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Domain/Range Notations Foldable October 7, 2014 Pg. 24-25 in Notes

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Presentation on theme: "Domain/Range Notations Foldable October 7, 2014 Pg. 24-25 in Notes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Domain/Range Notations Foldable October 7, 2014 Pg. 24-25 in Notes

2 Warm-Up – pg. 24 What is the domain of a function? What is the range of a function?

3 Title – pg. 25 Domain/Range Notations

4 Essential Question What are the different notations for domain and range?

5 Foldable Fold your paper in half.

6 Foldable Cut 2 lines (making 3 sections) on one half of the paper.

7 Label the front flaps. { Set Notation } Algebraic Notation [ Interval, Notation ) > < = ≠ ≥ ≤

8 Fill in the inside.

9 Inside Set Notation Flap If the graph is discrete: List all of the inputs or outputs inside squiggly brackets. Example: D = { 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 }

10 Fill in the inside.

11 Inside Set Notation Flap If the graph is continuous: Inside squiggly brackets, define a variable and describe it algebraically. Examples: { x | x ≥ 5 } or { y | -5 ≤ y < 3 }

12 Fill in the inside.

13 Inside Algebraic Notation Flap Examples: x > 4 and x ≠ 5 y > 5 x ≥ 7 -2 ≤ x < ∞ -∞ < y < ∞

14 Fill in the inside.

15 Inside Algebraic Notation Flap Use equality and inequality symbols and variables to describe the domain and range., ≤, ≥, =, ≠

16 Fill in the inside.

17 Inside Interval Notation Flap Examples: [ 5, 74 ) [ 2, 4 ] ( - ∞, 3 ] ( -100, 4 ] ᴜ [ 17, 23 )

18 Fill in the inside.

19 Inside Interval Notation Flap For each continuous section of the graph, write the starting and ending point separated by a comma. Parentheses: point is not contained in D/R (open circles, ∞, - ∞) Brackets: point is contained in D/R

20 Reflection Which notation(s) are new to you?

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