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S CIENCE S TARTER 09-28-09 What is the point of having bones?

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Presentation on theme: "S CIENCE S TARTER 09-28-09 What is the point of having bones?"— Presentation transcript:

1 S CIENCE S TARTER 09-28-09 What is the point of having bones?

2 S TRUCTURE AND S UPPORT The Skeletal System

3 T HE B IG I DEAS ! I will be able to describe three functions of bones I will be able to describe three types of joints.

4 S CIENCE S TARTER 09-29-09 What is homeostasis? Provide an example.

5 T HE B IG I DEAS ! I will be able to describe three functions of bones I will be able to describe three types of joints.

6 S KELETAL S YSTEM : The organ systems whose primary is to support and protect the body and to allow the body to move.

7 T HREE F UNCTIONS OF B ONE 1. Support the body by holding it up. Like the wooden beams that hold up a house.

8 T HREE F UNCTIONS B ONE 2. Protect the inner organs. The skull protects your brain. The ribs protect your heart and lungs.

9 T HREE F UNCTIONS B ONE 3. Grow blood cells Your bones are alive and inside them is a soft material called bone marrow. Bone marrow makes all of your blood cells.

10 J OINT A place where two or more bones meet.

11 T HREE T YPES OF J OINTS 1. Hinge Joint This allows you to move the joint in only one direction, like your elbow or knee.

12 T HREE T YPES OF J OINTS 2. Gliding Joint (Saddle Joint) This gives you the ability to move the joint in two directions, like your thumb.

13 T HREE T YPES OF J OINTS 3. Ball-and-Socket Joint Allows the joint to move in all directions, like your hips.

14 F UNCTIONS OF B ONES F LIP C HART Fold two pieces of paper as instructed to create a three panel flip chart. On the cover, write: “Three Functions of Bones” On the three panel labels that show, write: “Support” “Protect” “Create”

15 F UNCTIONS OF B ONES F LIP C HART On the support flap write: 1. Support the body by holding it up. Like the wooden beams that hold up a house. On the protect flap write: 2. Protect the inner organs. The skull protects your brain. The ribs protect your heart and lungs On the create flap write: 3. Grow blood cells Your bones are alive and inside them is a soft material called bone marrow. Bone marrow makes all of your blood cells. Then draw pictures and make it look pretty

16 S CIENCE S TARTER 09-30-09 Write a creative story about this picture. How did this happen.

17 S KELETAL S YSTEM V IDEO On the provided piece of paper, write the following three questions down, and answer them as you watch the video. 1. Explain how your muscles and bones function together, and support each other? 2. What changes take place in your muscle and skeletal systems as you becomes more or less physically active? 3. Why is exercise important to maintaining healthy muscles and bones? This is worth 10 points!

18 S CIENCE S TARTER 10-01-09 Name the three types of joints we learned about, and give an example of each? What is the definition of joint?

19 J OINTS Hinge Joint Elbow Saddle Joint or Gliding Joint Thumb Ball and Socket Joint Hip Joint: the place where two bones meet.

20 F UNCTIONS OF B ONES F LIP C HART On the support flap write: 1. Support the body by holding it up. Like the wooden beams that hold up a house. On the protect flap write: 2. Protect the inner organs. The skull protects your brain. The ribs protect your heart and lungs On the create flap write: 3. Grow blood cells Your bones are alive and inside them is a soft material called bone marrow. Bone marrow makes all of your blood cells. Then draw pictures and make it look pretty

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