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Your 5-point daily participation grade is based on CLA’s core-values: CLA Students are S.M.A.R.T. SMART (Participation) Grade (5 min) What do you deserve.

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Presentation on theme: "Your 5-point daily participation grade is based on CLA’s core-values: CLA Students are S.M.A.R.T. SMART (Participation) Grade (5 min) What do you deserve."— Presentation transcript:



3 Your 5-point daily participation grade is based on CLA’s core-values: CLA Students are S.M.A.R.T. SMART (Participation) Grade (5 min) What do you deserve today? *One point for each core-value (5 points possible each day). I reserve the right to change these grades. S = Self-Controlled M = Motivated A = Accountable R = Respectful T = Timely Each day YOU will decide the grade you deserve.*

4 Do Now (5 min) If you were describing a writers style, what types of things would talk about?

5 Style Analysis Activity 3.17

6 1.Do Now (5 min) 2.Objectives (1 min) 3.Read and interpret Nikki Giovanni Quote (10 min) 4.Onomatopoeia (5 min) 5.Together-Read The Beep Beep Poem (5 min) 6.TPCASTT Sheet for The Beep Beep Poem (25 min) 7.Closing (1 min) 8.Exit Slip (5 min) 9.Participation Grades (3 min) Agenda

7 Objectives (2 min) Content (The knowledge you’ll master today) SWBAT: 1.Create rough draft classroom norms for 10 different situations 2.Create class-wide final-draft classroom norms for 10 different situations 3.Define the word “norm” and explain why it is important to have norms Language (How you will master the knowledge) By: 1.Writing a definition and examples 2.Writing notes in a TPCASTT template Content (The knowledge you’ll master today) SWBAT: 1.Define onomatopoeia 2.Analyze The Beep Beep Poem

8 Review TPCASTT TPCASTTTPCASTT Title Make a prediction. What do you think the title means before you read the poem. Paraphrase Restate the main ideas of the poem in your own words. Connotation What words/phrases suggest beyond their literal meaning. The idea/feeling a word causes in your mind. Attitude Describe the speaker’s attitude. Use specific adjectives (descriptive words) to describe your ideas. Shift Describe where the poem appears to shift, either in subject, speaker, or tone. Title revisited Re-examine the title. What do you think it means now in the context of the poem? Theme What do you think is the underlying message about life expressed in this poem? Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Analyze a poem for connotation and theme by writing notes in a TPCASTT worksheet Focus on connotation! -“Dear Sirs Of Course I’ll come” -“I’ve packed my galoshes” -“If it helps any, I will tell you, I’ve always felt funny using chopsticks”

9 Focus on Theme Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Analyze a poem for connotation and theme by writing notes in a TPCASTT worksheet · Beauty of simplicity · Capitalism – effect on the individual · Change of power - necessity · Change versus tradition · Chaos and order · Character – destruction, building up · Circle of life · Coming of age · Communication – verbal and nonverbal · Companionship as salvation · Convention and rebellion · Dangers of ignorance · Darkness and light · Death – inevitable or tragedy · Desire to escape · Destruction of beauty · Disillusionment and dreams · Displacement · Empowerment · Emptiness of attaining false dream · Everlasting love · Evils of racism · Facing darkness · Facing reality · Fading beauty · Faith versus doubt · Family – blessing or curse · Fate and free will · Fear of failure · Female roles · Fulfillment · Good versus bad · Greed as downfall · Growing up – pain or pleasure · Hazards of passing judgment · Heartbreak of betrayal · Heroism – real and perceived · Hierarchy in nature · Identity crisis

10 Read and interpret Nikki Giovanni Quote (10 min) Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Analyze a poem by writing notes in a TPCASTT worksheet What does this quote mean?

11 Onomatopoeia (5 min) Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Define onomatopoeia by writing a definition and examples Onomatopoeia: Words whose sounds suggest their meaning Examples: bloop splash spray sprinkle squirt drip drizzle water plops into pond splish-splash downhill warbling magpies in tree trilling, melodic thrill whoosh, passing breeze flags flutter and flap frog croaks, bird whistles babbling bubbles from tap

12 Together-Read The Beep Beep Poem (5 min)21 Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Analyze a poem by writing notes in a TPCASTT worksheet p. 241

13 TPCASTT Sheet for The Beep Beep Poem (25 min) Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Analyze a poem by writing notes in a TPCASTT worksheet p. 241

14 Block 2 Here are the partners: Group 1 Antonio, Steven, Ellie, Amber Group 2 Monika, Jorge, Valentine, Christian Group 3 Uriel, Brittany, Brenda Group 4 Thomas, Federico, Aleaha Group 5 Isela, Nick, Angelina, Joseph

15 Block 3 Here are the partners: Group 1 Savannah, Jazzy, Glendi, Darrell Group 2 Greg, Michelle, Jakeela, Ahsten Group 3 Illycia, Samuel, Adrianne, Quevon Group 4 Bianca, Jalen, Alexander Group 5 Jose, Julian, Troy, Elizabeth

16 Closing (1 min) Content (The knowledge you’ll master today) SWBAT: 1.Create rough draft classroom norms for 10 different situations 2.Create class-wide final-draft classroom norms for 10 different situations 3.Define the word “norm” and explain why it is important to have norms  Did you master the following objectives? Language (How you will master the knowledge) By: 1.Writing a definition and examples 2.Writing notes in a TPCASTT template Content (The knowledge you’ll master today) SWBAT: 1.Define onomatopoeia 2.Analyze The Beep Beep Poem

17 Exit Slip (5 min) What is Onomatopoeia? What is one example of onomatopoeia?

18 Your 5-point daily participation grade is based on CLA’s core-values: CLA Students are S.M.A.R.T. SMART (Participation) Grade (3 min) What do you deserve today? *One point for each core-value (5 points possible each day). I reserve the right to change these grades. S = Self-Controlled M = Motivated A = Accountable R = Respectful T = Timely Each day YOU will decide the grade you deserve.*

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