great honor. N~yo te ]c~k/n/: e~ta Mwu~c/c yamioc: qen ounis] n~tim/: ouoh n~]kibwtoc.

371 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Beyond all the thoughts: of the heavens: is this mysterious matter: of the Mercy Seat. Xap~swi e~nimeui~: n~e~pouranion: n~je paihwb n~s~v/ri: n~te pii~lact/rion.

372 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Great is the glory: of your virginity O full of glory: O Saint Mary. & Ounis] pe p~w~ou: n~te teparyenia: w~ y/eymeh n~w~ou: ]a~gia Maria.

373 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The honored vessel: and the lamp stand: the pure censer: full of blessings. & Pic~tamnoc e~ttai/out: ouoh ]lu,nia: ]sour/ ettoub/out: eymeh n~eulogia.

374 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) All the high names: of the incorporeal: did not reach the height: of your blessedness Ran niben et[oci: n~te nia~cwmatoc: m~pous~voh e~p~[ici: n~te nemakaricmoc.

375 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You resemble the rod: of Aaron: which blossomed and budded: and produced its fruit. Cetenywn] e~pis~bwt: n~te Aa~rwn: e~tafviri e~bol afrwt: ouoh af]karpon.

376 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You are exalted: more than the Cherubim: and honored more than the Seraphim. & Te[oci e~masw: e~hote Ni,eroubim: tetai/out n~houo~: e~Niceravim.

377 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The Son of God our Lord: you gave birth to. We glorify Him as God: and also worship Him. & U~ioc Yeoc Pennou]: a~remici m~mof: ten]w~ou naf hwc nou]: ouoh tenouwst m~mof.

378 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) He who abides in light: whom no one can approach: showed us His miracles: and you fed Him. V/e~tsop qen piouwini: n~ats~qwnt e~rof: afouwnh n~nefm/ini: a~re] e~rw] e~rof.

379 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Hail to you Mary: the beautiful dove: full of wisdom: the Mother of Jesus Christ. <ere ne Maria: ][~rompi eynecwc: eymeh n~covia: y~mau n~I/#c# P,#c#.

380 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & For the rest of our days: we will praise you: O full of glory: and clothed with purity. & "epi n~te nene~hoou: teneruvomin m~mo: w~ y/eymeh n~w~ou: tejolh m~pitoubo.

381 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Be patient O Lover of man: with Your servant: and forgive us our sins: and accept us. & Woun~h/t pimairwmi: e~h~r/i ejen pekbwk:,w nan e~bol n~nennobi: ouoh sopten e~rok.

382 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) I sought after You: from the depth of my heart: My Lord Jesus: help me. Aikw] n~cwk: qen p~swk m~pah/t: Pa% I/#c#: aribo/~yin eroi. PSALI FOR THE LORD JESUS

383 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Loosen for me: all the bonds of sins: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Bwl e~bol haroi: n~nic~nauh n~te v~nobi: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

384 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Be a help to me: so that You may save me: My Lord Jesus: help me. & Gent/i m~bo/~yoc: eyrekcw] m~moi: Pa% I/#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

385 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & May Your goodness: come speedily to me: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. & Dekmet- a~gayoc: marectahoi n~,wlem: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

386 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Overshadow me: with the shadow of Your wings: My Lord Jesus: help me. Ekerq/ibi ejwi: qa t~q/ibi n~te nektenh: Pa% I/#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

387 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) In six days You have made: all the creation: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Coou gar n~e~hoou: akyamio n~]kt/cic t/rc: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

388 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Seven times every day: I will praise Your Name: My Lord Jesus, help me. & Sasf n~cop m~m/ni: ]nac~mou e~pekran: Pa% I/#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

389 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & All the creation: glorifies Your Name: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. & ?c ]kt/cic t/rc: ce]w~ou m~pekran: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

390 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Yours is the lordship: and the authority: My Lord Jesus: help me. Ywk te ]met%: nem ]e~xoucia: Pa% I/#c: aribo/~yin eroi.

391 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Make haste O my God: so that You may save me: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Iwc m~mok panou]: eyrekcw] m~moi: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

392 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Every knee: bows down before You: My Lord Jesus: help me. & Keli niben cekwlj: m~pekm~yo e~bol: Pa% I/#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

393 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & All the diverse tongues: together bless Your Name: My Lord Jesus Christ, help me. & Lac niben eucop: cec~mou e~pekran: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

394 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Turn away Your face: from all of my sins: My Lord Jesus: help me. Matacyo m~pekho: cabol n~nanobi: Pa% I/#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

395 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Blot out O God: all my iniquities: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Naa~nomia t/rou: V} eke~coljou: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

396 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You know my thoughts: and You search my depths: My Lord Jesus: help me. & X~woun n~nameui~: k~qotqet n~na[~lwt: Pa% I/#c#, aribo/~yin eroi.

397 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Create in me: a clean heart: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. & Ouh/t efouab: eke~contf n~q/t: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#, aribo/~yin eroi.

398 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Your Holy Spirit: do not take away from me: My Lord Jesus: help me. Pekp#n#a# e#y#u#: m~perolf e~bol haroi: Pa% I/#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

399 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Incline Your ear: make haste and hear me: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Rek pekmasj eroi: cwtem eroi n~,wlem: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

400 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Set before me a law: in the way of your justice: My Lord Jesus: help me. & Cemne nomoc n/i: hi v~mwit n~te tekmeym/i: Pa% I/#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

401 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Your kingdom O my God: is an eternal kingdom: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. & Tekmetouro panou]: oumetouro n~e~neh: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

402 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You are the Son of God: I believe in You: My Lord Jesus: help me. U~ioc Yeoc n~yok: ainah] erok: Pa% I/#c: aribo/~yin eroi.

403 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You who carries: the sins of the world save me: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. V/e~twli m~v~nobi: n~te pikocmoc nai n/i: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

404 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Forgive me the multitude: of my iniquities: My Lord Jesus: help me. & <w n/i e~bol m~p~asai: n~te naa~nomia: Pa% I/#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

405 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & All the souls together: bless Your Name: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. & "u,/ niben eucop: cec~mou e~pekran: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

406 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Have patience with me: do not hasten to destroy me: My Lord Jesus: help me. W~oun~h/t nem/i: m~pertakoi n~,wlem: Pa% I/#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

407 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Early in the morning: I will praise Your name: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Saitwnt m~v~nau n~swrp: n~tac~mou e~pekran: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

408 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Your yoke is sweet: and Your burden is light: My Lord Jesus: help me. & F~holj n~je peknahbef: teketvw aciw~ou: Pa% I/#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

409 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & In the accepted time: hear me: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. & Qen ouc/ou efs/p: eke~cwtem eroi: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

410 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) O how beloved: is Your Holy Name: My Lord Jesus: help me. Hwc ousoumenritf: pe pekran e#y#u#: Pa% I/#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

411 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Disperse away from me: all of the devils: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. Jwr e~bol haroi: n~dia~bol/ niben: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

412 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Sow within me: the seed of Your righteousness: My Lord Jesus: help me. &{o n~q~r/i n~q/t: m~p~outah n~te tekmeym/i: Pa% I/#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

413 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Grant us Your true peace: and forgive us our sins: My Lord Jesus Christ: help me. &}nan n~tekhir/n/ m~m/i:,a nennobi nan e~bol: Pa% I/#c# P,#c#: aribo/~yin eroi.

414 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) And whenever we: gather for prayer: let us bless the Name: of my Lord Jesus. Leepon an shan thoa ooti: e ti epros evkee: maren esmoo e pi ran: ente Pachois Isos. Loipon ansan- ywou]: e~]p~roceu,/: marenc~mou e~piran: n~te Pa% I/#c#. CONCLUSION OF THE PSALI ADAM

415 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & We bless You: O my Lord Jesus: save us in Your name: for we have hope in you. Je ten na esmoo erok: oa Pachois Isos: nahmen khen pekran: je an er helpis erok. & Je tennac~mou erok: w~ Pa% I/#c#: nahmen qen pekran: je anerhelpic erok.

416 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) That we may praise You: with Your Good Father: and the Holy Spirit: for You have come and saved us. Ethren hoas erok: nem Pekioat en aghathos: nem Pi epnevma Ethowab: je ak ee ak soati emmon. Eyrenhwc e~rok: nem Pekiwt n~a~gayoc: nem Pip~neuma eyouab: je aki~ akcw] m~mon.

417 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit: now and forever and unto the ages of the ages: Amen. Doxa Patri ke Eioa ke agioa Epnevmati: ke nin ke a ee ke ees toos e oa nas ton e oa noan: ameen. & Doxa patri ke U~~iw ke agiw P~neumati: ke nun ke a~i~ ke ic touc e~w~nac twn e~w~nwn: a~m/n.

418 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You are called righteous: O blessed one: among women: the Second Tabernacle. Cemou] ero dikewc: w~ y/e~tc~marwout: qen nihiomi: je ]mahc~nou] n~ck/n/. SUNDAY THEOTOKIA

419 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Which is called: the Holy: of Holies: wherein are the tablets. & Y/etoumou] e~roc: je y/e#y#u#: n~te n/e#y#u: ere niplax n~q/tc.

420 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Of the covenant: with the Ten Commandments: these which are written: by the finger of God. N~te ]di~ay/k/: nem pim/t n~caji: nai etafc~q/tou: n~je pit/b n~te V}.

421 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & They have directed us: to the Iota: the Name of Salvation: of Jesus Christ. & Cee~rsorp n~ercummenin: nan m~piiwta: piran n~oujai: n~te I/#c# P,#c#.

422 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Who was incarnate: of You without change: became the Mediator: of a New Covenant. Vai e~taf[icarx n~q/], qen oumetatsib], afswpi m~mecit/c, eudia~y/k/ m~beri.

423 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Through the shedding: of His holy blood: He purified the faithful: to be a justified people. & E~bol hiten v~noujq: n~te pefcnof e#y#u#: aftoubo n~n/eynah]: eulaoc euymaiof.

424 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Wherefore everyone: magnifies you: O my Lady the Mother of God: the ever-holy. Eybe vai ouon niben: ce[ici m~mo: ta% ]yeotokoc: e#y#u# n~c/ou niben.

425 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And we too: hope to win mercy: through your intercession: with the Lover of Mankind. & Anon hwn tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten neprecbia: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

426 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Who can speak of: the honor of the Tabernacle: which Moses had made on Mount Sinai. Nim peynas~caji: m~p~taio n~]ck/n/: eta Mwu~c/c yamioc: hijen p~twou n~Cina. (1)

427 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & He made it with glory: as commanded by the Lord: according to the patterns: shown unto Him. & Afyamioc qen ouw~ou: kata p~caji m~P%: nem kata nitupoc t/rou: etautamof erwou.

428 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Therein Aaron: and his sons served: the example of the Highest: in the shadow of the heavenly ones. Y/e~re Aarwn: nem nefs/ri semsi n~q/tc: qen p~tupoc n~te p~[ici: nem t~q/ibi n~te na t~ve.

429 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & They likened it to you: O Virgin Mary: the true tabernacle: wherein dwelt God. & Autenywni eroc: Maria ]paryenoc: ]ck/n/ m~m/i: ere V} caqoun m~moc.

430 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Wherefore we: magnify you befittingly: with prophetic: hymnology. Eybe vai ten[ici: m~mo a~xiwc: qen hanumnologia: m~p~rov/tikon.

431 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & For they spoke of you: with great honor: O holy city: of the Great King. & Je aucaji eyb/]: n~hanh~b/oui ettai/out: ]baki eyouab: n~te pinis] n~ouro.

432 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We entreat and pray: that we may win mercy: through your intercessions: with the Lover of Mankind. Ten]ho tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten nep~recbia: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

433 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The ark overlaid: roundabout with gold: that was made: with wood that would not decay. &}kubwtoc etosj: n~noub n~caca niben: y/etauyamioc: qen hanse n~aterholi. (2)

434 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) It foretold the sign: of God the Word: Who became man: without separation. Ace~rswrp n~]m/ini: m~V} pilogoc: v/e~tafswpi n~rwmi: qen oumetatvwrj.

435 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & One nature out of two: a Holy Divinity: co- essential with the Father: and incorruptible. & Ouai pe e~bolqen c~nau: oumeynou] ectoub/out: ecoi n~attako: n~o~mooucioc nem v~iwt.

436 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) A holy humanity: begotten without seed: co-essential with us: according to the economy. Nem oumetrwmi e#y#u#:,wric cunoucia: n~o~mooucioc neman: kata ]oikonomia.

437 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & This which He has taken: from you O undefiled: He made one with him: as a hypostasis. & Yai etaf[itc n~q/]: w~ ]atywleb: eafhwtp eroc: kata ouhupoctacic.

438 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Wherefore everyone: magnifies you: O my Lady the Mother of God: the ever-holy. Eybe vai ouon niben: ce[ici m~mo: ta% ]yeotokoc: e#y#u# n~c/ou niben.

439 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And we too: hope to win mercy: through your intercession: with the Lover of Mankind. & Anon hwn tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten neprecbia: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

440 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) All the souls together: of the children of Israel: brought offering unto: the Tabernacle of the Lord. "u,/ niben eucop: n~te nens/ri m~Pic#l#: aui~ni n~handwron: e~]ckun/ n~te P%.

441 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Gold and Silver: and precious stone: purple and scarlet: and fine linen. & Pinoub nem pihat: nem piwni m~m/i: nem pisenc etca]: nem pihua~kunyunon.

442 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) They made an ark: of wood that would not decay: overlaid with gold: within and without. Auyamio n~oukubwtoc: qen hanse n~aterholi: aulalwc n~noub: caqoun nem cabol.

443 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You too O Mary: are clothed with the glory: of the divinity: within and without. & Tejolh gar hwi: Maria ]paryenoc: m~p~w~ou n~te ]meynou]: caqoun nem cabol.

444 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) For you have brought: unto God your Son: many people: through your purity. Je arei~ni e~qoun: n~oulaoc efos: m~V} pes/ri: hiten petoubo.

445 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Wherefore we: magnify you befittingly: with prophetic: hymnology. & Eybe vai ten[ici: m~mo a~xiwc: qen hanumnologia: m~p~rov/tikon.

446 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) For they spoke of you: with great honor: O holy city: of the Great King. Je aucaji eyb/]: n~hanh~b/oui ettai/out: ]baki eyouab: n~te pinis] n~ouro.

447 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & We entreat and pray: that we may win mercy: through your intercessions: with the Lover of Mankind. & Ten]ho tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten nep~recbia: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

448 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The Mercy Seat: was overshadowed by: the forged Cherubim: from all sides. Pii~lact/rion: etouhwbc m~mof: hiten Ni,eroubim: euoi n~hikwn. (3)

449 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Was a symbol of God the Word: Who was incarnate: of you without change: O undefiled. & Ete V} pilogoc: etaf[icarx n~q/]: w~ ]ata[ni: qen oumetatsib].

450 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) He became the purification: of our sins: and the forgiveness: of our iniquities. Afswpi n~toubo: n~te nennobi: nem ouref,w e~bol: n~te nena~nomia.

451 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Wherefore everyone: magnifies you: O my Lady the Mother of God: the ever-holy. & Eybe vai ouon niben: ce[ici m~mo: ta% ]yeotokoc: e#y#u# n~c/ou niben.

452 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) And we too: hope to win mercy: through your intercession: with the Lover of Mankind. Anon hwn tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten neprecbia: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

453 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The two golden Cherubim: continually covered: with their wings: the Mercy Seat. & <eroubim c~nau n~noub: euoi n~hikwn: euhwbc m~pii~lact/rion: qen noutenh n~c/ou niben.

454 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Overshadowing: the place of the Holy: of the Holies: in the Second Tabernacle. Eue~rq/ibi e~h~r/i: hijen pima e#y#u#: n~te n/e#y#u#: qen ]ck/n/ m~mahc~nou].

455 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You too O Mary: thousands of thousands: and myriads of myriads: overshadow you. & N~yo hwi Maria: nianan~so n~so: nem nianan~y~ba n~y~ba: ceerq/ibi e~jw.

456 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Praising their Creator: Who was in your womb: and took our likeness: without sin or alteration. Euhwc e~pourefcwnt: ef,/ qen teneji: vai etaf[i m~peni~ni:,wric nobi hisib].

457 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Wherefore we: magnify you befittingly: with prophetic: hymnology. & Eybe vai ten[ici: m~mo a~xiwc: qen hanumnologia: m~p~rov/tikon.

458 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) For they spoke of you: with great honor: O holy city: of the Great King. Je aucaji eyb/]: n~hanh~b/oui ettai/out: ]baki eyouab: n~te pinis] n~ouro.

459 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & We entreat and pray: that we may win mercy: through your intercessions: with the Lover of Mankind. & Ten]ho tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten nep~recbia: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

460 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You are the pot: made of pure gold: wherein was hidden: the true manna. N~yo pe pictamnoc: n~noub ettoub/out: ere pimanna h/p: n~h~r/i qen tefm/]. (4)

461 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The Bread of Life: which came down from heaven: and gave life: unto the world. & Piwik n~te p~wnq: e~tafi~ e~pec/t: nan e~bolqen t~ve: af] m~p~wnq m~pikocmoc.

462 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Wherefore everyone: magnifies you: O my Lady the Mother of God: the ever-holy. Eybe vai ouon niben: ce[ici m~mo: ta% ]yeotokoc: e#y#u# n~c/ou niben.

463 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And we too: hope to win mercy: through your intercession: with the Lover of Mankind. & Anon hwn tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten neprecbia: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

464 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) It befits you: to be called: the Golden Pot: where the manna was hidden. F~twmi gar ero: eyroumou] e~peran: je pictamnoc n~noub: ere pimanna h/p n~q/tf.

465 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & For that was kept: in the Tabernacle: as a testimony: to the children of Israel. & V/ men ete m~mau: sau,af qen ]ckun/: n~oumetmeyre: n~te nens/ri m~Pic#l#.

466 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Of the good things: that the Lord God: did unto them: in the wilderness of Sinai. Eybe nipeynaneu: etafaitou nemwou: nj~e P% V}: hi p~safe n~Cina.

467 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You too O Mary: have carried in your womb: the rational Manna: that came from the Father. & N~~yo hwi Maria: a~refai qen teneji: m~pimanna n~no/~ton: e~tafi~ e~bolqen V~iwt.

468 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You bore Him without blemish: He gave unto us: His honored Body and Blood: and we lived forever. Aremacf a[ne ywleb: af] nan m~pefcwma: nem pefc~nof ettai/out: anwnq sa e~neh.

469 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Wherefore we: magnify you befittingly: with prophetic: hymnology. & Eybe vai ten[ici: m~mo a~xiwc: qen hanumnologia: m~p~rov/tikon.

470 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) For they spoke of you: with great honor: O holy city: of the Great King. Je aucaji eyb/]: n~hanh~b/oui ettai/out: ]baki eyouab: n~te pinis] n~ouro.

471 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & We entreat and pray: that we may win mercy: through your intercessions: with the Lover of Mankind. & Ten]ho tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten nep~recbia: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

472 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You are the lamp stand: made of pure gold: carrying: the ever- burning lamp. N~yo te ]lu,nia: n~noub ettoub/out: etfai qa pilampac: eymoh n~c/ou niben. (5)

473 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & That is the unapproachable: Light of the world: that proceeds from: the unapproachable light. & Ete v~ouwini m~pikocmoc: piats~qwnt erof: pie~bol qen piouwini: n~ats~qwnt erof.

474 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The True God: out of True God: Who was incarnate: of you without change. Pinou] n~tav~m/: e~bolqen ounou] n~tav~m/i: etaf[icarx n~q/]: qen oumetatsib].

475 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & By His appearing: He gave light to us: we who sit in the darkness: and the shadow of death. & Hiten tefparoucia: afe~rouwini eron: qa n/e~themci qen p~,aki: nem t~q/ibi m~v~mou.

476 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) He guided our feet: in the path of peace: through the communion: of His holy sacraments. Afcouten nen[alauj: e~v~mwit n~te ]hir/n/: hiten ]koinwnia: n~te nefmuct/rion e#y#u#.

477 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Wherefore everyone: magnifies you: O my Lady the Mother of God: the ever-holy. & Eybe vai ouon niben: ce[ici m~mo: ta% ]yeotokoc: e#y#u# n~c/ou niben.

478 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) And we too: hope to win mercy: through your intercession: with the Lover of Mankind. Anon hwn tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten neprecbia: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

479 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & All the ranks on high: cannot resemble you: O golden lamp stand: that carries the True Light. & Ucoc niben etqen p~[ici: m~pous~tenywnou ero: w~ ]lu,nia n~noub: etfai qa piouwini m~m/i.

480 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) That was made of: pure and elect gold: and was placed in: the Tabernacle. Y/men ete m~mau: sauyamioc qen ounoub: efcwtp n~kayaroc: sau,ac qen ]ckun/.

481 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & That was made: by hands of men: who brought oil for its lamps: by day and by night. & Ceerkebernit/c eroc: hiten hanjij n~rwmi: eu] neh n~ca neclampac: m~pie~hoou nem pie~jwrh.

482 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) He Who dwelt in your womb: O Virgin Mary: gives light to every man: who comes into the world. V/e~t,/ qen teneji: Maria ]paryenoc: aferouwini erwmi niben: eyn/ou e~pikocmoc.

483 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & For He whom you have borne: is the Sun of Righteousness: and He has healed us: of all our sins. & N~yof gar pe v~r/: n~te ]dikeo~cun/: aremacf aftal[on: e~bolqen nennobi.

484 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Wherefore we: magnify you befittingly: with prophetic: hymnology. Eybe vai ten[ici: m~mo a~xiwc: qen hanumnologia: m~p~rov/tikon.

485 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & For they spoke of you: with great honor: O holy city: of the Great King. & Je aucaji eyb/]: n~hanh~b/oui ettai/out: ]baki eyouab: n~te pinis] n~ouro.

486 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We entreat and pray: that we may win mercy: through your intercessions: with the Lover of Mankind. Ten]ho tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten nep~recbia: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

487 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You are the censer: made of pure gold: carrying the blessed: and live coal. & N~yo pe ]sour/: n~noub n~kayaroc: etfai qa pij/bc: n~,~rwm etc~marwout. (6)

488 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) This is taken: from the altar: to purge the sins: and take away the iniquities. V/etou[i m~mof: e~bolqen piman~erswousi: saftoubo n~ninobi: n~tefwli n~nia~nomia.

489 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Which is God the Word: Who took flesh from you: and offered Himself as incense: to God His Father. & Ete V} pilogoc: etaf[icarx n~q/]: afolf e~p~swi n~ouc~yoinoufi: sa V} pefiwt.

490 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Wherefore everyone: magnifies you: O my Lady the Mother of God: the ever-holy. Eybe vai ouon niben: ce[ici m~mo: ta% ]yeotokoc: e#y#u# n~c/ou niben.

491 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And we too: hope to win mercy: through your intercession: with the Lover of Mankind. & Anon hwn tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten neprecbia: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

492 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Wherefore truly: I do not err: whenever I call you: the golden censer. Tote a~l/ywc: n~]swft an n~h~li: aisanmou] ero: je ]sour/ n~noub.

493 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & For therein: is offered: the choice incense: before the Holies. & Y/men ete m~mau: sautalo e~p~swi n~q/tc: m~pic~yoinoufi etcwtp: m~pem~yo n~n/e#y#u#.

494 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Wherein God takes away: the sins of the people: through the burnt offerings: and the aroma of incense. Sare V~nou] w~li m~mau: n~ninobi n~te pilaoc: e~bol hiten pi[~lil: nem pic~yoi n~te pic~yoinoufi.

495 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You too O Mary: have carried in your womb: the invisible: Word of the Father. & N~yo hwi Maria: arefai qen teneji: m~piatsnau erof: n~logoc n~te v~iwt.

496 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) He Who offered Himself: as an acceptable sacrifice: upon the Cross: for the salvation of our race. Vai e~tafenf e~p~swi: n~ouyucia ecs/p: hijen pic~tauroc: qa p~oujai m~pengenoc.

497 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Wherefore we: magnify you befittingly: with prophetic: hymnology. & Eybe vai ten[ici: m~mo a~xiwc: qen hanumnologia: m~p~rov/tikon.

498 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) For they spoke of you: with great honor: O holy city: of the Great King. Je aucaji eyb/]: n~hanh~b/oui ettai/out: ]baki eyouab: n~te pinis] n~ouro.

499 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & We entreat and pray: that we may win mercy: through your intercessions: with the Lover of Mankind. & Ten]ho tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten nep~recbia: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

500 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke (2:29-32) “Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light for the revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.” Glory be to God forever. Amen.

501 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) (7) HAIL TO MARY Hail to you, Mary: the beautiful dove: who bore for us: God, the Word. Shere ne Maria: ti echrompi eth ne soas: thee etas misi nan: em Efnooti pi logos. <ere ne Maria: ][~rompi eynecwc: y/e~tacmici nan: m~V~nou] pilogoc.

502 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You are the flower: of the incense: that has blossomed: from the root of Jesse. Entho te ti eh reeri: ente pi estoi noofi: thee etasfiri evol: khen ethnooni en Yess e. & N~yo te ]h~r/ri: n~te pic~yoinoufi: y/e~tacviri e~bol: qen y~nouni n~Iecce.

503 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The rod of Aaron: which blossomed: without planting or watering: resembles you. Pis~bwt n~te Aa~rwn: etafviri e~bol:,wric [o nem t~co: f~oi n~tupoc ne.

504 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & O who gave birth to Christ: our True God: without the seed of man: and remained a virgin. & W~ y/etacmec P,#c#: Pennou] qen oumeym/i: a[ne c~perma n~rwmi: ecoi m~paryenoc.

505 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Wherefore everyone: magnifies you: O my Lady the Mother of God: The Ever-Holy. Eybe vai ouon niben: ce[ici m~mo: tao#c# tyeo~tokoc: e##y##u# n~c/ou niben.

506 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And we too: hope to win mercy: through your intercession: with the Lover of mankind. & Anon hwn tentwbh:eyrensasni eunai: hiten nep~recbia~: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

507 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You are called righteous: O Saint Mary: the Second Tabernacle: belonging to the Holies. Se mooti ero thikeos: oa thee ethowab Maria: je ti mah esnooti en es kee nee: ente nee ethowab. Cemou] ero dikeoc: w~ y/e#y#u# Maria: je ]mahc~nou] n~c~k/n/: n~te n/e#y#u#.

508 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Wherein is placed: the rod of Aaron: and the holy flower: of the incense. Thee e too kee en kheets: en je pi esh voat ente A a roan: nem ti eh reeri ethowab: ente pi estoi noofi. & Y/etou,/ n~q/tc: n~je pis~bwt n~te Aa~rwn: nem ]h~r/ri e#y#u#: n~te pic~yoinoufi.

509 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You are filled with purity: within and without: O Pure Tabernacle: the dwelling of the saints. Tejolh m~pitoubo: caqoun nem cabol: w~ ]c~k/n/ n~kayaraoc: v~man~swpi n~nidikeoc.

510 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The hosts of the high standings: and the chorus of the just: glorify you: and your blessedness. & Nitagma n~te p~[ici: nem p~,oroc n~te niy~m/i: ceerudoxazin: n~nemakaricmoc.

511 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Wherefore we: magnify you befittingly: with prophetic: hymnology. Eybe vai ten[ici: m~mo axiwoc: qen hanu~nologia~: m~p~rovhtikon.

512 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & For they spoke of you: with great honor: O Holy City: of The Great King & Je aucaji eyb/]: n~hanh~b/oui~ eutai/out: ]baki e#y#u##: n~te pinist n~ouro.

513 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We entreat and pray: that we may win mercy: through your intercessions: with the Lover of Mankind. Ten]ho tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten nep~recbia~: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

514 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Seven times every day: I will praise Your Name: with all my heart: O God of everyone. & Sasf n~cop m~m/ni: e~bol qen pah/t t/rf: ]nac~mou e~pekran: P~[oic m~pie~p~t/rf. (8)

515 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) I remembered Your Name: and I was comforted: O King of the ages: God of all gods. Aierv~meui~ m~pekran: ouoh aijemnom]: p~ouro n~nie~wn: V~nou] n~te ninou].

516 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Jesus Christ our God: the True One: Who came for our salvation: and took flesh. & I/#c# P,#c# Pennou]: pia~l/yinoc: v/e~tafi~ eybe pencw]: afercwmatikoc.

517 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) He was incarnate: of the Holy Spirit: and of Mary: the pure Bride. Af[icarx e~bol: qen Pip~neuma eyouab: nem e~bolqen Maria: ]selet eyouab.

518 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & He changed our sorrow: and all our troubles: to joy for our hearts: and total rejoicing. & Afvwnh m~penh/bi: nem penhojhej t/rf: e~ourasi n~h/t: nem ouyel/l e~p~t/rf.

519 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Let us worship Him: and sing to: His mother Mary: the beautiful dove. Marenouwst m~mof: ouoh n~tenerhumnoc: n~tefmau Maria: ][~rompi eynecwc.

520 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And let us all proclaim: with a voice of joy: saying, Hail to you Mary: the Mother of Emmanuel. & Ouoh n~tenws e~bol: qen ouc~m/ n~yel/l: je,ere ne Maria: y~mau n~Emmanou/l.

521 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Hail to you Mary: the salvation of our father Adam: Adam: Hail: the mother of the Refuge: Hail: the rejoicing of Eve: Hail: the joy of all generations. <ere ne Maria: p~cw] n~Adam peniwt: <ere ne Maria: y~mau m~pimam~vwt: <ere ne Maria: p~yel/l n~Eua: <ere ne Maria: p~ounof n~nigenea~.

522 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Hail to you Mary: the joy of the righteousness Abel: Hail: the true Virgin: Hail: the salvation of Noah: Hail: the chaste and undefiled. & <ere ne Maria: v~rasi n~Abel piy~m/i: <ere ne Maria: ]paryenoc n~tav~m/i: <ere ne Maria: v~nohem n~Nwe~: <ere ne Maria: ]atywleb n~cemne.

523 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Hail to you Mary: the grace of Abraham: Hail: the unfading crown: Hail: the redemption of Saint Isaac: Hail: the Mother of the Holy. <ere ne Maria: p~h~mot n~Abraam: <ere ne Maria: pi,~lom n~aylwm: <ere ne Maria: p~cw] n~Icaak pieyouab: <ere ne Maria: y~mau m~v/eyouab.

524 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Hail to you Mary: the rejoicing of Jacob: Hail: myriads of myriads: Hail: the pride of Judah: Hail: the mother of the Master. & <ere ne Maria: p~yel/l n~Iakwb: <ere ne Maria: hany~ba n~kwb: <ere ne Maria: p~sousou n~Iouda: <ere ne Maria: y~mau m~pidecpota.

525 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Hail to you Mary: the preaching of Moses: Hail: the mother of the Master: Hail: the honor of Samuel: Hail: the pride of Israel. <ere ne Maria: p~hiwis m~Mwu~c/c: <ere ne Maria: y~mau m~pidecpot/c: <ere ne Maria: p~taio n~Camou/l: <ere ne Maria: p~sousou m~pIcra/l.

526 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Hail to you Mary: the steadfastness of Job the righteous: Hail: the precious stone: Hail: the Mother of the Beloved: Hail: the daughter of King David. & <ere ne Maria: p~tajro n~Iwb piy~m/i: <ere ne Maria: piw~ni n~a~nam/i: <ere ne Maria: y~mau m~pimenrit: <ere ne Maria: t~seri m~p~ouro Dauid.

527 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Hail to you Mary: the friend of Solomon: Hail: the exaltation of the just: Hail: the salvation of Isaiah: Hail: the healing of Jeremiah. <ere ne Maria: ]s~veri n~Colomwn: <ere ne Maria: p~[ici n~nidikeon: <ere ne Maria: p~oujai n~?ca/~ac: <ere ne Maria: p~tal[o n~Ieremiac.

528 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Hail to you Mary: the knowledge of Ezekiel: Hail: the grace of Daniel: Hail: the power of Elijah: Hail: the grace of Elisha. & <ere ne Maria: p~e~mi n~Izeki/l: <ere ne Maria:,aric tou Dani/l: <ere ne Maria: t~jom n~?liac: <ere ne Maria: pih~mot n~Eliceoc.

529 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Hail to you Mary: the Mother of God: Hail: the mother of Jesus Christ: Hail: the beautiful dove: Hail: the mother of the Son of God. <ere ne Maria: ]yeo~tokoc: <ere ne Maria: y~mau n~I/#c# P,#c#: <ere ne Maria: ][~rompi eynecwc: <ere ne Maria: y~mau n~U~ioc Yeoc.

530 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Hail to you Mary: who was witnessed by: all the prophets. and they said. & <ere ne Maria: e~tauermeyre nac: n~je nip~rov/t/c t/rou: ouoh aujw m~moc.

531 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Behold God the Word: took flesh from you: in an indescribable: unity. & H/ppe V~nou] pilogoc: e~taf[icarx n~q/]: qen oumetouai: n~atcaji m~pecr/].

532 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You are truly exalted: more than the rod: of Aaron: O full of grace. Te[oci a~l/ywc: e~hote pis~bwt: n~te Aarwn: w~ y/eymeh n~h~mot.

533 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) What is the rod: but Mary: for it is the symbol: of her virginity. As pe pis~bwt: e~b/l e~Maria:je n~yof pe p~tupoc: n~tecparyenia.

534 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & She conceived and gave birth: without a man: to the Son of the Highest: the Word Himself. & Acerboki acmici:,wric cunocia: m~p~s/ri m~v/e~t[oci: pilogoc n~aidia.

535 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Through her prayers: and intercessions: O Lord open unto us: the gates of the Church. & Hiten neceu,/: nem necp~recbia: a~ouwn nan P~[oic: m~v~ro n~te ]ekk~l/cia.

536 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) I entreat you: O Mother of God: keep the gates of the Church: open to the faithful. }]ho e~ro: w~ ]yeo~tokoc:,a v~ro n~niekk~l/cia: efou/n n~nipictoc.

537 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Let us ask her: to intercede for us: before her Beloved: that He may forgive us. Maren]ho e~roc: eyrectwbh e~jwn: nahren pecmenrit eyref,w nan e~bol.

538 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You are called: O Virgin Mary: the holy Flower: of the incense. & Aumou] e~ro: Maria ]paryenoc: je ]h~r/ri eyouab: n~te pic~yoinoufi. (9)

539 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Which came out: and blossomed: from the roots of: the patriarchs and the prophets. Y/e~tac]ouw~ e~p~swi: acviri e~bol: qen y~nouni n~nipatriar,/c: nem nip~rov/t/c.

540 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Like the rod: of Aaron the Priest: which blossomed: and brought forth fruit. & M~v~r/] m~pis~bwt: n~te Aa~rwn piou/b: e~tafviri e~bol: afopt n~karpoc.

541 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) For you gave birth to the Word: without the seed of man: and her virginity: was not corrupted. Je a~rej~vo m~pilogoc: a[ne c~perma n~rwmi: ecoi n~attako n~je tecparyenia.

542 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Wherefore we magnify you: as Mother of God: ask your Son: to forgive us. & Eybe vai ten]w~ou ne: hwc yeo~tokoc: ma]ho m~pes/ri: eyref,w nan e~bol.

543 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You are more worthy: than all of the saints: to pray on our behalf: O full of grace. Teoi n~hikanoc: e~hote n/e#y#u# t/rou: eyretwbh e~jwn: w~ y/eymeh n~h~mot. (10)

544 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You are exalted: more than the patriarchs: and honored more: than the prophets. & Te[oci e~masw: e~hote nipatriar,/c: ouoh tetai/out: e~hote nip~rov/t/c.

545 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) And you have a seeking: more special: than the cherubim: and the seraphim. Ouon te jimmosi: qen ouparr/cia: e~hote ni,eroubim: nem niceravim.

546 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & For you are truly: the pride of our race: and the intercessor: of our souls. & N~yo gar a~l/ywc: pe p~sousou m~pengenoc: ouoh ]p~roctat/c: n~te nen'u,/.

547 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Intercede for us: before our Savior: that He may keep us firm: in the upright faith. Arip~recbeuin e~jwn: nahren Pencwt/r: hopwc n~teftajron: qen pinah] etcoutwn.

548 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & That He may grant us: the forgiveness of our sins: in order to win mercy: through your intercessions. & N~teferh~mot nan: m~pi,w e~bol n~te nenobi: n~tensasni eunai: hiten nep~recbia.

549 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) All the high names: of the incorporeal: thousands of angels: and archangels. Ran niben et[oci: n~te nia~cwmatoc: nia~nan~so n~aggeloc: nem ar,iaggeloc. (11)

550 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & They did not attain: the height of your blessedness: O who is clothed in: the glory of the Lord of Hosts. & Mpous~voh e~p~[ici: n~te nemakaricmoc: w~ y/etjolh m~piw~ou: n~te P% cabawy.

551 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You are brighter: than the sun: and more sparkling: than the cherubim. Tehiaktin e~bol: e~hote v~r/: teoi n~lamp~roc: e~hote ni,eroubim.

552 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And the seraphim: with the six wings: which are joyfully: hovering over you. & Nem niceravim: na picoou n~tenh: ceerripizin qajw: qen oue~s~l/loui.

553 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Your glory, O Mary: is higher than heaven: you are more honored than the earth: and its inhabitants. Pew~ou Maria: [oci e~hote t~ve: tetai/out e~p~kahi: nem n/etsop n~q/tf. (12)

554 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & For you are truly: the real path: leading up: to the heavens. & N~yo gar a~l/ywc: te ]ctrata m~m/i: etoi m~mam~mosi: e~p~swi e~niv/oui.

555 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You are clothed: with joy and gladness: and girdled with power: O daughter of Zion. Are]hiw]: m~v~rasi nem p~yel/l: a~remor] n~oujom: w~ t~seri n~Ciwn.

556 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & O who was clothed: with the garments of the heavenly: so that you covered Adam: with the garments of grace. & W~ y/e~tac]hiwtc: n~t~hebcw n~na niv/oui~: san~techwbc n~Adam: n~t~hebcw m~pih~mot.

557 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) And restored him again: to Paradise: the rejoicing place: and the dwelling of the righteous. Aretacyof n~kecop: e~piparadicoc: p~topoc m~p~ounof: v~man~swpi n~nidikeoc.

558 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & A true tabernacle: is Mary the Virgin: placed in its midst: the true testimonies. & Ouc~k/n/ m~m/i: te Maria ]paryenoc: eu,/ qen tecm/]: n~je nimetmeyreu e~tenhot. (13)

559 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The undefiled Ark: overlaid roundabout with gold: and the Mercy-Seat: of the cherubim. }kibwtoc n~atywleb: etosj n~noub n~caca niben: nem pii~lact/rion: n~,eroubimikon.

560 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The golden pot: where the manna was hidden: behold the Word of the Father: came and took flesh from you. & Pic~tamnoc n~noub: e~re pimanna h/p n~q/tf: ic Pilogoc n~te V~iwt: i~ af[icarx n~q/].

561 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The golden lamp stand: carrying the True Light: who is the unapproachable: Light of the world. }lu,nia n~noub: etfai qa piouwini m~m/i: e~te v~ouwini m~pikocmoc: piats~qwnt erof.

562 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The golden censer: carrying the live coal: and the chosen incense: with a rich aroma. & }sour/ n~noub: etfai qa pijebc n~,~rwm: nem pic~yoinoufi etcwtp: n~a~rwmata.

563 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) The rod of Aaron: that blossomed: and the holy flower: of the incense. Pis~bwt n~te Aa~rwn: e~tafviri e~bol: nem ]h~r/ri e#y#u#: n~te pic~yoinoufi.

564 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & All these together: direct us: to your wonderful birth- giving: O Virgin Mary. & Nai t/rou eucop: ceercummenin nan: m~pejinmici n~s~v/ri: w~ Maria ]paryenoc.

565 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You decorated our souls: O Moses the prophet: by the honor of the Tabernacle: which you have adorned. Akcolcel n~nen'u,/: w~ Mwu~c/c pip~rov/t/c: qen p~taio n~]c~k/n/: e~takcelcwlc e~bol. (14)

566 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The first Tabernacle: which Moses had made: was the place of the forgiveness: for the children of Israel. & }c~k/n/ n~houi]: e~ta Mwu~c/c yamioc: n~ouman~,anobi e~bol: n~te nens/ri m~Pic#l#.

567 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) He made it with glory: as commanded by the Lord: and according to the patterns: shown unto him. Afyamioc qen ouw~ou: kata p~caji m~P%: nem kata nitupoc t/rou: e~tautamof e~rwou.

568 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & There was an Ark: in the Tabernacle: overlaid with gold: from within and without. & Ouon oukibwtoc:,/ qen ]c~k/n/: eclal/out n~noub: caqoun nem cabol.

569 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) There was a Mercy-Seat: in the Tabernacle: and the golden cherubim: overshadowed it. Ouon oui~lact/rion:,/ qen ]c~k/n/: han,eroubim n~noub: ceerq/ibi e~jwf.

570 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & There was a golden pot: in the Tabernacle: and a measure of the manna: was hidden in it. & Ouon ouc~tamnoc n~noub:,/ qen ]c~k/n/: e~re ousi m~manna h/p: n~q~r/i n~q/tf.

571 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) There was a golden lamp stand: in the Tabernacle: and the seven lamps: shone upon it. Ouon oulu,nia n~noub:,/ qen ]c~k/n/: e~re piz# n~q/bc: erouwini e~jwc.

572 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & There was a golden censer: in the Tabernacle: and the chosen aloe: was in its midst. & Ouon ousour/ n~noub:,/ qen ]c~k/n/: e~re pikunamwnon: etcwtp qen tecm/].

573 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) There was a flower of incense: in the Tabernacle: smelled by all: the house of Israel. Ouon ouh~r/ri n~c~yoinoufi:,/ qen ]c~~k/n/: euswlem e~roc t/rou: n~je na p~/i m~Pic#l#.

574 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & There was the rod of Aaron: in the Tabernacle: this which has blossomed: without planting or watering. & Ouon ous~bwt n~te Aa~rwn:,/ qen ]c~k/n/: vai e~tafviri e~bol:,wric [o nem t~co.

575 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) There was a golden table: in the Tabernacle: and the oblation bread: was placed upon it. Ouon out~rapeza n~noub:,/ qen ]c~~k/n/: p~wik n~]p~royecic:,/ e~h~r/i e~jwc.

576 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & There was a high priest: in the Tabernacle: offering sacrifices: on account of the people’s sins. & Ouon ouar,ie~reuc:,/ qen ]c~k/n/: efen souswousi e~p~swi: ejen ninobi n~te pilaoc.

577 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) When the Pantocrator: smelled the aroma: He lifted up the sins: of the people. Afsanswlem e~rof: n~je pipantokratwr: safw~li m~mau: n~ninobi n~te pilaoc.

578 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Through Mary: the daughter of Joachim: we learned of the true sacrifice: for the forgiveness of sins. & E~bolhiten Maria: t~seri n~Iwakim: ancouen pisouswousi m~m/i: n~,anobi e~bol.

579 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Who can speak of: the honor of the Tabernacle: which was decorated: by the prophet. Nim peynas~caji: m~p~taio n~]c~k/n/: e~tafcelcwlc e~bol: n~je pip~rov/t/c. (15)

580 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & When the chosen scholars: of the Holy Books: saw it, they: were greatly amazed. & E~taunau e~roc: n~je nicwtp n~caq: n~te nig~rav/ e#y#u#: au[is~v/ri e~masw.

581 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) They thought: with their enlightened minds: and explained it: through the Holy Books. Aumokmek e~bol: qen pouka] etsom: auerm/neuin m~moc: qen nig~rav/ e#y#u#.

582 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & They called Mary: the daughter of Joachim: the True tabernacle: of the Lord of Hosts. & Aumou] e~Maria: t~seri n~Iwakim: je ]c~k/n/ m~m/i: n~te P% cabawy.

583 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) They likened the Ark: to the Virgin: and its chosen gold: to her purity. Auen ]kibwtoc: hijen ]paryenoc: peckenoub etcwtp: hijen pectoubo.

584 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & They likened the Mercy Seat: to the Virgin: and the cherubim of glory: overshadowing her. & Auen pii~lact/rion: hijen ]paryenoc: ic ni,eroubim n~te p~w~ou: ceerq/ibi e~jwc.

585 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) They likened the golden pot: to the Virgin: and the measure of the manna: to our Savior. Auen pic~tamnoc n~noub: hijen ]paryenoc: pefkesi m~manna: hijen Pencwt/r.

586 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & They likened the golden lamp stand: to the church: and the seven lamps: to the seven orders. & Auen ]lu,nia n~noub: hijen ]ekk~l/cia: pecke z# n~q/bc: hijen piz# n~tagma.

587 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) They likened the golden censer: to the Virgin: and its aloes: to Emmanuel. Auen ]sour/ n~noub: hijen ]paryenoc: peckunamwnon: hijen Emmanou/l.

588 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & They likened the flower of incense: to Mary the Queen: and the chosen incense: to her virginity. & Auen ]h~r/ri n~c~yoinoufi: hijen Maria ]ourw: peckec~yoinoufi etcwtp: hijen tecparyenia.

589 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) They likened the rod of Aaron: to the wood of the cross: which my Lord was crucified upon: in order to save us. Auen pis~bwt n~te Aa~rwn: hijen p~se n~te pic~tauroc: e~taues Pa% e~rof: san~tefcw] m~mon.

590 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & They likened the golden table: to the altar: and the oblation bread: to the Body of the Lord. & Auen ]t~rapeza n~noub: hijen piman~erswous i: p~wik n~]p~royecic: hijen p~cwma m~P%.

591 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) They likened the high priest: to our Savior: the true sacrifice: for the forgiveness of sins. Auen piar,ie~reuc: hijen Pencwt/r: pisouswousi m~m/i: n~,anobi e~bol.

592 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & He who offered himself: as an acceptable sacrifice: upon the Cross: for the salvation of our race. & Vai e~tafenf e~p~swi: n~ouyucia ecs/p: hijen pic~tauroc: qa p~oujai m~pengenoc.

593 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) His Good Father: smelled Him: in the evening: on Golgotha. Afswlem e~rof: n~je Pefiwt n~a~gayoc: m~v~nau n~te hana~rouhi: hijen ]golgoya.

594 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & He opened the gate: of Paradise: and restored Adam again: to his authority. & Afouwn m~v~ro: m~piparadicoc: aftacyo n~Adam: e~tefar,/ n~kecop.

595 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Through Mary: the daughter of Joachim: we learned of the true sacrifice: for the forgiveness of sins. E~bolhiten Maria: t~seri n~Iwakim: ancouen pisouswousi m~m/i: n~,anobi e~bol.

596 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And we too: hope to win mercy: through your intercessions: with the Lover of mankind. & Anon hwn tentwbh: eyrensasni eunai: hiten nep~recbia: n~totf m~pimairwmi.

597 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Who is likened unto You: O Lord among the gods: You are the true God: the Performer of miracles. Nim gar qen ninou]: etoni~ m~mok P%: n~yok pe V] m~m/i: e~ti~ri n~hans~v/ri. HYMN FOR THE RESURRECTION (Nim gar)

598 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & You revealed Your power: to the people: and You saved Your people: with Your arm. & Akouwnh n~tekjom: e~bol qen nilaoc: akcw] m~peklaoc: n~h~r/i qen pekswbs.

599 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) You descended into Hades: and brought up: those who were captives: in that place. Aksenak e~amen]: aki~ni e~p~swi: n~]e,malwcia: qen pima e~te m~mau.

600 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And granted us again: the freedom: as a Good God: for Your have risen and saved us. & Akerh~mot nan n~kecop: n~]e~leuyeria: hwc nou] n~a~gayoc: je aktwnk akcw] m~mon.

601 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Christ our God: has risen from the dead: He is the first fruit: of those who slept. A P,#c# Pennou]: twnf e~bol qen n/eymwout: n~yof pe t~a~par,/: n~te n/e~tauenkot.

602 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & He appeared to Mary: Magdalene: and spoke to her: and likewise said. & Afouonhf e~Maria: ]magdalin/: afcaji nemac: m~pair/] efjw m~moc.

603 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Tell My brothers: to proceed: to Galilee: and there they will see Me. Je matame nac~n/ou: hina n~tousenw~ou: e~]galilea: cenanau e~roi m~mau.

604 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & So Mary came forth: to the disciples: and told them she had seen the Lord: and that He told her so. & Aci~ n~je Maria: sa nimay/t/c: pejac je ainau e~P%: ouoh nai petafjotou nac.

605 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Truly indeed: it was good caring: of Saint Mary: Magdalene. Kalwc qen oumeym/i: acswpi qen oufirwous: n~je y/ey#u# Maria: ]magdalin/.

606 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & She came to the grave: on one of the Sabbath days: seeking earnestly: the Resurrection of the Lord. & Aci~ e~pim~hau: qen v~ouai n~te nicabbaton: ackw] qen ouc~poud/: n~ca t~a~nactacic m~P%.

607 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) She saw the angel: sitting on the stone: proclaiming and saying: “The Lord is risen, He is not here.” Acnau e~piaggeloc: afhemci hijen piwini: efws e~bol efjw m~moc: je aftwnf f~,/ m~pai man an.

608 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Wherefore we glorify Him: proclaiming and saying: Blessed are You, O my Lord Jesus: for You have risen and saved us. & Eybe vai ten]w~ou naf: enws e~bol enjw m~moc: je k~c~marwout w~ Pa% I/#c#: je aktwnk akcw] m~mon.

609 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Your mercies O my God: are countless: and exceedingly plenteous: is Your compassion. Neknai w~ Panou]: hanat[i/pi m~mwou: ceos e~masw: n~je nekmetsenh/t. CONCLUSION OF THE ADAM THEOTOKIAS

610 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & All the rain drops: are counted by You: and the sand of the sea: is before Your eyes. & Niteltili m~mounhwou: ce/pi n~totk t/rou: pikesw n~te v~iom: ce,/ nahren nekbal.

611 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) How much more are: the sins of my soul: manifest before You: O my God. Ie au/r mallon: ninobi n~te ta'u,/: nai eyouwnh e~bol: m~pekm~yo Pa%.

612 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & The sins that I have committed: do not remember my Lord: and do not count: my iniquities. & Ninobi e~taiaitou: Pa% n~nekerpoumeui ~: oude m~per]h~y/k: e~naa~nomia~.

613 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) For You have chosen the Publican: and the adulteress You have saved: and the right-hand thief: my Lord, You have remembered. Je pitelwn/c akcotpf: ]porn/ akcw] m~moc: piconi etcaoui~nam: Pa% akerpefmeui~.

614 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & And me too: the sinner: teach me O my Master: to offer repentance. & Anok hw Pa%: qa pirefernobi: mat~caboi n~tai~ri: n~oumetanoia~.

615 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) For You do not desire: the death of a sinner: but rather that he returns: and that his soul may live. Je,~ouws m~v~mou an: m~pirefernobi: m~v~r/] n~teftacyof: n~tecwnq n~je tef'u,/.

616 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Restore us, O God: to Your salvation: and deal with us: according to Your goodness. & Matacyon V}: e~qoun e~pekoujai: a~rioui~ neman: kata tekmeta~gayoc.

617 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) For You are good: and merciful: let Your compassion: speedily come to us. Je n~yok oua~gayoc: ouoh n~na/t: maroutahon n~,wlem: n~je nekmetsenh/t.

618 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & Have compassion up us all: O Lord, God, our Savior: and have mercy upon us: according to Your great mercy. & Senh/t qaron t/ren: P% V} Pencwt/r: ouoh nai nan: kata peknis] n~nai.

619 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Remember those: O Christ our Master: be among us: and proclaim and say Nai k~i~ri m~poumeui~: w~ penn/b P,#c#: eke~swpi qen tenm/]: ekws e~bol ekjw m~moc.

620 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) & My peace I give to you: the peace: of my Father, I leave with you. & Je tahir/n/ anok: ]] m~moc nwten: t~hir/n/ m~Paiwt: ],w m~moc nemwten.

621 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) O King of peace: give us Your peace: establish for us Your peace: and forgive us our sins. Ep ooro ente ti hireenee: moi nan en tek hireenee: semni nan en tek hireenee: ka nen novi nan evol. P~ouro n~te ]hir/n/: moi nan n~tekhir/n/ cemni nan n~tek-hir/n/:,a nennobi nan e~bol.

622 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Disperse the enemies: of the Church: Fortify her: that she may not be shaken forever. Gor evol en ni gaji: ente ti ek ekleesia: ari sovt eros: en neskim sha eneh. Jwr e~bol n~nijaji: n~te ]ekk~l/cia: aricobt e~roc: n~neckim sa e~neh.

623 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Emmanuel our God: is now in our midst: with the glory of His Father: and the Holy Spirit. Emmanoeel Pennooti: khen ten meeti ti noo: khen ep oa oo ente Pefioat: nem Pi epnevma ethowab. Emmanou/l Pennou]: qen tenm/] ]nou: qen p~w~ou n~te Pefiwt: nem Pip~neuma eyouab.

624 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) May He bless us all: purify our hearts: and heal the sicknesses: of our souls and our bodies. Entef esmoo eron teeren: entef toovo en nen heet: entef talcho en ni shoani: ente nen epsikee nem nen soama. N~tefc~mou e~ron t/ren: n~teftoubo n~nenh/t: n~teftal[o n~niswni: n~te nen'u,/ nem nencwma.

625 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We worship You, O Christ: with Your Good Father: and the Holy Spirit: for You have come and saved us. Have mercy on us. Ten oo oasht emmok oa Pi ekhristos: nem Pekioat en aghathos: nem Pi epnevma ethowab: je ak ee ak soati emmon nai nan. Tenouwst m~mok w~ P,#c#: nem Pekiwt n~a~gayoc: nem Pip~neuma eyouab: je aki~ akcw] m~mon nai nan.

626 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We exalt you, the Mother of the True Light. We glorify you, O saint and Mother of God, for you brought forth unto us the Savior of the whole world; He came and saved our souls. Glory to You, our Master, our King, Christ the pride of the apostles, the crown of the martyrs, the joy of the righteous… INTRODUCTION TO THE CREED

627 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) …the firmness of the churches, the forgiveness of sins. We proclaim the Holy Trinity in One Godhead. We worship Him. We glorify Him. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, bless. Amen.

628 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We believe in One God, God the Father, the Pantocrator, who created heaven and earth, and all things seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages. THE ORTHODOX CREED

629 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created; of one essence with the Father; by Whom all things were made; who for us, men, and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary, and became man.

630 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) And He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, suffered and was buried; and on the third day He rose from the dead according to the Scriptures. Ascended into heaven; He sits at the right hand of His Father, and He is coming again in His glory to judge the living and the dead, whose Kingdom shall have no end.

631 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Yes, we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giver; who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets. And in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. We confess one baptism for the remission of sins.

632 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the coming age. Amen. Ten goosht evol kha et hee en ti anastasis ente niref moa oot: nem pi oankh ente pi e oan ethneeoo: ameen. Tenjoust e~bol qat~h/ n~]a~nactaci c n~te nirefmwout: nem piwnq n~te pie~wn eyn/ou: am/n.

633 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) O God, have mercy upon us O God, hear us O God, look to us Efnoti nai nan Efnooti soatem eron Efnooti soms eron Vnou] nai nan Vnou] cwtem e~ron Vnou] comc e~ron

634 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) O God, behold us O God, have compassion on us We are Your people Efnoti goosht eron Efnooti shen heet kharoon Anon kha pek la os Vnou] joust e~ron Vnou] senh/t qaroun Anon qa peklaoc

635 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We are Your creation Deliver us from our enemies Deliver us from inflation Anon kha pek eplasma Nahmen evol khen nen gaji Nahmen evol ha oo eh voan Anon qa pekp~lacma Nahmen e~bol qen nen jaji Nahmen e~bolha ouh~bwn

636 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) We are Your servants You are the Son of God We believe in You Anon kha nek e vi aik Eios Theos enthok Annahti erok Anon qa neke~biaik Uioc Yeoc n~yok Annah] e~rok

637 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) For You have come and saved us Visit us with Your salvation And forgive us our sins Je ak ee aksoati emmon Jem pen shini khen pek oogai Owoh ka nen novi nan evol Je aki~ akcw] m~mon Jempensini qen pek-oujai Ouoh,a nennobi nan e~bol

638 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of Your glory and honor. Have mercy on us, O God the Father, the Almighty (Pantocrator). O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. O Lord, God of Hosts, be with us, for we have no helper in our hardships and tribulations but You. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY

639 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Absolve, forgive, and remit, O God, our transgressions; those which we have committed willingly and those we have committed unwillingly, those which we have committed knowingly and those which we have committed unknowingly, the hidden and the manifest. O Lord, forgive us for the sake of Your Holy name which is called upon us.

640 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4) Let it be according to Your mercy, O Lord, and not according to our sins. Our Father Who art in heaven…

641 Koiak Midnight Praise (7&4)

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