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Navigating MAP-21: Maximize Federal Funding for Bicycle & Pedestrian Projects Transportation Alternatives Program Federal Funding Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Navigating MAP-21: Maximize Federal Funding for Bicycle & Pedestrian Projects Transportation Alternatives Program Federal Funding Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Navigating MAP-21: Maximize Federal Funding for Bicycle & Pedestrian Projects Transportation Alternatives Program Federal Funding Programs

2 Active on Twitter? Follow us at @AdvocacyAdvance and join the conversation at #NavMAP21

3 Navigating MAP-21 Campaign

4 Who’s in the room?

5 Transportation Alternatives Program

6 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century (MAP-21) Features 2 year bill October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2014 Extends funding at current level over all programs Themes Consolidates programs Gives states more flexibility Streamlines project delivery Performance Measures

7 MAP-21 Changes to Biking & Walking: TAP 1.Program consolidation 2.Reduction in funding 3.Changes in eligibility 4.Distribution of funds 5.Opt-out and transfers

8 Program Consolidation Activities: Transportation Enhancements (now Transportation Alternatives) Safe Routes to School Recreational Trails Redevelopment of underused highways to boulevards

9 Reduction in Funding SAFETEA LU – FY 2011 TOTAL: $1.2 BILLION MAP-21 – FY 2014 TOTAL: $820 MILLION TE $928 MILLIO N SRTS $202 M RTP $97 TAP $820 M

10 Reduction in Funding: Texas

11 Changes in Eligible Projects Adds Safe Routes for Non-Drivers (networks) Broader Environmental Mitigation Turn-outs, overlooks, & viewing areas Subtracts Funding for bicycle and pedestrian education Acquisition of scenic or historic sites Transportation museums Visitor Centers

12 Distribution of Funds

13 Eligible Entities Local/regional governments Local/regional transportation agencies Tribal governments Public land agencies Other local/regional entities state deems eligible State DOT

14 Opt-Outs and Transfers TAP OTHER FEDERAL-AID TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMS But…States can also transfer INTO Transportation Alternatives

15 What Does TAP Guidance Say? Good News Local Control State Safe Routes Coordinators Non-profit partnerships Bad News 80/20 match for Safe Routes to School Safety and education programs for adults ineligible

16 TAP Implementation in Texas: ??

17 What Does a Good Competitive Process Look Like? Advocacy Advance Report “Transportation Alternatives Program Competitive Grant Processes: Examples of Regional Applications” Priority Areas Transportation & Mobility Safety Intermodal connection Quality of life Equity Safe Routes to School

18 Federal Funding Programs



21 FY 2014 Authorizations Federal-aid ProgramFY 2014% of total National Highway Performance Program $21,935,691,598 58% Surface Transportation Program $10,089,729,416 27% Highway Safety Improvement Program $2,410,515,560 6% Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement Progam $2,227,860,477 6% Transportation Alternatives $819,900,000 2% Metropolitan Transportation Planning $314,302,948 1% Federal-aid Highway Programs 37,798,000,000

22 Do you have experience with a federally funded project?

23 Surface Transportation Program (STP) Program Features Flexible funding Higher funding, more competition Sub-allocation to metropolitan areas – Same dollar amount as before 80% Federal Share Eligibility Transportation Alternatives activities Construction & non- construction Rec Trails projects SRTS not listed as eligible, but similar projects fit under Safe Routes for non- drivers

24 STP Examples Peoria, IL: Project Rating Criteria Nashville, TN: Regional Transportation Plan Atlanta, GA: Livable Centers Initiative

25 STP in Texas TxDOT administers STP funds 12 program categories Sub-allocates STP-MM (Metropolitan Mobility and Rehabilitation) to MPOs Source: FHWA FMIS, 5-year average Note: Some bike/ped spending does not get coded as such

26 Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) Program Features Emission-reductions Typically 80% federal share States can transfer up to 50% of CMAQ Evaluation and assessments (health, cost-benefit) Eligibility Must be non-attainment area for eligibility Construction & non- construction

27 CMAQ Examples Construction Capital Bikeshare (Washington, DC) Millennium Park Cycling Center (Chicago, IL) Bike racks (Sacramento, CA) Bicycle parking for state employees (TDOT) Non-Construction Bike education (Louisville, KY) Bike promotion (Wash DC) City employee bike fleet (Chicago, IL) Bike map (Milwaukee, WI) Bike plan (Birmingham, AL)

28 CMAQ in Texas TxDOT sub-allocates CMAQ to MPOs Non-attainment areas in TX: – Houston – Dallas-Forth Worth – El Paso – Beaumont-Port Arthur Source: FHWA FMIS, 5-year average Note: Some bike/ped spending does not get coded as such

29 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Program Features Safety infrastructure Data driven 90% Federal Share Funding increased 88% In writing plans, states must consult with: – State non-motorized representative – May include reps from safety stakeholder groups Eligibility Construction All public roads are eligible Bike lanes, roadway shoulders, crosswalks, signage, trail/road intersections Still includes bike/ped and school zone safety eligibilities

30 HSIP Examples Virginia: 10% set-aside Florida: project prioritization process California: SRTS and Strategic Highway Safety Plan

31 HSIP in Texas Strategic Highway Safety Plan TxDOT’s Traffic Operations Division solicits proposals from 25 TxDot Districts Projects selected based on “greatest need” – data driven No recorded funds for bike/ped Downtown Fort Worth bike lane, http://fortworthology.com

32 What safety data do you use?

33 Section 402 State & Community Highway Safety Grant Program Program Features NHTSA & FHWA Can be run by local advocacy groups Reimbursement Non-infrastructure Eligibility Bicycle and pedestrian safety programs are still eligible Adult programs also eligible

34 Section 402 Examples Share the Road program (Atlanta) BikeSchool (New Jersey) Helmet distribution (Florida) Training on ped/bike design guidelines Bike Safety Month Bike Walk Connecticut

35 Section 402 in Texas State agencies submit project proposals at request of TxDOT’s Traffic Operations Division Texas Transportation Commission approves projects Bike Texas’ Bike Ed

36 Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Goal: improve transportation facilities that provide access to Federal lands…with an emphasis on high-use recreation sites and economic generators. 3-person Programming Decisions Committee: FHWA; State DOT; “An appropriate political subdivision of the state”

37 FLAP Examples Teton Pass Centennial Trail – Victor, ID: 1.9 mile pathway; $1.29M – Teton County, WY: 0.27 mile pathway + 6.2 mile planning; $1M Missoula to Lolo Trail – $6M request – Lost, but won TIGER

38 FLAP in Texas Information Contract authority: $2.96 Million Proposals due: 7/15/13 Contact: Central Federal Lands (15 States) Allen Grasmick, 720-963-3664 /tx/index.cfm /tx/index.cfm What to do since the deadline has passed? 1.Start getting ready for next year. 2.Learn the program details, identify you top project that will be competitive. 3.Start to build community support. 4.Meet with the land manager and secure commitment to seek grant. 5.Be a watchdog for the FLAP process in your state – be vigilant!

39 How Can I Fund My Trail Project? Transportatio n Alternatives Program (TAP) Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) Surface Transportatio n Program (STP) Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) Federal Lands Transportatio n Program (FLTP) Tribal Transportatio n Program (TTP) Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Shared use path/trail XXXXXXXX Trail/highway intersection XXXXXXXX Single track hike/bike trail X X X Bicycle lanes on roadway XXXXXXX Paved shoulders XXXXXXX Signed bike route XXX XXX Spot improvement program XXXX Maps XXX

40 TIGER 6 Discretionary Grants $600M in 2014 Application deadline: April 28

41 TIGER Tips Recommendations Propose creative, multi-modal projects. Propose strong, high-priority projects. Get the “ask” right. Make sure you and your project are eligible. Meet – and exceed -- the criteria. Local match gives a leg up, shows local support. Make your “ask” clear. Pitfalls Ineligible applicant or project Project not focused on TIGER priorities Project not focused on surface transportation Projects requests operating funds or Right of Way instead of capital costs Insufficient matching funds

42 Transit Funding “New Starts” Hartford, CT: – CTDOT – Multi-use trail Portland, OR: – Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) – Bicycle Lanes and Parking, Bike and Ride Facility, Multimodal Bridge Bus and Bus Facilities Formula Grant Program Lafayette, Louisiana – Lafayette Consolidated Government – Awarded $450,000 in 2012 – (Bikeway Extension) Fort Worth, Texas – Fort Worth Transportation Authority – Awarded $940,000 in 2012 (Bike Sharing Program)

43 Advocacy Advance Resources

44 How do you get your local match?

45 Finding Sustainable Funding Needs prioritization and funding criteria Combined projects Transit – first and last mile; station catchment areas Follow the money Shovel-ready Local match

46 Beyond MAP-21

47 Health Funding Community Transformation Grants Broward County, Florida – Broward Regional Health Planning Council – Awarded $8.8 Million 2011-2016 (Complete Streets ) San Diego, California – County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency – Awarded $15.2 Million 2011-2016 (Active Transportation) Greenville, South Carolina – YMCA of Greenville – Awarded $1.92 Million in 2012 (Safe Routes to School) Coordinated Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Nutley, New Jersey – Nutley Township – Awarded $14,701 in 2011 (Bicycle Racks/Path Markers) New Hanover, North Carolina – New Hanover County – Awarded $17,750 in 2010- 2012 (Multi-Use Trail)

48 Recent Federal Health Programs American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) Goals: Reduce obesity, tobacco use Outcomes: Bike/Ped Plans Affordable Care Act – Prevention & Public Health Fund Community Transformation Grants (CTG) Goals: Reduce chronic diseases Outcomes: Complete Streets Policies Coordinated Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Program (CCDP) Goals: Build state health dept capacity Outcomes: Agency Partnerships Plans, Policies, & Partnerships!

49 Health Plans, Policies, & Partnerships – Now what? Health Impact Assessments (HIAs) – Helps evaluate the potential health effects of a plan/ project/ policy before it’s built or implemented – Tool to build credibility and stakeholder support to get a project funded or implemented

50 State Funding Sources Bond proceeds License plates Traffic violations School zone speeding fines Vehicle registration Drivers license fees Vehicle and truck tax Gas Tax General fund Public-private partnerships Toll roads Resource extraction revenue Development fees Gambling Lottery revenue

51 Local Funding Sources Payroll tax (Portland) Special assessment districts (Atlanta) Hospitality tax (New Orleans) Participatory budgeting (Chicago) Moving violation fees (Portland) Utility companies (Tucson) Public-private partnerships (Denver) Impact fees (Tucson)

52 Ballot Measures 73% success rate in ‘13 Secrets for success: – Highlight specific projects (but not too much) – Fiscal responsibility, citizens oversight committee – Low cost per household – Emphasize localized money – Economy and jobs – Local champion – Messaging and polls

53 Strategies to Increase Funding: Who, What, When, Why, How

54 First steps?

55 Strategies to Increase Funding Why is your project a transportation priority? What makes a good project proposal? When do you need to act? How do other policies and plans impact the funding process? Who do you need to work with?

56 State, regional, local program staff Bicycle and pedestrian coordinators Boards, commissions, advisory committees Advocacy organizations Neighborhood groups and coalitions Elected officials

57 Advocacy-Agency Collaboration Build or join a coalition of stakeholders Gather photos and testimonials of successful projects Get letters of support from local elected officials; gather data (e.g. economic benefits) Meet with DOT, Governor’s staff (and follow up!) Discuss program details and eligibility Commit in writing, thank publicly Host ribbon-cutting events; monitor projects and timeline Advocacy toolkit and state leads:

58 What makes a good project proposal? Federal requirements and project eligibility Project selection criteria Successful models and project examples Systems, not projects

59 When do you need to act? Funding cycles Application deadlines Project selection timeline Long-range plan and TIP schedule

60 Why is your project a transportation priority? The need – Congestion, air quality, networks, health, etc. The benefits – Quantifiable Focus on safety

61 How do other policies impact the funding process? Match requirement Complete Streets policy Sub-allocation (State) Transportation Improvement Program Long-range plan Bicycle Master Plan Policy of federal funding Performance measures Set-asides

62 What now? 1.Learn the who, what, when, why and how 2.Get to know your agency staff; understand your MPO and RPO 3.Take your elected official on a bike ride 4.Get a seat at the table 5.Join state and/or local coalition

63 Advocacy Advance Resources Webinars – April 1: TIGER 6 – April 15: Multimodal Ballot Measures Navigating MAP-21 Workshops – August 1: Rio Grande Valley, TX – August 4: Austin, TX Rapid Response Grants Technical Assistance Research & Reports

64 Thank you! Darren Flusche, League of American Bicyclists Brighid O’Keane, Alliance for Biking & Walking

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